2 changed files with 725 additions and 5 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
--Freemarker Template |
<#include "SQL_lingua_franca"/> |
<#include "SuperX_general"/> |
<sqlvars> |
<sqlvar name="renderer_plot_id"> |
select tid from viz_renderer where uniquename='plot'; |
</sqlvar> |
</sqlvars> |
<#assign viz_types = [ |
{"uniquename":"bar_x", "caption":"Balkendiagramm (horizontal)", |
"orientation":"H", |
"description":"Horizontales Balkendiagramm"}, |
{"uniquename":"bar_y", "caption":"Balkendiagramm (vertikal)", |
"orientation":"V", |
"description":"Vertikales Balkendiagramm"}, |
{"uniquename":"line", "caption":"Linien (vertikal)", |
"orientation":"V", |
"description":"Vertikales Liniendiagramm"}, |
{"uniquename":"area_x", "caption":"Flächendiagramm (horizontal)", |
"orientation":"H", |
"description":"Horizontales Flächendiagramm"}, |
{"uniquename":"area_y", "caption":"Flächendiagramm (vertikal)", |
"orientation":"V", |
"description":"Vertikales Flächendiagramm"}, |
{"uniquename":"dot", "caption":"Punkte (vertikal)", |
"orientation":"V", |
"description":"Vertikales Punktdiagramm"}, |
{"uniquename":"box_x", "caption":"Boxplot (horizontal)", |
"orientation":"H", |
"description":"Horizontales Boxplot"}, |
{"uniquename":"box_y", "caption":"Boxplot (vertikal)", |
"orientation":"V", |
"description":"Vertikales Boxplot"}, |
, |
{"uniquename":"text", "caption":"Wertelabel (vertikal)", |
"orientation":"V", |
"description":"Wertelabel für vertikales Diagramm"} |
] |
/> |
<#assign viz_properties = [ |
{ "caption":"X-Achse", |
"prop_uniquename":"x", |
"explanation":"X-Achsendefinition", |
"prop_default":"", |
"prop_unit":"", |
"is_generic":"0", |
"static_values":"", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"input_type_uniquename":"TEXT", |
"property_group_uniquename":"CATEGORY", |
"sortnr":"", |
"range_from":"", |
"range_to":"", |
"prop_value_type":"STRING" |
}, |
{ "caption":"Y-Achse", |
"prop_uniquename":"y", |
"explanation":"Y-Achsendefinition", |
"prop_default":"", |
"prop_unit":"", |
"is_generic":"0", |
"static_values":"", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"input_type_uniquename":"TEXT", |
"property_group_uniquename":"CATEGORY", |
"sortnr":"", |
"range_from":"", |
"range_to":"", |
"prop_value_type":"STRING" |
} |
, |
{ "caption":"Serien-Dimension", |
"prop_uniquename":"stroke", |
"explanation":"Serien-Dimension zusätzlich zu Achsen", |
"prop_default":"", |
"prop_unit":"", |
"is_generic":"0", |
"static_values":"", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"input_type_uniquename":"TEXT", |
"property_group_uniquename":"CATEGORY", |
"sortnr":"", |
"range_from":"", |
"range_to":"", |
"prop_value_type":"STRING" |
} |
, |
{ "caption":"Flächenfarbe", |
"prop_uniquename":"fill_static", |
"explanation":"Nur für Grafikelemente Flächen und Balken. Füllfarbe.", |
"prop_default":"", |
"prop_unit":"", |
"is_generic":"0", |
"static_values":"", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"input_type_uniquename":"COLOR", |
"property_group_uniquename":"STYLE", |
"sortnr":"", |
"range_from":"", |
"range_to":"", |
"prop_value_type":"STRING", |
"variable_name":"fill" |
}, |
{ "caption":"Beschriftung", |
"prop_uniquename":"text", |
"explanation":"Nur für Grafikelement Wertelabel", |
"prop_default":"", |
"prop_unit":"", |
"is_generic":"0", |
"static_values":"", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"input_type_uniquename":"TEXT", |
"property_group_uniquename":"CATEGORY", |
"sortnr":"", |
"range_from":"", |
"range_to":"", |
"prop_value_type":"STRING" |
} |
] |
/> |
<#assign viz_type_properties = [ |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"bar_x", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"x", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"1"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"bar_x", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"y", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"10"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"bar_x", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"stroke", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"sortnr":"20"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"bar_y", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"x", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"1"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"bar_y", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"y", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"10"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"bar_y", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"stroke", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"sortnr":"20"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"line", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"x", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"1"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"line", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"y", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"10"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"line", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"stroke", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"sortnr":"20"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"dot", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"x", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"1"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"dot", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"y", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"10"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"dot", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"stroke", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"sortnr":"20"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"box_x", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"x", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"1"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"box_x", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"y", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"10"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"box_y", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"x", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"1"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"box_y", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"y", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"10"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"text", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"x", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"1"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"text", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"y", |
"is_mandatory":"1", |
"sortnr":"10"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"text", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"stroke", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"sortnr":"20"}, |
{ "viz_type_uniquename":"text", |
"viz_property_uniquename":"text", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"sortnr":"30"} |
] |
/> |
<#assign viz_type_properties_general = [ |
{ "caption":"Strichlinie Abstand-Intervalle", |
"prop_uniquename":"strokeDasharray", |
"explanation":"Abstand von Bindestrichen (Komma-separierte Pixel), z.B. [10,5] für 10 und dann 5 Pixel Abstand", |
"prop_default":"", |
"prop_unit":"", |
"is_generic":"0", |
"static_values":"", |
"is_mandatory":"0", |
"input_type_uniquename":"TEXT", |
"property_group_uniquename":"STYLE", |
"sortnr":"", |
"range_from":"", |
"range_to":"", |
"prop_value_type":"STRING" |
} |
] /> |
--ab hier nicht mehr ändern: |
--Die Sortierunmmer ergibt sich aus der Reihenfolge |
--daher hier mit Bedacht ändern: |
<@create_temp_tables /> |
<@fill_viz_properties /> |
<#foreach viz_type in viz_types> |
<@fill_viz_type_properties_general viz_type_p=viz_type /> |
<@fill_viz_type_properties viz_type_p=viz_type /> |
</#foreach> |
<@drop_temp_tables /> |
<#macro fill_viz_type_properties_general viz_type_p> |
select 'Befülle Grafikelement ${viz_type_p.caption}' from xdummy; |
delete from tmp_viz_type; |
insert into tmp_viz_type(tid, |
uniquename, |
caption, |
renderer_id, |
-- srcpath, |
-- method, |
orientation) |
select T.tid, |
'${viz_type_p.uniquename}', |
'${viz_type_p.caption}', |
${renderer_plot_id}, |
'${viz_type_p.orientation}' |
from xdummy left outer join viz_type T on ( |
T.uniquename='${viz_type_p.uniquename}' |
and T.renderer_id=${renderer_plot_id} |
) |
; |
insert into viz_type( |
uniquename, |
caption, |
renderer_id, |
-- srcpath, |
-- method, |
orientation) |
select uniquename, |
caption, |
renderer_id, |
-- srcpath, |
-- method, |
orientation |
from tmp_viz_type T |
where T.tid is null; |
update viz_type set |
uniquename=T.uniquename, |
caption=T.caption, |
renderer_id=T.renderer_id, |
-- srcpath, |
-- method, |
orientation=T.orientation |
from tmp_viz_type T |
where T.tid=viz_type.tid |
and viz_type.tid in (select distinct T.tid from tmp_viz_type); |
delete from viz_type_property |
where (viz_type_id, |
viz_property_id) |
in (select Y.tid as viz_type_id, |
P.tid as viz_property_id |
from tmp_viz_property T,viz_type Y, viz_property P |
where Y.uniquename='${viz_type_p.uniquename}' |
and Y.renderer_id=${renderer_plot_id} |
and P.prop_uniquename=T.prop_uniquename |
and T.is_general=1) |
; |
insert into viz_type_property( |
viz_type_id, |
viz_property_id, |
is_mandatory, |
sortnr) |
select Y.tid as viz_type_id, |
P.tid as viz_property_id, |
P.is_mandatory, |
T.sortnr |
from tmp_viz_property T,viz_type Y, viz_property P |
where Y.uniquename='${viz_type_p.uniquename}' |
and Y.renderer_id=${renderer_plot_id} |
and P.prop_uniquename=T.prop_uniquename |
and T.is_general=1; |
</#macro> |
<#macro fill_viz_type_properties viz_type_p> |
<#foreach viz_prop in viz_type_properties> |
<#if viz_prop.viz_type_uniquename==viz_type_p.uniquename > |
delete from viz_type_property |
where (viz_type_id, |
viz_property_id) |
in (select Y.tid as viz_type_id, |
P.tid as viz_property_id |
from viz_type Y, viz_property P |
where Y.uniquename='${viz_type_p.uniquename}' |
and Y.renderer_id=${renderer_plot_id} |
and P.prop_uniquename='${viz_prop.viz_property_uniquename}') ; |
insert into viz_type_property( |
viz_type_id, |
viz_property_id, |
is_mandatory, |
sortnr) |
select Y.tid as viz_type_id, |
P.tid as viz_property_id, |
${viz_prop.is_mandatory}, |
${viz_prop.sortnr} |
from viz_type Y, viz_property P |
where Y.uniquename='${viz_type_p.uniquename}' |
and Y.renderer_id=${renderer_plot_id} |
and P.prop_uniquename='${viz_prop.viz_property_uniquename}' |
; |
</#if> |
</#foreach> |
</#macro> |
<#macro create_temp_tables> |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_viz_type |
( |
tid serial NOT NULL, |
uniquename varchar(255) NOT NULL, |
caption varchar(255), |
renderer_id integer, |
srcpath varchar(255), |
method varchar(255), |
orientation char(1), |
description text |
); |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_viz_type_property |
( |
tid serial NOT NULL, |
viz_type_id integer, |
viz_property_id integer, |
is_mandatory smallint DEFAULT 0, |
sortnr smallint DEFAULT 0 |
); |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_viz_property_renderer |
( |
tid serial NOT NULL, |
renderer_id integer NOT NULL, |
property_id integer NOT NULL, |
variable_name varchar(255) |
); |
create temp table tmp_viz_property_group |
( |
tid serial NOT NULL, |
uniquename varchar(255) NOT NULL, |
caption varchar(255), |
sortnr integer |
); |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_viz_property_group_renderer |
( |
tid serial NOT NULL, |
renderer_id integer NOT NULL, |
property_group_id integer NOT NULL, |
variable_name varchar(255) |
); |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_viz_property |
( |
tid integer, |
caption varchar(255), |
prop_uniquename varchar(255), |
prop_default varchar(255), |
prop_unit varchar(255), |
is_generic smallint DEFAULT 1, |
static_values text, |
is_mandatory smallint DEFAULT 0, |
input_type_id integer DEFAULT 1, |
input_type_uniquename varchar(255), |
property_group_id integer, |
property_group_uniquename varchar(255), |
explanation text, |
sortnr integer, |
range_from integer, |
range_to integer, |
prop_value_type varchar(255) DEFAULT 'string'::character varying, |
variable_name varchar(255), |
is_general smallint |
); |
</#macro> |
<#macro drop_temp_tables> |
drop table tmp_viz_type; |
drop table tmp_viz_property_group; |
drop table tmp_viz_property; |
drop table tmp_viz_type_property; |
drop table tmp_viz_property_renderer; |
drop table tmp_viz_property_group_renderer; |
</#macro> |
<#macro fill_viz_properties> |
<#assign sortnr=0 /> |
<#foreach viz_prop in viz_properties> |
<#assign sortnr=sortnr+100 /> |
insert into tmp_viz_property(tid, |
caption, |
prop_uniquename, |
prop_default, |
prop_unit, |
is_generic, |
static_values, |
is_mandatory, |
input_type_uniquename, |
property_group_uniquename, |
explanation, |
sortnr, |
range_from, |
range_to, |
prop_value_type, |
variable_name, |
is_general) |
select P.tid, |
'${viz_prop.caption}', |
'${viz_prop.prop_uniquename}', |
'${viz_prop.prop_default}', |
'${viz_prop.prop_unit}', |
${viz_prop.is_generic}, |
'${viz_prop.static_values}', |
${viz_prop.is_mandatory}, |
'${viz_prop.input_type_uniquename}', |
'${viz_prop.property_group_uniquename}', |
'${viz_prop.explanation}', |
${sortnr}, |
val('${viz_prop.range_from}'), |
val('${viz_prop.range_to}'), |
'${viz_prop.prop_value_type}', |
<#if viz_prop.variable_name?exists> |
'${viz_prop.variable_name}', |
<#else> |
'', |
</#if> |
0 as is_general |
from xdummy left outer join viz_property P |
on (P.prop_uniquename='${viz_prop.prop_uniquename}') |
; |
</#foreach> |
<#assign sortnr=1000 /> |
<#foreach viz_prop in viz_type_properties_general> |
<#assign sortnr=sortnr+100 /> |
insert into tmp_viz_property(tid, |
caption, |
prop_uniquename, |
prop_default, |
prop_unit, |
is_generic, |
static_values, |
is_mandatory, |
input_type_uniquename, |
property_group_uniquename, |
explanation, |
sortnr, |
range_from, |
range_to, |
prop_value_type, |
variable_name, |
is_general) |
select P.tid, |
'${viz_prop.caption}', |
'${viz_prop.prop_uniquename}', |
'${viz_prop.prop_default}', |
'${viz_prop.prop_unit}', |
${viz_prop.is_generic}, |
'${viz_prop.static_values}', |
${viz_prop.is_mandatory}, |
'${viz_prop.input_type_uniquename}', |
'${viz_prop.property_group_uniquename}', |
'${viz_prop.explanation}', |
${sortnr}, |
val('${viz_prop.range_from}'), |
val('${viz_prop.range_to}'), |
'${viz_prop.prop_value_type}', |
<#if viz_prop.variable_name?exists> |
'${viz_prop.variable_name}', |
<#else> |
'', |
</#if> |
1 as is_general |
from xdummy left outer join viz_property P |
on (P.prop_uniquename='${viz_prop.prop_uniquename}') |
; |
</#foreach> |
update tmp_viz_property set input_type_id=T.tid |
from viz_property_input_type T |
where T.uniquename=tmp_viz_property.input_type_uniquename; |
select 'Warnung: Property ohne input_type: ' || prop_uniquename |
from tmp_viz_property |
where input_type_id is null; |
update tmp_viz_property set property_group_id=T.tid |
from viz_property_group T |
where T.uniquename=tmp_viz_property.property_group_uniquename; |
select 'Warnung: Property ohne property_group: ' || prop_uniquename |
from tmp_viz_property |
where property_group_id is null; |
--neue Datensätze: |
insert into viz_property( |
caption, |
prop_uniquename, |
prop_default, |
prop_unit, |
is_generic, |
static_values, |
is_mandatory, |
input_type_id, |
property_group_id, |
explanation, |
sortnr, |
range_from, |
range_to, |
prop_value_type) |
select |
caption, |
prop_uniquename, |
prop_default, |
prop_unit, |
is_generic, |
static_values, |
is_mandatory, |
input_type_id, |
property_group_id, |
explanation, |
sortnr, |
range_from, |
range_to, |
prop_value_type |
from tmp_viz_property P |
where P.tid is null; |
update viz_property |
set caption=T.caption, |
--prop_uniquename, |
prop_default=T.prop_default, |
prop_unit=T.prop_unit, |
is_generic=T.is_generic, |
static_values=T.static_values, |
is_mandatory=T.is_mandatory, |
input_type_id=T.input_type_id, |
property_group_id=T.property_group_id, |
explanation=T.explanation, |
sortnr=T.sortnr, |
range_from=T.range_from, |
range_to=T.range_to, |
prop_value_type=T.prop_value_type |
from tmp_viz_property T |
where T.tid=viz_property.tid |
and viz_property.tid in (select T.tid from tmp_viz_property T); |
--renderer: |
delete from viz_property_renderer |
where (renderer_id, property_id) |
in (select ${renderer_plot_id},P.tid |
from tmp_viz_property P); |
delete from viz_property_renderer |
where (renderer_id, property_id) |
in (select ${renderer_plot_id},P.tid |
from tmp_viz_property P); |
insert into viz_property_renderer( |
renderer_id, |
property_id, |
variable_name) |
select ${renderer_plot_id}, |
P.tid, |
case when P.variable_name !='' then P.variable_name else P.prop_uniquename end |
from tmp_viz_property P; |
</#macro> |
Reference in new issue