9 changed files with 881 additions and 6295 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#!/bin/bash |
#Beispielscript für cronjobs |
#Im cronjob ist keine Umgebung vorhanden, deshalb vorher laden. |
#Selbstredend als normaler user, nicht als root z.B. |
. /home/superx/db/bin/SQL_ENV |
./costage_unload.x |
costage_update.x |
DOQUERY "reindex database $DBNAME" |
echo "Ende $COSTAGE_PFAD/costage_update_cron.x" |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
#!/bin/bash |
#Extraction Script for SuperX. |
#Bitte nicht ändern, diese Datei ist automatisch generiert. |
. $SUPERX_DIR/db/bin/SQL_ENV |
if [ "$SRC_PFAD" = "" ] |
then |
fi |
SX_CLIENT=jdbc |
export SX_CLIENT |
if [ "$outFormat" = "" ] |
then |
outFormat=txt |
fi |
DATUM=`cat $SRC_PFAD/superx.datum` |
ERR=zul_unload.err |
cp $SRC_PFAD/superx.datum $SRC_PFAD/superx.datum.alt |
##Löschen der alten Dateien |
rm $SRC_PFAD/unl/*unl >/dev/null 2>&1 |
date +'%d.%m.%Y' > $SRC_PFAD/superx.datum ##neues Entladedatum |
HEUTE=`date +'%d.%m.%Y'` |
cd $SRC_PFAD >>$ERR 2>&1 |
echo "Letztes Update-Datum: " $DATUM >$ERR |
echo "1.2b^"$HEUTE"^" >$SRC_PFAD/unl/superx_unload_version.unl |
cat /dev/null >unload_params.txt |
if [ "$VERSION" = "" ] |
then |
VERSION="13" |
export VERSION |
fi |
echo "Parameter VERSION: $VERSION" >>$ERR |
echo "\$VERSION=$VERSION" >>unload_params.txt |
if [ "$EXTERNAL_SUBJECTS" = "" ] |
then |
fi |
echo "Parameter POS_PNR: $EXTERNAL_SUBJECTS" >>$ERR |
echo "\$EXTERNAL_SUBJECTS=$EXTERNAL_SUBJECTS" >>unload_params.txt |
if [ "$SOURCESYSTEM" = "" ] |
then |
fi |
echo "\$SOURCESYSTEM=$SOURCESYSTEM" >>unload_params.txt |
#jdbc zum Entladen |
if [ "$SX_CLIENT" = "jdbc" ] |
then |
java $JAVA_OPTS -cp $CP de.superx.bin.SxExtractor -logger:$LOGGER_PROPERTIES -dbproperties:$DB_PROPERTIES -xml:zul_costage_unload.xml -outFormat:$outFormat -delim:$DBDELIMITER -header:$header -database:$DATABASE -version:$VERSION -unload_params:unload_params.txt >>$ERR 2>&1 |
exit 0 |
fi |
chmod go+r $ERR |
chmod go+r $SRC_PFAD/superx.datum |
chmod go+r $SRC_PFAD/superx.datum.alt |
chmod go+w $SRC_PFAD/superx.datum |
chmod go+w $SRC_PFAD/superx.datum.alt |
chmod go+r $SRC_PFAD/unl/* |
##Herstellen altes Entladedatum bei Fehler |
fgrep -s "not found" $ERR >/dev/null |
FLAG1=$? |
fgrep -i -s "nicht gefunden" $ERR >/dev/null |
FLAG2=$? |
fgrep -i -s "error" $ERR >/dev/null |
FLAG3=$? >/dev/null |
fgrep -i -s "exception" $ERR >/dev/null |
FLAG4=$? >/dev/null |
if [ $FLAG1 -eq 0 -o $FLAG2 -eq 0 -o $FLAG3 -eq 0 -o $FLAG4 -eq 0 ] |
then |
echo "Fehler beim Entladen. Das Datum wird zurückgesetzt." |
echo "---------------------------------------" |
echo "Prüfen Sie Fehlerprotokoll: $ERR" |
echo "---------------------------------------" |
cp $SRC_PFAD/superx.datum.alt $SRC_PFAD/superx.datum |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> |
<superx-unload version="2.1"> |
<module id="zul" version="0.6" systeminfo_id="130">ZUL-Modul</module> |
<parameters> |
<!-- Gruppe Systemparameter --> |
<param name="VERSION" defaultValue="10" description="Version des Vorsystems." priority="1" sourcesystem="0" |
wertebereich="10" ab_version=">6.0" gruppe="Systemparameter" > |
<comment>Wird nicht mehr gepflegt, ab ZUL-Version 10 immer auf 10 setzen. Bei HISinOne wird sie automatisch gesetzt.</comment></param> |
<!-- Gruppe Datenschutz HISinOne APP --> |
<param name="EXTERNAL_SUBJECTS" defaultValue="false" description="Sollen externe Fächer entladen werden? "><comment> Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert "true", wenn nein, dann ist er "false"</comment></param> |
</parameters> |
<sourcesystems> |
<sourcesystem name="co" description="CampusOnline-Datenbank" default="true"/> |
</sourcesystems> |
<unload-job id="konstanten" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/konstanten.unl" > |
<comment> wichtige Konstanten aus SOS entladen, z.B. HISSOS-Version.</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select distinct 1,'' || '$VERSION','ZUL-Version' from costage_st_studiengaenge |
union |
select distinct 3,'1','zul_unload_complete' from costage_st_studiengaenge |
union |
select distinct 2,'15','ZUL_Quellsystem' from costage_st_studiengaenge |
; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_bew" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_bew.unl" > |
<comment><comment>Bewerber-Stammdaten</comment></comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
SELECT distinct |
B.st_studstamm_nr,-- personid, |
B.st_studstamm_nr, |
B.st_studstamm_nr as bewnr_ext, |
null,--bew_efh, |
null,--eingangdat, |
null::char(1) as fehlerkz, |
B.matrikelnummer, |
null,--bew_prfzif, |
B.semester as bewsem, |
null,--anti, |
null,--bew_nachname, |
null,--bew_sortname, |
null,--bew_vorname, |
null,--bew_gebname, |
null,--bew_gebort, |
d_geburt as bew_gebdat, |
geschlecht as geschl, |
ca12_staat as staat, |
null,--pozusatz, |
null,--postrasse, |
null,--poplz, |
null,--poort, |
null,--pozustbez, |
null,--pokfz, |
null,--potel, |
null,--bew_bishsem, |
null,--zweitst, |
null,--bew_hmkfzkz, |
null,--bew_hmkfz, |
B.st_studstamm_nr as bewnr, |
null,--gebn, |
null,--fehlunt, |
null,--bew_f1, |
null,--bew_f2, |
null,--bew_f3, |
null,--bew_f4, |
null,--bew_f5, |
null,--bew_f6, |
null,--bew_f7, |
null,--bew_f8, |
null,--bem, |
null,--bew_verwkz1, |
null,--bew_verwkz2, |
null,--bew_verwkz3, |
null,--bew_verwkz4, |
null,--bew_verarbkz, |
null,--bemlang, |
null, --staatkez, |
null,--bew_anschrkz, |
null,--kravers, |
null,--kravnr, |
null,-- krabnr, |
null,--berufab, |
null,--berufmon, |
null,--berufjahr, |
null,--prakt1, |
null,--prakt2, |
null,--sonsttaet, |
null,--gesadauer, |
null,--prakdauer, |
null,--bew_erhskfz, |
null,--bew_erhsart, |
null,--bew_erhssembrd, |
null,--bew_erstsemhs, |
null, --hssem, |
null,--bew_urlsem, |
null,--bew_praxsem, |
null,--prax1, |
null,--prax2, |
null,--bew_kolsem, |
null,--bew_klinsem, |
null,--ddrsem, |
null,--ddrart, |
null,--stuntsem, |
null,--staukfz1, |
null,--staumon1, |
null,--stauart1, |
null,--staukfz2, |
null,--staumon2, |
null,--stauart2, |
null,--staukfz3, |
null,--staumon3, |
null,--stauart3, |
null,--wahlkz, |
null,--wahlfb, |
null,--antizudtxt, |
null,--zusastrasse, |
null,--zusaort, |
null,--ord_kuenstname, |
ca12_staat as gebland, |
null,--dokvorname, |
null,--bew_zvs_zusatz, |
null,--bew_bewnrhist, |
null,--tnaustausch, |
null,--titel_nachgestellt, |
null,--basem, |
null,--baabdatum, |
null,--akdsem, |
null,--akdabdatum, |
null,--bew_erfassungsart, |
null,--zustimmung_alumni, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_01, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_02, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_03, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_04, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_05, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_06, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_07, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_08, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_09, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_10, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_11, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_12, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_13, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_14, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket15, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_16, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_17, |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_18, |
null --zvs_spezkrit |
costage_bw_antr_aggr B,costage_st_studierendenstammdaten S |
where S.st_studstamm_nr=B.st_studstamm_nr |
and B.bw_typ_kb !='MBW' |
; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_antr" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_antr.unl" > |
<comment>antr-Saetze aus zul</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
SELECT A.st_studstamm_nr as bewnr, |
null,--efh, |
1 as antrnr, |
A.fach_nr as fachnr, |
G.fachkennzeichen as kzfa, |
G.skz_key as stg, |
G.abschluss, |
null,--antr_vert, |
null,--antr_stuart, |
null,--antr_stutyp, |
A.stufrm as antr_stufrm, |
A.fachsemester as stgsem, |
null,--stgspz, |
null,--dowunsch1, |
null,--dowunsch2, |
null, --antr_stort, |
null,--haerteantr, |
null,--haerte, |
null,--haertegrd, |
null,--haertepunkte, |
null,--vorzul, |
null,--dienst, |
null,--dienstende, |
null,--bevzul, |
null,--wartevor, |
null,--hindvor, |
null,--wartenach, |
null,--hindnach, |
null,--wartemind, |
null,--zuskr1, |
null,--zusbew1, |
null,--zuskr2, |
null,--zusbew2, |
null,--zuskr3, |
null,--zusbew3, |
null,--zuskr4, |
null,--zusbew4, |
null,--zuskr5, |
null,--zusbew5, |
null,--zuskr6, |
null,--zusbew6, |
null,--noteantr, |
null,--verbnote, |
null,--notegrd, |
null,--noteneu, |
null,--zeitantr, |
null,--verbzeit, |
null,--zeitgrd, |
null,--wartezeit, |
null, --antr_verfnote, |
null,--wartesem, |
null,--mischnote, |
null,--punkte, |
null,--besausl, |
null,--messausl, |
null,--messzweit, |
A.zul_kz as zulassung, |
null::date as zuldat, |
status_zul as antr_zulart, |
null,--antr_zulfh, |
null,--antr_ablart, |
null,-- quotenr, |
null,--annfrist, |
A.annahme_kz, |
null, --antrags_status |
null,--antrf1, |
null,--antrf2, |
null,--antrf3, |
null,--antrf4, |
null,--antrfu, |
null,--berdatum, |
null,--bertaet, |
null,--spvo, |
null,--immend, |
null,--beweign, |
null,--antr_eignnote, |
null,--bonussem, |
A.einschreib_kz, |
null,--antr_lepsem, |
null,--frisem, |
null,--angsemg, |
null,--angsems, |
null,--angsemb, |
null,--angsema, |
null,--klinsem, |
null,--kohsem, |
null,--eignteilnahme, |
null,--eignteilnote, |
null,--beranfdatum, |
null,--klinsembean, |
null,--stgsembean, |
null,--vklinsembean, |
A.semester as bewsem, |
null,--antr_kmpldatum, |
A.nr as satzid, |
null,--ortspraef, |
null,--raliausw, |
null,--bewsaldo, |
null, --fachbind |
null, --B.eingangdat |
null, -- pversion |
null, --zvs_ekritpaket_01, |
null --zvs_ekritpaket_02 |
FROM costage_bw_antr_aggr A, costage_st_studiengaenge G |
where A.st_studiengang_nr=G.st_studiengang_nr |
and A.bw_typ_kb !='MBW' |
and ($EXTERNAL_SUBJECTS ='true' |
or A.unikey=(select H.hs_nr::char(10) from hochschulinfo H) |
) |
; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_hzb" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_hzb.unl" > |
<comment>hzb-Saetze aus zul</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
SELECT A.st_studstamm_nr as bewnr, |
1 as antrnr, |
A.nr as satzid, |
A.fach_nr, |
null, --A.hzbwiedeu, |
A.hzb_art, |
A.hzb_note, |
A.hzb_datum, |
(case when A.hzb_staat=0 then 'I' else 'A' end) as hzbkfzkz, |
(case when A.hzb_staat=0 then A.hzb_ort else A.hzb_staat end) as hzb_ort, |
null, --A.hzbregion, |
null --A.hzbbes |
FROM costage_bw_antr_aggr A |
where A.bw_typ_kb !='MBW'; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_hzb_erste" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_hzb_erste.unl" > |
<comment>hzb-Saetze von Bewerbern mit Antraegen ohne HZB-Zuordnung. Explizite Ermittlung</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_k_nc" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_k_nc.unl" > |
<comment>Studienplätze</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_k_ncbuch" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_k_ncbuch.unl" > |
<comment> k_ncbuch</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_k_ncplaz" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_k_ncplaz.unl" > |
<comment></comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_eignstg" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_eignstg.unl" > |
<comment></comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_eigntxt" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_eigntxt.unl" > |
<comment></comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_eignbew" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_eignbew.unl" > |
<comment> Anschriften aus SOS</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_nc_rang" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_nc_rang.unl" > |
<comment> </comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_quote" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_quote.unl" > |
<comment></comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_k_topf" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_k_topf.unl" > |
<comment></comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="cifx" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/cifx.unl" > |
<comment>Schluesseltabelle cifx</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
30, |
0, |
K.skz_key,--apnr, |
substring(K.skz_name from 1 for 10) as ktxt, |
K.skz_name as dtxt, |
K.skz_name as ltxt , |
F.statistik_code::char(10) as astat, |
null::char(10) as parent, |
K.skz_key as uniquename, |
null::integer as sortorder, |
' ' as bund_apnr, |
' ', --sprache |
null::date as gueltig_von, |
null::date as gueltig_bis, |
K.st_skz_nr::varchar(255), --sourcesystem_id |
null::char(10) , --hiskey_id |
fakultaet_key::char(10), --struktur_c |
null as lid, |
null as parent_lid |
FROM costage_st_studienkennzahlen K left outer join costage_st_studienfaecher F |
on ( F.st_stdfach_nr=K.st_stdfach_nr) |
where ($EXTERNAL_SUBJECTS ='true' |
or unikey=(select H.hs_nr::char(10) from hochschulinfo H) |
) |
union |
35, |
-1, |
L.code as abint, |
substring(L.name from 1 for 10),--ktxt, |
L.name as dtxt, |
L.name as ltxt, |
F.statistik_code::char(10) as astat, |
null as parent, |
L.code,--sortc1 wird später uniquename |
null::integer as sortorder, |
' ' as bund_apnr, |
null as sprache, |
null::date as gueltig_von, |
null::date as gueltig_bis, |
L.st_absz_nr::varchar(255), --sourcesystem_id |
' ', --hiskey_id |
'A', --struktur_c |
null as lid, |
null as parent_lid |
FROM costage_st_abschlussziele_lokal L left outer join costage_st_abschlussziele_amtstat F |
on (F.st_absz_amtstat_nr=L.st_absz_amtstat_nr) |
WHERE L.code is not null |
union |
30, |
-1, |
apnr, |
kurz, |
druck, |
lang_1, |
astat, |
null as parent, |
apnr, --sortc1 wird später uniquename |
null::integer as sortorder, |
null as bund_apnr, |
null as sprache, |
null::date gueltig_von, |
null::date gueltig_bis, |
apnr , --sourcesystem_id |
' ', --hiskey_id |
struktur_c as fb, |
null as lid, |
null as parent_lid |
FROM cifx where key=30 |
union |
SELECT distinct |
612, |
-1, |
studienform_statistik_code, |
studienform_statistik_code as ktxt, |
studienform_name, |
studienform_name, |
studienform_statistik_code as astat, |
'', |
studienform_statistik_code , |
null::integer as sortorder, |
'', |
'', |
null::date as gueltig_von, |
null::date as gueltig_bis, |
studienform_statistik_code , --sourcesystem_id |
'', --hiskey_id |
'' , --struktur_c |
null as lid, |
null as parent_lid |
FROM costage_st_studien |
union |
SELECT distinct |
614, |
-1, |
fachkennzeichen, |
fachkennzeichen,--ktxt, |
fachkennzeichen, |
fachkennzeichen, |
null::char(10), |
null as parent, |
fachkennzeichen,--sortc1 wird später uniquename |
null::integer as sortorder, |
' ', |
null as sprache, |
null::date as gueltig_von, |
null::date as gueltig_bis, |
fachkennzeichen, --sourcesystem_id |
' ', --hiskey_id |
'A', --struktur_c |
null as lid, |
null as parent_lid |
FROM costage_st_studiengaenge |
WHERE fachkennzeichen is not null |
and trim(fachkennzeichen)!='' |
union |
12, |
0, |
kurzbezeichnung, |
kurzbezeichnung as ktxt, |
name, |
name, |
statistik_code as astat, |
'', |
kurzbezeichnung as akfz,--uniqename |
null::integer as sortorder, |
'' as erdteil, |
'' , |
null::date as gueltig_von, |
null::date as gueltig_bis, |
kurzbezeichnung, --sourcesystem_id |
'' , --hiskey_id |
'' ,--egmitgl struktur_c |
null as lid, |
null as parent_lid |
FROM costage_st_laender |
WHERE statistik_code is not null |
union |
8, |
0, |
R.statistik_code as bland, |
R.statistik_code as ktxt, |
R.name as dtxt, |
R.name as ltxt, |
R.statistik_code as astat, |
'', |
R.statistik_code as bland, |
null::integer as sortorder, |
'', |
'', |
null::date as gueltig_von, |
null::date as gueltig_bis, |
R.statistik_code , --sourcesystem_id |
'' , --hiskey_id |
'', --struktur_c |
null as lid, |
null as parent_lid |
from costage_st_land_regionen R, costage_st_laender L |
where L.st_land_nr=R.st_land_nr |
and L.statistik_code='000' |
and R.statistik_code is not null |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_cifx" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_cifx.unl" > |
<comment>Schluesseltabelle cifx</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * FROM costage_st_semester where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_semester" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_semester.unl" > |
<comment>SuperX-semester</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
SELECT distinct semester_tid, |
semester_bezeichnung, |
date(semester_anfang) as sem_beginn, |
date(semester_ende) as semende, |
date(semester_anfang)+60 as stistat |
FROM costage_st_semester |
--where semester_tid >= $start_stud_sem |
; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_update_prot" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_update_prot.unl" > |
<comment>Letzter entladener Protokollsatz (APP)</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_app_content_value" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_app_content_value.unl" > |
<comment>Wert Bewerbungsbestandteile</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
<unload-job id="zul_app_content" extraction-table="" extraction-script="" transfer-unload-file="unl/zul_app_content.unl" > |
<comment>Wert Bewerbungsbestandteile</comment> |
<extraction-sql sourcesystem="co" database="" version=""> |
<![CDATA[ |
select * from costage_st_studiengaenge where 1=0; |
]]> |
</extraction-sql> |
</unload-job> |
</superx-unload> |
Reference in new issue