DynAPI Distribution
HTMLMenu Class - based on Cascading Menu script from The JavaScript Source!! (http://javascript.internet.com)
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
Requires: HTMLComponent
function HTMLMenu(css,orientation){
this.HTMLComponent = HTMLComponent;
this._menu = []; // store menu items
this._menuLink = []; // store menu link ids
this._mnuTmr = 0;
this._litNow = [];
this._vertOrient = (orientation && orientation=='vert')? true:false;
this.onCreate(this._assignElm); // necessary as menus needs to be created after page loads
HTMLMenu._addItem = function(css,text,linkId,callback,length,spacing,backCol,selBgCol,cssText){
var itm = {};
var len = this._src._menu[this._mnuid].length;
itm.id = this.id+len;
itm.lid = linkId;
if(typeof(text)!='object') {
itm.text = text||'';
itm.image = null;
itm.contMode = (dynapi.ua.def)? true:false;
else {
itm.contMode = text.contMode; // container mode
itm.callback = (!callback && linkId)? false:callback;
itm.length = length||this.height||this._src.mnuItmHeight;
itm.cssName = css||this._src.cssMenuItem;
itm.cssTextName = cssText||this._src.cssMenuText;
itm.spacing = spacing||0;
itm.backCol = backCol||this._src.backCol;
itm.selBgCol = selBgCol||this._src.selBgCol;
this._src._menu[this._mnuid][len] = itm;
return itm.id;
var p = dynapi.setPrototype('HTMLMenu','HTMLComponent');
// Design Properties
p.backCol = '#003366';
p.selBgCol = '#336699';
p.cssMenuItem = 'HCMNUItm';
p.cssMenuText = 'HCMNUItmText';
p.mnuItmWidth = 40;
p.mnuItmHeight = 20;
p.mnuArrow = dynapi.functions.getImage(dynapi.library.path+'gui/images/menuarrow.gif',8,9).getHTML();
// Methods
p._assignElm = function(elm){
var i,c,id,lyr,plyr;
var mnu,itmName;
if(!this._created) return;
for (i = 0; i < this._menu.length; i++) {
id = this.id+'Mnu' + i + 'Div';
// assign root menu css
plyr = this.HC.getLayerById(id,this.parent.doc);
if(!plyr) {
this._created = false; // not yet created
mnu = this._menu[i][0];
mnu.elm = plyr;
mnu.css = (dynapi.ua.ns4)? plyr:plyr.style;
this.elm = plyr;
this.css = (dynapi.ua.ns4)? plyr:plyr.style;
this.doc = plyr.document;
else {
// create other menu items inside document
if(this['Menu'+i+'Embedded']) plyr = this['Menu'+i+'Embedded'];
else {
plyr = this._buildMenu(i);
mnu = this._menu[i][0];
mnu.elm = plyr;
mnu.css = (dynapi.ua.ns4)? plyr:plyr.style;
this['Menu'+i+'Embedded'] = plyr; // menu item now exist inside the document
// setup menu items
for (c = 1; c < this._menu[i].length; c++) {
itmName = this.id+'Mnu' + i + 'Itm' + c;
lyr = this.HC.getLayerById(itmName,plyr.document);
this._menu[i][c].elm =lyr;
this._menu[i][c].css = (!dynapi.ua.ns4)? lyr.style:plyr.document[itmName];
p._buildMenu = function(currMenu){
var mnuImage,mnuImgAlg;
var targetMenu;
var w,h,itemID,mnu = this._menu[currMenu];
var str = '', itemX = 0, itemY = 0;
if(!mnu) return '';
if(currMenu>0) mnu[0].css=null; // reset css to force _assignElm during TM generate
// Items start from 1 in the array (0 is menu object itself, above).
// Also use properties of each item nested in the other with() for construction.
for (var currItem = 1; currItem < mnu.length; currItem++) with (mnu[currItem]) {
itemID = this.id + 'Mnu' + currMenu + 'Itm' + currItem;
// The width and height of the menu item - dependent on orientation!
w = (!mnu[0].isRoot ? mnu[0].width : length);
h = (!mnu[0].isRoot ? length : mnu[0].width);
// In IE4 width must be a miniumum of 3 pixels.
if (dynapi.ua.def) {
str += '
// Setup menu image
var imgParams
if(!image) mnuImage ='';
else {
imgParams = image.params;
mnuImgAlg = (imgParams && imgParams.align)? imgParams.align:'absmiddle';
mnuImage = '

// Setup Image Text Direction
dir = (imgParams && imgParams.textdir)? imgParams.textdir:'W';
dir = (dir+'').toUpperCase();
if(dir=='E') text = text+mnuImage;
if(dir=='N') text = mnuImage+'
if(dir=='S') text = text+'
else text = mnuImage+text;
// In IE/NS6+, add padding if there's a border to emulate NS4's layer padding.
str += '
+ (contMode? text:'' + text + '')
+' | ';
if(lid && this._menuLink[lid]) {
// Set target's parents to this menu item.
this._menu[linkMnu][0].parentMnu = currMenu;
this._menu[linkMnu][0].parentItm = currItem;
// Add popout indicator.
if(currMenu!=0) str += ''+this.mnuArrow+' | ';
str += '
' + (dynapi.ua.ns4 ? '' : '
if (!mnu[0].isRoot) itemY += length + spacing;
else itemX += length + spacing;
var id = this.id+'Mnu' + currMenu + 'Div';
// first menu must be relatively positioned
var attr;
if(dynapi.ua.ns4) str = ''+str+'';
else str = ''+str+'
return str;
else if(this._created){
// add all other menus inside the document object
var lyr;
if (dynapi.ua.ie||dynapi.ua.opera) {
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', '' + str + '
lyr = document.all[id];
lyr.style.visibility = "hidden";
else if (dynapi.ua.dom) {
var ptxt,r = document.body.ownerDocument.createRange();
ptxt = r.createContextualFragment('' + str + '
lyr = document.body.lastChild;
else if (dynapi.ua.ns4) {
lyr = new Layer(0);
lyr.zIndex = 10000;
lyr.top = -100;
return lyr;
p._e = function(evt,mnuNum,itmNum){
var mnu = this._menu[mnuNum];
var index = mnu[0].id+itmNum;
this._ePlaySnd(evt); // plays ordinary sound events: click, over & out
this._evtResponse = this._defEvtResponse;
if(mnu[itmNum] && mnu[itmNum].callback) {
if(typeof(mnu[itmNum].callback)=='function') mnu[itmNum].callback(index);
else eval(mnu[itmNum].callback);
if (mnu[itmNum].callback!=false) this._showOnly(0);
else if(evt=='mouseover'){
if(!mnu[itmNum].elm) return;
if(this._created && mnu[0].css==null) this._assignElm();
this._litNow = this._getHierarchy(mnuNum, itmNum);
mnu[0].lastItem = itmNum; // set last item
this._changeCol(this._litNow, true);
targetNum = this._menuLink[lid];
if (targetNum > 0) {
if(mnuNum==0) {
thisX = (dynapi.ua.ns4)? mnu[0].elm.pageX:parseInt(mnu[0].elm.offsetLeft||0);
thisY = (dynapi.ua.ns4)? mnu[0].elm.pageY:parseInt(mnu[0].elm.offsetTop||0);
}else {
thisX = parseInt(mnu[0].css.left||0);
thisY = parseInt(mnu[0].css.top||0);
if(!mnu[0].isRoot) thisX+=parseInt(mnu[itmNum].css.clip.width||0)
else thisY+=parseInt(mnu[itmNum].css.clip.height||0)
if(!mnu[0].isRoot) thisX+=parseInt(mnu[itmNum].css.width||0) + mnu[0].subMnuOffset;
else thisY+=parseInt(mnu[itmNum].css.height||0) + mnu[0].subMnuOffset;
thisX += parseInt(mnu[itmNum].css.left||0);
thisY += parseInt(mnu[itmNum].css.top||0);
// auto-fold sub-menus
var tarMnu = this._menu[targetNum];
if((thisX+tarMnu[0].width)>dynapi.document.getWidth()) {
if(mnu[0]._mnuid) thisX-=(mnu[0].width+tarMnu[0].width);
else {
// remove subMenuOffset when sub-menus are folded inward
if(!mnu[0].isRoot) thisX-=mnu[0].subMnuOffset;
if((thisY+(tarMnu[0].height*(tarMnu.length-1)))>dynapi.document.getHeight()) {
if(mnu[0].isRoot && !mnu[0]._mnuid) thisY-=(tarMnu[0].height*tarMnu.length);
else {
thisY = dynapi.document.getHeight() - (tarMnu[0].height*(tarMnu.length-1));
with (tarMnu[0].css) {
left = thisX + (dynapi.ua.def ? 'px':'');
top = thisY + (dynapi.ua.def ? 'px':'');
visibility = (dynapi.ua.ns4)? 'show':'visible';
// plays special pop-up sound event
if(this._lTargetNum!=targetNum) this._ePlaySnd('menuopen');
}else this._lTargetNum = mnu[0]._mnuid;
else if(evt=='mouseout'){
if ((mnuNum == 0) && !mnu[itmNum].lid) this._showOnly(0);
else this._mnuTmr = window.setTimeout(this+'._showOnly(0)', 500);
// invoke event
return this._evtResponse;
p._getHierarchy = function(mnuNum, itmNum) {
var mnu;
var itmArray = [this._menu.length];
while(1) {
itmArray[mnuNum] = itmNum;
if (mnuNum == 0) return itmArray;
mnu = this._menu[mnuNum][0];
itmNum = mnu.parentItm;
mnuNum = mnu.parentMnu;
p._changeCol = function(changeArray, isOver) {
var mnu,lmnu;
var lastItem,newCol;
var i,menu = this._menu;
for (i = 0; i < changeArray.length; i++) {
if(changeArray[i]) {
lastItem = menu[i][0].lastItem;
lmnu = menu[i][lastItem];
mnu = menu[i][changeArray[i]];
// Change the image of the menu
if(lmnu.image) {
img = lmnu.image;
src = (img )? img.src:'';
oversrc = (img && img.params && img.params.oversrc)? img.params.oversrc:src;
newImg = isOver ? oversrc:src;
img = (dynapi.ua.ns4)? mnu.elm.document.images[this.id+mnu.id]:document.images[this.id+mnu.id];
img.src = newImg;
// Change the colours of the div/layer background.
newCol = isOver ? menu[i][lastItem].selBgCol:menu[i][lastItem].backCol;
with (mnu.css) {
if (dynapi.ua.ns4) bgColor = newCol;
else backgroundColor = newCol;
p._showOnly = function(mnuNum) {
var opnMnu = this._getHierarchy(mnuNum, 1);
for (count = 0; count < this._menu.length; count++) {
if (!opnMnu[count]) with(this._menu[count][0].css){
visibility = (dynapi.ua.ns4)? 'hide':'hidden';
left = -100;
top = -100;
this._changeCol(this._litNow, false);
p.createMenuBar = function(id,itmWidth,itmHeight,subMnuOffset,padding){
var mnu = {};
var len = this._menu.length;
mnu.id = id;
mnu._mnuid = len; //menu id;
mnu.isRoot = (!this._vertOrient && this._menu.length==0)? true:false;
mnu.width = itmWidth||this.mnuItmWidth;
mnu.height = itmHeight||this.mnuItmHeight;
mnu.subMnuOffset = (subMnuOffset==null)? 0:subMnuOffset;
mnu.addItem = HTMLMenu._addItem;
mnu.padding = (padding==null)? 3:padding;
if(mnu.isRoot) {
// swap width & height if horizontal
var tmp = mnu.width;
mnu.height = tmp;
this._menuLink[id] = len;
return mnu;
p.getInnerHTML = function(){
this.html = this._buildMenu(0);
return this.html;
// Write Style to browser
HCMNUItm: 'border: 1px solid #002851',
HCMNUItmText: 'cursor: default; text-decoration: none; color: #FFFFFF; font: 12px Arial, Helvetica'