/* DynAPI Distribution HTMLRollover Class - a wrapper around XImage and HTMLHyperLink The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. Requires: HTMLHyperLink */ function HTMLRollover(css,w,h,offSrc,onSrc,dnSrc,url,title){ this.HTMLHyperLink = HTMLHyperLink; this.HTMLHyperLink(css,null,url,title); this._imgid=this.id+'HRO'; this._img = dynapi.functions.getImage(offSrc,w,h,{ name :this._imgid, link :url, oversrc :onSrc, downsrc :dnSrc, tooltip :title, onclick :this+"._e('click',anc);", onmouseout :this+"._e('mouseout',anc)", onmouseover :this+"._e('mouseover',anc)", onmousedown :this+"._e('mousedown',anc)" }); }; var p = dynapi.setPrototype('HTMLRollover','HTMLHyperLink'); // Methods p.getInnerHTML = function(){ var h=this._img.getHTML(); // attach id,name and class to h=h.replace(/\