/* DynAPI Distribution HoverAnimation Class The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. requires: dynapi.functions.Math, dynapi.fx.Thread */ function HoverAnimation(dlyr) { this.Thread = Thread; this.Thread(dlyr); this.offsetX = 0; this.offsetY = 0; this.playing = false; this.amplitude = 100; this.angle = 0; this.setAngleIncrement(10); }; var p = dynapi.setPrototype('HoverAnimation','Thread'); p.setAmplitude = function (amp) { this.amplitude = amp; }; p.setAngle = function (a) { this.angle = dynapi.functions.degreeToRadian(a); }; p.setAngleIncrement = function (inc) { this.angleinc = dynapi.functions.degreeToRadian(inc); }; p.playAnimation = function () { this.playing = true; if (this.dlyr!=null) { this.offsetX = 0; this.offsetY = this.amplitude*Math.sin(this.angle); this.baseX = this.dlyr.x; this.baseY = this.dlyr.y+this.offsetY; this.dlyr.invokeEvent("hoverstart"); } this.start(); }; p.stopAnimation = function () { this.playing = false; this.stop(); if (this.dlyr!=null) this.dlyr.invokeEvent("hoverstop"); }; p.run = function () { if (!this.playing || this.dlyr==null) return; this.angle += this.angleinc; this.offsetX = 0; this.offsetY = this.amplitude*Math.sin(this.angle); if (this.dlyr!=null) { this.dlyr.invokeEvent("hoverrun"); this.dlyr.setLocation(this.baseX+this.offsetX,this.baseY+this.offsetY); } }; p.reset = function () { this.angle = this.offsetX = this.offsetY = 0; }; p.generatePath = function(centerX,centerY) { // to do };