16 changed files with 1117 additions and 49 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
45040^Benutzer/in^50^0^0^150^200^1^integer^200^0^1^<<SQL>> select tid,nvl(name,benutzer) from userinfo order by 2;^hidden^^ |
45041^Spaltenlayout^10^0^0^150^80^1^integer^200^0^1^<<SQL>> select tid,caption from rpta_column_layout where 1=1 /* and resultset_id=<<Virtuelle Tabelle>> */ order by 2;^^^ |
45042^Spaltenlayouts verwalten^110^0^0^140^80^1^char^255^0^18^ ^ ^<<SQL>> select '../edit/rpta/rpta_column_layout_list.jsp' from xdummy;^ |
45043^Stichwort^20^0^0^150^150^1^sql^50^0^0^^^^ |
45044^Komponente^1^0^0^150^200^1^integer^200^0^1^<<SQL>> select tid,name from systeminfo order by 2;^ ^^ |
45045^Virtuelle Tabellen bearbeiten^100^0^0^140^80^1^char^255^0^18^ ^ ^<<SQL>> select '../edit/rpta/rpta_resultset_list.jsp' from xdummy;^ |
45046^Virtuelle Tabelle^5^0^0^150^200^1^integer^200^0^1^<<SQL>> select tid,caption from rpta_resultset where 1=1 /* and systeminfo_id=<<Komponente>> */ order by 2;^^^ |
45047^Spaltentyp^200^0^0^150^200^1^integer^200^0^1^<<SQL>> select tid,caption from rpta_column_type order by 2;^^ ^ |
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
45040^330^ |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
45040^45040^ |
45040^45041^ |
45040^45042^ |
45040^45043^ |
45040^45044^ |
45040^45045^ |
45040^45046^ |
45040^45047^ |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
45040^Spalten und Spaltenlayouts verwalten^--Autor: D. Quathamer\ |
--Datum: 15.3.2024\ |
--freemarker template\ |
create temp table tmp_rpta_column (\ |
ord smallint,\ |
tid INTEGER , \ |
uniquename varchar(255),\ |
caption varchar(255),\ |
srcfieldname varchar(255),\ |
column_type integer,\ |
column_type_str varchar(255),\ |
col_function text,\ |
is_aggregate smallint,\ |
resultset_id integer,\ |
resultset_str varchar(255),\ |
systeminfo_str varchar(255),\ |
custom integer ,\ |
description text,\ |
targetfieldname varchar(255),\ |
nextedit varchar(255)\ |
);\ |
insert into tmp_rpta_column (ord,\ |
tid,\ |
uniquename,\ |
caption,\ |
srcfieldname,\ |
column_type_str,\ |
col_function,\ |
is_aggregate,\ |
resultset_id,\ |
custom,\ |
description,\ |
targetfieldname,\ |
nextedit) \ |
select 1 as ord,\ |
C.tid,\ |
C.uniquename,\ |
C.caption,\ |
C.srcfieldname,\ |
T.caption as column_type,\ |
C.col_function,\ |
C.is_aggregate,\ |
C.resultset_id,\ |
C.custom,\ |
C.description,\ |
C.targetfieldname,\ |
('../edit/rpta/rpta_column_edit.jsp|tid=' || C.tid)::varchar(255)\ |
FROM rpta_column C, rpta_column_type T\ |
where T.tid=C.column_type\ |
/* and C.resultset_id=<<Virtuelle Tabelle>> */\ |
/* and C.caption like '%<<Stichwort>>%' */\ |
/* and C.tid in (select P.column_id from rpta_column2layout P where P.layout_id=<<Spaltenlayout>> )*/\ |
/* and C.resultset_id in (select R.tid from rpta_resultset R where R.systeminfo_id=<<Komponente>> )*/\ |
/* and C.column_type=<<Spaltentyp>> */\ |
;\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
update tmp_rpta_column set resultset_str=R.caption\ |
from rpta_resultset R\ |
where R.tid=tmp_rpta_column.resultset_id;\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
insert into tmp_rpta_column (ord,\ |
caption, \ |
nextedit) \ |
select 10, --ord\ |
'Neuer Eintrag',\ |
nvl(('../edit/qa/rpta_column_edit.jsp|tid=' || max(tid)+1)::varchar(255),'../edit/qa/rpta_column_edit.jsp'::varchar(255))\ |
from rpta_column\ |
;\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
select \ |
caption,\ |
uniquename,\ |
resultset_str,\ |
srcfieldname,\ |
column_type_str,\ |
-- col_function,\ |
is_aggregate,\ |
custom,\ |
-- description,\ |
-- targetfieldname\ |
nextedit \ |
\ |
from tmp_rpta_column\ |
order by ord,caption ,uniquename\ |
;^XIL List\ |
drop_and_delete movable_columns sizable_columns horizontal_scrolling\ |
white_space_color=COLOR_WHITE fixed_columns=2\ |
min_heading_height=35\ |
Column CID=0 heading_text="Name" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=50 text_size=100\ |
Column CID=0 heading_text="Schlüssel" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=50 text_size=100\ |
Column CID=1 heading_text="Virtuelle Tabelle" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=150 text_size=200\ |
Column CID=1 heading_text="Quellfeld" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=10 text_size=200\ |
Column CID=1 heading_text="Spaltentyp" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=5 text_size=200\ |
Column CID=1 heading_text="Ist Aggregat?" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=5 text_size=200\ |
Column CID=1 heading_text="Individuelle Spalte" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=5 text_size=200\ |
Column CID=1 heading_text="Bearbeiten" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=5 text_size=200\ |
@@@^^^Spaltendefinitionen und deren Zuordnung zu Berichten verwalten.^drop table tmp_rpta_column;^^1^440^360^0^1^^ |
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
331^45040^ |
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
--freemarker template |
<sqlvars> |
<sqlvar name="sos_stud_astat_exists"> |
select count(*) from rpta_resultset where uniquename='sos_stud_astat'; |
</sqlvar> |
</sqlvars> |
<#assign rpta_column_layout = {"uniquename":"sos_stud_astat_rsz", |
"caption":"MKW-Abfrage_Studierende_RSZ", |
"rpta_resultset":"sos_stud_astat", |
"whereclause":"fach_sem_zahl <= dim_studiengang_regel and dim_studiengang_regel between 1 and 20 and studiengang_nr <=2 and fach_nr <=4", |
"description":"Fachbelegungen: 1. & 2. Studiengang; 1.-4. Fach; nur Studiengänge mit Angabe einer Regelstudienzeit" |
} |
/> |
<#assign rpta_columns = [ |
{"uniquename":"sos_k_stort_astat", |
"caption":"Hochschulnummer Statistik", |
"srcfieldname":"sos_k_stort_astat", |
"column_type":"physicalColumn", |
"col_function":"", |
"is_visible":"1", |
"visible_size":"10", |
"is_aggregate":"0", |
"description":"Amtliche Standortnummer" |
}, |
{"uniquename":"dim_studiengang_stg_astat", |
"caption":"HSF-Schlüssel", |
"srcfieldname":"dim_studiengang_stg_astat", |
"column_type":"physicalColumn", |
"col_function":"", |
"is_visible":"1", |
"visible_size":"10", |
"is_aggregate":"0", |
"description":"Amtliches Fach" |
}, |
{"uniquename":"sos_k_stufrm_astat", |
"caption":"Art des Studiums", |
"srcfieldname":"sos_k_stufrm_astat", |
"column_type":"physicalColumn", |
"col_function":"", |
"is_visible":"1", |
"visible_size":"10", |
"is_aggregate":"0", |
"description":"Amtliche Studienform" |
}, |
{"uniquename":"dim_studiengang_abschluss_astat", |
"caption":"Abschlussschlüssel Statistik NRW", |
"srcfieldname":"dim_studiengang_abschluss_astat", |
"column_type":"physicalColumn", |
"col_function":"", |
"is_visible":"1", |
"visible_size":"10", |
"is_aggregate":"0", |
"description":"Amtlicher Abschluss" |
}, |
{"uniquename":"sos_k_stutyp_astat", |
"caption":"Vollzeit / Teilzeit / ausbildungsintegriert / praxisintegriert / berufsintegriert", |
"srcfieldname":"sos_k_stutyp_astat", |
"column_type":"physicalColumn", |
"col_function":"", |
"is_visible":"1", |
"visible_size":"10", |
"is_aggregate":"0", |
"description":"Amtlicher Studiumstyp" |
}, |
{"uniquename":"dim_studiengang_regel", |
"caption":"Angabe der Regelstudienzeit", |
"srcfieldname":"dim_studiengang_regel", |
"column_type":"physicalColumn", |
"col_function":"", |
"is_visible":"1", |
"visible_size":"10", |
"is_aggregate":"0", |
"description":"Regelstudienzeit in Semestern" |
}, |
{"uniquename":"summe", |
"caption":"Anzahl der Studierenden in der Regelstudienzeit", |
"srcfieldname":"summe", |
"column_type":"physicalColumn", |
"col_function":"sum", |
"is_visible":"1", |
"visible_size":"5", |
"is_aggregate":"1", |
"description":"Summe der Studierenden mit Fachsemester kleiner oder gleich der Regelstudienzeit" |
} |
] |
/> |
---ab hier nicht mehr ändern: |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_rpta_column |
( |
uniquename varchar(255) NOT NULL, |
caption varchar(255), |
srcfieldname varchar(255), |
targetfieldname varchar(255), |
column_type integer, |
col_function text, |
is_visible smallint, |
visible_size smallint, |
is_aggregate smallint, |
resultset_id integer, |
sortnr integer, |
description TEXT |
); |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_rpta_column_layout |
( |
uniquename varchar(255) NOT NULL, |
caption varchar(255), |
resultset_id integer, |
whereclause text, |
description text |
); |
insert into tmp_rpta_column_layout( |
resultset_id, |
uniquename, |
caption, |
whereclause, |
description |
) |
select tid, |
'${rpta_column_layout.uniquename}', |
'${rpta_column_layout.caption}', |
'${rpta_column_layout.whereclause}', |
'${rpta_column_layout.description}' |
FROM rpta_resultset |
where uniquename='${rpta_column_layout.rpta_resultset}'; |
<#assign sortnr=0 /> |
<#foreach column in rpta_columns> |
<#assign sortnr=sortnr +1 /> |
INSERT INTO tmp_rpta_column |
(resultset_id, |
uniquename, |
caption, |
srcfieldname, |
targetfieldname, |
column_type, |
col_function, |
is_visible, |
visible_size, |
is_aggregate, |
sortnr, |
description |
) |
select R.tid, |
'${column.uniquename}', |
'${column.caption}', |
'${column.srcfieldname}', |
<#if !column.targetfieldname?exists || column.targetfieldname=="">null::varchar <#else>'${column.targetfieldname}' </#if>, |
T.tid as column_type, |
'${column.col_function}', |
${column.is_visible}, |
${column.visible_size}, |
${column.is_aggregate}, |
${sortnr*10}, |
'${column.description}' |
FROM rpta_resultset R, rpta_column_type T |
where R.uniquename='${rpta_column_layout.rpta_resultset}' |
and T.uniquename='${column.column_type}'; |
</#foreach> |
delete from rpta_column2layout |
where layout_id in (select L.tid |
from rpta_column_layout L,rpta_resultset R |
where R.tid=L.resultset_id |
and R.uniquename='${rpta_column_layout.rpta_resultset}' |
and L.uniquename='${rpta_column_layout.uniquename}' |
) |
; |
delete from rpta_column_layout |
where resultset_id in (select tid |
FROM rpta_resultset |
where uniquename='${rpta_column_layout.rpta_resultset}') |
and uniquename in (select uniquename from tmp_rpta_column_layout) |
; |
insert into rpta_column_layout |
(uniquename, |
caption, |
resultset_id, |
whereclause, |
description) |
select uniquename, |
caption, |
resultset_id, |
whereclause, |
description |
FROM tmp_rpta_column_layout; |
select * into temp tmp_rpta_column2 from rpta_column ; |
INSERT INTO rpta_column |
(resultset_id, |
uniquename, |
caption, |
srcfieldname, |
targetfieldname, |
column_type, |
col_function, |
is_aggregate, |
description, |
custom |
) |
select |
resultset_id, |
uniquename, |
caption, |
srcfieldname, |
targetfieldname, |
column_type, |
col_function, |
is_aggregate, |
description, |
0 as custom |
from tmp_rpta_column |
where (resultset_id,uniquename) not in |
(select T.resultset_id,T.uniquename |
from tmp_rpta_column2 T) |
; |
drop table tmp_rpta_column2; |
insert into rpta_column2layout(column_id, |
layout_id, |
sortnr, |
is_visible, |
visible_size, |
caption, |
description) |
select C.tid as column_id, |
L.tid as layout_id, |
T.sortnr, |
T.is_visible, |
T.visible_size, |
T.caption, |
T.description |
FROM rpta_column C, rpta_column_layout L, tmp_rpta_column T |
where C.uniquename=T.uniquename |
and C.resultset_id=T.resultset_id |
and L.uniquename='${rpta_column_layout.uniquename}' |
and L.resultset_id=T.resultset_id |
; |
drop table tmp_rpta_column; |
drop TABLE tmp_rpta_column_layout; |
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
1^physicalColumn^Physische Spalte^ |
2^logicalColumn^Logische Spalte^ |
3^lookupColumn^Lookup-Spalte^ |
4^computedColumn^Berechnete Spalte^ |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1^INTEGER^Ganzzahlig^::integer^ |
2^INT_NO_SEP^Ganzzahlig ohne 1000er Trenner^::varchar^ |
3^INT_PERCENT^Ganzzahlig %^::integer || ' %'^ |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
--Das Sachgebiet 331 (RPTA Administr.) wird installiert |
delete from sachgebiete where tid in (331); |
insert into sachgebiete(tid,name) values (331,'Qualitätssicherung Administr.'); |
delete from group_sachgeb_bez where sachgebiete_id in (330,331) |
and groupinfo_id in (select G.tid from groupinfo G where G.name='Administratoren' or G.name='superx') ; |
insert into group_sachgeb_bez |
select G.tid,330 from groupinfo G where G.name='Administratoren' or G.name='superx'; |
insert into group_sachgeb_bez |
select G.tid,331 from groupinfo G where G.name='Administratoren' or G.name='superx'; |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
delete from sachgebiete where tid in (330,331); |
delete from group_sachgeb_bez where sachgebiete_id in (330,331); |
delete from user_sachgeb_bez where sachgebiete_id in (330,331); |
@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
--freemarker template |
<sqlvars> |
<sqlvar name="sos_stg_aggr_exists"> |
select sp_table_exists('sos_stg_aggr') from xdummy; |
</sqlvar> |
<sqlvar name="fact_table_source" type="hash"> |
select name |
from sx_tables where name ='sos_stg_aggr' |
</sqlvar> |
<sqlvar name="added_tables" type="hashsequence"> |
select 1::smallint as sortnr, |
name, trim(name) ||'_' as prefix, |
caption, |
'dim_studiengang.tid=sos_stg_aggr.tid_stg' as joinclause |
from sx_tables where name in ('dim_studiengang') |
union |
select 10::smallint as sortnr, |
name, trim(name) ||'_' as prefix, |
caption, |
'dim_studiengang.stort=sos_k_stort.apnr' as joinclause |
from sx_tables where name in ('sos_k_stort') |
union |
select 20::smallint as sortnr, |
name, trim(name) ||'_' as prefix, |
caption, |
'sos_stg_aggr.stutyp=sos_k_stutyp.apnr' as joinclause |
from sx_tables where name in ('sos_k_stutyp') |
union |
select 30::smallint as sortnr, |
name, trim(name) ||'_' as prefix, |
caption, |
'sos_stg_aggr.stuart=sos_k_stuart.apnr' as joinclause |
from sx_tables where name in ('sos_k_stuart') |
union |
select 40::smallint as sortnr, |
name, trim(name) ||'_' as prefix, |
caption, |
'sos_stg_aggr.stufrm=sos_k_stufrm.apnr' as joinclause |
from sx_tables where name in ('sos_k_stufrm') |
union |
select 50::smallint as sortnr, |
name, trim(name) ||'_' as prefix, |
caption, |
'sos_stg_aggr.hrst=sos_k_hrst.apnr' as joinclause |
from sx_tables where name in ('sos_k_hrst') |
order by 1 |
</sqlvar> |
<sqlvar name="fields_target" type="hashsequence"><![CDATA[ |
select tid, table_name, |
name, |
name as targetname |
from sx_fields where table_name ='${fact_table_source.name}' |
and currentlyused=1 |
<#foreach added_table in added_tables> |
union |
select tid,table_name, |
name, |
'${added_table.prefix}' || name as targetname |
from sx_fields where table_name ='${added_table.name}' |
and currentlyused=1 |
</#foreach> |
order by 1 |
]]> |
</sqlvar> |
</sqlvars> |
<#if sos_stg_aggr_exists==1> |
<#assign fact_table_target = {"name":"sos_stud_astat", "caption":"Studierende (intern und amtlich)"} |
/> |
CREATE temp table tmp_tables( |
name CHAR(255) , |
caption CHAR(255) , |
description CHAR(255) , |
table_type CHAR(255) , |
systeminfo_id INTEGER , |
systeminfo_orig INTEGER , |
thema CHAR(255) , |
sachgebiete_id CHAR(255) |
); |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_fields( |
tid serial NOT NULL, |
table_name VARCHAR(255) not null, |
name VARCHAR(255) not null, |
caption VARCHAR(255) , |
description VARCHAR(255) , |
field_type VARCHAR(255) not null, |
field_size VARCHAR(255) , |
field_not_null smallint, |
currentlyused SMALLINT , |
is_primarykey SMALLINT default 0 , |
foreignkey_tab VARCHAR(255) , |
foreignkey_col VARCHAR(255) , |
foreignkey_int VARCHAR(255) , |
foreignkey_cap VARCHAR(255) , |
foreignkey_cond VARCHAR(255) , |
foreignkey_func VARCHAR(255) , |
check_integrity SMALLINT, |
is_sum SMALLINT default 1, |
foreignkey_uniquename VARCHAR(255) |
); |
--Vorbereitung: |
UPDATE sx_tables |
SET caption = 'Standorte' |
WHERE name='sos_k_stort'; |
UPDATE sx_tables |
SET caption = 'Studienart' |
WHERE name = 'sos_k_stuart'; |
UPDATE sx_tables |
SET caption = 'Studiumstyp' |
WHERE name = 'sos_k_stutyp'; |
UPDATE sx_tables |
SET caption = 'Studienform' |
WHERE name = 'sos_k_stufrm'; |
UPDATE sx_tables |
SET caption = 'Hörerstatus' |
WHERE name = 'sos_k_hrst'; |
--drop view if exists sos_stud_astat; |
drop VIEW sos_k_stutyp; |
CREATE VIEW sos_k_stutyp |
( |
apnr, |
druck, |
astat |
) |
AS |
SELECT cifx.apnr, |
cifx.druck, |
astat |
FROM cifx |
WHERE cifx.key = 40; |
update sx_fields set |
is_sum=0 |
where table_name='sos_stg_aggr' |
and name!='summe'; |
update sx_fields set |
is_sum=1 |
where table_name='sos_stg_aggr' |
and name='summe'; |
insert into tmp_tables ( |
name, |
caption, |
description, |
table_type, |
systeminfo_id, |
thema, |
sachgebiete_id |
) |
select |
'${fact_table_target.name}', |
'${fact_table_target.caption}', |
description, |
table_type, |
systeminfo_id, |
thema, |
sachgebiete_id |
from sx_tables where name='${fact_table_source.name}' |
; |
insert into tmp_fields (table_name, |
name, |
caption, |
description, |
field_type, |
field_size, |
field_not_null, |
currentlyused, |
is_primarykey, |
foreignkey_tab, |
foreignkey_col, |
foreignkey_int, |
foreignkey_cap, |
foreignkey_cond, |
foreignkey_func, |
check_integrity, |
is_sum, |
foreignkey_uniquename) |
select '${fact_table_target.name}' as table_name, |
name, |
caption, |
description, |
field_type, |
field_size, |
field_not_null, |
currentlyused, |
is_primarykey, |
foreignkey_tab, |
foreignkey_col, |
foreignkey_int, |
foreignkey_cap, |
foreignkey_cond, |
foreignkey_func, |
check_integrity, |
is_sum, |
foreignkey_uniquename |
from sx_fields where table_name ='${fact_table_source.name}' |
and currentlyused=1; |
<#foreach added_table in added_tables> |
insert into tmp_fields (table_name, |
name, |
caption, |
description, |
field_type, |
field_size, |
field_not_null, |
currentlyused, |
is_primarykey, |
foreignkey_tab, |
foreignkey_col, |
foreignkey_int, |
foreignkey_cap, |
foreignkey_cond, |
foreignkey_func, |
check_integrity, |
is_sum, |
foreignkey_uniquename) |
select '${fact_table_target.name}' as table_name, |
'${added_table.prefix}' || name, |
'${added_table.caption}: ' || caption, |
description, |
field_type, |
field_size, |
field_not_null, |
currentlyused, |
is_primarykey, |
foreignkey_tab, |
foreignkey_col, |
foreignkey_int, |
foreignkey_cap, |
foreignkey_cond, |
foreignkey_func, |
check_integrity, |
is_sum, |
foreignkey_uniquename |
from sx_fields where table_name ='${added_table.name}' |
and currentlyused=1; |
</#foreach> |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_rpta_resultset |
( |
caption varchar(255), |
uniquename varchar(255), |
fieldclause text, |
joinclause text, |
whereclause text, |
systeminfo_id integer |
); |
insert into tmp_rpta_resultset(caption, |
uniquename, |
systeminfo_id) |
select '${fact_table_target.caption}', |
'${fact_table_target.name}', |
7 |
; |
update tmp_rpta_resultset set fieldclause=' |
<#foreach field_target in fields_target> |
${field_target.table_name}.${field_target.name} as ${field_target.targetname}, |
</#foreach> |
null::varchar as dummy', |
joinclause='${fact_table_source.name} |
<#foreach added_table in added_tables> |
left outer join ${added_table.name} on (${added_table.joinclause}) |
</#foreach>'; |
select * into temp tmp_rs1 |
from rpta_resultset |
; |
update rpta_resultset set caption=T.caption, |
fieldclause=T.fieldclause, |
joinclause=T.joinclause, |
whereclause=T.whereclause |
from tmp_rpta_resultset T |
where T.systeminfo_id=rpta_resultset.systeminfo_id |
and T.uniquename=rpta_resultset.uniquename |
; |
insert into rpta_resultset(caption, |
uniquename, |
fieldclause, |
joinclause, |
whereclause, |
systeminfo_id) |
select caption, |
uniquename, |
fieldclause, |
joinclause, |
whereclause, |
systeminfo_id |
from tmp_rpta_resultset |
where 0=(select count(*) |
from tmp_rs1 T |
where T.systeminfo_id=tmp_rpta_resultset.systeminfo_id |
and T.uniquename=tmp_rpta_resultset.uniquename) |
; |
drop table tmp_rpta_resultset; |
drop table tmp_rs1; |
delete from sx_tables where name |
in (select T.name from tmp_tables T); |
insert into sx_tables (name,caption,description,table_type,systeminfo_id,systeminfo_orig,thema,sachgebiete_id) |
select name,caption,description,table_type,systeminfo_id,systeminfo_orig,thema,sachgebiete_id |
from tmp_tables; |
delete from sx_fields where table_name |
in (select T.table_name from tmp_fields T); |
insert into sx_fields (table_name,name,caption,description,field_type, |
field_size, |
field_not_null, |
currentlyUsed, |
foreignkey_tab, |
foreignkey_col, |
foreignkey_cap, |
foreignkey_int, |
foreignkey_cond, |
foreignkey_func, |
check_integrity, |
is_sum, |
foreignkey_uniquename |
) |
select |
F.table_name,F.name,F.caption,F.description,F.field_type, |
F.field_size, |
F.field_not_null, |
F.currentlyUsed, |
F.foreignkey_tab, |
F.foreignkey_col, |
F.foreignkey_cap, |
F.foreignkey_int, |
F.foreignkey_cond, |
F.foreignkey_func, |
F.check_integrity, |
F.is_sum, |
F.foreignkey_uniquename |
from tmp_fields F; |
drop table tmp_fields; |
drop table tmp_tables; |
--rpta_column füllen: |
select * into temp tmp_rc1 |
from rpta_column; |
create temp table tmp_rpta_column( |
uniquename varchar(255) NOT NULL, |
caption varchar(255), |
srcfieldname varchar(255), |
column_type integer, |
col_function text, |
is_aggregate smallint, |
resultset_id integer, |
description text, |
custom integer default 0 |
); |
insert into tmp_rpta_column( uniquename, |
caption, |
srcfieldname, |
column_type, |
col_function, |
is_aggregate, |
resultset_id, |
description) |
select F.name as uniquename, |
F.caption, |
F.name as srcfieldname, |
1 as column_type, |
(case when F.is_sum=1 then 'sum' else null::varchar end) as col_function, |
(case when F.is_sum=1 then 1 else 0 end) as is_aggregate, |
R.tid as resultset_id, |
F.description |
from sx_fields F, rpta_resultset R |
where F.table_name='${fact_table_target.name}' |
and R.uniquename='${fact_table_target.name}' |
and F.currentlyused=1 |
; |
update rpta_column set |
caption=T.caption, |
srcfieldname=T.srcfieldname, |
column_type=T.column_type, |
col_function=T.col_function, |
is_aggregate=T.is_aggregate, |
resultset_id=R.tid, |
description=T.description, |
custom=T.custom |
from tmp_rpta_column T, rpta_resultset R |
where T.uniquename=rpta_column.uniquename |
and rpta_column.resultset_id=R.tid |
and R.uniquename='${fact_table_target.name}' |
; |
insert into rpta_column( uniquename, |
caption, |
srcfieldname, |
column_type, |
col_function, |
is_aggregate, |
resultset_id, |
description, |
custom) |
select T.uniquename, |
T.caption, |
T.srcfieldname, |
T.column_type, |
T.col_function, |
T.is_aggregate, |
R.tid as resultset_id, |
T.description, |
T.custom |
from tmp_rpta_column T, rpta_resultset R |
where R.uniquename='${fact_table_target.name}' |
and 0=(select count(*) from tmp_rc1 C |
where C.uniquename=T.uniquename |
and C.resultset_id=R.tid) |
; |
drop table tmp_rpta_column; |
drop table tmp_rc1; |
</#if> --wenn sos_stg_aggr_exists=1 |
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
--Freemarker Template |
<#if '${SQLdialect}'='Postgres' > |
alter table rpta_resultset alter column fieldclause type text; |
alter table rpta_resultset alter column joinclause type text; |
alter table rpta_resultset alter column whereclause type text; |
</#if> |
--update current sos module to most recent version: |
update sx_fields set is_sum=0 |
where table_name in ('dim_studiengang','sos_stg_aggr','sos_k_stort','sos_k_stuart','sos_k_stutyp','sos_k_stufrm') |
and name !='summe'; |
UPDATE sx_tables |
SET caption = 'Standorte' |
WHERE name='sos_k_stort'; |
UPDATE sx_tables |
SET caption = 'Studienart' |
WHERE name = 'sos_k_stuart'; |
UPDATE sx_tables |
SET caption = 'Studiumstyp' |
WHERE name = 'sos_k_stutyp'; |
UPDATE sx_tables |
SET caption = 'Studienform' |
WHERE name = 'sos_k_stufrm'; |
( |
apnr, |
druck, |
astat |
) |
AS |
SELECT cifx.apnr, |
cifx.druck, |
astat |
FROM cifx |
WHERE cifx.key = 40; |
select * into temp tmp_sos_k_stutyp_astat |
from sx_fields where table_name='sos_k_stutyp' |
and name='astat'; |
INSERT INTO sx_fields |
( |
table_name, |
name, |
caption, |
description, |
field_type, |
field_size, |
field_not_null, |
currentlyused, |
is_primarykey, |
foreignkey_tab, |
foreignkey_col, |
foreignkey_int, |
foreignkey_cap, |
foreignkey_cond, |
foreignkey_func, |
check_integrity, |
is_sum, |
foreignkey_uniquename |
) |
select |
'sos_k_stutyp', |
'astat', |
'astat', |
'', |
'CHAR', |
'150', |
0, |
1, |
0, |
0, |
1, |
from xdummy |
where 0=(select count(*) |
from tmp_sos_k_stutyp_astat); |
drop table tmp_sos_k_stutyp_astat; |
Reference in new issue