223 lines
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223 lines
9.3 KiB
/* |
DynAPI Distribution |
HTMLCalendar Class - based on Basic Calendar script from The JavaScript Source!! (http://javascript.internet.com) |
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. |
Requires: HTMLContainer |
*/ |
// to-do: add floating drop down menu to the month and year fields |
function HTMLCalendar(css,date){ |
this.HTMLContainer = HTMLContainer; |
this.HTMLContainer(css,null,240,206); |
this._date = date; |
}; |
var p = dynapi.setPrototype('HTMLCalendar','HTMLContainer'); |
// Design Properties |
p.borCol = '#BBBBBB'; |
p.titleBgCol ='#CCCCCC'; |
p.titleFgCol ='#000000'; |
p.wkDayBgCol ='#FFFFFF'; |
p.wkDayFgCol = '#000000'; |
p.selBorCol = '#CCCCCC'; |
p.selBgCol = '#DEDEFF'; |
p.selFgCol = '#000000'; |
p.selTDayBgCol = '#EEEEEE'; |
p.selTDayFgCol = '#000000'; |
p.imgDn = dynapi.functions.getImage(dynapi.library.path+'gui/images/arr_down.gif',10,10); |
p.imgToday = dynapi.functions.getImage(dynapi.library.path+'gui/images/today.gif',18,18); |
// Methods |
p._oldHConGetInnerHTML = HTMLContainer.prototype.getInnerHTML; |
p._getDSValue = function(){return this._date}; // DataSource functions |
p._setDSValue = function(d){this._build(d)}; |
p._build = function(dt,state,ns4Tmr){ |
var tmp,ua=dynapi.ua; |
// ns4 will crash if you try to replace the content of a layer by clicking on a link inside the layer |
if(ua.ns4 && !ns4Tmr && this.elm) { |
window.setTimeout(this+'._build("'+(dt||'')+'","'+(state||'')+'",true)',200); |
return; |
} |
var idate=((dt)? dt:this._date)||new Date(); |
idate = new Date(idate.toString()) |
if(isNaN(idate)) { |
alert('Invalid date: '+(dt||'')); |
return; |
} |
this._date = idate; |
var Calendar = new Date(idate.toString()); |
//DQ Deutsch |
//var day_of_week = new Array('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'); |
//var month_of_year = new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'); |
var day_of_week = new Array('So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'); |
var month_of_year = new Array('Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'); |
var year = Calendar.getFullYear(),month = Calendar.getMonth(); |
var today = (new Date()).getDate(); |
var todayMonth = (new Date()).getMonth(); |
var todayYear = (new Date()).getFullYear(); |
var selectedDay = Calendar.getDate(),weekday = Calendar.getDay(); |
var DAYS_OF_WEEK = 7,DAYS_OF_MONTH = 31; |
var TR_start = '<tr>',TR_end = '</tr>'; |
tmp = '<td><table callpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="@1" @2><tr><td width="18"><center><font face="arial" size="2" color="@3"><b>'; |
var highlight_today = tmp.replace(/@1/,this.backCol).replace(/@2/,'background="'+this.imgToday.src+'"').replace(/@3/,this.selTDayFgCol); |
var highlight_start = tmp.replace(/@1/,this.selBgCol).replace(/@2/,((ua.ns4)? 'border="1"':'style="border:2px solid '+this.selBorCol+'"')).replace(/@3/,this.selFgCol); |
var highlight_end = '</b></font></center></td></tr></table></td>'; |
tmp = '<td @0 width="30" height="26"><center><font face="arial" size="2" color="@1">'; |
var TD_wkDayStart = tmp.replace(/@0/,'bgcolor="'+this.wkDayBgCol+'"').replace(/@1/,this.wkDayFgCol); |
var TD_start = tmp.replace(/@0/,'').replace(/@1/,this.foreCol); |
var TD_end = '</font></center></td>'; |
tmp = (ua.ns4)? 'border="1"':'style="border:1px solid '+this.borCol+'"'; |
var cal='<table '+tmp+' width="240" height="206" bgcolor="'+this.backCol+'" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top">'; |
cal+='<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">' + TR_start; |
cal+='<td colspan="' + DAYS_OF_WEEK + '" bgcolor="'+this.titleBgCol+'"><center><font face="arial" size="2" color="'+this.titleFgCol+'"><b>'; |
idate=(month+1)+"/"+selectedDay+"/"+year; |
cal+='<a style="text-decoration:none;color:'+this.titleFgCol+'" href="javascript:;" onclick="return '+this+'._showMonths(\''+idate+'\');">'+ month_of_year[month] + ' '+this.imgDn.getHTML()+'</a> '; |
cal+='<a style="text-decoration:none;color:'+this.titleFgCol+'" href="javascript:;" onclick="return '+this+'._showYears(\''+idate+'\');">'+ year +' '+this.imgDn.getHTML()+'</a></b>' + TD_end + TR_end; |
// build days-of-week |
cal+=TR_start; |
Calendar.setDate(1); |
Calendar.setMonth(month); |
for(index=0; index < DAYS_OF_WEEK; index++){ |
tmp = day_of_week[index]; |
if(weekday == index) tmp = '<b>' + day_of_week[index] + '</b>'; |
cal+= TD_wkDayStart + tmp + TD_end; |
} |
cal+= TR_end; |
// build days-of-month |
if(Calendar.getDay()>0){ |
cal+= TR_start; |
for(index=0; index < Calendar.getDay(); index++){ |
cal+= TD_start + ' ' + TD_end; |
} |
} |
for(index=0; index < DAYS_OF_MONTH; index++){ |
if( Calendar.getDate() > index ){ |
week_day =Calendar.getDay(); |
if(week_day == 0) cal+=TR_start; |
if(week_day != DAYS_OF_WEEK){ |
var day = Calendar.getDate(); |
if(selectedDay==Calendar.getDate()){ |
cal+= highlight_start + day + highlight_end; |
}else{ |
idate=year+"/"+(month+1)+"/"+day; |
click='onclick="'+this+'._build(\''+idate+'\');return false;"'; |
click = '<a '+click+' style="text-decoration:none;color:@0" href="javascript:;">'+ day + '</a>'; |
if(today==Calendar.getDate() && todayMonth==month && todayYear==year){ |
click=click.replace(/@0/,this.selTDayFgCol); |
cal+= highlight_today + click + highlight_end; |
} |
else { |
click=click.replace(/@0/,this.foreCol); |
cal+= TD_start +click+TD_end; |
} |
} |
} |
if(week_day == (DAYS_OF_WEEK-1)) cal+= TR_end; |
} |
Calendar.setDate(Calendar.getDate()+1); |
} |
if(week_day != (DAYS_OF_WEEK-1)) cal+= TR_end; |
cal+= '</table></td></tr></table>'; |
if(!ua.ns4){ |
var v,attrib; |
// display today legend |
attrib = 'style="left:160px;top:180px;visibility:inherit;position:absolute"'; |
//DQ 20.1.2007 |
//cal+=HTMLComponent.buildLayer(this.id+'LEG',attrib,'<img src="'+this.imgToday.src+'" border="0" align="top" /><font face="arial" size="2"> Today</font>'); |
cal+=HTMLComponent.buildLayer(this.id+'LEG',attrib,'<img src="'+this.imgToday.src+'" border="0" align="top" /><font face="arial" size="2"> Heute</font>'); |
attrib = 'onmouseover="'+this+'._showMenu()" onmouseout="'+this+'._hideMenu()" style="left:70px;top:18px;visibility:inherit;position:absolute"'; |
// display months |
if(state=="sm"){ |
tmp='<table width="70" bgcolor="'+this.backCol+'" border="'+((ua.ns4)? 1:0)+'" style="border:1px black solid"><tr><td><font face="arial" size="1" color="'+this.foreCol+'">'; |
for(i=0;i<month_of_year.length;i++) { |
day=selectedDay; |
if(i==1 && day>28) day=28; //feb |
if((i==3||i==5||i==8||i==10) && day>30) day=30; // apr,june,sept,nov |
idate=year+"/"+(i+1)+"/"+day; |
v=month_of_year[i]; |
if(i==month) v='<u>'+v+'</u>'; |
click='onclick="'+this+'._build(\''+idate+'\');return false;"'; |
tmp+='<a '+click+' style="text-decoration:none;color:'+this.foreCol+'" href="javascript:;">'+v+'</a><br>'; |
} |
tmp+='</font></td></tr></table>'; |
cal+=HTMLComponent.buildLayer(this.id+'MNU',attrib,tmp); |
} |
// display years |
if(state=="sy"){ |
var c,m; |
tmp='<table width="'+((ua.ns4)? 170:165)+'" bgcolor="'+this.backCol+'" border="'+((ua.ns4)? 1:0)+'" style="border:1px black solid"><tr><td align="right"><font face="arial" size="1" color="'+this.foreCol+'">'; |
// prev |
idate=(year-12)+"/"+(month+1)+"/"+selectedDay |
click='onclick="'+this+'._build(\''+idate+'\',\'sy\');return false;"'; |
tmp+='<a '+click+' style="text-decoration:none;color:'+this.foreCol+'" href="javascript:;"><<Prev</a> | '; |
// manual |
idate=(month+1)+"/"+selectedDay+"/"+year; |
click='onclick="return '+this+'._showInput(\''+idate+'\');"'; |
tmp+='<a '+click+' style="text-decoration:none;color:'+this.foreCol+'" href="javascript:;">Manual</a> | '; |
// next |
idate=(year+12)+"/"+(month+1)+"/"+selectedDay |
click='onclick="'+this+'._build(\''+idate+'\',\'sy\');return false;"'; |
tmp+='<a '+click+' style="text-decoration:none;color:'+this.foreCol+'" href="javascript:;">Next>></a><br>'; |
// years |
for(i=0;i<6;i++) { |
for(c=0;c<5;c++){ |
m=((c*6)-12); |
idate=(year+m+i)+"/"+(month+1)+"/"+selectedDay |
v=(year+m+i); |
if(v==year) v='<u>'+v+'</u>'; |
click='onclick="'+this+'._build(\''+idate+'\');return false;"'; |
tmp+='<a '+click+' style="text-decoration:none;color:'+this.foreCol+'" href="javascript:;">'+v+'</a>'; |
if(c<4) tmp+=' <font color="#eeeeee">|</font> '; |
} |
tmp+='<br>'; |
} |
tmp+='</font></td></tr></table>' |
cal+=HTMLComponent.buildLayer(this.id+'MNU',attrib,tmp); |
}; |
clearTimeout(this._mnuTmr); |
if(state=='sy'||state=='sm') this._mnuTmr = setTimeout(this+'._hideMenu(true)',2500); |
} |
this.setHTML(cal); |
this.invokeEvent('change'); |
this._ePlaySnd('change'); |
}; |
p._hideMenu = function(b){ |
if(b) this._build(); |
else this._mnuTmr = setTimeout(this+'._hideMenu(true)',500); |
} |
p._showMenu = function(){ |
clearTimeout(this._mnuTmr); |
} |
p._showInput = function(dt){ |
var r = window.prompt('Please enter a valid year (yyyy) or date (mm/dd/yyyy):',dt||''); |
if(r && r.length==4) r=dt.substr(0,dt.length-4)+r; |
this._build(r); |
}; |
p._showMonths = function(dt){ |
if(dynapi.ua.ns4) this._showInput(dt); |
else this._build(null,'sm'); |
return false; |
}; |
p._showYears = function(dt){ |
if(dynapi.ua.ns4) this._showInput(dt); |
else this._build(null,'sy'); |
return false; |
}; |
p.getInnerHTML = function(){ |
this._build(); |
return this._oldHConGetInnerHTML(); |
}; |
p.getDate = function(dt){return this._date}; |
p.setDate = function(dt){ |
this._build(dt); |