@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
48110^Leistungen und Studiengänge^--Freemarker Template\ |
<#include "SQL_lingua_franca"/>\ |
<#include "SuperX_general"/>\ |
--\ |
--Autor D. Quathamer 2024\ |
<sqlvars>\ |
<sqlvar name="basetable" type="hash"><![CDATA[\ |
<#assign my_base_rs='lm_exam_unit_dim_studiengang' />\ |
SELECT distinct name,\ |
0::smallint as is_virtual,\ |
name as runtime_tablename\ |
from sx_tables\ |
where name in ('${my_base_rs}')\ |
and 0=(select count(*) from rpta_resultset R where R.uniquename='${my_base_rs}')\ |
union\ |
select R.uniquename,\ |
1::smallint as is_virtual,\ |
'tmp_' || R.uniquename as runtime_tablename\ |
from rpta_resultset R where R.uniquename='${my_base_rs}'\ |
;\ |
]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="rpta_resultset" type="hash"><![CDATA[\ |
select caption,\ |
uniquename,\ |
fieldclause,\ |
joinclause,\ |
whereclause,\ |
systeminfo_id\ |
from rpta_resultset\ |
where uniquename='${basetable.name}';\ |
\ |
]]></sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="rpta_column_layout" type="hash"><![CDATA[\ |
select L.uniquename,\ |
L.caption,\ |
L.whereclause\ |
from rpta_resultset R, rpta_column_layout L\ |
where L.resultset_id=R.tid\ |
and R.uniquename='${basetable.name}'\ |
and L.uniquename=<<Spaltenlayout>>;\ |
\ |
]]></sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="columns" type="hashsequence"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT C.srcfieldname,\ |
(case when string_not_null(C.targetfieldname)='' then C.srcfieldname else C.targetfieldname end) as targetfieldname,\ |
T.uniquename as coltype,\ |
C.is_aggregate,\ |
(case when string_not_null(CL.caption)='' then C.caption else CL.caption end) as caption,\ |
CL.is_visible,\ |
CL.visible_size as visible_width,\ |
(select F.sql_code from rpta_format_code F where F.tid=CL.format_code_id) as format_sql,\ |
C.col_function as colfunction,\ |
(case when string_not_null(CL.description)='' then C.description else CL.description end) as description\ |
FROM rpta_column_layout L, rpta_column2layout CL, rpta_column C, rpta_column_type T\ |
where L.tid=CL.layout_id\ |
and C.tid=CL.column_id\ |
and T.tid=C.column_type\ |
and L.uniquename=<<Spaltenlayout>>\ |
/* and C.uniquename in (<<Spalten>>) */\ |
order by CL.sortnr\ |
;\ |
]]></sqlvar>\ |
</sqlvars>\ |
\ |
<#assign filter="1=1\ |
/* and sem_der_pruefung >= <<Seit Semester>> */\ |
/* and sem_der_pruefung <= <<Bis Semester>> */\ |
/* and sem_der_pruefung = <<Semester>> */\ |
/* and substring('' || sem_der_pruefung from 5 for 1)='<<Semestertyp>>' */\ |
" />\ |
\ |
<#assign filter = filter + " and 's_' || tid_stg in "+Studiengang.allNeededKeysList /> \ |
\ |
<#if columns?has_content>\ |
\ |
<#if basetable.is_virtual==1>\ |
\ |
create temp table ${basetable.runtime_tablename} as\ |
select ${rpta_resultset.fieldclause} \ |
from ${rpta_resultset.joinclause} \ |
where 1=1\ |
<#if rpta_resultset.whereclause != ""> \ |
${rpta_resultset.whereclause} </#if>\ |
and ${filter}\ |
;\ |
</#if>\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
select \ |
--zuerst die Basisdaten:\ |
<#foreach column in columns>\ |
<#if column.coltype="physicalColumn">\ |
${column.srcfieldname} as ${column.srcfieldname},\ |
<#elseif column.coltype="logicalColumn">\ |
${column.colfunction} as ${column.targetfieldname},\ |
<#elseif column.coltype="lookupColumn">\ |
(${column.colfunction}) as ${column.targetfieldname},\ |
<#elseif column.coltype="computedColumn" || column.coltype=="processingColumn">\ |
null::decimal(19,6) as ${column.targetfieldname},\ |
</#if>\ |
</#foreach>\ |
null::char(1) as dummycol\ |
into temp tmp_stud\ |
from ${basetable.runtime_tablename}\ |
<#if rpta_column_layout.whereclause !="">\ |
where ${rpta_column_layout.whereclause}\ |
</#if>\ |
;\ |
\ |
--ergebnistabelle:\ |
select \ |
--zuerst die nicht-Aggregate:\ |
<#assign groupby=0 />\ |
<#foreach column in columns>\ |
-- logicalColumns ausgeschlossen, da sie von processingColumns aggregiert werden\ |
-- computedColumns immer mitnehmen, da später verarbeitet\ |
<#if column.is_aggregate==0 && column.coltype!="logicalColumn" && column.coltype!="processingColumn" || column.coltype="computedColumn"> \ |
<#assign groupby=groupby+1 />\ |
${column.targetfieldname},\ |
<#elseif column.is_aggregate==0 && column.coltype="processingColumn"> \ |
<#assign groupby=groupby+1 />\ |
${column.srcfieldname} as ${column.targetfieldname},\ |
</#if>\ |
</#foreach>\ |
--dann die Aggregate:\ |
<#foreach column in columns>\ |
-- logicalColumns ausgeschlossen, da sie von processingColumns aggregiert werden\ |
-- computedColumns ausgeschlossen, da später im finalen select verarbeitet\ |
<#if column.is_aggregate==1 && column.coltype!="computedColumn" && column.coltype!="logicalColumn"> \ |
${column.colfunction}(${column.srcfieldname}) as ${column.targetfieldname},\ |
</#if>\ |
</#foreach>\ |
null::char(1) as dummycol\ |
into temp tmp_stud2\ |
from tmp_stud\ |
where 1=1\ |
/* ${<<Zusatzfilter>>} */\ |
group by\ |
<#list 1..groupby as i>${i}\ |
<#if i != groupby>\ |
,\ |
</#if>\ |
</#list>\ |
;\ |
--für Prozentwerte alle Aggregate summieren:\ |
select <#foreach column in columns>\ |
<#if column.is_aggregate==1 && column.coltype!="computedColumn" && column.coltype!="processingColumn">\ |
sum(${column.targetfieldname})::float as ${column.targetfieldname},\ |
</#if>\ |
</#foreach>\ |
null::char(1) as dummycol\ |
into temp tmp_gesamt\ |
from tmp_stud2\ |
where 1=1\ |
;\ |
\ |
<#assign number_of_visible_colums=0 />\ |
<#foreach column in columns>\ |
<#if column.is_visible!=0>\ |
<#assign number_of_visible_colums=number_of_visible_colums+1 />\ |
</#if>\ |
</#foreach>\ |
<#assign colnr=0 />\ |
select \ |
<#foreach column in columns>\ |
<#if column.is_visible!=0>\ |
<#assign colnr=colnr+1 />\ |
<#assign format_sql="" />\ |
<#if column.format_sql?string != "">\ |
<#assign format_sql=column.format_sql />\ |
</#if>\ |
\ |
<#if column.coltype=="computedColumn">\ |
(${column.colfunction})${format_sql} as ${column.targetfieldname}\ |
<#else>\ |
${column.targetfieldname}${format_sql} as ${column.targetfieldname}\ |
</#if>\ |
\ |
<#if colnr < number_of_visible_colums>,</#if>\ |
</#if> --wenn sichtbar\ |
</#foreach>\ |
from tmp_stud2\ |
order by <#list 1..number_of_visible_colums as i>${i}\ |
<#if i != number_of_visible_colums>\ |
,\ |
</#if>\ |
</#list>\ |
;\ |
<#if basetable.is_virtual==1>\ |
drop table if exists ${basetable.runtime_tablename};\ |
</#if>\ |
\ |
\ |
drop table if exists tmp_stud;\ |
drop table if exists tmp_stud2;\ |
drop table if exists tmp_gesamt;\ |
\ |
\ |
</#if> --wenn columns?has_content^--Freemarker Template\ |
XIL List\ |
sizable_columns horizontal_scrolling\ |
drop_and_delete movable_columns \ |
white_space_color=COLOR_WHITE fixed_columns=1\ |
min_heading_height=55\ |
<#foreach column in columns>\ |
<#if column.is_visible!=0>\ |
Column CID=0 heading_text="${column.caption}" center_heading explanation="${column.description}"\ |
row_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=${column.visible_width} text_size=60\ |
</#if>\ |
</#foreach>\ |
@@@^Studienfach^Anzahl bzw. Anteil^Leistungen und Studiengänge^drop table if exists tmp_stud2; drop table if exists tmp_stud3;^^2^850^540^^1^<<SQL>>SELECT description FROM rpta_column_layout where tid=<<Spaltenlayout>>;^ |