8 changed files with 162 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
47060^Hochschule^0^0^0^100^150^3^char^30^0^12^<<SQL>> select tid, type, name,sortnr from sichten where art in('KENN-Kostenstellen-Sicht','KENN-Hochschulen-Sicht') order by sortnr, name;^^ ^ |
47061^Seit Semester^1^0^0^130^80^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select tid,druck from kenn_semester where tid in (select semester from sxc_stud_sem_da_geschl_hs) order by tid DESC;^^<<SQL>> select tid,druck from kenn_semester where today() between sem_beginn and sem_ende;^ |
47062^Bis Semester^3^330^-1^130^100^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select tid,druck from kenn_semester where tid in (select semester from sxc_stud_sem_da_geschl_hs) order by tid DESC;^ ^<<SQL>> select tid,druck from kenn_semester where today() between sem_beginn and sem_ende;^ |
47071^Geschlecht^37^0^0^140^80^1^char^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select apnr, name from xcube_dims where id='auspraegung_code_3' order by 1^hidden^^ |
47072^Felder^125^0^0^150^190^10^char^30^0^999^<<SQL>>\ |
--freemarker template\ |
select trim(F.table_name) || '.' || F.name,trim(T.caption) || ':' || trim(F.caption) || ' - ' || trim(F.name) from sx_fields F,\ |
sx_tables T where F.table_name=T.name and F.currentlyused=1\ |
--Pseudonyme eingeschaltet:\ |
and (F.name != 'matrikel_nr' or 0=(select \ |
count(*) from konstanten where beschreibung='SOS_MTKNR_EXT'\ |
and apnr=1)) \ |
<#if <<tablestylesheet>>='tabelle_html_datenblatt.xsl'>\ |
and (F.table_name ='sos_stg_aggr'\ |
/* or F.table_name in (<<Weitere Tabellen>>) */) \ |
<#else>\ |
and trim(F.table_name) || '.' || F.name in (select trim(tablename)||'.'||trim(fieldname) from stylesheet_field where stylesheet_id in \ |
(select tid from sx_stylesheets where filename=<<tablestylesheet>>))\ |
</#if>\ |
order by 2;^^^ |
47073^Nationalität^38^0^0^100^150^3^char^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select apnr, name from xcube_dims where id='auspraegung_code_2' order by 1^hidden^ ^ |
47074^Schlüssel anzeigen^150^0^0^100^100^1^integer^30^1^999^<<SQL>> select 1,'Ja' from xdummy union select 0,'Nein' from xdummy^^<<SQL>> select 1,'Ja' from xdummy^ |
47075^Ansicht in Ergebniszeilen^121^0^0^100^200^1^char^200^1^1^<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=${Maskennummer} and is_rowdim=1 order by 2^hidden^<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=${Maskennummer} and is_rowdefault=1^ |
47076^Ansicht in Ergebnisspalten^2001^0^0^100^150^1^char^200^1^1^<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=${Maskennummer} and is_coldim=1 order by 2^hidden^<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=${Maskennummer} and is_coldefault=1^ |
47079^Leere Zeilen ausblenden^130^350^-1^140^80^1^char^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select 'ja','ja' from xdummy union select 'nein','nein' from xdummy^ ^<<SQL>> select 'ja','ja' from xdummy^ |
47080^Leere Spalten ausblenden^2020^0^0^100^100^1^char^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select 'ja','ja' from xdummy union select 'nein','nein' from xdummy^^<<SQL>> select 'ja','ja' from xdummy^ |
47082^Kennzahl^3000^350^-1^150^180^1^integer^200^1^1^<<SQL>> select tid,name from xcube_kennzahl where maskeninfo_id=${Maskennummer} order by sortnr,name;^hidden^<<SQL>> select tid,name from xcube_kennzahl where maskeninfo_id=${Maskennummer} and is_default=1^ |
47083^2.Ansicht in Zeilen^125^0^0^100^100^1^char^50^0^999^<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=${Maskennummer} and is_secondrowdim=1 order by 1^hidden^1^ |
47084^Visualisierung auf Ebene^10001^0^0^140^80^1^integer^30^0^0^ ^^^ |
47088^Spaltenvisualisierung^10000^0^0^140^80^1^char^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select '_graph','Balken (horiz. linksb.)' from xdummy\ |
union select '_graphbarright','Balken (horiz. rechtsb.)' from xdummy\ |
union select '_graphbaralternating','Balken (horiz. rechtsb./linksb.)' from xdummy\ |
union select '_sparkbar','Balkendiagramm' from xdummy\ |
where 0 < (select count(*) from sx_stylesheets where filename='tabelle_html_viz.xsl')\ |
union select '_sparkline','Liniendiagramm' from xdummy\ |
where 0 < (select count(*) from sx_stylesheets where filename='tabelle_html_viz.xsl')\ |
order by 1^^^ |
47089^Zeilenfilter bis Ebene^140^0^0^140^80^1^integer^30^0^0^ ^^^ |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
47060^360^ |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
47060^47060^ |
47060^47061^ |
47060^47062^ |
47060^47063^ |
47060^47064^ |
47060^47065^ |
47060^47066^ |
47060^47067^ |
47060^47068^ |
47060^47069^ |
47060^47070^ |
47060^47071^ |
47060^47072^ |
47060^47073^ |
47060^47074^ |
47060^47075^ |
47060^47076^ |
47060^47077^ |
47060^47078^ |
47060^47079^ |
47060^47080^ |
47060^47081^ |
47060^47082^ |
47060^47083^ |
47060^47084^ |
47060^47085^ |
47060^47086^ |
47060^47087^ |
47060^47088^ |
47060^47089^ |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
47060^Gesamtbericht Studierende nach Geschlecht und Nationalität^ ^ ^Altersgruppe^Anzahl^Makro zu Studierendenzahlen. Es ruft die Abfrage Kreuztabelle Studierendenzahlen auf: Ausgaben zu Geschlecht-Semester, Nationalität-Semester, Geschlecht-Hochschule, Nationalität-Hochschule^ ^ ^1^700^360^0^1^ ^ |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
360^47060^ |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
delete from macro_feld_wert where macro=47060; |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,10,'Ansicht in Ergebniszeilen','<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=47030 and caption=''Semester'' order by 2',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,10,'Ansicht in Ergebnisspalten','<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=47030 and caption=''Geschlecht'' order by 2',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,20,'Ansicht in Ergebniszeilen','<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=47030 and caption=''Semester'' order by 2',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,20,'Ansicht in Ergebnisspalten','<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=47030 and caption=''Nationalität'' order by 2',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,30,'Ansicht in Ergebniszeilen','<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=47030 and caption=''Hochschule'' order by 2',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,30,'Ansicht in Ergebnisspalten','<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=47030 and caption=''Geschlecht'' order by 2',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,40,'Ansicht in Ergebniszeilen','<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=47030 and caption=''Hochschule'' order by 2',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,40,'Ansicht in Ergebnisspalten','<<SQL>> select name,caption from xcube_dimconfig where maskeninfo_id=47030 and caption=''Nationalität'' order by 2',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,10,'Kennzahl','<<SQL>> select tid,name from xcube_kennzahl where maskeninfo_id=47030 order by sortnr,name;',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,20,'Kennzahl','<<SQL>> select tid,name from xcube_kennzahl where maskeninfo_id=47030 order by sortnr,name;',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,30,'Kennzahl','<<SQL>> select tid,name from xcube_kennzahl where maskeninfo_id=47030 order by sortnr,name;',1); |
insert into macro_feld_wert (macro, sortnr, feldname, value, active) |
values (47060,40,'Kennzahl','<<SQL>> select tid,name from xcube_kennzahl where maskeninfo_id=47030 order by sortnr,name;',1); |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
delete from macro_masken_bez where maskeninfo_id1=47060; |
insert into macro_masken_bez(maskeninfo_id1, maskeninfo_id2, active, sortnr) |
values (47060,47030,1,10); |
insert into macro_masken_bez(maskeninfo_id1, maskeninfo_id2, active, sortnr) |
values (47060,47030,1,20); |
insert into macro_masken_bez(maskeninfo_id1, maskeninfo_id2, active, sortnr) |
values (47060,47030,1,30); |
insert into macro_masken_bez(maskeninfo_id1, maskeninfo_id2, active, sortnr) |
values (47060,47030,1,40); |
Reference in new issue