You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
6.2 KiB

--Freemarker Template
--Achtung: Macro fügt Inhalte ein
--Bitte nur Freemarker Variablen füllen
<#assign masken = [
] />
<#assign stylesheet = [
"caption":"Gener. Standardlayout JR (A4 quer)",
"description":"Gener. Standardlayout JR (A4 quer)",
"description":"Export als formatierter Bericht",
] />
<#assign stylesheet_field = [
] />
--Hier eventuell notwendige delete's auf die Tabellen sx_mask_style, sx_stylesheets oder stylesheet_field einfügen.
<#macro sx_stylesheets_insert m_masken m_stylesheet m_stylesheet_field>
--Sicherstellen, dass keine Duplikate vorkommen:
<#foreach column in m_masken>
delete from sx_mask_style where maskeninfo_id=${column.mask} and stylesheet_id in (select tid from sx_stylesheets where filename ='${column.filename}') and ord=${column.ord};
<#foreach column in m_stylesheet_field>
delete from stylesheet_field where stylesheet_id in (select tid from sx_stylesheets where filename ='${column.filename}');
-- Stylesheets füllen
create temp table tmp_stylesheets (
tid serial not null,
filename CHAR(255) ,
caption CHAR(255) ,
description CHAR(255) ,
relation CHAR(10) ,
useragent CHAR(255) ,
contenttype CHAR(200) ,
is_generic smallint,
toolbar_icon_filepath VARCHAR(255) ,
usage_resultset_data CHAR(10) default 'T' ,
stylesheet_type CHAR(10) default 'XSL' ,
jr_datasource CHAR(10)
create temp table tmp_hilf (tid integer);
insert into tmp_hilf select max(tid) from sx_stylesheets;
update tmp_hilf set tid=1 where tid is null;
<#assign counter_tid = 1 />
<#foreach column in m_stylesheet>
insert into tmp_stylesheets (tid,
toolbar_icon_filepath ,
usage_resultset_data ,
stylesheet_type ,
select max(tid)+${counter_tid},'${column.filename}',
'${column.toolbar_icon_filepath}' ,
'${column.usage_resultset_data}' ,
'${column.stylesheet_type}' ,
from tmp_hilf;
<#assign counter_tid = counter_tid + 1 />
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','is_generic')>
update sx_stylesheets set is_generic=1
where filename in (select T.filename from tmp_stylesheets T where T.is_generic=1);
--delete für tml_stylesheets hinzugefügt #ak 06.03.2013
delete from tmp_stylesheets where filename in (select filename from sx_stylesheets);
insert into sx_stylesheets (tid,
filename, caption, description, relation, useragent, contenttype
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','is_generic')>
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','toolbar_icon_filepath')>
,toolbar_icon_filepath ,
usage_resultset_data ,
stylesheet_type ,
SELECT tid, filename, caption, description, relation, useragent, contenttype
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','is_generic')>
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','toolbar_icon_filepath')>
,toolbar_icon_filepath ,
usage_resultset_data ,
stylesheet_type ,
FROM tmp_stylesheets;
drop table tmp_stylesheets;
-- Mask Style füllen
create temp table tmp_mask_style (
tid serial not null,
maskeninfo_id INTEGER ,
stylesheet_id INTEGER ,
filename char(255)
delete from tmp_hilf;
insert into tmp_hilf select max(tid) from sx_mask_style;
update tmp_hilf set tid=1 where tid is null;
<#assign counter_tid = 1 />
<#foreach column in m_masken>
insert into tmp_mask_style (tid,maskeninfo_id,ord,filename)
select max(tid)+${counter_tid},${column.mask},${column.ord},'${column.filename}' from tmp_hilf;
update tmp_mask_style set stylesheet_id=(select max(tid) from sx_stylesheets where filename='${column.filename}')
where filename='${column.filename}';
<#assign counter_tid = counter_tid + 1 />
insert into sx_mask_style ( tid, maskeninfo_id, stylesheet_id, ord)
SELECT tid, maskeninfo_id, stylesheet_id, ord
FROM tmp_mask_style;
drop table tmp_mask_style;
--Field zu Stylesheet Zuordnungen:
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_stylesheet_field
tid serial NOT NULL,
stylesheet_id INTEGER,
tablename char(255),
fieldname char(255),
filename char(255)
delete from tmp_hilf;
insert into tmp_hilf select max(tid) from stylesheet_field;
update tmp_hilf set tid=1 where tid is null;
<#assign counter_tid = 1 />
<#foreach column in m_stylesheet_field>
INSERT INTO tmp_stylesheet_field (tid, filename, tablename, fieldname)
select max(tid)+${counter_tid}, '${column.filename}', '${column.tablename}', '${column.fieldname}' from tmp_hilf;
update tmp_stylesheet_field set stylesheet_id=(select max(tid) from sx_stylesheets where filename='${column.filename}')
where filename='${column.filename}';
<#assign counter_tid = counter_tid + 1 />
insert into stylesheet_field ( tid, stylesheet_id, tablename, fieldname)
SELECT tid, stylesheet_id, tablename, fieldname
FROM tmp_stylesheet_field;
drop table tmp_stylesheet_field;
drop table tmp_hilf;
<#if SQLdialect='Postgres'>
select sp_update_sequence('sx_stylesheets');
select sp_update_sequence('sx_mask_style');
select sp_update_sequence('stylesheet_field');