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DynAPI Distribution
DynLayer NS4 Specific Functions
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
requires: dynapi.api.DynLayerBase
p = DynLayer.prototype;
p._ns4IPad = '<img src="'+dynapi.library.path+'gui/images/pixel.gif" width="0" height="0">'; // used with blackboard
p._remove = function() {
if (this.elm) {
var p = this.parent;
if (p && this._alias) p[this._alias]=null;
if (!p.doc.recycled) p.doc.recycled=[];
this.elm = null;
if (this.releaseMouseEvents) this.releaseMouseEvents();
if (this.releaseKeyEvents) this.releaseKeyEvents();
/*this.frame = null;
this.bgImage = null;
this.bgColor = null;
this.html = null;
this.z = null;
this.w = null;
this.h = null;
this.elm = null;
this.doc = null;
this.css = null;*/
p._create = function() {
if (this.parent && !this.elm) {
var parentElement = this.parent.isClass('DynLayer')? this.parent.elm : this.parent.frame;
var elm = new Layer(this.w||0, parentElement);
if(this._className) elm.className=this._className; // does this work in ns4?
if(!this._noStyle) {
if (this.w) elm.clip.width = this.w+this._fixBw;
if (this.h) elm.clip.height = this.h+this._fixBh;
if (this.x && this.y) elm.moveTo(this.x,this.y);
else if (this.x) elm.left = this.x;
else if (this.y) = this.y;
if (this.bgColor!=null) elm.document.bgColor = this.bgColor;
if (this.clip) {
var c = elm.clip, cl = this.clip;[0], c.right=cl[1], c.bottom=cl[2], c.left=cl[3];
if (this.z) elm.zIndex = this.z;
if (this.visible) elm.visibility = 'inherit';
if (this.children.length || (this.html!=null && this.html!='')) {
DynLayer._getLayerById = function(id,pElm){
var i,lyrs,elm;
pElm = (pElm)? pElm:document;
lyrs = pElm.layers;
for (i=0;i<lyrs.length;i++){
if ( return elm;
else if (elm.layers.length){
elm = this._getLayerById(id,elm);
if (elm) return elm;
DynLayer._assignElement = function(dlyr,elm) {
if (!elm) {
elm = dlyr.parent.doc.layers[];
if (!elm) elm=DynLayer._getLayerById(,dlyr.parent.elm);
if (!elm){
if(dlyr.isInline) dlyr._create(); // force create() for missing inline layer
dlyr.elm = elm;
dlyr.css = elm;
dlyr.doc = elm.document;
if(dlyr._blkBoardElm) {
dlyr._blkBoardElm = elm.document.layers['blkboard'];
dlyr.doc = dlyr._blkBoardElm.document; // useful for <forms>, images, links, etc
dlyr.elm._dynobj = dlyr.doc._dynobj = dlyr;
dlyr._dyndoc = dlyr.parent._dyndoc;
if (dlyr.html!=null && dlyr.html!='' && (dlyr.w==null || dlyr.h==null)) {
var cw = (dlyr.w==null)? dlyr.getContentWidth() : null;
var ch = (dlyr.h==null)? dlyr.getContentHeight() : null;
//var cw = (dlyr.w==null)? dlyr.getElmWidth() : null;
//var ch = (dlyr.h==null)? dlyr.getElmHeight() : null;
if (dlyr.bgImage!=null) dlyr.setBgImage(dlyr.bgImage);
var i,ch=dlyr.children;
for (i=0;i<ch.length;i++) DynLayer._assignElement(ch[i],null);
if (dlyr._hasKeyEvents) dlyr.captureKeyEvents();
if (dlyr._hasMouseEvents) dlyr.captureMouseEvents();
else {
// assign ._dynobj to images and links
for (var i=0;i<dlyr.doc.images.length;i++) dlyr.doc.images[i]._dynobj=dlyr; // was _dynobji
for (var i=0;i<dlyr.doc.links.length;i++) dlyr.doc.links[i]._dynobj=dlyr;
p.getOuterHTML = function() {
// get box fix values
var fixBw = (this._fixBw)? this._fixBw:0;
var fixBh = (this._fixBh)? this._fixBh:0;
var tag='layer',clip='';
if (fixBw||fixBh) this._fixBoxModel = true;
if(this._position=='relative') tag='ilayer';
if(this._noStyle) return '\n<'+tag+' '+this._cssClass+' id="''">'+this.getInnerHTML()+'</'+tag+'>';
else {
if (this.clip) clip=' clip="'+this.clip[3]+','+this.clip[0]+','+this.clip[1]+','+this.clip[2]+'"';
else clip=' clip="0,0,'+((this.w>=0)? this.w+fixBw:0)+','+((this.h>=0)? this.h+fixBh:0)+'"';
return [
'\n<'+tag+' ',this._cssClass,' id="''"',
' left=',(this.x!=null? this.x : 0),
' top=',(this.y!=null? this.y : 0),
((this.visible)? ' visibility="inherit"':' visibility="hide"'),
((this.w!=null)? ' width='+(this.w+fixBw):''),
((this.h!=null)? ' height='+(this.h+fixBw):''),
((this.z)? ' zindex='+this.z:''),
((this.bgColor!=null)? ' bgcolor="'+this.bgColor+'"':''),
((this.bgImage!=null)? ' background="'+this.bgImage+'"':''),
p.getInnerHTML = function() {
var i,s = '',ch=this.children;
if (this.html!=null) {
if (this.w==null) s += '<nobr>'+this.html+'</nobr>';
else s+=this.html;
if (this._blkBoardElm) s='<layer id="''blkboard">'+this._ns4IPad+s+'</layer>';
if(ch.length<50) for (i=0;i<ch.length;i++) s+=ch[i].getOuterHTML();
else if(ch.length){
var ar=['']; // speed improvement for layers with nested children
for (i=0;i<ch.length;i++) ar[i]=ch[i].getOuterHTML();
return s;
p.enableBlackboard = function(){
if (!this._created) this._blkBoardElm=true;
else if(!this._blkBoardElm){
var c,i,h='',elm = this.elm;
if(this.html!=null) h=this.html;
var parentElement = this.parent.isClass('DynLayer')? this.parent.elm : this.parent.frame;
var belm = this._blkBoardElm = new Layer(0, elm);
this.doc = belm.document;
this.doc.write(h); this.doc.close();
belm.visibility = 'inherit';
for (i=0;i<this.children.length;i++){
c.css.zIndex=c.css.zIndex; // reset zindex
p.setLocation = function(x,y) {
var cx = (x!=null && x!=this.x);
var cy = (y!=null && y!=this.y);
if (cx) this.x = x||0;
if (cy) this.y = y||0;
if (this.css!=null) {
if (cx && cy) this.elm.moveTo(this.x, this.y);
else if (cx) this.css.left = this.x;
else if (cy) = this.y;
// adjust parent size after being moved
if((cx||cy) && this.parent._aSz) this.parent._adjustSize();
if(this._hasLocationEvents) this.invokeEvent('locationchange');
return (cx||cy);
p.setPageLocation = function(x,y) {
if (this.css) {
if (x!=null) {
this.css.pageX = x;
this.x = this.css.left;
if (y!=null) {
this.css.pageY = y;
this.y =;
return true;
else {
if (this.isChild) {
if (x!=null) x = x - this.parent.getPageX();
if (y!=null) y = y - this.parent.getPageY();
return this.setLocation(x,y);
p.getPageX = function() {return this.css? this.css.pageX : null};
p.getPageY = function() {return this.css? this.css.pageY : null};
p.setVisible = function(b) {
if (b!=this.visible) {
this.visible = b;
if (this.css) this.css.visibility = b? "inherit" : "hide";
p.setSize = function(w,h) {
if (this._useMinSize||this._useMaxSize){
if (this._minW && w<this._minW) w=this._minW;
if (this._minH && h<this._minH) h=this._minH;
if (this._maxW && w>this._maxW) w=this._maxW;
if (this._maxH && h>this._maxH) h=this._maxH;
var cw = (w!=null && w!=this.w);
var ch = (h!=null && h!=this.h);
if (cw) this.w = w<0? 0 : w;
if (ch) this.h = h<0? 0 : h;
if (cw||ch) {
if (this._hasAnchor) this.updateAnchor(); // update this anchor
if (this._hasChildAnchors) this._updateAnchors(); // update child anchors
if (this.css) {
if (cw) this.css.clip.width = (this.w || 0)+this._fixBw;
if (ch) this.css.clip.height = (this.h || 0)+this._fixBh;
// adjust parent size after being sized
if((cw||ch) && this.parent._aSz) this.parent._adjustSize();
if (this.updateLayout) this.updateLayout();
if(this._hasResizeEvents) this.invokeEvent('resize');
return (cw||ch);
p.setHTML=function(html) {
var ch = (html!=null && html!=this.html);
if (ch) {
this.html = html;
if (this.css) {
var i, doc = this.doc;
var html=(!this._blkBoardElm)? this.html:this._ns4IPad+this.html; // don't ask why! See HTMLContainer; doc.write(html); doc.close();
for (i=0;i<doc.images.length;i++) doc.images[i]._dynobj = this;
for (i=0;i<doc.links.length;i++) doc.links[i]._dynobj = this;
if(this._hasContentEvents) this.invokeEvent('contentchange');
p.setTextSelectable=function(b) {
this._textSelectable = b;
onmousemove : function(e) {
// && this.captureMouseEvents && !this._hasMouseEvents) this.captureMouseEvents();
p.getCursor = function() {return this._cursor};
p.setCursor = function(c) {
if (!c) c = 'default';
if (this._cursor!=c) this._cursor = c;
// Note: not supported in ns4
p.setBgColor=function(c) {
this.bgColor = c;
if (this.css) this.elm.document.bgColor = c;
p.setBgImage=function(path) {
if (this.css) {
//if (!path) this.setBgColor(this.getBgColor());
p.getContentWidth=function() {
if (this.elm==null) return 0;
else {
return this.doc.width;
p.getContentHeight=function() {
if (this.elm==null) return 0;
else {
return this.doc.height;
p.setClip=function(clip) {
var cc=this.getClip();
for (var i=0;i<clip.length;i++) if (clip[i]==null) clip[i]=cc[i];
if (this.css==null) return;
var c=this.css.clip;[0], c.right=clip[1], c.bottom=clip[2], c.left=clip[3];
p.getClip=function() {
if (this.css==null || !this.css.clip) return [0,0,0,0];
var c = this.css.clip;
if (c) {
return [,c.right,c.bottom,c.left];