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Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
// User defined button widget
// that extends dojo's button widget by setting custom images
// In java terminology, this file defines
// a class called acme.widget.Button that extends dojo.widget.Button
// <namespace>, <namespace>.widget is now considered 'conventional'
// therefore the registerNamespace call below is no longer necessary here
// Tell dojo that widgets prefixed with "acme:" namespace are found in the "acme.widget" module
//dojo.registerNamespace("acme", "acme.widget");
// define UserButton's constructor
// class
// superclass
// member variables/functions
// override background images
inactiveImg: "user-",
activeImg: "userActive-",
pressedImg: "userPressed-",
disabledImg: "userPressed-",
width2height: 1.3,
_setImage: function(/*String*/ prefix){
this.leftImage.src=dojo.uri.moduleUri("acme", prefix + "l.gif");
this.centerImage.src=dojo.uri.moduleUri("acme", prefix + "c.gif");
this.rightImage.src=dojo.uri.moduleUri("acme", prefix + "r.gif");