243 lines
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243 lines
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Title: Options Tutorial |
This document will help you understand how jqPlot's options |
relate to the API documentation and the jqPlot object |
itself. For a listing of options available to jqPlot, |
see <jqPlot Options> in the jqPlotOptions.txt file. |
The key to effectively using jqPlot is understanding jqPlot's |
options. The online documentation is API documentation. While |
it explains what attributes and methods various objects possess, |
it doesn't explain how to use or set those attributes through |
options. This tutorial will help explain that. |
Let's assume you are creating a plot |
like this: |
> chart = $.jqplot('chart', dataSeries, optionsObj); |
First, note that you shouldn't try to directly set attributes on the |
"chart" object (like chart.grid.shadow) after your call to $.jqplot(). |
At best this won't do anything **(see below). You should pass options in via |
the "optionsObj". |
The optionsObj really represents the plot object (jqPlot object, not |
to be confused with the $.jqplot function which will create a jqPlot |
object). Attributes you specify on that object will be merged with |
attributes in the jqPlot object. The axes, legend, series, etc. are |
attributes on the jqPlot object. The jqPlot/optionsObj object looks |
something like (only some attributes shown): |
> jqPlot-| |
> |-seriesColors |
> |-textColor |
> |-fontFamily |
> |-fontSize |
> |-stackSeries |
> |-series(Array)-| |
> | |-Series1-| |
> | | |-lineWidth |
> | | |-linePattern |
> | | |-shadow |
> | | |-showLine |
> | | |-showMarker |
> | | |-color |
> | |-Series2... |
> | |-... |
> | |-SeriesN |
> | |
> |-grid(Object)-| |
> | |-drawGridLines |
> | |-background |
> | |-borderColor |
> | |-borderWidth |
> | |-shadow |
> | |
> |-title(Object)-| |
> | |-text |
> | |-show |
> | |-fontFamily |
> | |-fontSize |
> | |-textAlign |
> | |-textColor |
> | |
> |-axes(Object)-| |
> | |-xais-| |
> | | |-min |
> | | |-max |
> | | |-numberTicks |
> | | |-showTicks |
> | | |-showTickMarks |
> | | |-pad |
> | |
> | ... and so on |
The optionsObj should follow the same construction as if it were a |
jqPlot object (with some exceptions/shortcuts I'll mention in a |
moment). So generally, when you see something like |
"this.drawGridLines" in the grid properties in the docs, just replace |
"this" with "grid" in your options object. So it becomes |
optionsObj.grid.drawGridLines. Do likewise with the other objects in |
the plot, replacing "this", with the respective attribute on the plot |
like "legend" or "title". Series and Axes are handled a little |
differently, because series is an array and axes has 4 distinct children |
"xaxis", "yaxis", "x2axis" and "y2axis". |
So, to remove the shadow from the grid and change the grid border size |
you would do: |
> optionObj = {grid:{shadow:false, borderWidth:9.0}}; |
To do the same as above but also make all the text in the plot red you |
would do: |
> optionObj = { |
> textColor:"#ff0000", |
> grid:{shadow:false, borderWidth:9.0} |
> } |
Here is a more deeply nested example. Say you want to specify a min |
and max on your y axis and use a specific color for your second |
series. That would look like: |
> optionsObj = { |
> axes:{yaxis:{min:5, max:230}}, |
> series:[{},{color:"#33ff66"}] |
> } |
Note that series options are an array in order of the series data you |
sent in to your plot. To get to the second series, you have to put an |
object (even if empty) in place of the first series. |
There is a handy shortcut to assign options to all axes or all series |
at one go. Use axesDefaults and seriesDefaults. So, if you wanted |
both x and y axes to start at 0 and you wanted all series to not show |
markers, you could do: |
> optionsObj = {axesDefaults:{min:0}, seriesDefaults:{showMarker:false}} |
Another shortcut is for the plot title. Normally, you would assign |
options to the title as an object. If you specify a title option as a |
string, it will assign that to the title.text property automatically. |
So these two are equivalent: |
> optionsObj = {title:{text:"My Plot"}} |
and |
> optionsObj = {title:"My Plot"} |
Where things need more explanation is with renderers, plugins and |
their options. Briefly, what's the difference between a renderer and |
a plugin. |
A renderer is an object that is used to draw something and gets |
attached to an existing object in the plot in order to draw it. A |
plugin does more than just provide drawing functionality to an |
object; it can calculate a trend line, change the |
cursor, provide event driven functionality, etc. I consider renderers |
plugins, but plugins don't have to be renderers. |
So, how do you use renderers and plugins, and specify their options? |
Some common renderers are for bar charts and category axes. If you |
want to render your series as a bar chart with each set of bars |
showing up in a category on the x axis, you do: |
> optionsObj = { |
> seriesDefaults:{renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer}, |
> axes:{xaxis:{renderer:$.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer}} |
> } |
This replaces the default renderer used for all series in the plot |
with a bar renderer and the x axis default renderer (but not any other |
axis) with a category renderer. |
Now, how would I assign options to those renderers? The renderer's |
attributes may not be present in the pre-existing jqPlot object, they |
may be specific to the renderer. This is done through the |
"rendererOptions" option on the appropriate object. So, if I wanted my |
bars to be 25 pixels wide, I would do: |
> optionsObj = { |
> seriesDefaults:{ |
> renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer}, |
> rendererOptions:{ |
> barWidth:25 |
> }, |
> axes:{xaxis:{renderer:$.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer}} |
> } |
Again, this is using the "seriesDefaults" option, which will apply |
options to all series in the plot. You could do the same on any |
particular series in the plot through the "series" options array. |
Plugins are free to add their own options. For example, the |
highlighter plugin has its own set of options that are unique to it. |
As a result, it responds to options placed in the "highlighter" |
attribute of your options object. So, if I wanted to change the |
highlighter tooltip to fade in and out slowly and be positioned |
directly above the point I'm highlighting: |
> optionsObj = { |
> highlighter:{tooltipFadeSpeed:'slow', tooltipLocation:'n'} |
> } |
Other plugins, like dragable and trendlines, add their options in with |
the series. (Yes, that's the correct name for the dragable plugin; it |
doesn't use the correct spelling of "draggable".) |
This is because both of those plugins can have different |
options for different series in the plot. So, if you wanted to specify the |
color for the dragable plugin and constrain it to drag only on the x axis as well |
as specify the color of the trend line you could do: |
> series:[{ |
> dragable: { |
> color: '#ff3366', |
> constrainTo: 'x' |
> }, |
> trendline: { |
> color: '#cccccc' |
> } |
> }] |
This would apply those options to the first series only. If you had 2 series |
and wanted to turn off dragging and trend lines on the second series, you could do: |
> series:[{ |
> dragable: { |
> color: '#ff3366', |
> constrainTo: 'x' |
> }, |
> trendline: { |
> color: '#cccccc' |
> } |
> }, { |
> isDragable: false, |
> trendline:{ |
> show: false |
> } |
> }] |
Note, series draggability is turned off with the "isDragable" option directly on |
the series itself, not with a suboption of "dragable". This may be improved |
in the future. |
I hope this is helpful. |
A few key points to remember: |
- When you see "this" in the api docs, you generally replace it with |
the name of the object (in lowercase) you are looking at in your |
options object. |
- seriesDefaults and axesDefaults are convenient shortcuts. |
- to assign options to a renderer, generally use the "rendererOptions" |
- plugins may add their own options attribute, like "highlighter" or |
"cursor". |
** Note: you can set attributes after the plot is created (like |
plot.grid.shadow = false), but you'll have to issue the appropriate |
calls to possibly reinitialize and redraw the plot. jqPlot can |
definitely handle this to change the plot after creation (this is how |
the dragable plugin updates the plot data and the trend line plugin |
recomputes itself when data changes). This hasn't been documented |
yet, however.