/* DynAPI Distribution TemplateManager Class The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. Requires: DynLayer */ TemplateManager = {}; TemplateManager.isDynLayer = function(c){ return (c.DynLayer||c._className=='DynLayer'); }; TemplateManager.isLayer = function(c) { var b = (c.DynLayer||c._className=='DynLayer'); // DynLayer b = (b||c.HTMLContainer||c._className=='HTMLContainer'); // HTMLContainer return b; }; function Template(html,x,y,w,h,color,image){ this.DynLayer = DynLayer; this.DynLayer(null,x,y,w,h,color,image); this._fields=[]; this.setHTML(html); }; var p = dynapi.setPrototype('Template','DynLayer'); p._TemplateSetHTML = DynLayer.prototype.setHTML; p._insertField = function(fld,value){ if(!this.html) return; var re = new RegExp('\\{@'+fld+'\\}',"g"); // global this.html = this.html.replace(re,value); }; p._insertChild = function(c){ if(!c._created) DynElement._flagPreCreate(c); var TM = TemplateManager; var html=c.getOuterHTML(); if(!c._tmplFld) this.html+=html; else { var re = new RegExp('\\{@'+c._tmplFld+'\\}'); // Mozilla will collapse/expand table cells whenever the content of the layer changes. To solve this, specify a width for your table cells if(TM.isLayer(c) && dynapi.ua.ns4) { // NS4 inline layers does not honor , they're always left align. To solve this a must be used to wrap the ilayers. This will also ensure that behave like block elements in DOM html='
'; } var bf = this.html; //before var af = this.html.replace(re,html); //after c.isInline = (bf!=af); this.html = af; } }; p._parseFields = function(){ // retrieve hypertext component & container fields from template // NOTE: This version of parseField does not support // nested container fields - any ideas,solution to this? var i,f,ar,rxC,rxH; var t=this._template||''; var exists = t.match(//)||t.match(/\{\@(\w+?)\:\[/); if(!exists) return; t=t.replace(/\r\n|\n/g,'§'); // convert to single line text if(dynapi.ua.ns4) { // ns4 does not support non-greedy matching rxC = /\{\@(\w+?)\:\[[^\[]*\]\}/g; rxH = /\/g; } else{ rxC = /\{\@(\w+?)\:\[.*?\]\}/g; rxH = /\/g; } ar = t.match(rxC); // get all container fields htc = t.match(rxH); // get all HyperTextComponent fields if(ar){ // Container field for(i=0;i for(i=0;i/g,'{@$1}'); else t=t.replace(//g,'{@$1}'); // replace § with \n this._template = this.html = t.replace(/§/g,'\n'); }; p.addChild = function(c,fld){ if (!c) return dynapi.debug.print("Error: No object sent to [Template].addChild()"); if (c.isChild) c.removeFromParent(); c.isChild = true; c.parent = this; if (c._saveAnchor) { c.setAnchor(c._saveAnchor); c._saveAnchor = null; delete c._saveAnchor; } c._alias = fld; if(fld) { var oc=this[fld]; if(oc && oc.removeFromParent) oc.removeFromParent(); // remove old child this[fld]=c; c.isInline=true; c._tmplFld=fld; c._noInlineValues=true; } var TM = TemplateManager; if(TM.isDynLayer(c)) { if(c._tmplFld) c.setPosition('relative'); // NS4 seems to create line breaks with inline layers that contains html if(dynapi.ua.ns4) c.enableBlackboard(); // this will force a arround the inline html } this.children[this.children.length] = c; return c; }; p.addField = function(fld,adjFld,content){ if(!fld) return; var rx,nFld='{@'+fld+'}'; if(content!=null) this._fields[fld] = content; if(!adjFld) this.html=this._template+=nFld; else { nFld = '{@'+adjFld+'}'+nFld; rx = new RegExp('\\{@'+adjFld+'\\}',"g"); // global this._template=this.html=this._template.replace(rx,nFld); } }; p.clearTemplate = function(){ delete this._fields; this.deleteAllChildren(); this._fields = []; this._template = this.html = ''; this._parseFields(); this._TemplateSetHTML(' '); }; p.cloneField = function(fld){ if(!fld) return; var cFld='{@'+fld+'}'; var ar=arguments; var vl=this._fields[fld]; var rx = new RegExp('\\{@'+fld+'\\}',"g"); // global for(var i=1;i'; else s+=this.html; } } // replaced unused fields if(this._defFld!=null) s=s.replace(/\{@(\w+?)\}/g,this._defFld); else s=s.replace(/\{@(\w+?)\}/g,''); return s; }; p.generate = function(){ // generate and display the changes made to the template if(!this._created) return; else { this.html=this._template; // reset html to last template var h=this.getInnerHTML(); var i,c,ch=this.children; this.html = null; this._TemplateSetHTML(h); for (i=0;i to value specified this._defFld=v; };