LM-Modul SOSPOS-Version, möglich ist 13 (gilt für alle Versionen). Bei HISinOne wird sie automatisch gesetzt. Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert ein Filter für die H1-Tabelle k_adresstag mit alias AT, z.B. "AT.hiskey_id=8", wenn nein, dann ist er "1=0" Wird bei Datenquelle HISinOne ausgewertet. Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert "true", wenn nein, dann ist es "false". Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert "true", wenn nein, dann ist es "false". PNR Konstanten aus POS entladen PNR Konstanten aus POS entladen = tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_to or D.valid_to is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) ); --wenn degree nicht ermittelt werden kann, dann ohne Historisierung update tmp_lm_course_of_study set degree_id=(select min(D.id) from degree D where D.lid=tmp_lm_course_of_study.degree_lid ) where degree_id is null ; --subject update tmp_lm_course_of_study set subject_id=(select D.id from subject D where D.lid=tmp_lm_course_of_study.subject_lid and (D.valid_from <= tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from or D.valid_from is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) and (D.valid_to >= tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_to or D.valid_to is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) ); --wenn subject nicht ermittelt werden kann, dann ohne Historisierung update tmp_lm_course_of_study set subject_id=(select min(D.id) from subject D where D.lid=tmp_lm_course_of_study.subject_lid ) where subject_id is null ; --major_field_of_study update tmp_lm_course_of_study set major_field_of_study_id=(select D.id from major_field_of_study D where D.lid=tmp_lm_course_of_study.major_field_of_study_lid and (D.valid_from <= tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from or D.valid_from is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) and (D.valid_to >= tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_to or D.valid_to is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) ); --course_specialization_lid update tmp_lm_course_of_study set course_specialization_id=(select D.id from course_specialization D where D.lid=tmp_lm_course_of_study.course_specialization_lid and (D.valid_from <= tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from or D.valid_from is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) and (D.valid_to >= tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_to or D.valid_to is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) ); --orgunit update tmp_lm_course_of_study set orgunit_id=(select D.id from orgunit D where D.lid=tmp_lm_course_of_study.orgunit_lid and (D.valid_from <= tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from or D.valid_from is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) and (D.valid_to >= tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_to or D.valid_to is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) ); --wenn Studiengang heute gültig ist und orgunit historisiert, nimmt er den aktuellen FB update tmp_lm_course_of_study set orgunit_id=(select D.id from orgunit D where D.lid=tmp_lm_course_of_study.orgunit_lid and current_date between D.valid_from and D.valid_to) where current_date between valid_from and valid_to and orgunit_id is null; --teachingunit_orgunit_lid update tmp_lm_course_of_study set teachingunit_orgunit_id=(select D.id from orgunit D where D.lid=tmp_lm_course_of_study.teachingunit_orgunit_lid and (D.valid_from <= tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from or D.valid_from is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) and (D.valid_to >= tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_to or D.valid_to is null or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_lm_course_of_study.valid_from is null) ) ) where teachingunit_orgunit_lid is not null; --wenn Studiengang heute gültig ist und orgunit historisiert, nimmt er aktuelle LE update tmp_lm_course_of_study set teachingunit_orgunit_id=(select D.id from orgunit D where D.lid=tmp_lm_course_of_study.teachingunit_orgunit_lid and current_date between D.valid_from and D.valid_to) where current_date between valid_from and valid_to and teachingunit_orgunit_id is null; --k_field_of_study update tmp_lm_course_of_study set k_field_of_study_id=(select S.k_field_of_study_id from subject S where S.id=tmp_lm_course_of_study.subject_id) where k_field_of_study_id is null; --hochprojizieren auf Fächergruppe update tmp_lm_course_of_study set k_field_of_study_id=(select K.parent_id from k_field_of_study K where K.id=tmp_lm_course_of_study.k_field_of_study_id); --is_historized=1 wenn es mehrere Studiengänge pro LID gibt update tmp_lm_course_of_study set is_historized=1 where 1 < (select count(*) from course_of_study C where C.lid=tmp_lm_course_of_study.lid); create index tmp_lm_i_tc1 on tmp_lm_course_of_study(lid); ]]> wichtige Konstanten aus SOS entladen, z.B. HISSOS-Version. Pruefungsordnungsdaten Pruefungsordnungsdaten Studiengänge Pruefungsordnungsdaten Pruefungsdaten Pruefungsordnungsdaten Pruefungsdaten Prüfernamen Pruefungsdaten Anerkennungsdaten Schlüsseltabelle cifx Beendigung