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/* |
DynAPI Distribution |
IOElement SODA add-on |
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. |
requires: Math, IOElement |
*/ |
IOElementSoda={}; // used by dynapi.library |
IOElement.SODA=true; |
var p=IOElement.prototype; |
p.createWebService = function(name,url,fn,useSync,uid,pwd,method){ |
var o,IOE=IOElement; |
if(typeof(fn)!='function') { |
alert('Missing or invalid Callback Function'); |
return; |
} |
useSync=(IOElement.SYNC)? useSync:false; |
o=this[name]={}; |
method=(method+'').toLowerCase(); |
o.sid=dynapi.functions.getGUID(); |
o._callback=fn; |
o._name=name; |
o._useSync=useSync; |
o._method=(method=='post'||method=='get')? method:'post'; |
o._src=this; o._url=url; o._uid=uid; o._pwd=pwd; |
o._iSysCall=IOE.ws_iSysCall; |
o._iSysManager=IOE.ws_iSysManager; |
o._iSysConnect=IOE.ws_iSysConnect; |
o.isConnected=false; |
o.call=IOE.ws_callSrv; |
o.getWebName=IOE.ws_getWebName; |
o.getWebComment=IOE.ws_getWebComment; |
o.importWebMethods=IOE.ws_importWebMethods; |
if(!useSync || (useSync && this.isSync)) o._iSysManager("connect"); |
else this.activateSyncMode(this+'.'+name+'._iSysManager("connect")'); |
}; |
p.disconnectWebService = function(name,fn){ |
var o=this[name]; |
if(o && o._src==this && o.isConnected==true){ |
o._callback=fn; |
o._iSysManager("disconnect"); |
}; |
}; |
p.getResponse = function(){ |
var cargo=this.getCargo(true); |
var retry=(this._retryID==this._cargoID)?true:false; |
var response=IOElement.ws_SODAParser(this.getVariable('wsSODAResponse')); |
if(retry) response.error={code:0,text:'Request Timeout'}; |
if(response.error) this._retryID=this._cargoID; |
if(cargo) response.serviceName=cargo.DynAPIWSName; |
return response; |
}; |
// WS Object Functions |
IOElement.wsError='Error occurred while parsing SODA Envelope'; |
IOElement.ws_iSysManager = function(sys){ |
var s,r; |
this.isSync = (this._useSync && this._src.isSync)? true:false;; |
if(sys=='connect') mn='SYS:WebServiceConnect'; |
else if(sys=='disconnect') mn='SYS:WebServiceDisconnect'; |
if(this.isSync) { |
// use sync login/logout |
r=this._iSysCall(mn); |
o=r.value; |
if(o && typeof(o)=='object' && o.SYSCall==true) { |
o.error=r.error; |
r=o;s=true; |
}; |
this._iSysConnect(r,s); |
}else { |
// use async login/logout |
var cargo={wsObject:this,DynAPIWSName:this._name} |
this._iSysCall(mn,null,this._iSysConnect,cargo); |
} |
}; |
IOElement.ws_iSysConnect = function(e,s){ |
var o,r,c,ws,et; |
if(!e||(e && e.constructor!=DynEvent)) { |
// sync |
o=ws=this; |
if(!e.error) c=e; |
else if(e.error) et= ((e.error.code)? e.error.code+':':'')+e.error.text; |
else if(!s) et='Connection Failed'; |
}else{ |
// async |
o=e.getSource(); |
r=o.getResponse(); |
c=o.getCargo(!s||!r.value); |
o=ws=c.wsObject; |
c=r.value; |
if(r.error) et=r.error.text; |
} |
o.isConnected=false; |
if(!et && c && (c.logout||c.login)=='failed') et='Login failed'; |
s=(!et && c && (c.logout||c.login)=='ok')? true:false; // web service must return a login/logout state |
if(s && c.logout) { |
delete o._src[o._name]; |
o.call=dynapi.functions.Null; |
}else if(s && c.login){ |
o._iWSName = c.name; |
o._iWSComment = c.comment; |
o._iWSMethodNames = (c.methodNames)? c.methodNames:''; |
o.isConnected=s; |
} |
if (o._callback) o._callback(ws,s,et); |
}; |
IOElement.ws_iSysCall=function(name,params,fn,cargo){ // used to make async/sync system call to the service |
var r,o,data={}; |
if(this.isSync) fn=false; |
data.IOResponse=(fn)? 'text/html':'text/xml'; |
data.IOEnvelope=IOElement.ws_createSODAEnvelope(name,params,null,null,this.sid,this._uid,this._pwd); |
if(this._method=='get') r=this._src.get(this._url,data,fn,cargo); |
else r=this._src.post(this._url,data,fn,cargo); |
if(this.isSync) { |
// convert SODA text returned from get() or post() into response object |
if(!r.error) r=IOElement.ws_SODAParser(r.value); |
} |
return r; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_callSrv=function(name,params,fn,cargo){ |
var rt,data={IOResponse:'text/html'},cargo=(cargo)? cargo:{}; |
var mod=this._method; |
var sync=(fn==false && this.isSync); |
if(typeof(name)!='string'){ |
var i,o=name; |
var na=[],pa=[]; |
for(i in o){ |
na[na.length]=i; |
pa[pa.length]=o[i]; |
} |
name=na.join(','); |
params=pa; |
} |
if(typeof(params)!='object'||params==null) params=[params]; |
else if((params.constructor+'')!= (Array+'')) params=[params]; |
IOElement.ws_setStringEncFormat('xml'); |
cargo.DynAPIWSName=this._name; |
data.IOEnvelope=IOElement.ws_createSODAEnvelope(name,params,null,null,this.sid); |
if(sync) data.IOResponse = 'text/xml'; // Returned Content Format |
if (mod=='get') rt=this._src.get(this._url,data,fn,cargo); |
else rt=this._src.post(this._url,data,fn,cargo); |
if(sync) { |
// convert SODA text returned from get() or post() into response object |
if(!rt.error) rt = IOElement.ws_SODAParser(rt.value); |
rt.serviceName=this._name; |
} |
return rt; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_createSODAEnvelope = function(method,body,ecode,etext,sid,uid,pwd){ |
return '<envelope>' |
+((sid)? '<sid>'+ sid +'</sid>':'') |
+((ecode||etext)? '<err>'+ IOElement.ws_SODAStringEncode(ecode+'|'+etext) +'</err>':'') |
+((uid)? '<uid>'+uid+'</uid>':'') |
+((pwd)? '<pwd>'+pwd+'</pwd>':'') |
+'<method>'+ IOElement.ws_SODAStringEncode(method) +'</method>' |
+'<body>'+ IOElement.ws_Var2SODA(body) +'</body>' |
+'</envelope>'; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_getWebName= function(){ |
return this._iWSName; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_getWebComment= function(){ |
return this._iWSComment; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_importWebMethods = function(){ |
if(!this.isSync) return false; |
var fn,rt=this._iWSMethodNames; |
if(rt) { |
rt=rt.split(','); |
for(var i=0;i<rt.length;i++){ |
fn=rt[i]; |
s = 'var mthd="'+fn+'";' |
+'var i,params=(arguments.length)?[]:null;' |
+'for(i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){params[i]=arguments[i]};' |
+'return this.call(mthd,params,false);'; |
this[fn]=new Function('',s); |
} |
return true; |
} |
}; |
// SODA Internal Data types: U=undefined/null, I=integer, F=float, B=boolean, D=date/time, S=string, A=array, O=Object (Associative Array) |
IOElement._strEncFormat='xml'; // String Encode Format: html or xml |
IOElement.ws_Var2SODA=function(v,lvl){ |
var ot,ct,i,c,data,vtype=typeof(v); |
if (lvl>=0) lvl++; |
else lvl=0; |
if(vtype=="number") { |
if((v+'').indexOf('.')>=0) data='<f'+lvl+'>'+v+'</f'+lvl+'>'; |
else data='<i'+lvl+'>'+v+'</i'+lvl+'>'; |
}else if(vtype=="boolean") { |
if(v==true) data='<b'+lvl+'>true</b'+lvl+'>'; |
else data='<b'+lvl+'>false</b'+lvl+'>'; |
}else if(vtype=="string") { |
data='<s'+lvl+'>'+this.ws_SODAStringEncode(v)+'</s'+lvl+'>'; |
}else if(vtype=="object" && v!=null) { |
if((v.constructor+'')==(Array+'')){ |
data='<a'+lvl+'>'; |
for (i=0;i<v.length;i++){ |
data+=(i>0)? '<r'+lvl+'/>'+this.ws_Var2SODA(v[i],lvl):this.ws_Var2SODA(v[i],lvl); |
} |
data+='</a'+lvl+'>'; |
}else if((v.constructor+'')==(Date+'')){ |
//Date format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss |
v=((v.getMonth()+1)+'/'+v.getDate()+'/'+v.getFullYear()+' '+v.getHours()+':'+v.getMinutes()+':'+v.getSeconds()); |
data='<d'+lvl+'>'+v+'</d'+lvl+'>'; |
}else { |
var keys=[],values=[]; |
for(var key in v){ |
values[values.length]=v[key]; |
if (key.indexOf('|')>=0) key=key.replace(/\|/g,'&s;'); |
keys[keys.length]=key; |
} |
v=[keys.join('|'),values]; |
data='<o'+lvl+'>'+this.ws_Var2SODA(v,lvl)+'</o'+lvl+'>'; |
}; |
}else data='<u'+lvl+'>0</u'+lvl+'>'; |
if (lvl==0) data='<soda>'+data+'</soda>'; |
return data; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_SODA2Var=function(t,lvl){ |
var i,tag,data,elms; |
var tagType,tagIndex; |
if (lvl>=0)lvl++; |
else lvl=0; |
if(lvl==0) { |
if((t+'').substr(0,6)!='<soda>') return t; |
tag=IOElement.ws_getSODATag(t,'soda'); |
t=tag.content; |
} |
tag=this.ws_getSODATag(t); |
tagType=tag.name.substr(0,1); |
tagIndex=tag.name.substr(1); |
if(tagType=='i') data=parseInt(tag.content); |
else if(tagType=='f') data=parseFloat(tag.content); |
else if(tagType=='b') data=(tag.content=='true')?true:false; |
else if(tagType=='s') data=IOElement.ws_SODAStringDecode(tag.content+''); |
else if(tagType=='d') data= new Date(tag.content); |
else if(tagType=='a') { |
data=[]; |
if(tag.content){ |
elms=tag.content.split('<r'+tagIndex+'/>'); |
for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){ |
data[i]=this.ws_SODA2Var(elms[i],lvl); |
} |
} |
}else if(tagType=='o') { |
data={}; |
elms=this.ws_SODA2Var(tag.content,lvl); |
if(!elms) elms=[]; |
var key,keys=(elms[0]+'').split('|'); |
var values=elms[1]; |
for (i=0;i<keys.length;i++) { |
key=keys[i]; |
if(key.indexOf('&s;')>=0) key=key.replace(/\&s\;/g,'|'); |
data[key]=values[i]; |
} |
}else if(tagType=='u') data=null; |
return data; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_SODAStringEncode=function (text){ |
if (!text) return ''; |
// encode string for use with html/javascript |
if(this._strEncFormat=='html'){ |
text=text.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\"); // \ -> \\ |
text=text.replace(/\'/g,"\\'"); // ' -> \' " |
text=text.replace(/\n/g,"\\n"); |
text=text.replace(/\r/g,"\\r"); |
} |
// encode string for use with xml/html |
text=text.replace(/\&/g,"&"); |
text=text.replace(/</g,"<"); |
text=text.replace(/>/g,">"); |
return text; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_SODAStringDecode=function (text){ |
if (!text) return ''; |
text=text.replace(/\&\;/g,"&"); |
text=text.replace(/\<\;/g,"<"); |
text=text.replace(/\>\;/g,">"); |
return text; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_setStringEncFormat = function(t){ |
this._strEncFormat=(t=='xml')? 'xml':'html'; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_getSODATag=function(t,n){ |
var st,et,tag,con; |
if(!t) return {}; |
n=(n)?n:''; |
st=t.indexOf('<'+n); |
et=t.indexOf('>',st); |
if(st || et) { |
tag=t.substr(st+1,(et-1)-st); |
st=et+1; |
et=t.indexOf('</'+tag+'>'); |
con=t.substr(st,et-st); |
} |
return {name:tag,content:con}; |
}; |
IOElement.ws_SODAParser=function(envelope){ |
var r={ |
error:IOElement.ws_SODAStringDecode(IOElement.ws_getSODATag(envelope,'err').content), |
methodName:IOElement.ws_SODAStringDecode(IOElement.ws_getSODATag(envelope,'method').content), |
value:IOElement.ws_SODA2Var(IOElement.ws_getSODATag(envelope,'body').content) |
}; |
if(r.error) { |
var ea=r.error.split('|'); |
r.error={code:ea[0],text:ea[1]}; |
}else if((envelope+'').indexOf('<envelope>')!=0){ |
r.error={code:'E3',text:IOElement.wsError+':\n\n'+envelope}; |
}; |
return r; |