		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
			// Dojo configuration
			djConfig = { 
				isDebug: true,
				useXDomain: true,
				baseLoaderUri: "http://tagneto.org/dojo/xd/",
				xdWaitSeconds: 10
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" 
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
			dojo.registerModulePath("dojo", "http://tagneto.org/dojo/xd/src");

			function click1(){

			function init(){
				dojo.debug("init was called.");
				var clickNode = document.getElementById("testButton1");
				dojo.event.connect(clickNode, "onclick", "click1");

		<h1>XDomain Success Test Page</h1>
		This test should succeed. If you click on the Test Button, there should be
		a debug message saying "click1".
		<p><b>IMPORTANT:</b> Change the domain name in the source of this file
		to be the domain name that you want to test. You can change the paths too.
		In this file /dojo/xd refers to a dojo installation that has run the xdgen
		build command to build cross-domain compatible packages.
				<button id="testButton1">Test Button</button>