671 lines
18 KiB
671 lines
18 KiB
/* |
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation |
All Rights Reserved. |
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the |
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see: |
http://dojotoolkit.org/community/licensing.shtml |
*/ |
dojo.provide("dojo.docs"); |
dojo.require("dojo.io.*"); |
dojo.require("dojo.event.topic"); |
dojo.require("dojo.rpc.JotService"); |
dojo.require("dojo.dom"); |
dojo.require("dojo.uri.Uri"); |
dojo.require("dojo.Deferred"); |
dojo.require("dojo.DeferredList"); |
/* |
* TODO: |
* |
* Package summary needs to compensate for "is" |
* Handle host environments |
* Deal with dojo.widget weirdness |
* Parse parameters |
* Limit function parameters to only the valid ones (Involves packing parameters onto meta during rewriting) |
* |
*/ |
dojo.docs = new function() { |
this._url = dojo.uri.dojoUri("docscripts"); |
this._rpc = new dojo.rpc.JotService; |
this._rpc.serviceUrl = dojo.uri.dojoUri("docscripts/jsonrpc.php"); |
}; |
dojo.lang.mixin(dojo.docs, { |
_count: 0, |
_callbacks: {function_names: []}, |
_cache: {}, // Saves the JSON objects in cache |
require: function(/*String*/ require, /*bool*/ sync) { |
dojo.debug("require(): " + require); |
var parts = require.split("/"); |
var size = parts.length; |
var deferred = new dojo.Deferred; |
var args = { |
mimetype: "text/json", |
load: function(type, data){ |
dojo.debug("require(): loaded for " + require); |
if(parts[0] != "function_names") { |
for(var i = 0, part; part = parts[i]; i++){ |
data = data[part]; |
} |
} |
deferred.callback(data); |
}, |
error: function(){ |
deferred.errback(); |
} |
}; |
if(location.protocol == "file:"){ |
if(size){ |
if(parts[parts.length - 1] == "documentation"){ |
parts[parts.length - 1] = "meta"; |
} |
if(parts[0] == "function_names"){ |
args.url = [this._url, "local_json", "function_names"].join("/"); |
}else{ |
var dirs = parts[0].split("."); |
args.url = [this._url, "local_json", dirs[0]].join("/"); |
if(dirs.length > 1){ |
args.url = [args.url, dirs[1]].join("."); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
dojo.io.bind(args); |
return deferred; |
}, |
getFunctionNames: function(){ |
return this.require("function_names"); // dojo.Deferred |
}, |
unFormat: function(/*String*/ string){ |
var fString = string; |
if(string.charAt(string.length - 1) == "_"){ |
fString = [string.substring(0, string.length - 1), "*"].join(""); |
} |
return fString; |
}, |
getMeta: function(/*String*/ pkg, /*String*/ name, /*Function*/ callback, /*String?*/ id){ |
// summary: Gets information about a function in regards to its meta data |
if(typeof name == "function"){ |
// pId: a |
// pkg: ignore |
id = callback; |
callback = name; |
name = pkg; |
pkg = null; |
dojo.debug("getMeta(" + name + ")"); |
}else{ |
dojo.debug("getMeta(" + pkg + "/" + name + ")"); |
} |
if(!id){ |
id = "_"; |
} |
}, |
_withPkg: function(/*String*/ type, /*Object*/ data, /*Object*/ evt, /*Object*/ input, /*String*/ newType){ |
dojo.debug("_withPkg(" + evt.name + ") has package: " + data[0]); |
evt.pkg = data[0]; |
if("load" == type && evt.pkg){ |
evt.type = newType; |
}else{ |
if(evt.callbacks && evt.callbacks.length){ |
evt.callbacks.shift()("error", {}, evt, evt.input); |
} |
} |
}, |
_gotMeta: function(/*String*/ type, /*Object*/ data, /*Object*/ evt){ |
dojo.debug("_gotMeta(" + evt.name + ")"); |
var cached = dojo.docs._getCache(evt.pkg, evt.name, "meta", "functions", evt.id); |
if(cached.summary){ |
data.summary = cached.summary; |
} |
if(evt.callbacks && evt.callbacks.length){ |
evt.callbacks.shift()(type, data, evt, evt.input); |
} |
}, |
getSrc: function(/*String*/ name, /*Function*/ callback, /*String?*/ id){ |
// summary: Gets src file (created by the doc parser) |
dojo.debug("getSrc(" + name + ")"); |
if(!id){ |
id = "_"; |
} |
}, |
getDoc: function(/*String*/ name, /*Function*/ callback, /*String?*/ id){ |
// summary: Gets external documentation stored on Jot for a given function |
dojo.debug("getDoc(" + name + ")"); |
if(!id){ |
id = "_"; |
} |
var input = {}; |
input.type = "doc"; |
input.name = name; |
input.callbacks = [callback]; |
}, |
_gotDoc: function(/*String*/ type, /*Array*/ data, /*Object*/ evt, /*Object*/ input){ |
dojo.debug("_gotDoc(" + evt.type + ")"); |
evt[evt.type] = data; |
if(evt.expects && evt.expects.doc){ |
for(var i = 0, expect; expect = evt.expects.doc[i]; i++){ |
if(!(expect in evt)){ |
dojo.debug("_gotDoc() waiting for more data"); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
var cache = dojo.docs._getCache(evt.pkg, "meta", "functions", evt.name, evt.id, "meta"); |
var description = evt.fn.description; |
cache.description = description; |
data = { |
returns: evt.fn.returns, |
id: evt.id, |
variables: [] |
} |
if(!cache.parameters){ |
cache.parameters = {}; |
} |
for(var i = 0, param; param = evt.param[i]; i++){ |
var fName = param["DocParamForm/name"]; |
if(!cache.parameters[fName]){ |
cache.parameters[fName] = {}; |
} |
cache.parameters[fName].description = param["DocParamForm/desc"] |
} |
data.description = cache.description; |
data.parameters = cache.parameters; |
evt.type = "doc"; |
if(evt.callbacks && evt.callbacks.length){ |
evt.callbacks.shift()("load", data, evt, input); |
} |
}, |
getPkgDoc: function(/*String*/ name, /*Function*/ callback){ |
// summary: Gets external documentation stored on Jot for a given package |
dojo.debug("getPkgDoc(" + name + ")"); |
var input = {}; |
}, |
getPkgInfo: function(/*String*/ name, /*Function*/ callback){ |
// summary: Gets a combination of the metadata and external documentation for a given package |
dojo.debug("getPkgInfo(" + name + ")"); |
var input = { |
expects: { |
pkginfo: ["pkgmeta", "pkgdoc"] |
}, |
callback: callback |
}; |
dojo.docs.getPkgMeta(input, name, dojo.docs._getPkgInfo); |
dojo.docs.getPkgDoc(input, name, dojo.docs._getPkgInfo); |
}, |
_getPkgInfo: function(/*String*/ type, /*Object*/ data, /*Object*/ evt){ |
dojo.debug("_getPkgInfo() for " + evt.type); |
var input = {}; |
var results = {}; |
if(typeof key == "object"){ |
input = key; |
input[evt.type] = data; |
if(input.expects && input.expects.pkginfo){ |
for(var i = 0, expect; expect = input.expects.pkginfo[i]; i++){ |
if(!(expect in input)){ |
dojo.debug("_getPkgInfo() waiting for more data"); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
results = input.pkgmeta; |
results.description = input.pkgdoc; |
} |
if(input.callback){ |
input.callback("load", results, evt); |
} |
}, |
getInfo: function(/*String*/ name, /*Function*/ callback){ |
dojo.debug("getInfo(" + name + ")"); |
var input = { |
expects: { |
"info": ["meta", "doc"] |
}, |
callback: callback |
} |
dojo.docs.getMeta(input, name, dojo.docs._getInfo); |
dojo.docs.getDoc(input, name, dojo.docs._getInfo); |
}, |
_getInfo: function(/*String*/ type, /*String*/ data, /*Object*/ evt, /*Object*/ input){ |
dojo.debug("_getInfo(" + evt.type + ")"); |
if(input && input.expects && input.expects.info){ |
input[evt.type] = data; |
for(var i = 0, expect; expect = input.expects.info[i]; i++){ |
if(!(expect in input)){ |
dojo.debug("_getInfo() waiting for more data"); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
if(input.callback){ |
input.callback("load", dojo.docs._getCache(evt.pkg, "meta", "functions", evt.name, evt.id, "meta"), evt, input); |
} |
}, |
_getMainText: function(/*String*/ text){ |
// summary: Grabs the innerHTML from a Jot Rech Text node |
dojo.debug("_getMainText()"); |
return text.replace(/^<html[^<]*>/, "").replace(/<\/html>$/, "").replace(/<\w+\s*\/>/g, ""); |
}, |
getPackageMeta: function(/*Object*/ input){ |
dojo.debug("getPackageMeta(): " + input.package); |
return this.require(input.package + "/meta", input.sync); |
}, |
getFunctionMeta: function(/*Object*/ input){ |
var package = input.package || ""; |
var name = input.name; |
var id = input.id || "_"; |
dojo.debug("getFunctionMeta(): " + name); |
if(!name) return; |
if(package){ |
return this.require(package + "/meta/functions/" + name + "/" + id + "/meta"); |
}else{ |
this.getFunctionNames(); |
} |
}, |
getFunctionDocumentation: function(/*Object*/ input){ |
var package = input.package || ""; |
var name = input.name; |
var id = input.id || "_"; |
dojo.debug("getFunctionDocumentation(): " + name); |
if(!name) return; |
if(package){ |
return this.require(package + "/meta/functions/" + name + "/" + id + "/documentation"); |
} |
}, |
_onDocSearch: function(/*Object*/ input){ |
var _this = this; |
var name = input.name.toLowerCase(); |
if(!name) return; |
this.getFunctionNames().addCallback(function(data){ |
dojo.debug("_onDocSearch(): function names loaded for " + name); |
var output = []; |
var list = []; |
var closure = function(pkg, fn) { |
return function(data){ |
dojo.debug("_onDocSearch(): package meta loaded for: " + pkg); |
if(data.functions){ |
var functions = data.functions; |
for(var key in functions){ |
if(fn == key){ |
var ids = functions[key]; |
for(var id in ids){ |
var fnMeta = ids[id]; |
output.push({ |
package: pkg, |
name: fn, |
id: id, |
summary: fnMeta.summary |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return output; |
} |
} |
pkgLoop: |
for(var pkg in data){ |
if(pkg.toLowerCase() == name){ |
name = pkg; |
dojo.debug("_onDocSearch found a package"); |
//dojo.docs._onDocSelectPackage(input); |
return; |
} |
for(var i = 0, fn; fn = data[pkg][i]; i++){ |
if(fn.toLowerCase().indexOf(name) != -1){ |
dojo.debug("_onDocSearch(): Search matched " + fn); |
var meta = _this.getPackageMeta({package: pkg}); |
meta.addCallback(closure(pkg, fn)); |
list.push(meta); |
// Build a list of all packages that need to be loaded and their loaded state. |
continue pkgLoop; |
} |
} |
} |
list = new dojo.DeferredList(list); |
list.addCallback(function(results){ |
dojo.debug("_onDocSearch(): All packages loaded"); |
_this._printFunctionResults(results[0][1]); |
}); |
}); |
}, |
_onDocSearchFn: function(/*String*/ type, /*Array*/ data, /*Object*/ evt){ |
dojo.debug("_onDocSearchFn(" + evt.name + ")"); |
var name = evt.name || evt.pkg; |
dojo.debug("_onDocSearchFn found a function"); |
evt.pkgs = packages; |
evt.pkg = name; |
evt.loaded = 0; |
for(var i = 0, pkg; pkg = packages[i]; i++){ |
dojo.docs.getPkgMeta(evt, pkg, dojo.docs._onDocResults); |
} |
}, |
_onPkgResults: function(/*String*/ type, /*Object*/ data, /*Object*/ evt, /*Object*/ input){ |
dojo.debug("_onPkgResults(" + evt.type + ")"); |
var description = ""; |
var path = ""; |
var methods = {}; |
var requires = {}; |
if(input){ |
input[evt.type] = data; |
if(input.expects && input.expects.pkgresults){ |
for(var i = 0, expect; expect = input.expects.pkgresults[i]; i++){ |
if(!(expect in input)){ |
dojo.debug("_onPkgResults() waiting for more data"); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
path = input.pkgdoc.path; |
description = input.pkgdoc.description; |
methods = input.pkgmeta.methods; |
requires = input.pkgmeta.requires; |
} |
var pkg = evt.name.replace("_", "*"); |
var results = { |
path: path, |
description: description, |
size: 0, |
methods: [], |
pkg: pkg, |
requires: requires |
} |
var rePrivate = /_[^.]+$/; |
for(var method in methods){ |
if(!rePrivate.test(method)){ |
for(var pId in methods[method]){ |
results.methods.push({ |
pkg: pkg, |
name: method, |
id: pId, |
summary: methods[method][pId].summary |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
results.size = results.methods.length; |
dojo.docs._printPkgResult(results); |
}, |
_onDocResults: function(/*String*/ type, /*Object*/ data, /*Object*/ evt, /*Object*/ input){ |
dojo.debug("_onDocResults(" + evt.name + "/" + input.pkg + ") " + type); |
++input.loaded; |
if(input.loaded == input.pkgs.length){ |
var pkgs = input.pkgs; |
var name = input.pkg; |
var results = {methods: []}; |
var rePrivate = /_[^.]+$/; |
data = dojo.docs._cache; |
for(var i = 0, pkg; pkg = pkgs[i]; i++){ |
var methods = dojo.docs._getCache(pkg, "meta", "methods"); |
for(var fn in methods){ |
if(fn.toLowerCase().indexOf(name) == -1){ |
continue; |
} |
if(fn != "requires" && !rePrivate.test(fn)){ |
for(var pId in methods[fn]){ |
var result = { |
pkg: pkg, |
name: fn, |
id: "_", |
summary: "" |
} |
if(methods[fn][pId].summary){ |
result.summary = methods[fn][pId].summary; |
} |
results.methods.push(result); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
dojo.debug("Publishing docResults"); |
dojo.docs._printFnResults(results); |
} |
}, |
_printFunctionResults: function(results){ |
dojo.debug("_printFnResults(): called"); |
// summary: Call this function to send the /docs/function/results topic |
}, |
_printPkgResult: function(results){ |
dojo.debug("_printPkgResult(): called"); |
}, |
_onDocSelectFunction: function(/*Object*/ input){ |
// summary: Get doc, meta, and src |
var name = input.name; |
var package = input.package || ""; |
var id = input.id || "_"; |
dojo.debug("_onDocSelectFunction(" + name + ")"); |
if(!name || !package) return false; |
var pkgMeta = this.getPackageMeta({package: package}); |
var meta = this.getFunctionMeta({package: package, name: name, id: id}); |
var doc = this.getFunctionDocumentation({package: package, name: name, id: id}); |
var list = new dojo.DeferredList([pkgMeta, meta, doc]); |
list.addCallback(function(results){ |
dojo.debug("_onDocSelectFunction() loaded"); |
for(var i = 0, result; result = results[i]; i++){ |
dojo.debugShallow(result[1]); |
} |
}); |
return list; |
}, |
_onDocSelectPackage: function(/*Object*/ input){ |
dojo.debug("_onDocSelectPackage(" + input.name + ")") |
input.expects = { |
"pkgresults": ["pkgmeta", "pkgdoc"] |
}; |
dojo.docs.getPkgMeta(input, input.name, dojo.docs._onPkgResults); |
dojo.docs.getPkgDoc(input, input.name, dojo.docs._onPkgResults); |
}, |
_onDocSelectResults: function(/*String*/ type, /*Object*/ data, /*Object*/ evt, /*Object*/ input){ |
dojo.debug("_onDocSelectResults(" + evt.type + ", " + evt.name + ")"); |
if(evt.type == "meta"){ |
dojo.docs.getPkgMeta(input, evt.pkg, dojo.docs._onDocSelectResults); |
} |
if(input){ |
input[evt.type] = data; |
if(input.expects && input.expects.docresults){ |
for(var i = 0, expect; expect = input.expects.docresults[i]; i++){ |
if(!(expect in input)){ |
dojo.debug("_onDocSelectResults() waiting for more data"); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
dojo.docs._printFunctionDetail(input); |
}, |
_printFunctionDetail: function(results) { |
// summary: Call this function to send the /docs/function/detail topic event |
}, |
selectFunction: function(/*String*/ name, /*String?*/ id){ |
// summary: The combined information |
}, |
savePackage: function(/*Object*/ callbackObject, /*String*/ callback, /*Object*/ parameters){ |
dojo.event.kwConnect({ |
srcObj: dojo.docs, |
srcFunc: "_savedPkgRpc", |
targetObj: callbackObject, |
targetFunc: callback, |
once: true |
}); |
var props = {}; |
var cache = dojo.docs._getCache(parameters.pkg, "meta"); |
var i = 1; |
if(!cache.path){ |
var path = "id"; |
props[["pname", i].join("")] = "DocPkgForm/require"; |
props[["pvalue", i++].join("")] = parameters.pkg; |
}else{ |
var path = cache.path; |
} |
props.form = "//DocPkgForm"; |
props.path = ["/WikiHome/DojoDotDoc/", path].join(""); |
if(parameters.description){ |
props[["pname", i].join("")] = "main/text"; |
props[["pvalue", i++].join("")] = parameters.description; |
} |
dojo.docs._rpc.callRemote("saveForm", props).addCallbacks(dojo.docs._pkgRpc, dojo.docs._pkgRpc); |
}, |
_pkgRpc: function(data){ |
if(data.name){ |
dojo.docs._getCache(data["DocPkgForm/require"], "meta").path = data.name; |
dojo.docs._savedPkgRpc("load"); |
}else{ |
dojo.docs._savedPkgRpc("error"); |
} |
}, |
_savedPkgRpc: function(type){ |
}, |
functionPackages: function(/*String*/ name, /*Function*/ callback, /*Object*/ input){ |
// summary: Gets the package associated with a function and stores it in the .pkg value of input |
dojo.debug("functionPackages() name: " + name); |
if(!input){ |
input = {}; |
} |
if(!input.callbacks){ |
input.callbacks = []; |
} |
input.type = "function_names"; |
input.name = name; |
input.callbacks.unshift(callback); |
input.callbacks.unshift(dojo.docs._functionPackages); |
}, |
_functionPackages: function(/*String*/ type, /*Array*/ data, /*Object*/ evt){ |
dojo.debug("_functionPackages() name: " + evt.name); |
evt.pkg = ''; |
var results = []; |
var data = dojo.docs._cache['function_names']; |
for(var key in data){ |
if(dojo.lang.inArray(data[key], evt.name)){ |
dojo.debug("_functionPackages() package: " + key); |
results.push(key); |
} |
} |
if(evt.callbacks && evt.callbacks.length){ |
evt.callbacks.shift()(type, results, evt, evt.input); |
} |
}, |
setUserName: function(/*String*/ name){ |
dojo.docs._userName = name; |
if(name && dojo.docs._password){ |
dojo.docs._logIn(); |
} |
}, |
setPassword: function(/*String*/ password){ |
dojo.docs._password = password; |
if(password && dojo.docs._userName){ |
dojo.docs._logIn(); |
} |
}, |
_logIn: function(){ |
dojo.io.bind({ |
url: dojo.docs._rpc.serviceUrl.toString(), |
method: "post", |
mimetype: "text/json", |
content: { |
username: dojo.docs._userName, |
password: dojo.docs._password |
}, |
load: function(type, data){ |
if(data.error){ |
dojo.docs.logInSuccess(); |
}else{ |
dojo.docs.logInFailure(); |
} |
}, |
error: function(){ |
dojo.docs.logInFailure(); |
} |
}); |
}, |
logInSuccess: function(){}, |
logInFailure: function(){}, |
_set: function(/*Object*/ base, /*String...*/ keys, /*String*/ value){ |
var args = []; |
for(var i = 0, arg; arg = arguments[i]; i++){ |
args.push(arg); |
} |
if(args.length < 3) return; |
base = args.shift(); |
value = args.pop(); |
var key = args.pop(); |
for(var i = 0, arg; arg = args[i]; i++){ |
if(typeof base[arg] != "object"){ |
base[arg] = {}; |
} |
base = base[arg]; |
} |
base[key] = value; |
}, |
_getCache: function(/*String...*/ keys){ |
var obj = dojo.docs._cache; |
for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ |
var arg = arguments[i]; |
if(!obj[arg]){ |
obj[arg] = {}; |
} |
obj = obj[arg]; |
} |
return obj; |
} |
}); |
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/docs/search", dojo.docs, "_onDocSearch"); |
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/docs/function/select", dojo.docs, "_onDocSelectFunction"); |
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/docs/package/select", dojo.docs, "_onDocSelectPackage"); |
dojo.event.topic.registerPublisher("/docs/function/results", dojo.docs, "_printFunctionResults"); |
dojo.event.topic.registerPublisher("/docs/function/detail", dojo.docs, "_printFunctionDetail"); |
dojo.event.topic.registerPublisher("/docs/package/detail", dojo.docs, "_printPkgResult");