/* DynAPI Distribution BorderManager Class The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. Requires: Highlighter */ BorderManager = {}; // usage: BorderManager.enableBorder(border_width,border_color,border_type,lyr1,lyr2,...lyrN); BorderManager.enableBorder=function(w,c,style){ var lyr,arg=arguments; for (var i=3;i0||wPadding>0) { fixed = true; cWidth = cWidth + wBorder + wPadding; if(!dynapi.ua.gecko) lyr.css.width = cWidth; } if(hBorder>0||hPadding>0) { fixed = true; cHeight = cHeight + hBorder + hPadding; if(dynapi.ua.ie) lyr.css.height = cHeight; } if(fixed){ lyr.css.clip = 'rect(0px,'+(cWidth)+'px,'+(cHeight)+'px,0px)'; lyr._fixBoxModel = true; lyr._fixBw = wBorder; lyr._fixBh = hBorder; lyr._fixBwp = wPadding; lyr._fixBhp = hPadding; } }; BorderManager.FixBoxModelParseInt = function(s){ return parseInt(s,10)||0; };