183 lines
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183 lines
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<html> |
<head> |
<title>Dojo Charting Engine, general tests</title> |
<script> |
djConfig={ |
isDebug:true |
}</script> |
<script src="../../dojo.js"></script> |
<script> |
dojo.require("dojo.collections.Store"); |
dojo.require("dojo.charting.Chart"); |
dojo.require('dojo.json'); |
dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ |
// our sample data for our line chart. |
var json = [ |
{ x: 0, y: 110, size:20, x2:20, high:110, low: 80, open:90, close:96 }, |
{ x: 10, y: 24, size:4, x2: 25, high:56, low: 43, open:43, close:54 }, |
{ x: 15, y:63, size:32, x2: 30, high: 100, low: 40, open:56, close: 96 }, |
{ x: 25, y: 5, size:13, x2: 35, high: 40, low: 36, open:40, close:36 }, |
{ x: 40, y: 98, size:7, x2: 40, high: 86, low: 66, open: 80, close: 70 }, |
{ x: 45, y: 54, size:18, x2: 45, high: 50, low: 0, open: 42, close: 4 } |
]; |
var store = new dojo.collections.Store(); |
store.setData(json); |
// define the chart. |
var s1 = new dojo.charting.Series({ |
dataSource:store, |
bindings:{ x:"x", y:"y", size:"size" }, |
label:"The Main Series" |
}); |
var s2 = new dojo.charting.Series({ |
dataSource:store, |
bindings:{ x:"y", y:"size" }, |
label:"Series 2" |
}); |
var s3 = new dojo.charting.Series({ |
dataSource:store, |
bindings:{ x: "x2", high:"high", low:"low", open:"open", close:"close" }, |
label: "Series 3" |
}); |
var s4 = new dojo.charting.Series({ |
dataSource:store, |
bindings:{ x:"y", y:"low" }, |
label:"Series 4" |
}); |
var s5 = new dojo.charting.Series({ |
dataSource:store, |
bindings:{ x:"y", y:"open" }, |
label:"Series 5" |
}); |
// set up some bars for a test. |
var b0 = new dojo.collections.Store(); |
b0.setData([ |
{ x:43, y:88, z:42, a:66, b:34 }, |
{ x:15, y:68, z:14, a:10, b:69 }, |
{ x:92, y:82, z:4, a:52, b:21 }, |
{ x:100, y:47, z:83, a:40, b:35 }, |
{ x:3, y:97, z:3, a:83, b:6 }, |
{ x:70, y:89, z:87, a:88, b:30 }, |
{ x:26, y:100, z:78, a:32, b:36 }, |
{ x:20, y:36, z:28, a:3, b:13 }, |
{ x:39, y:69, z:28, a:31, b:77 }, |
{ x:9, y:97, z:80, a:5, b:9 }, |
{ x:98, y:76, z:12, a:23, b:52 } |
]); |
var bar0 = new dojo.charting.Series({ dataSource:b0, bindings:{ y:"x", high:"y", low:"a" }, label: "Bar 0" }); |
var bar1 = new dojo.charting.Series({ dataSource:b0, bindings:{ y:"y", high:"z", low:"b" }, label: "Bar 1" }); |
var bar2 = new dojo.charting.Series({ dataSource:b0, bindings:{ y:"z", high:"a", low:"x" }, label: "Bar 2" }); |
var bar3 = new dojo.charting.Series({ dataSource:b0, bindings:{ y:"a", high:"b", low:"y" }, label: "Bar 3" }); |
var bar4 = new dojo.charting.Series({ dataSource:b0, bindings:{ y:"b", high:"x", low:"z" }, label: "Bar 4" }); |
// test the evaluate |
/* |
var data = s1.evaluate(); |
var a=[]; |
for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++){ |
a.push("{ x:"+data[i].x +", y:"+data[i].y + "}"); |
} |
alert("Data evaluation:\n"+a.join("\n")); |
*/ |
// keep going. |
var xA = new dojo.charting.Axis(); |
xA.range={upper:130, lower:0}; |
xA.origin="max"; |
xA.showTicks = true; |
xA.label = "A Range of Things"; |
xA.labels = [ 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 ]; |
var yA = new dojo.charting.Axis(); |
yA.range={upper:180,lower:0}; |
yA.showLines = true; |
yA.showTicks = true; |
yA.labels = [ {label:"min", value:0 }, { label:"35",value:35 }, { label:"max", value:120 } ]; |
yA.label = "Areas" |
var p = new dojo.charting.Plot(xA, yA); |
p.addSeries({ data:s1, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.CurvedLine }); |
var pA = new dojo.charting.Plot(xA, yA); |
pA.renderType = dojo.charting.RenderPlotSeries.Grouped; |
pA.addSeries({ data:s2, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.StackedCurvedArea }); |
pA.addSeries({ data:s4, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.StackedCurvedArea }); |
pA.addSeries({ data:s5, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.StackedCurvedArea }); |
var pa = new dojo.charting.PlotArea(); |
pa.size={width:700,height:170}; |
pa.padding={top:20, right:20, bottom:30, left:50 }; |
pa.plots.push(p); |
pa.plots.push(pA); |
// auto assign colors, and increase the step (since we've only 2 series) |
s1.color = pa.nextColor(); |
s2.color = pa.nextColor(); |
s3.color = pa.nextColor(); |
s4.color = pa.nextColor(); |
s5.color = pa.nextColor(); |
////////////////////// |
var xB = new dojo.charting.Axis(); |
xB.range={upper:100, lower:0}; |
xB.origin="max"; |
xB.showTicks = true; |
xB.showLines = true; |
xB.labels = [ 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 ]; |
var yB = new dojo.charting.Axis(); |
yB.range={upper:120,lower:0}; |
yB.origin="min"; |
yB.showLines = true; |
var yB2 = new dojo.charting.Axis(); |
yB2.range={upper:100,lower:0}; |
yB2.origin="max"; |
yB2.label = "Gantt Time Period"; |
var p2 = new dojo.charting.Plot(xB, yB); |
p2.addSeries({ data:s1, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.CurvedLine }); |
var p3 = new dojo.charting.Plot(xB, yB2); |
p3.renderType = dojo.charting.RenderPlotSeries.Grouped; |
p3.addSeries({ data:bar0, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.Gantt }); |
p3.addSeries({ data:bar1, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.Gantt }); |
p3.addSeries({ data:bar2, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.Gantt }); |
p3.addSeries({ data:bar3, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.Gantt }); |
p3.addSeries({ data:bar4, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.HorizontalBar }); |
var pa2 = new dojo.charting.PlotArea(); |
pa2.plots.push(p3); |
pa2.plots.push(p2); |
pa2.size={width:700,height:400}; |
pa2.padding={top:20, right:40, bottom:30, left:30 }; |
bar0.color = pa2.nextColor(); |
bar1.color = pa2.nextColor(); |
bar2.color = pa2.nextColor(); |
bar3.color = pa2.nextColor(); |
bar4.color = pa2.nextColor(); |
var chart = new dojo.charting.Chart(null, "Test chart", "This is a potential description"); |
chart.addPlotArea({ x:50,y:50, plotArea:pa }); |
chart.addPlotArea({ x:50,y:250, plotArea:pa2 }); |
chart.node = dojo.byId("chartTest1"); |
chart.render(); |
}); |
</script> |
<style> |
#chartTest1 { |
margin:12px; |
width:800px; |
height:700px; |
background-color:#dedeed; |
border:1px solid #999; |
} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div id="chartTest1"></div> |
</body> |