357 lines
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357 lines
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/* |
DynAPI Distribution |
ListBox Component by Raymond Irving (http://dyntools.shorturl.com) |
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. |
Requires: StyleManager, ScrollBar, ListBoxStyle (Optional) |
*/ |
function ListBox(items,x,y,w,h,style) { |
this.DynLayer = DynLayer; |
this.DynLayer(null,x,y,w,h); |
this._lh=0 |
this._items=[]; |
this._itemkeys={}; |
this._lastXPos=0; |
this._lastYPos=0; |
this._itemHeight=18; |
this._autoHeight=false; |
this._checkMode=false; |
this._multiSelect=false; |
this._pool = new PoolManager(this); |
this.addChild(new DynLayer(null,0,0,0,0),'lyrItms'); |
this.lyrItms.setAnchor({left:1,right:1,top:1,bottom:1}) |
this.addChild(new ScrollBar('vert'),'vscBar'); |
this.vscBar.addEventListener(ListBox.VScrollBarEvents); |
this.vscBar.setVisible(false); |
// setup inserted items |
if(items) for(var i in items) this.addItem(items[i],i); |
this.onCreate(this._initItemsLayout); |
this.setStyle(style||'ListBox'); |
}; |
/* Prototype */ |
var p = dynapi.setPrototype('ListBox','DynLayer'); |
// Private |
p._CreatePoolObject=function(){ |
var lyr=this.lyrItms.addChild(new DynLayer(null,0,0,0,0)); |
lyr.setTextSelectable(false); |
lyr.setCursor('default') |
if(dynapi.ua.ns4) lyr.captureMouseEvents(); |
lyr.setAnchor({left:0,right:0}) |
lyr.addEventListener(ListBox.ItemEvents); |
return lyr; |
}; |
p._ResetPoolObject=function(o){ |
if(o) { |
o.setVisible(false); |
return o; |
} |
}; |
p._adjustLayoutSize = function(lw,lh){ |
if(lw>this.w) this._lastWidth=lw; |
else this._lastWidth=this.w; |
if(lh) this._lastHeight=lh; |
if(lh>this.h) { |
this.vscBar.setVisible(true); |
this.vscBar.setRange(0,lh-this.h); |
this.vscBar.setSmallChange(this._itemHeight); |
this.vscBar.setLargeChange(this._itemHeight*3); |
if((this.h-2)!=this.vscBar.h) this.renderStyle('resize'); |
} |
}; |
p._adjustItemSize = function(itm){ |
if(!this._autoHeight) { |
itm.w = this.w; |
itm.h=this._itemHeight; |
}else { |
var sz=Styles.getContentSize(itm.html); |
itm.w=sz.width; |
itm.h=sz.height; |
} |
return itm; |
}; |
p._getItem = function(indexkey){ |
var i=indexkey; |
if(typeof(i)=='string') i=this._itemkeys[i]; |
if(i==null) return; |
return this._items[i]; |
}; |
p._modItemsLayout = function(redraw){ |
var scont; |
var i,fc,img,o,c,ly; |
// make sure unsed items are returned to pool |
for(i=0;i<this.lyrItms.children.length;i++){ |
c=this.lyrItms.children[i]; |
o=this._items[c._itemIndex]; |
if(o){ |
ly=o.y-(this._lastYPos*-1); // get last Y |
if(!(o.h && ((ly>=0 && ly<=this.h) || ((ly+o.h)>=0 && ly<=this.h)))){ |
if(o.h && o.lyr) { |
this._pool.storeObject(o.lyr); |
o.lyr=null; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
for(i=0;i<this._items.length;i++){ |
itm=this._items[i]; |
if(itm){ |
ly=itm.y-(this._lastYPos*-1); |
if(itm.h && ((ly>=0 && ly<=this.h) || ((ly+itm.h)>=0 && ly<=this.h))){ |
if(itm.lyr) scont=false; |
else { |
itm.lyr=this._pool.getObject(); |
itm.lyr._itemIndex=i; |
scont=true; |
} |
if(redraw || scont) this._modItemContent(itm); |
this._modItemColor(itm); |
itm.lyr.setY(itm.y+this._lastYPos); |
itm.lyr.setHeight(itm.h); |
itm.lyr.setVisible(true); |
} |
else if(itm.h && itm.lyr) { |
// return layer to pool when not in use |
this._pool.storeObject(itm.lyr); |
itm.lyr=null; |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
p._modItemContent = function(itm){ |
var c,t,img; |
var css = itm.css; |
if(!itm.lyr) return; |
if(!this._checkMode) img=Styles.createPixel(3,1); |
else { |
img=(itm.selected)? this.getStyleAttribute('imageOn'):this.getStyleAttribute('imageOff'); |
if(img) img = img.getHTML(); else img=''; |
} |
c=(itm.selected)? this.getStyleAttribute('selForeColor'):null; |
if(css) t=itm.html; |
else t=Styles.createText(itm.html, |
this.getStyleAttribute('fontFamily'), |
this.getStyleAttribute('fontSize'), |
this.getStyleAttribute('fontBold'), |
this.getStyleAttribute('fontItalics'), |
this.getStyleAttribute('fontUnderline'),c |
); |
if(css && css!=true) css='class="'+css+'"'; else css=''; |
if(dynapi.ua.ns4) t='<ilayer '+css+'>'+t+'</ilayer>'; |
t='<table '+css+' width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tr>' |
+'<td valign="top" nowrap width="1">'+img+'</td><td nowrap>'+t+'</td></tr></table>'; |
itm.lyr.setHTML(t); |
}; |
p._modItemColor = function(itm){ |
if(!itm.lyr) return; |
var c; |
var i=itm.lyr._itemIndex; |
if((i%2)!=0) c=this.getStyleAttribute('firstRowColor'); |
else c=this.getStyleAttribute('altRowColor'); |
if(!itm.selected) itm.lyr.setBgColor(c); |
else itm.lyr.setBgColor(this.getStyleAttribute('selBackColor')); |
}; |
p._modItemSelState = function(itm,state){ |
var lItm=this._lastSelItem; |
itm.selected=state; |
if(lItm && lItm!=itm && !this._multiSelect) { |
lItm.selected=false; |
this._modItemContent(lItm); |
this._modItemColor(lItm); |
} |
this._modItemContent(itm); |
this._modItemColor(itm) |
this._lastSelItem = itm; |
}; |
p._initItemsLayout = function(){ |
var i,sz,itm,lh=0,lw=0; |
for(i=0;i<this._items.length;i++){ |
itm=this._items[i]; |
if(itm){ |
itm=this._adjustItemSize(itm); |
itm.y=lh; |
if(lh==0) lh=itm.h; |
else lh+=itm.h; |
if(lw<itm.w) lw=itm.w; |
} |
} |
this._adjustLayoutSize(lw,lh); |
window.setTimeout(this+'._modItemsLayout();',100); |
}; |
p.LBoxOldSetSize = DynLayer.prototype.setSize; |
// Public |
p.addItem = function(css,itext,value,key){ |
if(key && this._itemkeys[key]){ |
this.invokeEvent('error',null,'Duplicate key found'); |
return; |
}; |
var itm={x:0,y:0,selected:false}; |
if(itext && itext.getHTML) itext=itex.getHTML(); |
else if(itext==null) itext=''; |
itm.css = css; // when css == true remove <font> tags |
itm.html=itext; |
itm.value=value; |
if(dynapi.loaded) { |
itm=this._adjustItemSize(itm); |
itm.y=this._lastHeight; |
this._lastHeight+=itm.h; |
if(itm.w>this._lastWidth) this._lastWidth=itm.w; |
this._adjustLayoutSize(this._lastWidth,this._lastHeight); |
} |
var i=itm.index=this._items.length; |
this._items[i]=itm; |
if(key) this._itemkeys[key]=i; |
if(this._created) this._modItemsLayout(); |
return i; |
}; |
p.getItemCount = function(){ |
return this._items.length; |
}; |
p.getItemValue = function(indexkey){ |
var itm=(indexkey!=null)? this._getItem(indexkey):this._lastSelItem; |
if(itm) return itm.value; |
}; |
p.getItemText = function(indexkey){ |
var itm=(indexkey!=null)? this._getItem(indexkey):this._lastSelItem; |
if(itm) return itm.html; |
}; |
p.makeItemVisible = function(indexkey){ |
var itm=(indexkey!=null)? this._getItem(indexkey):this._lastSelItem; |
if(!itm) return; |
// TO DO: |
//this.vscBar.setValue(itm.y); |
}; |
p.removeAllItems = function(){ |
var i,o; |
for(i=0;i<this._items.length;i++){ |
o=this._items[i]; |
this._pool.storeObject(o.lyr); |
} |
this._items=[]; |
this._itemkeys={}; |
}; |
p.removeItem = function(indexkey){ |
var i,o; |
var itm=(indexkey!=null)? this._getItem(indexkey):this._lastSelItem; |
if(itm) { |
this._lastHeight-=itm.h; |
this._pool.storeObject(itm.lyr); |
for(i=itm.index+1;i<this._items.length;i++){ |
o=this._items[i]; |
o.y-=itm.h; |
o.index-=1; |
if(o.lyr) o.lyr._itemIndex-=1; |
} |
if(itm==this._lastSelItem) this._lastSelItem=null; |
this._items=dynapi.functions.removeFromArray(this._items,itm.index); |
if(itm.key) delete this._itemkeys[itm.key]; |
this._modItemsLayout(); |
}; |
}; |
p.setItemText = function(itext,indexkey){ |
var itm=(indexkey!=null)? this._getItem(indexkey):this._lastSelItem; |
if(!itm) return; |
if(itext && itext.getHTML) itext=itex.getHTML(); |
else if(itext==null) itext=''; |
itm.html=itext; |
if(this._autoHeight){ |
var lw=this._lastWidth; |
var lh=this._lastHeight; |
var nh,oh=itm.h, ow=itm.w; |
itm=this._adjustItemSize(itm); |
nh=itm.h-oh; |
if(nh!=0) lh+=nh; |
if(itm.w>lw)lw=itm.w; |
this._adjustLayoutSize(lw,lh); |
if(itm.lyr) this._modItemsLayout(); |
} |
}; |
p.setItemValue = function(vl,indexkey){ |
var itm=(indexkey!=null)? this._getItem(indexkey):this._lastSelItem; |
if(itm) itm.value=vl; |
}; |
p.selectItem = function(indexkey){ |
var itm=(indexkey!=null)? this._getItem(indexkey):this._lastSelItem; |
if(itm) this._modItemSelState(itm,true); |
}; |
p.setAltColors = function(fcolor,scolor){ |
this.setLocalStyleAttribute('firstRowColor',fcolor); |
this.setLocalStyleAttribute('altRowColor',scolor); |
this.lyrItms.setBgColor(fcolor); |
}; |
p.setItemHeight = function(n) { // 'auto' - for auto height |
if(n=='auto') this._autoHeight=true; |
else { |
this._itemHeight=18; |
this._autoHeight=false; |
} |
}; |
p.setCheckMode = function(b){ |
this._checkMode=b; |
this._multiSelect=true; |
if(this._created) this._modItemsLayout(true); |
}; |
p.setMultiSelect = function(b){ |
this._multiSelect=b; |
if(!b){ |
for(i=0;i<this._items.length;i++){ |
o=this._items[i]; |
o.selected=false; |
} |
if(this._created) this._modItemsLayout(true); |
} |
}; |
p.setSize = function(w,h){ |
this.LBoxOldSetSize(w,h); |
this._adjustLayoutSize(); |
this.renderStyle('resize'); |
}; |
//p.sortByText(); |
//p.sortByValue(); |
//p.selectAll() |
//p.deselectAll() |
//invertSelection() |
/* Events */ |
ListBox.ItemEvents = { |
onmouseover : function(e){ |
var o=e.getSource(); |
var lbox=o.parent.parent; |
var itm=lbox._items[o._itemIndex]; |
if(itm.selected) return; |
o.setBgColor(lbox.getStyleAttribute('selBackColor')); |
}, |
onmouseout : function(e){ |
var c,o=e.getSource(); |
var lbox=o.parent.parent; |
var itm=lbox._items[o._itemIndex]; |
if(itm.selected) return; |
if((o._itemIndex%2)!=0) c=lbox.getStyleAttribute('firstRowColor'); |
else c=lbox.getStyleAttribute('altRowColor'); |
o.setBgColor(c); |
}, |
onclick : function(e){ |
var o=e.getSource(); |
var lbox=o.parent.parent; |
var itm=lbox._items[o._itemIndex]; |
var state=(!lbox._multiSelect)? true:!itm.selected; |
lbox._modItemSelState(itm,state); |
} |
}; |
ListBox.VScrollBarEvents = { |
onscroll : function(e){ |
var vbar=e.getSource(); |
var lbox=vbar.parent; |
lbox._lastYPos=vbar.getValue()*-1; |
if(lbox.trm) window.clearTimeout(lbox.trm); |
lbox.trm=window.setTimeout(lbox+'._modItemsLayout()',10); |
lbox.invokeEvent('scroll'); |
} |