Browse Source

Modulscripte generiert #1

Daniel Quathamer 1 year ago
  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 15
  4. 99
  5. 18
  6. 10
  7. 10
  8. 9
  9. 2
  10. 6
  11. 6
  12. 274
  13. 4
  14. 2
  15. BIN


@ -520,6 +520,9 @@ xmlns:HtmlUtils="de.superx.util.HtmlUtils"> @@ -520,6 +520,9 @@ xmlns:HtmlUtils="de.superx.util.HtmlUtils">
<target name="kopiere_kern_pakete_his1" if="isPlatformHIS1" >
<antcall target="modulspezifische_daten_loeschen" />
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${ZIELPFAD}/webserver/tomcat/webapps/superx/WEB-INF/classes" includes="**/*.class,**/*.java"/>
<sync todir="${ZIELPFAD}/superx"


@ -1 +1 @@ @@ -1 +1 @@


@ -5,18 +5,5 @@ astat, @@ -5,18 +5,5 @@ astat,
inl_ausl_lang) as
to_number(uniquename,'99999')::integer as astat,
level2_char as kontinent,
level1_char as inl_ausl_kurz,
level1_str as inl_ausl_lang
FROM dim_bp_apnr
where dimension_bp_id=(select D.tid from dimension_bp D where D.apnr='bluep_ca12_staat')
and apnr !=0 --nur für Abwärtskompatibilität zu FLEDA


@ -16,102 +16,5 @@ view_reference, @@ -16,102 +16,5 @@ view_reference,
lock_version) as
SELECT D.tid as id,
T.tid as fact_table_id,
''::varchar(255) as view_reference,
('select C.' || F.foreignkey_int || ' as id,T.sourcesystem_id, C.' || F.foreignkey_col || ' as apnr,C.' || F.foreignkey_cap || ' as name'
||',' || D.system_key || '::integer as mschluessel,T.apnr as aschluessel,null::VARCHAR(255) as obj_guid ,null::integer as lock_version'
|| ' from ' || F.foreignkey_tab || ' C,trans_dim_bp_apnr T'
|| ' where T.sourcesystem_id=C.' || F.foreignkey_col || '::varchar(255)'
|| coalesce(' and ' || F.foreignkey_cond || ' ','')
|| 'and ' || D.dimension_bp_id ||' =T.dimension_bp_id'
)::text as sourcesql,
null::VARCHAR(255) as obj_guid ,
null::integer as lock_version
FROM sx_fields F,dimension D left outer join sx_tables T on (
where F.table_name=D.fact_table
and F.foreignkey_int is not null
SELECT D.tid as id,
T.tid as fact_table_id,
''::varchar(255) as view_reference,
('select C.' || F.foreignkey_col || ' as id,T.sourcesystem_id, C.' || F.foreignkey_col || ' as apnr,C.' || F.foreignkey_cap || ' as name'
||',' || D.system_key || '::integer as mschluessel,T.apnr as aschluessel,null::VARCHAR(255) as obj_guid ,null::integer as lock_version '
|| 'from ' || F.foreignkey_tab || ' C,trans_dim_bp_apnr T '
|| 'where T.sourcesystem_id=C.' || F.foreignkey_col || '::varchar(255) '
|| coalesce(' and ' || F.foreignkey_cond || ' ','')
|| 'and ' || D.dimension_bp_id ||' =T.dimension_bp_id '
)::text as sourcesql,
null::VARCHAR(255) as obj_guid ,
null::integer as lock_version
FROM sx_fields F,dimension D left outer join sx_tables T on (
where F.table_name=D.fact_table
and F.foreignkey_int is null
SELECT distinct T.tid+1000000 as id,
T.tid as fact_table_id,
''::varchar(255) as view_reference,
null::text as sourcesql,
null::VARCHAR(255) as obj_guid ,
null::integer as lock_version
FROM dimension D inner join sx_tables T on (
SELECT distinct T.tid+2000000 as id,
T.tid as fact_table_id,
null::VARCHAR(255) as obj_guid ,
null::integer as lock_version
FROM dimension D inner join sx_tables T on (
where D.fact_table='sva_pers_cube'


@ -1,21 +1,5 @@ @@ -1,21 +1,5 @@
create view hochschulen(
name) as
SELECT to_number(apnr,'9999') as hs_nr,lang_1 as name from cifx where key=36
and length(apnr) < 5
and (substring(apnr from 1 for 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')
or substring(apnr from 1 for 1) is null
or trim(substring(apnr from 1 for 1)) ='')
and (substring(apnr from 2 for 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')
or substring(apnr from 2 for 1) is null
or trim(substring(apnr from 2 for 1)) ='')
and (substring(apnr from 3 for 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')
or substring(apnr from 3 for 1) is null
or trim(substring(apnr from 3 for 1)) ='')
and (substring(apnr from 4 for 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')
or substring(apnr from 4 for 1) is null
or trim(substring(apnr from 4 for 1)) ='')


@ -5,13 +5,5 @@ element_value, @@ -5,13 +5,5 @@ element_value,
annotation) as
FROM menu_element
where element='Feldart'


@ -5,13 +5,5 @@ element_value, @@ -5,13 +5,5 @@ element_value,
annotation) as
FROM menu_element
where element='obligatorisch'


@ -17280,8 +17280,7 @@ a:active { @@ -17280,8 +17280,7 @@ a:active {
<td class="themenspalte">Script</td>
CREATE or replace FUNCTION decval(varchar(255)) RETURNS numeric(16,2) STABLE
AS 'select to_number($1,''S9999999999999D99'' ) where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE
AS 'select $1::numeric where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
@ -17335,8 +17334,7 @@ a:active { @@ -17335,8 +17334,7 @@ a:active {
<td class="themenspalte">Script</td>
CREATE or replace FUNCTION decval(text) RETURNS numeric(16,2) STABLE
AS 'select to_number($1,''S9999999999999D99'' ) where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE
AS 'select $1::numeric where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
@ -17380,8 +17378,7 @@ a:active { @@ -17380,8 +17378,7 @@ a:active {
<td class="themenspalte">Script</td>
CREATE or replace FUNCTION decval(char(255)) RETURNS numeric(16,2) STABLE
AS 'select to_number($1,''S9999999999999D99'' ) where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE
AS 'select $1::numeric where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


@ -4788,15 +4788,15 @@ CREATE or replace FUNCTION val(smallint) RETURNS integer STABLE @@ -4788,15 +4788,15 @@ CREATE or replace FUNCTION val(smallint) RETURNS integer STABLE
--Funktion / Prozedur decval
CREATE or replace FUNCTION decval(varchar(255)) RETURNS numeric(16,2) STABLE
AS 'select to_number($1,''S9999999999999D99'' ) where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
AS 'select $1::numeric where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
--Funktion / Prozedur decval
CREATE or replace FUNCTION decval(text) RETURNS numeric(16,2) STABLE
AS 'select to_number($1,''S9999999999999D99'' ) where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
AS 'select $1::numeric where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
--Funktion / Prozedur decval
CREATE or replace FUNCTION decval(char(255)) RETURNS numeric(16,2) STABLE
AS 'select to_number($1,''S9999999999999D99'' ) where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
AS 'select $1::numeric where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
--Funktion / Prozedur sp_filter_orga
\! DOSQL $SUPERX_DIR/db/install/prozeduren/proc_sp_filter_orga_pg.sql
--Funktion / Prozedur sp_update_sequence


@ -160,15 +160,15 @@ CREATE or replace FUNCTION val(smallint) RETURNS integer STABLE @@ -160,15 +160,15 @@ CREATE or replace FUNCTION val(smallint) RETURNS integer STABLE
--Funktion / Prozedur decval
CREATE or replace FUNCTION decval(varchar(255)) RETURNS numeric(16,2) STABLE
AS 'select to_number($1,''S9999999999999D99'' ) where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
AS 'select $1::numeric where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
--Funktion / Prozedur decval
CREATE or replace FUNCTION decval(text) RETURNS numeric(16,2) STABLE
AS 'select to_number($1,''S9999999999999D99'' ) where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
AS 'select $1::numeric where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
--Funktion / Prozedur decval
CREATE or replace FUNCTION decval(char(255)) RETURNS numeric(16,2) STABLE
AS 'select to_number($1,''S9999999999999D99'' ) where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
AS 'select $1::numeric where trim($1) !='''' ' LANGUAGE sql;
--Funktion / Prozedur sp_filter_orga
\! DOSQL $SUPERX_DIR/db/install/prozeduren/proc_sp_filter_orga_pg.sql
--Funktion / Prozedur sp_update_sequence


@ -5481,3 +5481,277 @@ comment on column sx_mail.daemon3_interval is 'Die Anzahl von Sekunden nach dene @@ -5481,3 +5481,277 @@ comment on column sx_mail.daemon3_interval is 'Die Anzahl von Sekunden nach dene
delete from db_tabellen where name='sx_mail';
insert into db_tabellen (name,protokollierung) values('sx_mail',0);
-- update primary keys, see ticket: #296420
alter table if exists sichtart_rechttabelle drop constraint if exists sichtart_rechttabelle_pkey;
alter table if exists sichtart_rechttabelle drop constraint if exists ix_sichtart_rt_p1;
alter table if exists group_field_pref drop constraint if exists group_field_pref_pkey;
alter table if exists group_field_pref drop constraint if exists ix_group_felder_p1;
alter table if exists stylesheet_field drop constraint if exists stylesheet_field_pkey;
alter table if exists stylesheet_field drop constraint if exists ix_style_feld1;
alter table if exists db_tabellen drop constraint if exists db_tabellen_pkey;
alter table if exists db_tabellen drop constraint if exists c_db_tabellen;
alter table if exists db_forms drop constraint if exists db_forms_pkey;
alter table if exists db_forms drop constraint if exists pk_db_forms;
alter table if exists db_version drop constraint if exists db_version_pkey;
alter table if exists db_version drop constraint if exists c_db_version;
alter table if exists aggregierung drop constraint if exists aggregierung_pkey;
alter table if exists aggregierung drop constraint if exists co_aggregierung;
alter table if exists sichten drop constraint if exists sichten_pkey;
alter table if exists sichten drop constraint if exists c_sichten30tid;
alter table if exists masken_felder_bez drop constraint if exists masken_felder_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists masken_felder_bez drop constraint if exists c_masken_felder_bez;
alter table if exists sachgebiete drop constraint if exists sachgebiete_pkey;
alter table if exists sachgebiete drop constraint if exists c_sachgebiete;
alter table if exists sachgeb_maske_bez drop constraint if exists sachgeb_maske_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists sachgeb_maske_bez drop constraint if exists c_sachgeb_maske_bez;
alter table if exists sachgeb_dbform_bez drop constraint if exists sachgeb_dbform_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists sachgeb_dbform_bez drop constraint if exists c_sachgeb_dbform_bez;
alter table if exists user_masken_bez drop constraint if exists user_masken_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists user_masken_bez drop constraint if exists c_user_masken_bez;
alter table if exists user_sachgeb_bez drop constraint if exists user_sachgeb_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists user_sachgeb_bez drop constraint if exists c_user_sachgeb_bez;
alter table if exists macro_masken_bez drop constraint if exists macro_masken_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists macro_masken_bez drop constraint if exists c2_macro_masken_bez;
alter table if exists graphicformat drop constraint if exists graphicformat_pkey;
alter table if exists graphicformat drop constraint if exists c_graphicformat;
alter table if exists groupinfo drop constraint if exists groupinfo_pkey;
alter table if exists groupinfo drop constraint if exists c_groupinfo;
alter table if exists user_group_bez drop constraint if exists user_group_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists user_group_bez drop constraint if exists c_user_group_bez;
alter table if exists group_sachgeb_bez drop constraint if exists group_sachgeb_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists group_sachgeb_bez drop constraint if exists c_group_sachgeb_bez;
alter table if exists group_masken_bez drop constraint if exists group_masken_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists group_masken_bez drop constraint if exists c_group_masken_bez;
alter table if exists aggre_bland drop constraint if exists aggre_bland_pkey;
alter table if exists aggre_bland drop constraint if exists c_aggre_bland;
alter table if exists cif drop constraint if exists cif_pkey;
alter table if exists cif drop constraint if exists c_cif;
alter table if exists cifx drop constraint if exists cifx_pkey;
alter table if exists cifx drop constraint if exists c_cifx_tid;
alter table if exists cifx_customize drop constraint if exists cifx_customize_pkey;
alter table if exists cifx_customize drop constraint if exists c_cifx_customize;
alter table if exists felderinfo drop constraint if exists felderinfo_pkey;
alter table if exists felderinfo drop constraint if exists c_felderinfo;
alter table if exists hochschulinfo drop constraint if exists hochschulinfo_pkey;
alter table if exists hochschulinfo drop constraint if exists c_hochschulinfo;
alter table if exists maske_system_bez drop constraint if exists maske_system_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists maske_system_bez drop constraint if exists c_maske_system_bez;
alter table if exists maskeninfo drop constraint if exists maskeninfo_pkey;
alter table if exists maskeninfo drop constraint if exists c_maskeninfo;
alter table if exists proto_funktion drop constraint if exists proto_funktion_pkey;
alter table if exists proto_funktion drop constraint if exists c_proto_fkt;
alter table if exists systeminfo drop constraint if exists systeminfo_pkey;
alter table if exists systeminfo drop constraint if exists c_systeminfo;
alter table if exists user_einstellungen drop constraint if exists user_einstellungen_pkey;
alter table if exists user_einstellungen drop constraint if exists c_user_einstellungen;
alter table if exists userinfo drop constraint if exists userinfo_pkey;
alter table if exists userinfo drop constraint if exists c_userinfo;
alter table if exists themenbaum drop constraint if exists themenbaum_pkey;
alter table if exists themenbaum drop constraint if exists c_themenbaum;
alter table if exists menu_element drop constraint if exists menu_element_pkey;
alter table if exists menu_element drop constraint if exists c_menu_element;
alter table if exists dbconnections drop constraint if exists dbconnections_pkey;
alter table if exists dbconnections drop constraint if exists dbconnections_pkey;
alter table if exists user_institution drop constraint if exists user_institution_pkey;
alter table if exists user_institution drop constraint if exists c_user_institution;
alter table if exists user_kostentraeger drop constraint if exists user_kostentraeger_pkey;
alter table if exists user_kostentraeger drop constraint if exists c_user_ktr;
alter table if exists protokoll drop constraint if exists protokoll_pkey;
alter table if exists protokoll drop constraint if exists c_protokoll;
alter table if exists trans_inst drop constraint if exists trans_inst_pkey;
alter table if exists trans_inst drop constraint if exists c_trans_inst;
alter table if exists konstanten drop constraint if exists konstanten_pkey;
alter table if exists konstanten drop constraint if exists co_konstanten;
alter table if exists sx_stylesheets drop constraint if exists sx_stylesheets_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_stylesheets drop constraint if exists c_stylesheets;
alter table if exists sx_mask_style drop constraint if exists sx_mask_style_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_mask_style drop constraint if exists c_mask_style;
alter table if exists sx_stylesheet_param drop constraint if exists sx_stylesheet_param_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_stylesheet_param drop constraint if exists c_stylesheet_param;
alter table if exists sx_captions drop constraint if exists sx_captions_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_captions drop constraint if exists c_sx_captions;
alter table if exists fm_templates drop constraint if exists fm_templates_pkey;
alter table if exists fm_templates drop constraint if exists pk_fm_tid;
alter table if exists user_sichten drop constraint if exists user_sichten_pkey;
alter table if exists user_sichten drop constraint if exists pk_user_sicht;
alter table if exists user_sichtarten drop constraint if exists user_sichtarten_pkey;
alter table if exists user_sichtarten drop constraint if exists pk_user_sichtart;
alter table if exists group_sichten drop constraint if exists group_sichten_pkey;
alter table if exists group_sichten drop constraint if exists pk_group_sicht;
alter table if exists group_sichtarten drop constraint if exists group_sichtarten_pkey;
alter table if exists group_sichtarten drop constraint if exists pk_group_sichtart;
alter table if exists sachgeb_sichten drop constraint if exists sachgeb_sichten_pkey;
alter table if exists sachgeb_sichten drop constraint if exists pk_sg_sicht;
alter table if exists sachgeb_sichtarten drop constraint if exists sachgeb_sichtarten_pkey;
alter table if exists sachgeb_sichtarten drop constraint if exists pk_sg_sichtart;
alter table if exists sx_repository drop constraint if exists sx_repository_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_repository drop constraint if exists pk_sx_repository;
alter table if exists user_pw drop constraint if exists user_pw_pkey;
alter table if exists user_pw drop constraint if exists pk_user_pw;
alter table if exists sx_downloads drop constraint if exists sx_downloads_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_downloads drop constraint if exists pk_sx_downloads;
alter table if exists download_group_bez drop constraint if exists download_group_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists download_group_bez drop constraint if exists c_downloadgroup_b;
alter table if exists download_user_bez drop constraint if exists download_user_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists download_user_bez drop constraint if exists c_downloaduser_b;
alter table if exists download_keyw_bez drop constraint if exists download_keyw_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists download_keyw_bez drop constraint if exists c_downloadthm_b;
alter table if exists sx_keywords drop constraint if exists sx_keywords_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_keywords drop constraint if exists c_sx_keywords;
alter table if exists user_startpage drop constraint if exists user_startpage_pkey;
alter table if exists user_startpage drop constraint if exists c_user_startpage;
alter table if exists user_startfields drop constraint if exists user_startfields_pkey;
alter table if exists user_startfields drop constraint if exists c_user_startfields;
alter table if exists user_dialog drop constraint if exists user_dialog_pkey;
alter table if exists user_dialog drop constraint if exists c_user_dialog;
alter table if exists user_dialog_accept drop constraint if exists user_dialog_accept_pkey;
alter table if exists user_dialog_accept drop constraint if exists c_user_dialog_accept;
alter table if exists user_hinweis drop constraint if exists user_hinweis_pkey;
alter table if exists user_hinweis drop constraint if exists c_usr_hinweis;
alter table if exists group_hinweis drop constraint if exists group_hinweis_pkey;
alter table if exists group_hinweis drop constraint if exists c_grp_hinweis;
alter table if exists unload_params drop constraint if exists unload_params_pkey;
alter table if exists unload_params drop constraint if exists c_unload_params;
alter table if exists sx_tables drop constraint if exists sx_tables_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_tables drop constraint if exists pk_sx_tables;
alter table if exists sx_fields drop constraint if exists sx_fields_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_fields drop constraint if exists pk_sx_fields;
alter table if exists dimension_bp drop constraint if exists dimension_bp_pkey;
alter table if exists dimension_bp drop constraint if exists c_dim_bp_tid;
alter table if exists dimension drop constraint if exists dimension_pkey;
alter table if exists dimension drop constraint if exists c_dim_tid;
alter table if exists mondrian_schema drop constraint if exists mondrian_schema_pkey;
alter table if exists mondrian_schema drop constraint if exists pk_mondrian_schema;
alter table if exists data_upload drop constraint if exists data_upload_pkey;
alter table if exists data_upload drop constraint if exists pk_data_upload;
alter table if exists update_prot drop constraint if exists update_prot_pkey;
alter table if exists update_prot drop constraint if exists pk_update_prot_tid;
alter table if exists user_preset_values drop constraint if exists user_preset_values_pkey;
alter table if exists user_preset_values drop constraint if exists c_user_preset_values;
alter table if exists sx_portlet drop constraint if exists sx_portlet_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_portlet drop constraint if exists c_sx_portlet;
alter table if exists user_portlet_bez drop constraint if exists user_portlet_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists user_portlet_bez drop constraint if exists c_user_portlet_bez;
alter table if exists group_portlet_bez drop constraint if exists group_portlet_bez_pkey;
alter table if exists group_portlet_bez drop constraint if exists c_group_portlet_bez;
alter table if exists sieve drop constraint if exists sieve_pkey;
alter table if exists sieve drop constraint if exists ix_sieve;
alter table if exists sieve_column_def drop constraint if exists sieve_column_def_pkey;
alter table if exists sieve_column_def drop constraint if exists ix_sieve_column_def;
alter table if exists sieve_column drop constraint if exists sieve_column_pkey;
alter table if exists sieve_column drop constraint if exists ix_sieve_column;
alter table if exists sieve_field drop constraint if exists sieve_field_pkey;
alter table if exists sieve_field drop constraint if exists ix_sieve_field;
alter table if exists sx_jobs drop constraint if exists sx_jobs_pkey;
alter table if exists sx_jobs drop constraint if exists ix_sx_jobs_pk;
alter table if exists kern_pruefrout drop constraint if exists kern_pruefrout_pkey;
alter table if exists kern_pruefrout drop constraint if exists ix_kern_pruef_tid;
alter table if exists masken_statistik drop constraint if exists masken_statistik_pkey;
alter table if exists masken_statistik drop constraint if exists masken_statistik_id;
alter table if exists dim_datum drop constraint if exists dim_datum_pkey;
alter table if exists dim_datum drop constraint if exists dim_datum_id;
alter table if exists etl_step drop constraint if exists etl_step_pkey;
alter table if exists etl_step drop constraint if exists etl_step_pk;
alter table if exists etl_step_type drop constraint if exists etl_step_type_pkey;
alter table if exists etl_step_type drop constraint if exists etl_step_type_pk;
alter table if exists etl_step_type_param drop constraint if exists etl_step_type_param_pkey;
alter table if exists etl_step_type_param drop constraint if exists etl_step_type_param_pk;
alter table if exists etl_step_property drop constraint if exists etl_step_property_pkey;
alter table if exists etl_step_property drop constraint if exists etl_step_property_pk;
alter table if exists etl_step_relation drop constraint if exists etl_step_relation_pkey;
alter table if exists etl_step_relation drop constraint if exists etl_step_relation_pk;
alter table if exists etl_job drop constraint if exists etl_job_pkey;
alter table if exists etl_job drop constraint if exists etl_job_pk;
alter table if exists etl_job_param drop constraint if exists etl_job_param_pkey;
alter table if exists etl_job_param drop constraint if exists etl_job_param_pk;
alter table if exists sichtart_rechttabelle add constraint sichtart_rechttabelle_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists group_field_pref add constraint group_field_pref_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists stylesheet_field add constraint stylesheet_field_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists db_tabellen add constraint db_tabellen_pkey primary key (tabellen_id);
alter table if exists db_forms add constraint db_forms_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists db_version add constraint db_version_pkey primary key (his_system,version);
alter table if exists aggregierung add constraint aggregierung_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sichten add constraint sichten_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists masken_felder_bez add constraint masken_felder_bez_pkey primary key (felderinfo_id,maskeninfo_id);
alter table if exists sachgebiete add constraint sachgebiete_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sachgeb_maske_bez add constraint sachgeb_maske_bez_pkey primary key (maskeninfo_id,sachgebiete_id);
alter table if exists sachgeb_dbform_bez add constraint sachgeb_dbform_bez_pkey primary key (dbform_id,sachgebiete_id);
alter table if exists user_masken_bez add constraint user_masken_bez_pkey primary key (maskeninfo_id,userinfo_id);
alter table if exists user_sachgeb_bez add constraint user_sachgeb_bez_pkey primary key (sachgebiete_id,userinfo_id);
alter table if exists macro_masken_bez add constraint macro_masken_bez_pkey primary key (maskeninfo_id1,maskeninfo_id2,active,sortnr);
alter table if exists graphicformat add constraint graphicformat_pkey primary key (id);
alter table if exists groupinfo add constraint groupinfo_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists user_group_bez add constraint user_group_bez_pkey primary key (groupinfo_id,userinfo_id);
alter table if exists group_sachgeb_bez add constraint group_sachgeb_bez_pkey primary key (groupinfo_id,sachgebiete_id);
alter table if exists group_masken_bez add constraint group_masken_bez_pkey primary key (groupinfo_id,maskeninfo_id);
alter table if exists aggre_bland add constraint aggre_bland_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists cif add constraint cif_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists cifx add constraint cifx_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists cifx_customize add constraint cifx_customize_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists felderinfo add constraint felderinfo_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists hochschulinfo add constraint hochschulinfo_pkey primary key (hs_nr);
alter table if exists maske_system_bez add constraint maske_system_bez_pkey primary key (maskeninfo_id,systeminfo_id);
alter table if exists maskeninfo add constraint maskeninfo_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists proto_funktion add constraint proto_funktion_pkey primary key (proto_fkt_id);
alter table if exists systeminfo add constraint systeminfo_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists user_einstellungen add constraint user_einstellungen_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists userinfo add constraint userinfo_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists themenbaum add constraint themenbaum_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists menu_element add constraint menu_element_pkey primary key (id);
alter table if exists dbconnections add constraint dbconnections_pkey primary key (id);
alter table if exists user_institution add constraint user_institution_pkey primary key (ch110_institut,gueltig_bis,gueltig_seit,userid);
alter table if exists user_kostentraeger add constraint user_kostentraeger_pkey primary key (key_apnr,userid);
alter table if exists protokoll add constraint protokoll_pkey primary key (protokoll_id);
alter table if exists trans_inst add constraint trans_inst_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists konstanten add constraint konstanten_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sx_stylesheets add constraint sx_stylesheets_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sx_mask_style add constraint sx_mask_style_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sx_stylesheet_param add constraint sx_stylesheet_param_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sx_captions add constraint sx_captions_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists fm_templates add constraint fm_templates_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists user_sichten add constraint user_sichten_pkey primary key (userinfo_id,sicht_name_intern);
alter table if exists user_sichtarten add constraint user_sichtarten_pkey primary key (userinfo_id,sichtart);
alter table if exists group_sichten add constraint group_sichten_pkey primary key (groupinfo_id,sicht_name_intern);
alter table if exists group_sichtarten add constraint group_sichtarten_pkey primary key (groupinfo_id,sichtart);
alter table if exists sachgeb_sichten add constraint sachgeb_sichten_pkey primary key (sachgebiete_id,sicht_name_intern);
alter table if exists sachgeb_sichtarten add constraint sachgeb_sichtarten_pkey primary key (sachgebiete_id,sichtart);
alter table if exists sx_repository add constraint sx_repository_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists user_pw add constraint user_pw_pkey primary key (userinfo_id);
alter table if exists sx_downloads add constraint sx_downloads_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists download_group_bez add constraint download_group_bez_pkey primary key (groupinfo_id,download_id);
alter table if exists download_user_bez add constraint download_user_bez_pkey primary key (userinfo_id,download_id);
alter table if exists download_keyw_bez add constraint download_keyw_bez_pkey primary key (keyword_id,download_id);
alter table if exists sx_keywords add constraint sx_keywords_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists user_startpage add constraint user_startpage_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists user_startfields add constraint user_startfields_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists user_dialog add constraint user_dialog_pkey primary key (id);
alter table if exists user_dialog_accept add constraint user_dialog_accept_pkey primary key (userinfo_id,user_dialog_id);
alter table if exists user_hinweis add constraint user_hinweis_pkey primary key (userinfo_id,hinweise_id);
alter table if exists group_hinweis add constraint group_hinweis_pkey primary key (groupinfo_id,hinweise_id);
alter table if exists unload_params add constraint unload_params_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sx_tables add constraint sx_tables_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sx_fields add constraint sx_fields_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists dimension_bp add constraint dimension_bp_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists dimension add constraint dimension_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists mondrian_schema add constraint mondrian_schema_pkey primary key (id);
alter table if exists data_upload add constraint data_upload_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists update_prot add constraint update_prot_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists user_preset_values add constraint user_preset_values_pkey primary key (userinfo_id,felderinfo_id);
alter table if exists sx_portlet add constraint sx_portlet_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists user_portlet_bez add constraint user_portlet_bez_pkey primary key (portlet_id,userinfo_id);
alter table if exists group_portlet_bez add constraint group_portlet_bez_pkey primary key (portlet_id,groupinfo_id);
alter table if exists sieve add constraint sieve_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sieve_column_def add constraint sieve_column_def_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sieve_column add constraint sieve_column_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sieve_field add constraint sieve_field_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists sx_jobs add constraint sx_jobs_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists kern_pruefrout add constraint kern_pruefrout_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists masken_statistik add constraint masken_statistik_pkey primary key (id);
alter table if exists dim_datum add constraint dim_datum_pkey primary key (id);
alter table if exists etl_step add constraint etl_step_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists etl_step_type add constraint etl_step_type_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists etl_step_type_param add constraint etl_step_type_param_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists etl_step_property add constraint etl_step_property_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists etl_step_relation add constraint etl_step_relation_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists etl_job add constraint etl_job_pkey primary key (tid);
alter table if exists etl_job_param add constraint etl_job_param_pkey primary key (tid);


@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
--SQL Script automatisch generiert von SuperX module_upgrade.xsl
--Freemarker Template
<sqlvar name="views" type="list">
<sqlvar name="views">
tabname as tabelle from systables where tabname
tabid,tabname as tabelle from systables where tabname
in ('user_groups',


@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
--SQL Script automatisch generiert von SuperX module_upgrade.xsl
--Freemarker Template
<sqlvar name="views" type="list">
<sqlvar name="views">
select relname,relname as tabelle from pg_class where relname::varchar(200) in ('user_groups',


Binary file not shown.