172 lines
4.2 KiB
172 lines
4.2 KiB
/* |
DynAPI Distribution |
Cookie functions |
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. |
*/ |
/* |
This is not tested, should work like this: |
var c = new Cookie('mycookieset'); |
c.add('array',[1,2,3]); // re-saves cookie each time a value is added |
var c = new Cookie('mycookieset'); // auto-retrieves saved cookie object |
var name = c.get('name'); |
var array = c.get('array'); |
array[array.length] = 4; |
c.add('name',name+' MyLastName'); |
c.add('array',array); |
*/ |
function Cookie(name,pDType) { |
this.DynObject = DynObject; |
this.DynObject(); |
this.data = {}; |
this.name = name; |
this.exists = false; |
this._pdt=pDType; |
var c = dynapi.functions.getCookie(this.name); |
if (c) { |
this.exists = true; |
var a = c.split(','); |
var x,n,v; |
for (var i=0;i<a.length;i++) { |
x = a[i].split('='); |
n = x[0]; |
v = Cookie.decode(x[1]); |
if (n && v) this.data[n] = v; |
} |
//var i1 = c.indexOf('expires='); |
this._save(false); |
} |
else this._save(); |
}; |
// to-do: replace escape(),unescape() with better encoding functions |
Cookie.decode = function(t,_lvl){ |
var dt = (t+'').substring(0,2); |
if(isNaN(_lvl)) _lvl=0; else _lvl++; |
if(dt=='a[') { //array |
t=t.substring(2,t.length-1); |
t=t.split('\\'+_lvl); |
for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++) t[i]=Cookie.decode(t[i],_lvl); |
} |
else if(dt=='o[') { //object |
var a,n,v; |
t=t.substring(2,t.length-1); |
a=t.split('\\'+_lvl); |
t={}; |
for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++) { |
n=a[i].substring(0,a[i].indexOf(':')); |
if(n) v=a[i].substring(n.length+1); |
else v=null; |
t[n]=Cookie.decode(v,_lvl); |
} |
} |
else if(dt=='n[') { //number:float, integer |
t=parseFloat(t.substring(2,t.length-1)); |
} |
else if(dt=='d[') { //date |
t=new Date(unescape(t.substring(2,t.length-1))); |
} |
else if(dt=='b[') { //boolean |
t=(t.substring(2,t.length-1)=="1")? true:false; |
} |
else if(dt=='u[') { //null |
t=null; |
} |
else{ //string |
t=unescape(t); |
} |
return t; |
}; |
// to-do: replace escape(),unescape() with better encoding functions |
Cookie.encode = function(t,pDType,_lvl){ |
if (!pDType) t=escape(t); |
else if (t==null) t='u[]'; |
else if(typeof(t)=='number') t='n['+t+']'; |
else if(typeof(t)=='boolean') t='b['+((t)? 1:0)+']'; |
else if(typeof(t)!='object') t=escape(t); |
else { |
if(isNaN(_lvl)) _lvl=0; else _lvl++; |
if(t.constructor==Date) t='d['+escape(t)+']'; |
else if(t.constructor==Array){ |
//encode array = a[n1\0n2...\0nN] |
var a=[]; |
for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++) a[i]=Cookie.encode(t[i],pDType); |
t='a['+a.join('\\'+_lvl)+']'; |
} |
else { |
//encode object = o[name1:value1\0name2:value2...\0nameN:valueN] |
var a=[]; |
for(var i in t){ |
a[a.length]=(i+':'+Cookie.encode(t[i],pDType,_lvl)); |
} |
t='o['+a.join('\\'+_lvl)+']'; |
} |
} |
return t; |
}; |
var p = dynapi.setPrototype('Cookie','DynObject'); |
p.get = function(name) { |
return this.data[name]; |
}; |
p.getAll = function() { |
return data; |
}; |
p.add = function(name,value) { |
this.data[name] = value; |
this._save(); |
}; |
p.remove = function(name) { |
this.data[name] = null; |
delete this.data[name]; |
this._save(); |
}; |
p.removeAll = function(){ |
this.data = {}; |
this._save(); |
}; |
p.setExpires = function(days) { |
this.expires = days; |
}; |
p.destroy = function() { |
dynapi.functions.deleteCookie(this.name); |
}; |
p._save = function(write) { |
var s = ''; |
for (var i in this.data) { |
var v = this.data[i]; |
if (v) s += i + '=' + Cookie.encode(v,this._pdt) + ','; |
} |
s = s.substring(0,s.length-1); |
var f = 'Saved'; |
if (write!=false) dynapi.functions.setCookie(this.name,s,this.expires); |
else f = 'Found'; |
dynapi.debug.print(f+' Cookie: name='+this.name+' data={'+s+'}'); |
}; |
dynapi.functions.setCookie = function(name,value,days) { |
if (days) { |
var date=new Date(); |
date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); |
var expires="; expires="+date.toGMTString(); |
} |
else expires = ""; |
dynapi.frame.document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; |
}; |
dynapi.functions.getCookie = function(name) { |
var nameEQ = name+"="; |
var c,ca = dynapi.frame.document.cookie.split(';'); |
for(var i=0;i<ca.length;i++) { |
c=ca[i]; |
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c=c.substring(1,c.length); |
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ)==0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); |
} |
return null; |
}; |
dynapi.functions.deleteCookie = function(name) { |
dynapi.functions.setCookie(name,"",-1); |