20 lines
716 B
20 lines
716 B
#!/bin/bash |
#This is the central update script for SuperX. |
#Activate it in your crontab with for example: |
#15 20 * * * root su - superx -c "/home/superx/db/module/update.x" >update.log 2>&1 |
#This entry in /etc/crontab starts the update exery night at 20:15 o'clock. |
. /home/superx/db/bin/SQL_ENV |
LOG=$SUPERX_DIR/db/module/superx_update.log |
#Stop Tomcat |
$SUPERX_DIR/webserver/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh >$LOG 2>&1 |
#Dump Database |
$SUPERX_DIR/db/install/dump_it.x >>$LOG 2>&1 |
#Now the Modules are updated: |
#uncomment this to release it (examples) |
#$SOS_PFAD/sos_update.x >>$LOG 2>&1 |
#$COB_PFAD/cob_update.x >>$LOG 2>&1 |
#$SVA_PFAD/sva_update.x >>$LOG 2>&1 |
$SUPERX_DIR/webserver/tomcat/bin/startup.sh >>$LOG 2>&1 |