/* DynAPI Distribution HTMLClock Class - based on Scrolling Clock script from The JavaScript Source!! (http://javascript.internet.com) The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. Requires: HTMLContainer */ function HTMLClock(css){ this.HTMLContainer = HTMLContainer; this.HTMLContainer(css,null,90,90); this._Ypos =44; this._Xpos =44; this._Ybase = 8; this._Xbase = 8; this._dots = 12; this._hLn = 4; // # dots for hours this._mLn = 5; // # dots for minutes this._sLn = 6; // # dots for seoncds this._showTime(); }; var p = dynapi.setPrototype('HTMLClock','HTMLContainer'); // Design Properties p.digitCol = '000000'; //digit colour. p.secCol = 'ff0000'; //seconds colour. p.minCol = '000000'; //minutes colour. p.hourCol = '000000'; //hours colour. // Methods p._oldHCLKGetInnerHTML = HTMLContainer.prototype.getInnerHTML; p._getDSValue = function(){return this._date}; // DataSource functions p._setDSValue = dynapi.functions.Null; p._build = function(){ var html=''; var attr,attrB; if(dynapi.ua.ns4) { attr = 'top=0 left=0 height=30 width=30'; attrB = 'top=0 left=0 bgcolor=@0 clip="0,0,2,2"'; for (i = 0; i < this._dots; i++) html+=this.HC.buildLayer(this.id+i+'Digits"',attr,'
'); } else { attr ='style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:30px;height:30px;font-family:Arial,Verdana;font-size:10px;color:'+this.digitCol+';text-align:center;padding-top:10px"'; attrB = 'style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:2px;height:2px;font-size:2px;background-color:@0"'; for (i = 0; i < this._dots; i++) html+=this.HC.buildLayer(this.id+i+'Digits',attr,(i+1)); } for (i = 0; i < this._mLn; i++) html+=this.HC.buildLayer(this.id+i+'Y',attrB.replace(/@0/,this.minCol),''); for (i = 0; i < this._hLn; i++) html+=this.HC.buildLayer(this.id+i+'Z',attrB.replace(/@0/,this.hourCol),''); for (i = 0; i < this._sLn; i++) html+=this.HC.buildLayer(this.id+i+'X',attrB.replace(/@0/,this.secCol),''); html='
'; this.html=html; }; p._showTime = function() { var x,y,lyr; var time = new Date (); var secs = time.getSeconds(); var sec = -1.57 + Math.PI * secs/30; var mins = time.getMinutes(); var min = -1.57 + Math.PI * mins/30; var hr = time.getHours(); var hrs = -1.57 + Math.PI * hr/6 + Math.PI*parseInt(time.getMinutes())/360; if (this.getElm()) { for (i = 0; i < this._dots; ++i){ lyr = this.HC.getLayerById(this.id+i+'Digits',this.doc); y = this._Ypos - ((dynapi.ua.ns4)? 5:15) + 40 * Math.sin(-0.49+this._dots+i/1.9); x = this._Xpos - ((dynapi.ua.ns4)? 15:14) + 40 * Math.cos(-0.49+this._dots+i/1.9); lyr.setLocation(x,y); lyr.setVisible(true); } for (i = 0; i < this._sLn; i++){ lyr = this.HC.getLayerById(this.id+i+'X',this.doc); y = this._Ypos + i * this._Ybase * Math.sin(sec); x = this._Xpos + i * this._Xbase * Math.cos(sec); lyr.setLocation(x,y); lyr.setVisible(true); } for (i = 0; i < this._mLn; i++){ lyr = this.HC.getLayerById(this.id+i+'Y',this.doc); y = this._Ypos + i * this._Ybase * Math.sin(min); x = this._Xpos + i * this._Xbase * Math.cos(min); lyr.setLocation(x,y); lyr.setVisible(true); } for (i = 0; i < this._hLn; i++){ lyr = this.HC.getLayerById(this.id+i+'Z',this.doc); y = this._Ypos + i * this._Ybase * Math.sin(hrs); x = this._Xpos + i * this._Xbase * Math.cos(hrs); lyr.setLocation(x,y); lyr.setVisible(true); } //check alarm if(this._alarm){ var a = new Date(this._alarm); if (a && ( a.getHours()==time.getHours() && a.getMinutes()==time.getMinutes() && a.getSeconds()==time.getSeconds() )) { this._alarm=null; this.invokeEvent('alarm'); this._ePlaySnd('alarm'); } } } // loop window.setTimeout(this+'._showTime()', 50); }; p.getInnerHTML = function(){ this._build(); return this._oldHCLKGetInnerHTML(); }; // Time format: [Date object] or Hours:Minutes:Seconds p.setAlarm = function(dt){ if(typeof(dt)!='string') { dt = new Date(dt); if(!isNaN(dt)) this._alarm = dt; } else { var d=new Date(); dt=(dt+'').split(':'); if(!isNaN(dt[0])) d.setHours(dt[0]||0); if(!isNaN(dt[1])) d.setMinutes(dt[1]||0); if(!isNaN(dt[2])) d.setSeconds(dt[2]||0); this._alarm = d; } };