396 lines
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396 lines
12 KiB
/* |
DynAPI Distribution |
DynLayer Base/Common Class |
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. |
requires: dynapi.api.DynDocument |
*/ |
var DynLayerBase = {}; // used by library |
function DynLayer(html,x,y,w,h,color,image) { |
this.DynElement = DynElement; |
this.DynElement(); |
if (html && typeof(html)=='object'){ // typeof more stable than constructor when creating layers from another frame |
var args=html; // dictionary input |
html=args.html; |
x = args.x; |
y = args.y; |
w = args.w; |
h = args.h; |
color = args.color; |
image = args.image; |
this.z = (args.zIndex||1); |
this._saveAnchor = args.anchor; |
this.visible = (args.visible==false)? false:true; |
this._textSelectable = (args.textSelectable==false)?false:true; |
if (args.id) this.setID(args.id,true); |
} |
else { |
this.visible = true; |
this.z = 1; |
this._saveAnchor = false; |
this._textSelectable = true; |
} |
this.x = x||0; |
this.y = y||0; |
this.w = w; |
this.h = h; |
this.bgColor = color; |
this.bgImage = image; |
this.html = (html!=null)? html+'':null; // convert html to string |
this.elm = null; |
this.doc = null; |
this.css = null; |
}; |
var p = dynapi.setPrototype('DynLayer','DynElement'); |
p._cssBorder = ''; |
p._fixBw = 0; |
p._fixBh = 0; |
p._adjustSize=function(){ |
var aw=this._aSzW; |
var ah=this._aSzH; |
if(this._created && (aw||ah)) { |
var i,c,w=0,h=0; |
// get furthest child |
for (i=0;i<this.children.length;i++){ |
c=this.children[i]; |
if(c && w<(c.x+c.w)) w=c.x+c.w; |
if(c && h<(c.y+c.h)) h=c.y+c.h; |
} |
if(aw) { |
i = this.getContentWidth(); |
if(w<i) w=i; |
if(w!=this.w) this.setWidth(w); // set width first |
} |
if(ah) { |
i = this.getContentHeight(); |
if(h<i) h=i; |
if(h!=this.h) this.setHeight(h); // set height after width |
} |
} |
}; |
p._destroy = function() { |
this._destroyAllChildren(); |
this.removeAllEventListeners(); |
if (this.elm) this._remove(); |
this.setAnchor(null); // remove anchor |
this.frame = null; |
this.bgImage = null; |
this.bgColor = null; |
this.html = null; |
this.x = null; |
this.y = null; |
this.w = null; |
this.h = null; |
this.z = null; |
this.doc = null; |
this.css = null; |
this._dyndoc = null; |
this.parent = null; |
this._blkBoardElm = null; |
DynObject.all[this.id] = null; |
}; |
p._destroyAllChildren = function() { |
var aSz = this._aSz; |
this._aSz = false; // prevent children from adjusting parent's size when removed |
for (var i=0;i<this.children.length;i++) { |
this.children[i]._destroy(); |
delete this.children[i]; |
} |
this.children.length=0; |
this._aSz = aSz; |
}; |
p._remove = function() { //! Overwritten by NS4 |
var p = this.parent; |
if (p && this._alias) p[this._alias]=null; |
if (p && this.elm) { |
//this.elm.style.visibility = "hidden"; |
//this.elm.innerHTML = ""; |
//this.elm.outerHTML = ""; |
var pref=p.elm; |
if(document.getElementById && document.childNodes){ |
if(this.elm.parentNode) pref = this.elm.parentNode; // used with relative layers |
pref.removeChild(this.elm); |
} |
else if (pref && pref.children){ |
this.elm.outerHTML=''; |
} |
this.elm = null; |
if (this.releaseMouseEvents) this.releaseMouseEvents(); |
if (this.releaseKeyEvents) this.releaseKeyEvents(); |
} |
/* |
this.frame = null; |
this.bgImage = null; |
this.bgColor = null; |
this.html = null; |
this.z = null; |
this.w = null; |
this.h = null; |
this.elm = this.css = this.doc = null; |
*/ |
}; |
p._createInserted = function(divs){ |
DynLayer._assignElement(this,null,divs); //! NS4 will ignore divs |
DynElement._flagCreate(this); |
}; |
p.getOuterHTML=function() { //! Overwritten by NS4 |
// get box fix values |
var fixBw = (this._fixBw)? this._fixBw:0; |
var fixBh = (this._fixBh)? this._fixBh:0; |
if (fixBw||fixBh) this._fixBoxModel = true; |
if (this._noStyle) return '<div '+this._cssClass+' id="'+this.id+'">'+this.getInnerHTML()+'</div>'; |
else { |
var s,clip='',bgimage=' background-image:none;'; |
if(this.bgImage!=null) bgimage=' background-image:url('+this.bgImage+');'; |
if (this.clip) clip=' clip:rect('+this.clip[0]+'px '+this.clip[1]+'px '+this.clip[2]+'px '+this.clip[3]+'px);'; |
else if (this.w!=null && this.h!=null) clip=' clip:rect(0px '+(this.w+fixBw)+'px '+(this.h+fixBh)+'px 0px);'; |
// modify box fix values |
if (!dynapi.ua.ie && !dynapi.ua.opera) fixBw = 0; |
if (!dynapi.ua.ie) fixBh = 0; |
return [ |
'\n<div '+this._cssClass+' id="'+this.id+'" style="', |
' left:',(this.x!=null? this.x : 0),'px;', |
' top:',(this.y!=null? this.y : 0),'px;', |
((this.w!=null)? ' width:'+(this.w+fixBw)+'px;':''), |
((this.h!=null)? ' height:'+(this.h+fixBh)+'px;':''), |
((this.z)? ' z-index:'+this.z+';':''), |
((this._cursor!=null)? ' cursor:'+this._cursor+';':'cursor:auto;'), |
((this.bgColor!=null)? ' background-color:'+this.bgColor+';':''), |
((this.visible==false)? ' visibility:hidden;':' visibility:inherit;'), |
bgimage, |
clip, |
this._cssBorder, |
this._cssOverflow, |
this._cssPosition, |
';">', |
this.getInnerHTML(), |
'</div>' |
].join(''); |
} |
}; |
p.getInnerHTML=function() { //! Overwritten by NS4 |
var s = ''; |
var i,ch=this.children; |
if (this.html!=null) s+=this.html; |
if (this._blkBoardElm) s=('<div id="'+this.id+'_blkboard">'+s+'</div>'); |
if(ch.length<50) for (i=0;i<ch.length;i++) s+=ch[i].getOuterHTML(); |
else if(ch.length){ |
var ar=['']; // speed improvement for layers with nested children |
for (i=0;i<ch.length;i++) ar[i]=ch[i].getOuterHTML(); |
s=s+ar.join(''); |
} |
return s; |
}; |
p.getPageX = function() {return (this.isChild)? this.parent.getPageX()+(this.x||0) : this.x||0}; //! Overwritten by NS4 |
p.getPageY = function() {return (this.isChild)? this.parent.getPageY()+(this.y||0) : this.y||0}; //! Overwritten by NS4 |
p.setAutoSize = function(w,h){ |
this._aSzW = w; // automatically adjust the size of layer to the size of its content |
this._aSzH = h; |
this._aSz = w||h; |
if(this._aSz) this._adjustSize(); |
}; |
p._cssClass = ''; |
p.setClass = function(c,noInlineStyle){ |
this._className=c; |
if(this.elm) this.elm.className=c; |
else { |
this._cssClass=(c)? 'class="'+c+'"':''; |
this._noStyle=noInlineStyle; |
} |
}; |
p.setVisible = function(b) { //! Overwritten by NS4 |
//if (b!=this.visible) { |
this.visible = b; |
if (this.css) this.css.visibility = b? "inherit" : "hidden"; |
//} |
}; |
p.setSize = function(w,h) { //! Overwritten by NS4 |
if (this._useMinSize||this._useMaxSize){ |
if (this._minW && w<this._minW) w=this._minW; |
if (this._minH && h<this._minH) h=this._minH; |
if (this._maxW && w>this._maxW) w=this._maxW; |
if (this._maxH && h>this._maxH) h=this._maxH; |
} |
var cw = (w!=null && w!=this.w); |
var ch = (h!=null && h!=this.h); |
if (cw) this.w = w<0? 0 : w; |
if (ch) this.h = h<0? 0 : h; |
if (cw||ch) { |
if (this._hasAnchor) this.updateAnchor(); // update this anchor |
if (this._hasChildAnchors) this._updateAnchors(); // update child anchors |
if (this.css) { |
if (cw) this.css.width = this.w||0; |
if (ch) this.css.height = this.h||0; |
if (cw || ch) { |
if(this._needBoxFix) BorderManager.FixBoxModel(this,true); |
else this.css.clip = 'rect(0px '+(this.w||0)+'px '+(this.h||0)+'px 0px)'; |
// adjust parent size after being sized |
if(this.parent._aSz) this.parent._adjustSize(); |
} |
if (this.updateLayout) this.updateLayout(); // what's this? |
} |
} |
if(this._hasResizeEvents) this.invokeEvent('resize'); |
return (cw||ch); |
}; |
p.setMaximumSize = function(w,h){ |
this._maxW=w; this._maxH=h; |
this._useMaxSize=(w!=h!=null); |
w=(this.w>w)?w:this.w; |
h=(this.h>h)? h:this.h; |
this.setSize(this.w,this.h); |
}; |
p.setMinimumSize = function(w,h){ |
this._minW=w; this._minH=h; |
this._useMinSize=(w!=h!=null); |
this.setSize(this.w,this.h); |
}; |
p._position = 'absolute'; |
p._cssPosition = ' position:absolute'; |
p.setPosition = function(p){ |
if(p!='relative' && p!='fixed' && p!='absolute') p='absolute'; |
this._position=p; |
if (this.css) this.css.position=p; |
else this._cssPosition = ' position:'+p; |
}; |
p._overflow='hidden'; |
p._cssOverflow =' overflow:hidden;'; |
p.getOverflow = function(){return this._overflow}; |
p.setOverflow = function(s){ |
if(!s) s='default'; |
this._overflow=s; |
if(this.css) this.css.overflow=s; |
else this._cssOverflow=' overflow:'+s+';'; |
}; |
p.getAnchor = function(){ |
if(!this.parent) return this._saveAnchors; |
else if (this.parent._childAnchors) { |
return this.parent._childAnchors[this.id]; |
} |
}; |
p.setAnchor = function(anchor) { |
if (anchor == null) { |
delete this._saveAnchor; |
if (this.parent && this.parent._childAnchors && this.parent._childAnchors[this.id]) delete this.parent._childAnchors[this.id]; |
this._hasAnchor = false; |
} |
else if (this.parent) { |
if (!this.parent._childAnchors) this.parent._childAnchors = {}; |
var a = this.parent._childAnchors; |
a[this.id] = anchor; |
this.parent._updateAnchor(this.id); |
this._hasAnchor = this.parent._hasChildAnchors = true; |
} |
else this._saveAnchor = anchor; |
}; |
p.setX=function(x) {this.setLocation(x,null)}; |
p.setY=function(y) {this.setLocation(null,y)}; |
p.getX=function() {return this.x||0}; |
p.getY=function() {return this.y||0}; |
p.setPageX = function(x) {this.setPageLocation(x,null)}; |
p.setPageY = function(y) {this.setPageLocation(null,y)}; |
p.getVisible=function() {return this.visible}; |
p.getZIndex=function() {return this.z}; |
p.setZIndex=function(z) { |
if (typeof(z)=="object") { |
if (z.above) this.z = z.above.z + 1; |
else if (z.below) this.z = z.below.z - 1; |
else if (z.topmost && !this.parent) this.z = (DynLayer._z)? (DynLayer._z++):(DynLayer._z=1000); |
else if (z.topmost) { |
var topZ=10000,ch=this.parent.children; |
for(var i=0;i<ch.length;i++) if (ch[i].z>topZ) topZ=ch[i].z; |
this.parent._topZ = topZ+2; |
this.z = this.parent._topZ; |
} |
} |
else this.z = z; |
if (this.css) this.css.zIndex = this.z; |
}; |
p.getHTML = function() {return this.html}; |
p.setWidth=function(w) {this.setSize(w,null)}; |
p.setHeight=function(h) {this.setSize(null,h)}; |
p.getWidth=function() {return this.w||0}; |
p.getHeight=function() {return this.h||0}; |
p.getBgImage=function() {return this.bgImage}; |
p.getBgColor=function() {return this.bgColor}; |
p.setBgColor=function(c) { //! Overwritten by NS4 |
if (c==null) c = 'transparent'; |
this.bgColor = c; |
if (this.css) this.css.backgroundColor = c; |
}; |
p.setBgImage=function(path) { //! Overwritten by NS4 |
this.bgImage=path; |
if (this.css) this.css.backgroundImage='url('+path+')'; |
}; |
p.setClip=function(clip) { //! Overwritten by NS4 |
var cc=this.getClip(); |
for (var i=0;i<clip.length;i++) if (clip[i]==null) clip[i]=cc[i]; |
this.clip=clip; |
if (this.css==null) return; |
var c=this.css.clip; |
this.css.clip="rect("+clip[0]+"px "+clip[1]+"px "+clip[2]+"px "+clip[3]+"px)"; |
}; |
p.getClip=function() { //! Overwritten by NS4 |
if (this.css==null || !this.css.clip) return [0,0,0,0]; |
var c = this.css.clip; |
if (c) { |
if (c.indexOf("rect(")>-1) { |
c=c.split("rect(")[1].split(")")[0]; |
c=c.replace(/(\D+)/g,',').split(","); |
for (var i=0;i<c.length;i++) c[i]=parseInt(c[i]); |
return [c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3]]; |
} |
else return [0,this.w,this.h,0]; |
} |
}; |
p.slideTo = function(endx,endy,inc,speed) { |
if (!this._slideActive) { |
var x = this.x||0; |
var y = this.y||0; |
if (endx==null) endx = x; |
if (endy==null) endy = y; |
var distx = endx-x; |
var disty = endy-y; |
if (x==endx && y==endy) return; |
var num = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distx,2) + Math.pow(disty,2))/(inc||10)-1; |
var dx = distx/num; |
var dy = disty/num; |
this._slideActive = true; |
this._slide(dx,dy,endx,endy,num,this.x,this.y,1,(speed||20)); |
} |
}; |
p.slideStop = function() { |
this._slideActive = false; |
//this.invokeEvent('pathcancel'); |
}; |
p._slide = function(dx,dy,endx,endy,num,x,y,i,speed) { |
if (!this._slideActive) this.slideStop(); |
else if (i++ < num) { |
this.invokeEvent('pathrun'); |
if (this._slideActive) { |
x += dx; |
y += dy; |
this.setLocation(Math.round(x),Math.round(y)); |
setTimeout(this+'._slide('+dx+','+dy+','+endx+','+endy+','+num+','+x+','+y+','+i+','+speed+')',speed); |
} |
//else this.slideStop(); |
} |
else { |
this._slideActive = false; |
this.invokeEvent('pathrun'); |
this.setLocation(endx,endy); |
this.invokeEvent('pathfinish'); |
} |
}; |