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"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> |
<html> |
<head> |
<title>Dojo Tree Widget Test</title> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
var djConfig = {isDebug: true, debugAtAllCosts: true }; |
</script> |
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dojo.js"></script> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
dojo.require("dojo.widget.*"); |
dojo.require("dojo.widget.TreeV3"); |
dojo.require("dojo.widget.TreeBasicControllerV3"); |
dojo.hostenv.writeIncludes(); |
dojo.addOnLoad(function() { |
// Hook before dojo.event.publish to print all events |
var reporter = { |
beforePublish: function(topic, message) { |
dojo.debug("Going to publish:"+topic); |
}, |
beforeSubscribe: function(topic, message) { |
dojo.debug("Going to subscribe:"+topic); |
} |
} |
dojo.event.kwConnect({ |
type: "before", |
srcObj: dojo.event.topic, |
srcFunc: "publish", |
targetObj: reporter, |
targetFunc: "beforePublish" |
}); |
dojo.event.kwConnect({ |
type: "before", |
srcObj: dojo.event.topic.TopicImpl, |
srcFunc: "subscribe", |
targetObj: reporter, |
targetFunc: "report" |
}); |
}); |
function kill(id) { |
dojo.debug("RUN DESTROY..."); |
var widget = dojo.widget.byId(id); |
if (widget.isTreeNode) { |
var controller = dojo.widget.byId('controller'); |
if (!controller) { |
dojo.debug("No controller to destroy"); |
return; |
} |
controller.destroyChild(widget); |
} else { |
widget.destroy(); |
} |
dojo.debug("...DONE DESTROY"); |
} |
function print() { |
dojo.debug('---'); |
dojo.debug("Dumping all widgets:"); |
dojo.lang.forEach(dojo.widget.manager.getAllWidgets(), |
function(t) { dojo.debug(t) } |
); |
dojo.debug('---'); |
} |
function test(id) { |
print(); |
kill(id); |
print(); |
} |
</script> |
</head> |
<body> |
<h2>Destroy Tree</h2> |
<div dojoType="TreeBasicControllerV3" id="controller"></div> |
<div dojoType="TreeV3" id="tree" listeners="controller"> |
<div dojoType="TreeNodeV3" title="Item 1" id="node1"> |
<div dojoType="TreeNodeV3" title="Item 1.1" ></div> |
</div> |
<div dojoType="TreeNodeV3" title="Item 2" ></div> |
</div> |
<p> |
<input type=button onClick="test('node1'); this.parentNode.removeChild(this)" value="Destroy firstNode"/> |
<br/> |
<input type=button onClick="test('tree'); this.parentNode.removeChild(this)" value="Destroy tree"/> |
<br/> |
<input type=button onClick="test('controller'); this.parentNode.removeChild(this)" value="Destroy controller"/> |
<br/> |
</body> |