<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Dojo Spinner Widget Demo</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var djConfig = {isDebug: true}; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../dojo.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require("dojo.widget.*"); dojo.require("dojo.widget.Spinner"); // must require explicitly, since some widgets are experimental </script> </head> <body> Try typing values, and use the up/down arrow keys and/or the arrow push buttons to spin <br> <h1>integer spinner</h1> <br> initial value=+1,000, delta=10, min=9 max=1550, signed=always separator=,<br> <input dojoType="IntegerSpinner" value="+1,000" delta="10" min="9" max="1550" signed="always" separator="," maxlength="20" widgetId="integertextbox1"> <br> <br> initial value=900, no delta specified, no min specified, max=1550, signed=never separator=!<br> <input dojoType="IntegerSpinner" value="900" max="1550" signed="never" separator="!" maxlength="20" widgetId="integertextbox2"> <br> <br> initial value not specified, delta not specified, min not specified, max not specified, signed not specified, separator not specified<br> [verify no line break just after this text]<input dojoType="IntegerSpinner" widgetId="integertextbox3">[verify no line break just before this text] <br> <br> <h1>real number spinner</h1> <br> Move the cursor left and right within the input field to see the effect on the spinner. <br> initial value=+1.00e3, delta=0.01e1, min=-10950, max=155000, signed=always, exponent=always, esigned=never, places=2, separator=,<br> <input dojoType="RealNumberSpinner" value="+1.00e3" delta="0.01e1" min="-10950" max="155000" signed="always" esigned="never" exponent="always" separator=',' places="2" maxlength="20" widgetId="realtextbox1"> <br> <br> initial value=1 045.0, delta=1e2, min not specified, max=155000, signed=never, exponent=never, esigned=always, places=1, separator=(space) <br> <input dojoType="RealNumberSpinner" value="1 045.0" delta="1e2" max="155000" signed="never" esigned="always" exponent="never" separator=' ' places="1" maxlength="20" widgetId="realtextbox2"> <br> <br> initial value not specified, delta not specified, min not specified, max not specified, signed not specified, exponent not specified, esigned not specified, places not specified, separator not specified <br> [verify no line break just after this text]<input dojoType="RealNumberSpinner" widgetId="realtextbox3">[verify no line break just before this text] <br> <br> <br> <h1>time spinner</h1> <br> Move the cursor left and right within the input field to see the effect on the spinner. <br> initial value=10:00:00a, delta=1:01:01a, am symbol=a, pm symbol=p, format=h:mm:sst<br> <input dojoType="TimeSpinner" value="10:00:00a" delta="1:01:01a" amsymbol="a" pmsymbol="p" format="h:mm:sst" maxlength="20" widgetId="timetextbox1"> <br> <br> initial value=1000, delta=0101, am symbol not specified, pm symbol not specified, format=HHmm<br> <input dojoType="TimeSpinner" value="1000" delta="0101" format="HHmm" maxlength="20" widgetId="timetextbox2"> <br> <br> initial value not specified, delta not specified (default is 01:01:01), am symbol not specified (default is AM), pm symbol not specified (default is PM), format not specified (default is h:mm:ss t) <br> [verify no line break just after this text]<input dojoType="TimeSpinner" widgetId="timetextbox3">[verify no line break just before this text] <br> <br> </body> </html>