250 lines
6.4 KiB
250 lines
6.4 KiB
/* |
DynAPI Distribution |
ScrollBar Component by Raymond Irving (http://dyntools.shorturl.com) |
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. |
Requires: StyleManager, Button, ScrollBarStyle (Optional) |
*/ |
function ScrollBar(orient,x,y,length,min,max,style){ |
this.DynLayer=DynLayer; |
this.DynLayer(null,x,y); |
this.addChild(new DynLayer(),'lyrTrack'); |
var up=this.addChild(new Button(null,null,null,null,null,'ScrollBarButton'),'btnUp'); |
var dn=this.addChild(new Button(null,null,null,null,null,'ScrollBarButton'),'btnDown'); |
var knob=this.addChild(new Knob(null,null,null,null,'ScrollBarKnob'),'knob'); |
this._lScale=1; |
this._sScale=1; |
this._knobMinSize=16; |
this._value=(min||0); |
this._fixKnobSize=false; |
this._bartype=(orient=='horz')? 'H':'V'; |
up.addEventListener(ScrollBar.ButtonEvents); |
dn.addEventListener(ScrollBar.ButtonEvents); |
knob.addEventListener(ScrollBar.KnobEvents); |
this.addEventListener(ScrollBar.MouseEvents); |
this.setLength(length); |
this.setRange(min,max); |
this.setStyle(style||'ScrollBar'); |
}; |
var p= dynapi.setPrototype('ScrollBar','DynLayer'); |
// Private |
p.ScrlOldSetSize = DynLayer.prototype.setSize; |
// Public |
p.setSize = function(w,h){ |
this.ScrlOldSetSize(w,h); |
this._adjustKnob(); |
this.renderStyle('resize'); |
}; |
p._adjustKnob = function(){ |
var knob=this.knob; |
if(this._min==this._max) knob.setVisible(false); |
else{ |
var ww,scale,bs,trackLen,knobXY; |
var vl=this._value-this._min; |
var range=(this._max-this._min); |
var oldKnobSize=this.knobSize; |
if(this._bartype=='V') { |
bs=this.btnUp.h; |
trackLen=this.h-(bs*2); |
}else { |
bs=this.btnUp.w; |
trackLen=this.w-(bs*2); |
} |
this._btnSize=bs; |
if (this._fixKnobSize) this.knobSize=this._knobMinSize; |
else this.knobSize=Math.max(Math.floor(trackLen-((range+1)/2)),this._knobMinSize); |
scale=this._scale=(trackLen-this.knobSize)/range; |
knobXY=bs+Math.floor(vl*scale); |
if(this._bartype=='V') { |
knob.setLocation(null,knobXY); |
knob.setHeight(this.knobSize); |
}else { |
knob.setLocation(knobXY,null); |
knob.setWidth(this.knobSize); |
} |
if(!knob.getVisible()) knob.setVisible(true); |
} |
}; |
p._autoScroll = function(b,_loop){ |
var knob=this.knob; |
var ay=this._autoY; |
var ax=this._autoX; |
var kh=knob.h, kw=knob.w; |
var ky=knob.y, kx=knob.x; |
var ms=0; |
b=(b)? true:false; |
if (this._autoDir=='up') this.scrollUp(b); |
else if(this._autoDir=='dn') this.scrollDown(b); |
else if(this._bartype=='V'){ |
if(ay>=ky && ay<=(ky+kh)){this.stopAutoScroll();return;} |
else if(this._dir=='up' && ay>(kh+ky)) this.scrollUp(b); |
else if(this._dir=='dn' && ay<(kh+ky)) this.scrollDown(b); |
else{ |
this.stopAutoScroll(); |
return; |
} |
}else{ |
if(ax>=kx && ax<=(kx+kw)) {this.stopAutoScroll();return;} |
else if(this._dir=='up' && ax>(kw+kx)) this.scrollUp(b); |
else if(this._dir=='dn' && ax<(kw+kx)) this.scrollDown(b); |
else { |
this.stopAutoScroll(); |
return; |
} |
} |
if(_loop) ms=10; else ms=400; |
this._srclTimer=window.setTimeout(this+'._autoScroll('+b+',true)',ms); |
}; |
p._setDSValue = function(b){ |
this.setValue(b); |
}; |
// Public |
p.getLength = function(){return this._length;}; |
p.setLength = function(n){ |
var sz; |
this._length=n; |
if(this._bartype=='V') { |
sz=(!this.w||this.w<16)? 16:this.w; |
this.setSize(sz,this._length); |
}else { |
sz=(!this.h||this.h<16)? 16:this.h; |
this.setSize(this._length,sz); |
} |
if(this._created){this._adjustKnob();} |
}; |
p.setMinKnobSize = function(n){ |
this._knobMinSize=(n||16); |
}; |
p.setRange = function(min,max){ |
this._min=(min!=null)? min:0; |
this._max=(max!=null)? max:0; |
if(this._value>this._max) this._value=this._max; |
else if(this._value<this._min) this._value=this._min; |
this._adjustKnob(); |
}; |
p.getValue=function(){ return this._value;}; |
p.setValue=function(v,noevt){ |
this._value=v |
if (this._value>this._max) this._value=this._max; |
else if (this._value<this._min) this._value=this._min; |
this._adjustKnob(); |
if(!noevt) this.invokeEvent('scroll'); |
}; |
p.setLargeChange = function(n){ |
this._lScale=parseInt(n); |
}; |
p.setSmallChange = function(n){ |
this._sScale=parseInt(n); |
}; |
p.scrollUp=function(bigscale){ |
var v=this._value; |
v+=(!bigscale)? this._sScale:this._lScale; |
this.setValue(v); |
this._dir='up'; |
this.invokeEvent('scroll'); |
}; |
p.scrollDown=function(bigscale){ |
var v=this._value; |
v-=(!bigscale)? this._sScale:this._lScale; |
this.setValue(v); |
this._dir='dn'; |
this.invokeEvent('scroll'); |
}; |
p.startAutoScroll=function(dir,x,y,bigscale){ |
this._autoX=x; |
this._autoY=y; |
this._autoDir=dir; |
bigscale=(bigscale)? true:false |
this._autoScroll(bigscale); |
}; |
p.stopAutoScroll=function(){ |
if(this._srclTimer==0) return; |
window.clearTimeout(this._srclTimer); |
this._srclTimer=0; |
}; |
/* Events */ |
ScrollBar.ButtonEvents = { |
onmousedown : function(e){ |
var bn=e.getSource(); |
var o=bn.parent; |
var dir; |
e.preventBubble(); |
if(bn==bn.parent.btnUp) dir='up'; else dir='dn'; |
o.startAutoScroll(dir); |
}, |
onmouseup : function(e){ |
var bn=e.getSource(); |
var o=bn.parent; |
e.preventBubble(); |
o.stopAutoScroll(); |
// prevent knob from being dragged when mouse over button |
if(DragEvent.dragevent.isDragging) DragEvent.dragevent.cancelDrag(); |
}, |
onmouseout : function(e){ |
var bn=e.getSource(); |
var o=bn.parent; |
e.preventBubble() |
o.stopAutoScroll(); |
} |
}; |
ScrollBar.KnobEvents = { |
onmousedown : function(e){ |
var o=e.getSource().parent; |
e.preventBubble() |
}, |
ondragstart : function(e){ |
var o=e.getSource().parent; |
e.preventBubble() |
}, |
ondragstop : function(e){ |
var o=e.getSource().parent; |
e.preventBubble() |
o._adjustKnob(); |
}, |
ondragmove : function(e){ |
var knob=e.getSource(); |
var o = knob.parent; |
var xy=(o._bartype=='V')? knob.y:knob.x; |
e.preventBubble() |
o._value = parseInt((xy-o._btnSize)/o._scale)+o._min; |
o.invokeEvent('scroll'); |
} |
}; |
ScrollBar.MouseEvents = { |
onmousedown : function(e){ |
var d='x',o=e.getSource(); |
var x=e.getX(); |
var y=e.getY(); |
if(o._bartype=='V') { |
if(y<o.knob.y) d='dn'; else d='up'; |
} |
if(o._bartype=='H'){ |
if(x<o.knob.x) d='dn'; else d='up'; |
} |
o._dir=d; |
o.startAutoScroll(null,x,y,true); |
}, |
onmouseup : function(e){ |
var o=e.getSource(); |
o.stopAutoScroll(); |
}, |
onmouseout : function(e){ |
var o=e.getSource(); |
o.stopAutoScroll(); |
} |
}; |
// Setup ScrollBar Button & Knob styles - to prevent getStyle() from calling loadImages() on registered styles use getStyle('name',true) |
Styles.addStyle('ScrollBarButton',Styles.getStyle('Button',true)); |
Styles.addStyle('ScrollBarKnob',Styles.getStyle('Knob',true)); |