19 changed files with 0 additions and 2177 deletions
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
rohdaten/LM_ENV |
rohdaten/*.properties |
preparation.sql |
finalize.sql |
rohdaten/*.err |
*.log |
*.err |
rohdaten/unl/* |
conf/customize.sql |
conf/*.log |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
doku/promstat_modul/promstat.html |
WEB-INF/conf/edustore/db/bin/SQL_ENV_promstat.sam |
@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<!--<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "../../../conf/superx-module.dtd"> --> |
<module name="promstat" version="0.1b" sachgebiet_id="350" |
sachgebiet="Promovierendenstatistik (Erw.)" systeminfo_id="350" |
system="Promovierendenstatistik (Erw.)" thema="Promovierendenstatistik (Erw.)" thema_parent="Promovierende"> |
<database name="superx" version="3.0" system="superx"> |
<sachgebiete> |
<sachgebiet id="350" name="Promovierendenstatistik (Erw.)" rightname="CS_BIA_STANDARDREPORTS_VIEW_REPORTS[PROMSTAT]"/> |
</sachgebiete> |
<table name="promstat_docprogram_aggr" version="1.0" thema="Promotionen" |
typ="Hilfstabelle" releaseUnload="demo" |
caption="Promotionsstatistik (erw.)"> |
<description> |
Dies ist die Faktentabelle für Promotionsvorhaben aus dem Vorsystem (das wird zunächst nur HISinOne sein) |
</description> |
<columns> |
<column name="person_id" type="INTEGER" size="4" default="" notnull="true" description="Person-ID" /> |
<column name="degree_program_id" type ="INTEGER" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Studiengang" /> |
<column name="doctoral_program_id" type ="INTEGER" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Promotionsvorhaben"/> |
<column name="sem_rueck_beur_ein" type ="SMALLINT" size ="2" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Semester" /> |
<column name="examplan_id" type ="INTEGER" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Promotionszugangsberechtigung" ><comment>Leistung, die zur Aufnahme einer Promotion berechtigt</comment></column> |
<column name="course_of_study_id" type ="INTEGER" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Studiengang" /> |
<column name="astat_bund" type ="CHAR" size ="10" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Abschluss (amtlich Bund)" currentlyUsed="false" ><comment>Amtlicher Statistikschlüssel des Bundes für den Abschluß</comment></column> |
<column name="astat_land" type ="VARCHAR" size ="255" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Abschluss (amtlich Land)" currentlyUsed="false" ><comment>Schlüssel für die Meldung an das Land</comment></column> |
<column name="k_type_of_doctorate" type ="VARCHAR" size ="255" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Art der Promotion" /> |
<column name="gueltig_von" type ="DATE" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Gültig von" /> |
<column name="gueltig_bis" type ="DATE" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Gültig bis" /> |
<column name="finished" type ="DATE" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Abschlussdatum des Verlaufs"/> |
<column name="structured_doctoral_program_id" type ="VARCHAR" size ="255" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Strukturiertes Promotionsprogramm" ><comment>Teilnahme an einem strukturierten Promotionsprogramm</comment></column> |
<column name="stu_employment_business_id" type ="VARCHAR" size ="255" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Beschäftigungsverhältnis" ><comment>Beschäftigungsverhältnis an der Hochschule der Promotion</comment></column> |
<column name="stu_employment_startdate" type ="DATE" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Beschäftigungsverhältnis gültig von" /> |
<column name="stu_employment_enddate" type ="DATE" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Beschäftigungsverhältnis gültig bis" /> |
<column name="k_examform_id" type ="INTEGER" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Art der Dissertation" /> |
<column name="k_examform_un" type ="VARCHAR" size ="255" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Form der Dissertation" /> |
<column name="k_place_of_studies_astat" type ="VARCHAR" size ="255" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Standort" /> |
<!--neue Felder aus prom_promovierende--> |
<column name="geschlecht_astat" type ="SMALLINT" size ="2" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Geschlecht" ><comment>Wert des amtlichen Schluessels, welcher das Geschlecht abbildet</comment></column> |
<column name="staatsangehoerigkeit_1_astat" type ="INTEGER" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Erste Staatsangehoerigkeit" ><comment>Wert des amtlichen Schluessels fuer erste Staatsangehoerigkeit</comment></column> |
<column name="staatsangehoerigkeit_2_astat" type ="INTEGER" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Zweite Staatsangehoerigkeit" ><comment>Wert des amtlichen Schluessels fuer zweite Staatsangehoerigkeit</comment></column> |
<column name="hzb_datum" type ="DATE" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="HZB Datum"><comment>Datum des ersten Erwerbs einer Hochschulzulassungsberechtigung</comment></column> |
<column name="hzb_jahr" type ="SMALLINT" size ="4" default ="" notnull ="false" description="HZB Jahr"><comment>Jahr des ersten Erwerbs einer Hochschulzulassungsberechtigung</comment></column> |
<column name="hzb_type_astat" type ="CHAR" size ="10" default ="" notnull ="false" description="HZB-Art (amtlich)" ><comment>amtlicher Schluessel Art der ersten Hochschulzulassungsberechtigung</comment></column> |
<column name="hzb_kreis_astat" type ="INTEGER" size ="255" default ="" notnull ="false" description="HZB-Ort" ><comment>amtlicher Schluessel Kreis des Erwerbs der ersten Hochschulzulassungsberechtigung</comment></column> |
<column name="hzb_staat_astat" type ="INTEGER" size ="255" default ="" notnull ="false" description="HZB-Staat" ><comment>amtlicher Schluessel Staat des Erwerbs der ersten Hochschulzulassungsberechtigung</comment></column> |
<column name="first_external_semester" type ="INTEGER" size ="2" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Erste externe Einschreibung Semester" /> |
<column name="first_external_year" type ="INTEGER" size ="2" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Erste externe Einschreibung Jahr" /> |
<column name="first_external_university_astat" type ="CHAR" size ="10" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Erste externe Einschreibung Hochschulstandort" /> |
<column name="first_external_country_astat" type ="INTEGER" size ="255" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Erste externe Einschreibung Staat" /> |
<column name="prev_exam_university_astat" type ="CHAR" size ="10" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Zur Promotion berechtigender Abschluss Hochschulstandort" /> |
<column name="prev_exam_semester" type ="INTEGER" size ="10" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Zur Promotion berechtigender Abschluss Semester" /> |
<column name="prev_exam_year" type ="INTEGER" size ="10" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Zur Promotion berechtigender Abschluss Jahr" /> |
<column name="prev_exam_country_astat" type ="INTEGER" size ="10" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Zur Promotion berechtigender Abschluss Staat" /> |
<column name="prev_exam_degree_land" type ="CHAR" size ="10" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Zur Promotion berechtigender Abschluss (Land)" /> |
<column name="prev_exam_degree_bund" type ="CHAR" size ="10" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Zur Promotion berechtigender Abschluss (Bund)" /> |
<column name="summe" type ="INTEGER" size ="255" default ="" notnull ="false" description="Summe" ><comment></comment></column> |
</columns> |
</table> |
<views> |
</views> |
<functions> |
</functions> |
<themen> |
</themen> |
<masken> |
<maske tid="46000" name="Promotionsvorhaben Datenblatt" thema="Promovierendenstatistik (Erw.)"> |
<src><path>$PROMSTAT_PFAD/masken</path></src> |
</maske> |
</masken> |
<data-integrity> |
<!--promstat_konto_pro_fs --> |
<relation from="lm_course_of_study" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="dtxt" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="id" to="course_of_study_id" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="semester" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="eintrag" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="tid" to="sem_rueck_beur_ein" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="kenn_stg_astat" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="dtxt" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="astat" to="astat_bund" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="sos_k_stort" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="astat" to="k_place_of_studies_astat" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="prom_promovierende" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="nachname" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="his_person_id" to="person_id" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="kenn_hzbart_astat_akt" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="apnr" to="hzb_type_astat" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="sos_hzb_wohnsitz" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="astat" to="hzb_kreis_astat" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="sos_hzb_wohnsitz" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="astat" to="hzb_staat_astat" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="cif" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="apnr" to="staatsangehoerigkeit_1_astat" /> |
<relation-column from="key" to="12" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="cif" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="apnr" to="staatsangehoerigkeit_2_astat" /> |
<relation-column from="key" to="12" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="cifx" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="apnr" to="k_examform_un" /> |
<relation-column from="key" to="9014" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="cifx" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="apnr" to="first_external_university_astat" /> |
<relation-column from="key" to="36" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="cif" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="apnr" to="first_external_country_astat" /> |
<relation-column from="key" to="12" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="kenn_abschl_astat" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="dtxt" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="astat" to="prev_exam_degree_bund" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="kenn_abschl_astat" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="dtxt" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="astat" to="prev_exam_degree_land" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="cif" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="apnr" to="prev_exam_country_astat" /> |
<relation-column from="key" to="12" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="cifx" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="druck" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="apnr" to="prev_exam_university_astat" /> |
<relation-column from="key" to="36" /> |
</relation> |
<relation from="semester" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="eintrag" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="tid" to="prev_exam_semester" /> |
</relation> |
<!--ungeklärt: <relation from="kenn_abschl_astat" to="promstat_docprogram_aggr" delete="FALSE" displayType="select" visibleFields="dtxt" format="%s"> |
<relation-column from="astat" to="astat_bund" /> |
</relation>--> |
</data-integrity> |
</database> |
<install_upgrade_job> |
<install-upgrade-step name="pre_upgrade" type="container" id="promstat_preupgrade_containernode"> |
<action error="stop"/> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="upgrade_tables" type="" id="promstat_upgrade_tables_actionstep"> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/upgrade/promstat_upgrade_tables_pg.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="upgrade_fields" type="" id="promstat_upgrade_fields_actionstep"> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/upgrade/promstat_upgrade_fields_pg.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="upgrade_views" type="" id="promstat_upgrade_views_actionstep"> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/upgrade/promstat_upgrade_views_pg.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="install_functions" type="container" id="promstat_install_functions_containernode"> |
<action error="stop"/> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="upgrade_indices" type="" id="promstat_upgrade_indices_actionstep"> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/upgrade/promstat_upgrade_indexes_pg.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="fill_tables" type="" id="promstat_fill_tables_actionstep"> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/conf/sx_tables_fuellen.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="fill_fields" type="" id="promstat_fill_fields_actionstep"> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/conf/sx_fields_fuellen.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="fill_unload_parameter" type="" id="promstat_fill_unload_parameter_actionstep"> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/conf/unload_params_fuellen.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="Update Module Metadata" type="container" id="promstat_update_module_metadata_actionstep"> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/conf/module_metadata.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="update_topic_tree" type="" id="promstat_update_topictree_actionstep"> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/upgrade/promstat_upgrade_themenbaum.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
<install-upgrade-step name="install_masks" type="container" id="promstat_install_masks_containernode"> |
<action error="stop"/> |
</install-upgrade-step> |
</install_upgrade_job> |
<!-- ********************* Liste der ETL-Prozesse ************************** --> |
<etl> |
<etl-step name="Upload der LEISTUNG-Modul-Rohdaten" type="load"> |
</etl-step> |
<etl-step name="Transformation" type="trans"> |
</etl-step> |
<etl-step name="Aggregation" type="aggr"> |
<action> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/hilfstabellen/promstat_docprogram_aggr_fuellen.sql" |
database=""/> |
</action> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/datentabellen/vacuum_pg.sql" |
database="POSTGRES"/> |
</action> |
</etl-step> |
</etl> |
<install> |
<install-step name="Installation"> |
<action> |
<nativeaction sql="create table tmp_captions |
( |
id CHAR(200) , |
table_name CHAR(200) , |
field_name CHAR(200) , |
record_no INTEGER , |
locale CHAR(10) , |
contents_short CHAR(255) , |
contents_long text , |
equalitystatus SMALLINT , |
sachgebiete_id INTEGER, |
doku_link character varying(255), |
export_to_glossar integer DEFAULT 1 |
);" scriptfile="" database=""/> |
</action> |
<action> |
<loadtable refresh="true" delimiter="^" header="false" tabname="tmp_captions"><file path="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/schluesseltabellen/promstat_captions.unl"/></loadtable> |
</action> |
<action> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/schluesseltabellen/promstat_feste_konstanten_fuellen.sql" |
database=""/> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/schluesseltabellen/captions_fuellen.sql" database=""/> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/schluesseltabellen/sx_stylesheets_einfuegen.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</install-step> |
</install> |
<upgrade> |
<upgrade-step> |
<action> |
<nativeaction sql="create table tmp_captions |
( |
id CHAR(200) , |
table_name CHAR(200) , |
field_name CHAR(200) , |
record_no INTEGER , |
locale CHAR(10) , |
contents_short CHAR(255) , |
contents_long text , |
equalitystatus SMALLINT , |
sachgebiete_id INTEGER, |
doku_link character varying(255), |
export_to_glossar integer DEFAULT 1 |
);" scriptfile="" database=""/> |
</action> |
<action> |
<loadtable refresh="true" delimiter="^" header="false" tabname="tmp_captions"><file path="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/schluesseltabellen/promstat_captions.unl"/></loadtable> |
</action> |
<action> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/schluesseltabellen/promstat_feste_konstanten_fuellen.sql" |
database=""/> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/schluesseltabellen/captions_fuellen.sql" database=""/> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/schluesseltabellen/sx_stylesheets_einfuegen.sql" database=""/> |
</action> |
</upgrade-step> |
</upgrade> |
<uninstall-step name="Deinstalliere Schlüssel"> |
<action error="stop"> |
<nativeaction sql="" scriptfile="$PROMSTAT_PFAD/schluesseltabellen/promstat_feste_konstanten_entfernen.sql" |
database=""/> |
<nativeaction sql="delete from sx_repository where sachgebiete_id=350;" scriptfile="" |
database=""/> |
</action> |
</uninstall-step> |
<dbforms> |
</dbforms> |
</module> |
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
select * from xdummy; |
--bei Postgres in HIS1 laufen alle Scripte in Transaktionen, daher muss man |
--für vacuum erst committen |
commit; |
vacuum lm_exam_unit; |
vacuum lm_exam_unit_studies; |
vacuum lm_accreditation_neu; |
vacuum lm_konto_pro_fs; |
vacuum lm_unit; |
vacuum lm_unitrelation; |
vacuum lm_examrelation; |
vacuum lm_examination; |
vacuum lm_ects_soll_neu; |
vacuum lm_ects_soll; |
vacuum lm_pruefrout; |
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
truncate table promstat_docprogram_aggr; |
insert into promstat_docprogram_aggr( person_id, |
degree_program_id, |
doctoral_program_id, |
sem_rueck_beur_ein, |
examplan_id, |
course_of_study_id, |
astat_bund, |
astat_land, |
k_type_of_doctorate, |
gueltig_von, |
gueltig_bis, |
finished, |
structured_doctoral_program_id, |
stu_employment_business_id, |
stu_employment_startdate, |
stu_employment_enddate, |
k_examform_id, |
k_examform_un, |
k_place_of_studies_astat, |
geschlecht_astat, |
staatsangehoerigkeit_1_astat, |
staatsangehoerigkeit_2_astat, |
hzb_datum, |
hzb_jahr, |
hzb_type_astat, |
hzb_kreis_astat, |
hzb_staat_astat, |
first_external_semester, |
first_external_year, |
first_external_country_astat, |
first_external_university_astat, |
summe |
) |
SELECT P.his_person_id, |
P.degree_program_id, |
P.doctoral_program_id, |
P.sem_rueck_beur_ein, |
P.examplan_id, |
P.course_of_study_id, |
substring(P.astat_bund from 1 for 10), |
P.astat_land, |
P.k_type_of_doctorate, |
P.gueltig_von, |
P.gueltig_bis, |
P.finished, |
P.structured_doctoral_program_id, |
P.stu_employment_business_id, |
P.stu_employment_startdate, |
P.stu_employment_enddate, |
P.k_examform_id, |
P.k_examform_un, |
P.k_place_of_studies_astat, |
D.geschlecht_astat, |
D.staatsangehoerigkeit_1_astat, |
D.staatsangehoerigkeit_2_astat, |
D.hzb_datum, |
year(D.hzb_datum), |
substring(D.hzb_type_astat from 1 for 10), |
val(D.hzb_kreis_astat), |
val(D.hzb_staat_astat), |
D.first_external_semester, |
val(substring('' || D.first_external_semester from 1 for 4)) as first_external_year, |
val(D.first_external_country_astat), |
substring(first_external_university_astat from 1 for 10), |
count(*) |
FROM prom_promotionen P left outer join prom_promovierende D |
on (P.his_person_id=D.his_person_id) |
group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 |
; |
update promstat_docprogram_aggr set prev_exam_university_astat=A.ext_university_astat, |
prev_exam_country_astat=val(ext_country_astat), |
prev_exam_degree_land=substring(ext_degree_land_astat from 1 for 10), |
prev_exam_degree_bund=substring(ext_degree_bund_astat from 1 for 10) |
from prom_abschlusspruefungen A |
where A.examplan_id=promstat_docprogram_aggr.examplan_id |
; |
update promstat_docprogram_aggr set prev_exam_semester=E.sem_der_pruefung |
from lm_examplan E |
where E.id=promstat_docprogram_aggr.examplan_id; |
--nur wenn lm_examplan nichts findet: |
update promstat_docprogram_aggr set prev_exam_semester=S.tid |
from prom_abschlusspruefungen A, semester S |
where promstat_docprogram_aggr.prev_exam_semester is null |
and A.examplan_id=promstat_docprogram_aggr.examplan_id |
and A.examination_date between S.sem_beginn and S.sem_ende |
; |
update promstat_docprogram_aggr set prev_exam_year=val(substring('' || prev_exam_semester from 1 for 4)) |
; |
update promstat_docprogram_aggr set |
prev_exam_degree_land=substring(int_degree_land_astat from 1 for 10) |
from prom_abschlusspruefungen A |
where A.examplan_id=promstat_docprogram_aggr.examplan_id |
and promstat_docprogram_aggr.prev_exam_degree_land is null |
; |
update promstat_docprogram_aggr set |
prev_exam_degree_bund=substring(int_degree_bund_astat from 1 for 10) |
from prom_abschlusspruefungen A |
where A.examplan_id=promstat_docprogram_aggr.examplan_id |
and promstat_docprogram_aggr.prev_exam_degree_bund is null |
; |
-- update promstat_docprogram_aggr set abschluss_astat_bund=substring(abschluss_astat_bund from 3 for 2) |
-- where length(abschluss_astat_bund)=4; |
-- |
-- update promstat_docprogram_aggr set abschluss_astat_bund=substring(abschluss_astat_bund from 2 for 2) |
-- where length(abschluss_astat_bund)=3; |
-- |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
46000^Fächer^4^0^0^170^200^1^char^30^0^12^<<SQL>> select tid,name,sortnr from sichten where art='KENN-Fächer-Sicht' order by sortnr,name;^ ^^ |
46001^Seit Semester^2^0^0^170^150^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select tid, druck from kenn_semester order by tid DESC;^^<<SQL>> select tid,druck from kenn_semester where today() between sem_beginn and sem_ende;^ |
46002^Registriernummer^100^350^-1^150^180^1^integer^200^0^0^^{InputCheck:matrikelnummern}^^ |
46003^Geschlecht^13^0^0^170^100^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> SELECT apnr,druck FROM kenn_geschl order by 2^^^ |
46005^bis Fachsemester^20^0^0^170^20^1^integer^30^0^0^^hidden^^ |
46006^Staatsangehörigkeit^11^0^0^170^120^1^sql^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select '!=0','Alle ohne Deutschland' from xdummy union select '=0','Deutsch' from xdummy order by 2;^^^ |
46011^Status^12^0^0^170^200^1^sql^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select apnr,eintrag from kenn_status order by 2^hidden^^ |
46013^ab Fachsemester^19^0^0^170^20^1^integer^30^0^0^^hidden^^ |
46014^Weitere Tabellen^123^0^0^140^140^10^char^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select name,string_not_null(caption) || ' - ' || name from sx_tables where name in ('xy') order by 2^^^ |
46015^Felder^125^0^0^150^190^10^char^2550^0^1^<<SQL>> select trim(F.table_name) || '.' || F.name,trim(T.caption) || ':' || trim(F.caption) || ' - ' || trim(F.name) from sx_fields F, sx_tables T where F.table_name=T.name and F.currentlyused=1 and (F.table_name ='promstat_docprogram_aggr' /* or F.table_name in (<<Weitere Tabellen>>) */)\ |
order by 2;^^^ |
46016^Schlüssel anzeigen^150^0^0^100^100^1^integer^30^1^1^<<SQL>> select 1,'Ja' from xdummy union select 0,'Nein' from xdummy^^<<SQL>> select 1,'Ja' from xdummy^ |
46017^Bis Semester^3^0^0^170^150^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select tid, druck from kenn_semester order by tid DESC;^^<<SQL>> select tid,druck from kenn_semester where today() between sem_beginn and sem_ende;^ |
46018^tablestylesheet^120^0^0^100^200^1^char^200^1^1^<<SQL>> select distinct filename,X.caption from sx_stylesheets X,sx_mask_style S where X.tid=S.stylesheet_id and S.maskeninfo_id=46000^^<<SQL>> select distinct filename,X.caption from sx_stylesheets X,sx_mask_style S where X.tid=S.stylesheet_id and S.maskeninfo_id=46000 and S.ord=1^ |
46019^Ausgabeformat^2001^0^0^100^150^1^char^200^1^1^<<SQL>> select element_value,description from menu_element where element='Ausgabeformat' and nature::smallint<100 order by nature::smallint^^<<SQL>> select element_value,description from menu_element where element='Ausgabeformat' and description='HTML'^ |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
46000^46000^ |
46000^46001^ |
46000^46002^ |
46000^46003^ |
46000^46005^ |
46000^46006^ |
46000^46011^ |
46000^46013^ |
46000^46014^ |
46000^46015^ |
46000^46016^ |
46000^46017^ |
46000^46018^ |
46000^46019^ |
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
46000^Promotionsvorhaben Datenblatt^--Freemarker Template\ |
--ram excelexport\ |
<#include "SQL_lingua_franca"/>\ |
<#include "SuperX_general"/>\ |
--<#include "SQL_multitable_output"/> \ |
\ |
<sqlvars>\ |
<sqlvar name="get_tables"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT distinct name,name\ |
from sx_tables\ |
where name in ('promstat_docprogram_aggr'\ |
${DatenblattTables(<<tablestylesheet>>,"<<Weitere Tabellen>>",.vars["Weitere TabellenObject"].allKeys)}\ |
\ |
)\ |
order by 2;]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="get_table_joins"><![CDATA[\ |
select table_name || '.' || name || '=' || foreignkey_tab || '.' || foreignkey_col,table_name \ |
from sx_fields where table_name in ('promstat_docprogram_aggr'\ |
${DatenblattTables(<<tablestylesheet>>,"<<Weitere Tabellen>>",.vars["Weitere TabellenObject"].allKeys)} )\ |
and foreignkey_tab in ('promstat_docprogram_aggr'\ |
${DatenblattTables(<<tablestylesheet>>,"<<Weitere Tabellen>>",.vars["Weitere TabellenObject"].allKeys)})\ |
;]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="get_felder"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT name,\ |
caption,\ |
(trim(field_type) || '#' || is_primarykey || '#' || trim(string_not_null(foreignkey_tab)) || '#' || trim(string_not_null(foreignkey_col))\ |
|| '#' || trim(string_not_null(foreignkey_cap))\ |
|| '#' || trim(string_not_null(foreignkey_cond))\ |
|| '#' || trim(string_not_null(foreignkey_func))\ |
|| '#' || trim(string_not_null(table_name)))::char(255) as strukturStr\ |
from sx_fields\ |
where table_name in ('promstat_docprogram_aggr'\ |
${DatenblattTables(<<tablestylesheet>>,"<<Weitere Tabellen>>",.vars["Weitere TabellenObject"].allKeys)}\ |
)\ |
and currentlyused=1\ |
${DatenblattFields(<<tablestylesheet>>,"<<Felder>>",FelderObject.allKeys)}\ |
order by 2,3;]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="get_felder_fk"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT name,\ |
caption,\ |
(trim(table_name)\ |
|| '#' || trim(string_not_null(foreignkey_tab)))::char(255) as strukturStr\ |
from sx_fields\ |
where table_name in ('promstat_docprogram_aggr' ${DatenblattTables(<<tablestylesheet>>,"<<Weitere Tabellen>>",.vars["Weitere TabellenObject"].allKeys)}\ |
)\ |
and currentlyused=1\ |
${DatenblattFields(<<tablestylesheet>>,"<<Felder>>",FelderObject.allKeys)}\ |
order by 2,3;]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
</sqlvars>\ |
\ |
<@generate_multitable_list />\ |
<@generate_field_list_multitable aggregationsfeld="summe" aggregatfunktion="sum(" />\ |
<@generate_foreign_fields_multitable />\ |
\ |
\ |
<#assign filter="\ |
/* and sem_rueck_beur_ein <= <<Bis Semester>> */\ |
/* and sem_rueck_beur_ein >= <<Seit Semester>> */\ |
/* and fach_sem_zahl <= <<bis Fachsemester>> */\ |
/* and fach_sem_zahl >= <<ab Fachsemester>> */\ |
/* and hssem <= <<bis Hochschulsemester>> */\ |
/* and abschluss in (<<Abschluss>>) */\ |
/* and kz_fach = <<Fachkennz.>> */\ |
/* and promstat_docprogram_aggr.his_person_id in (select P.his_person_id from prom_promovierende P where P.geschlecht_astat = <<Geschlecht>>) */\ |
/* and kz_rueck_beur_ein in(<<Status>>) */\ |
/* and promstat_docprogram_aggr.his_person_id in (select P.his_person_id from prom_promovierende P where P.staatsangehoerigkeit_1_astat <<Staatsangehörigkeit>>) */\ |
/* and promstat_docprogram_aggr.his_person_id in (select P.his_person_id from prom_promovierende P where P.registrationnumber= <<Registriernummer>>) */\ |
" />\ |
\ |
/* \ |
<#assign filter = filter + " and (promstat_docprogram_aggr.astat_bund in "+Fächer.allNeededKeysList /> --<<Fächer>> */\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
<@generate_resultset_multitable tabellen=table_list\ |
p_show_keys=<<Schlüssel anzeigen>>\ |
p_field_list_select=field_list_select\ |
p_foreign_fields=foreign_fields\ |
p_filter=filter\ |
p_field_list_groupby=field_list_groupby\ |
p_join_clause=join_clause\ |
/>^--Freemarker Template \ |
<sqlvars>\ |
<sqlvar name="get_felder">\ |
SELECT caption,\ |
foreignkey_tab,\ |
description as strukturStr\ |
from sx_fields\ |
where table_name in ('promstat_docprogram_aggr'\ |
${DatenblattTables(<<tablestylesheet>>,"<<Weitere Tabellen>>",.vars["Weitere TabellenObject"].allKeys)}\ |
)\ |
\ |
and currentlyused=1\ |
${DatenblattFields(<<tablestylesheet>>,"<<Felder>>",FelderObject.allKeys)}\ |
\ |
order by 1;\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
</sqlvars>\ |
XIL List\ |
sizable_columns horizontal_scrolling\ |
white_space_color=COLOR_WHITE fixed_columns=1\ |
min_heading_height=35\ |
<#assign i=1 />\ |
<#if get_felder?has_content >\ |
<#foreach myfield in get_felder>\ |
<#assign i=i+1 />\ |
Column CID=${i} heading_text="${myfield.key}" explanation="${myfield.strukturStr}" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable rightJust heading_platform readonly\ |
width=20\ |
<#if myfield.name != ''>\ |
<#assign i=i+1 />\ |
Column CID=${i} heading_text="${myfield.key}\\n(Schlüssel)" explanation="Schlüssel des Feldes ${myfield.key}" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable rightJust heading_platform readonly\ |
width=20\ |
</#if>\ |
</#foreach>\ |
</#if>\ |
@@@^Studienfach^Anzahl bzw. Anteil^Statistik der Promotionsvorhaben und Merkmalen der Promivierenden HZB früheres Studium^drop table tmp_tabelle;^studallg.dat^1^850^600^0^1^<<SQL>> select 'Letzte Lieferung: ' || date_str(max(datum)) from kenn_lieferung where (1 =0 /* or hs_nr::char(10) in (<<Hochschule>>) */ /* or hs_nr::char(10) in (select key_apnr from organigramm where parent in (<<Hochschule>>)) */ /* or <<Hochschule>>='0' */ ) and kennzahl ='STDI'^ |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#bitte einen symbolischen Link auf die SOS_ENV setzen |
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
--freemarker template |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16000%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16020%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16040%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16060%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16100%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16120%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16140%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16160%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16180%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16200%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16220%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16240%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16260%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16280%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16300%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16340%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16360%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16380%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16400%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16450%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16470%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16490%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16530%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16550%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16570%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16590%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16610%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16630%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16650%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16690%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16710%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16730%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16750%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'doku_16770%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'sos_doku_benutzer_url%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'sos_doku_admin_url%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'einzelpruefungen_doku_benutzer_url%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'studierende_doku_benutzer_url%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'pruefungen_doku_benutzer_url%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'abschlusspruefungen_doku_benutzer_url%'; |
delete from sx_captions where id like 'sos_astat_doku_url%'; |
--Für Update Felderinfo mit neuen Spalten |
--Prüfungen/ Studierene 120 |
--delete from sx_captions where table_name like 'felderinfo%' and sachgebiete_id=120; |
--Abschlusspruefungen 16 |
--delete from sx_captions where table_name like 'felderinfo%' and sachgebiete_id=16; |
--Einzelpruefungen 34 |
--delete from sx_captions where table_name like 'felderinfo%' and sachgebiete_id=34; |
--in tmp_captions stehen release captions: |
--Löschung der release captions nach id bzw. felderinfo, Feldname, tid: |
--z.B. id=sos_auslaender_w_absol |
--oder table_name=felderinfo und field_name=Seit Semester |
delete from tmp_captions where |
--Löschung der release captions nach id |
(id is not null |
and id in (select id from sx_captions where id is not null)) |
--Löschung der release captions nach felderinfo, Feldname: , tid: |
or ( |
id is null and record_no is null and field_name is not null and field_name in |
(select field_name from sx_captions where field_name is not null |
--Wenn keine record_no, dann gilt es für alle Felder mit dem Namen |
and record_no is null)); |
--record_no abfangen, wenn vorhanden |
delete from tmp_captions |
where id is null and field_name is not null |
--Wenn record_no gefüllt: |
and record_no is not null |
and (trim(field_name) || record_no in (select trim(field_name) || record_no from sx_captions |
where field_name is not null |
and record_no is not null)); |
<#if SQLdialect='Postgres'> |
select sp_update_sequence('sx_captions'); |
</#if> |
insert into sx_captions ( id,table_name,field_name,record_no,locale,contents_short,contents_long, equalitystatus,sachgebiete_id |
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_captions','doku_link')> |
,doku_link |
</#if> |
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_captions','export_to_glossar')> |
,export_to_glossar |
</#if> |
) |
select id,table_name,field_name,record_no,locale,contents_short,contents_long, equalitystatus,sachgebiete_id |
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_captions','doku_link')> |
,doku_link |
</#if> |
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_captions','export_to_glossar')> |
,export_to_glossar |
</#if> |
from tmp_captions; |
drop table tmp_captions; |
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#/bin/sh |
DOQUERY "create table tmp_captions |
( |
id CHAR(200) , |
table_name CHAR(200) , |
field_name CHAR(200) , |
record_no INTEGER , |
locale CHAR(10) , |
contents_short CHAR(255) , |
contents_long text , |
equalitystatus SMALLINT , |
sachgebiete_id INTEGER, |
doku_link character varying(255), |
export_to_glossar integer DEFAULT 1 |
)" |
sx_auto_upload_table.x tmp_captions "./lm_captions.unl" |
DOQUERY "delete from tmp_captions where (id is not null |
and id in (select id from sx_captions where id is not null)) |
or (id is null and field_name is not null and field_name in (select field_name from sx_captions where field_name is not null));" |
if [ "$DATABASE" = "POSTGRES" ] |
then |
DOQUERY "select sp_update_sequence('sx_captions');" |
fi |
DOQUERY "insert into sx_captions ( id,table_name,field_name,record_no,locale,contents_short,contents_long, equalitystatus,sachgebiete_id,doku_link,export_to_glossar) |
select id,table_name,field_name,record_no,locale,contents_short,contents_long, equalitystatus,sachgebiete_id,doku_link,export_to_glossar from tmp_captions;" |
DOQUERY "drop table tmp_captions;" |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
delete from konstanten where systeminfo_id=350; |
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
--freemarker template |
<#if SQLdialect='Postgres'> |
<#assign texttype="text" /> |
<#else> |
<#assign texttype="lvarchar" /> |
</#if> |
<#assign newline="' |
'" /> |
create temp table tmp_konstanten |
( |
tid serial, |
apnr integer, |
beschreibung char(255), |
defaultvalue integer, |
description ${texttype}, |
systeminfo_id integer, |
doku_link varchar(255), |
read_only integer, |
wertebereich varchar(250), |
ab_version varchar(10), |
gruppe varchar(255), |
sachgebiete_id integer |
); |
insert into tmp_konstanten(apnr, beschreibung, defaultvalue, description, systeminfo_id, doku_link, read_only, wertebereich, ab_version, gruppe, sachgebiete_id) |
values (6,'PROMSTAT_Quellsystem', 6,'Anzeige der Datenquelle für die BI-Komponente', |
350, '', |
1,'6 = HISinOne', '8.0', 'Datenquelle, Entladestartzeitpunkt, -umfang', 350); |
--vorhandene Schlüssel Metadaten updaten: |
<#if SQLdialect='Postgres'> |
--Postgres Dialekt: |
update konstanten set defaultvalue=T.defaultvalue, |
description=T.description, |
systeminfo_id=T.systeminfo_id , |
doku_link=T.doku_link, |
read_only=T.read_only , |
wertebereich=T.wertebereich, |
ab_version=T.ab_version, |
gruppe=T.gruppe , |
sachgebiete_id=T.sachgebiete_id |
from tmp_konstanten T |
where T.beschreibung=konstanten.beschreibung; |
<#else> |
--Informix Dialekt: |
update konstanten set (defaultvalue, |
description, |
systeminfo_id, |
doku_link, |
read_only, |
wertebereich, |
ab_version, |
gruppe, |
sachgebiete_id) |
= ((select |
defaultvalue, |
description, |
systeminfo_id, |
doku_link, |
read_only, |
wertebereich, |
ab_version, |
gruppe, |
sachgebiete_id |
from tmp_konstanten T |
where T.beschreibung=konstanten.beschreibung)) |
where beschreibung in ( |
select T.beschreibung |
from tmp_konstanten T) |
; |
</#if> |
select 'vorh. Konstanten apnrs bleiben erhalten' from xdummy; |
delete from tmp_konstanten where beschreibung in (select beschreibung from konstanten); |
create temp table tmp_hilf (tid integer); |
insert into tmp_hilf select max(tid) from konstanten; |
update tmp_hilf set tid=0 where tid is null; |
insert into konstanten(tid , apnr ,beschreibung, defaultvalue, description, systeminfo_id, doku_link, read_only, wertebereich, ab_version, gruppe, sachgebiete_id ) |
select H.tid+K.tid , K.apnr ,K.beschreibung, K.defaultvalue, K.description, K.systeminfo_id, K.doku_link, K.read_only, K.wertebereich, K.ab_version, K.gruppe, K.sachgebiete_id from tmp_konstanten K, tmp_hilf H; |
drop table tmp_konstanten; |
drop table tmp_hilf; |
--Konstante LM_ECTS_SOLL_SRC auf Wert von SOS setzen, wenn noch nicht gesetzt: |
update konstanten set apnr=1 |
where beschreibung='LM_ECTS_SOLL_SRC' |
and apnr=2 |
and 0< (select count(*) from konstanten K2 where K2.beschreibung='SOS_ECTS_SOLL_SRC' and K2.apnr=1); |
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
--Freemarker Template |
--Achtung: Macro fügt Inhalte ein |
--Bitte nur Freemarker Variablen füllen |
<#assign masken = [ |
{"mask":"46000", "filename":"tabelle_html_datenblatt.xsl", "ord":"1"} |
] /> |
<#assign stylesheet = [ |
] /> |
<#assign stylesheet_field = [ |
] /> |
--Hier eventuell notwendige delete's auf die Tabellen sx_mask_style, sx_stylesheets oder stylesheet_field einfügen. |
--Achtung: ab hier nicht ändern, Mutterdatei ist $SUPERX_DIR/db/module/sos/schluesseltabellen/sx_stylesheets_fuellen.sql |
<@sx_stylesheets_insert |
m_masken=masken |
m_stylesheet=stylesheet |
m_stylesheet_field=stylesheet_field |
/> |
<#macro sx_stylesheets_insert m_masken m_stylesheet m_stylesheet_field> |
--Sicherstellen, dass keine Duplikate vorkommen: |
--#################################################################################################### |
<#foreach column in m_masken> |
delete from sx_mask_style where maskeninfo_id=${column.mask} and stylesheet_id in (select tid from sx_stylesheets where filename ='${column.filename}') and ord=${column.ord}; |
</#foreach> |
<#foreach column in m_stylesheet_field> |
delete from stylesheet_field where stylesheet_id in (select tid from sx_stylesheets where filename ='${column.filename}'); |
</#foreach> |
-- Stylesheets füllen |
--#################################################################################################### |
create temp table tmp_stylesheets ( |
tid serial not null, |
filename CHAR(255) , |
caption CHAR(255) , |
description CHAR(255) , |
relation CHAR(10) , |
useragent CHAR(255) , |
contenttype CHAR(200) , |
is_generic smallint |
); |
create temp table tmp_hilf (tid integer); |
insert into tmp_hilf select max(tid) from sx_stylesheets; |
update tmp_hilf set tid=1 where tid is null; |
<#assign counter_tid = 1 /> |
<#foreach column in m_stylesheet> |
insert into tmp_stylesheets (tid,filename,caption,description,relation,contenttype,is_generic) |
select max(tid)+${counter_tid},'${column.filename}', |
'${column.caption}', |
'${column.description}', |
'${column.relation}', |
'${column.contenttype}', |
${column.is_generic} |
from tmp_hilf; |
<#assign counter_tid = counter_tid + 1 /> |
</#foreach> |
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','is_generic')> |
update sx_stylesheets set is_generic=1 |
where filename in (select T.filename from tmp_stylesheets T where T.is_generic=1); |
</#if> |
--delete für tml_stylesheets hinzugefügt #ak 06.03.2013 |
delete from tmp_stylesheets where filename in (select filename from sx_stylesheets); |
insert into sx_stylesheets (tid, |
filename, caption, description, relation, useragent, contenttype |
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','is_generic')> |
,is_generic |
</#if> |
) |
SELECT tid, filename, caption, description, relation, useragent, contenttype |
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','is_generic')> |
,is_generic |
</#if> |
FROM tmp_stylesheets; |
drop table tmp_stylesheets; |
-- Mask Style füllen |
--#################################################################################################### |
create temp table tmp_mask_style ( |
tid serial not null, |
maskeninfo_id INTEGER , |
stylesheet_id INTEGER , |
filename char(255) |
); |
delete from tmp_hilf; |
insert into tmp_hilf select max(tid) from sx_mask_style; |
update tmp_hilf set tid=1 where tid is null; |
<#assign counter_tid = 1 /> |
<#foreach column in m_masken> |
insert into tmp_mask_style (tid,maskeninfo_id,ord,filename) |
select max(tid)+${counter_tid},${column.mask},${column.ord},'${column.filename}' from tmp_hilf; |
update tmp_mask_style set stylesheet_id=(select max(tid) from sx_stylesheets where filename='${column.filename}') |
where filename='${column.filename}'; |
<#assign counter_tid = counter_tid + 1 /> |
</#foreach> |
insert into sx_mask_style ( tid, maskeninfo_id, stylesheet_id, ord) |
SELECT tid, maskeninfo_id, stylesheet_id, ord |
FROM tmp_mask_style; |
drop table tmp_mask_style; |
--Field zu Stylesheet Zuordnungen: |
--#################################################################################################### |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_stylesheet_field |
( |
tid serial NOT NULL, |
stylesheet_id INTEGER, |
tablename char(255), |
fieldname char(255), |
filename char(255) |
); |
delete from tmp_hilf; |
insert into tmp_hilf select max(tid) from stylesheet_field; |
update tmp_hilf set tid=1 where tid is null; |
<#assign counter_tid = 1 /> |
<#foreach column in m_stylesheet_field> |
INSERT INTO tmp_stylesheet_field (tid, filename, tablename, fieldname) |
select max(tid)+${counter_tid}, '${column.filename}', '${column.tablename}', '${column.fieldname}' from tmp_hilf; |
update tmp_stylesheet_field set stylesheet_id=(select max(tid) from sx_stylesheets where filename='${column.filename}') |
where filename='${column.filename}'; |
<#assign counter_tid = counter_tid + 1 /> |
</#foreach> |
insert into stylesheet_field ( tid, stylesheet_id, tablename, fieldname) |
SELECT tid, stylesheet_id, tablename, fieldname |
FROM tmp_stylesheet_field; |
drop table tmp_stylesheet_field; |
drop table tmp_hilf; |
<#if SQLdialect='Postgres'> |
select sp_update_sequence('sx_stylesheets'); |
select sp_update_sequence('sx_mask_style'); |
select sp_update_sequence('stylesheet_field'); |
</#if> |
</#macro> |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
--Freemarker Template |
<#if '${SQLdialect}'='Postgres' > |
alter table lm_ects_soll alter column pversion type varchar(255); |
alter table lm_ects_soll_neu alter column pversion type varchar(255); |
alter table lm_accreditation_neu alter column k_accreditationtype_id type varchar(255); |
</#if> |
<#if '${SQLdialect}'='Informix' > |
--nun Informix: |
alter table lm_ects_soll modify(pversion varchar(255)); |
alter table lm_ects_soll_neu modify(pversion varchar(255)); |
alter table lm_accreditation_neu modify(k_accreditationtype_id varchar(255)); |
</#if> |
Reference in new issue