/* DynAPI Distribution HTMLContainer Class The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. Requires: HTMLComponent */ function HTMLContainer(css,html,w,h){ this.HTMLComponent = HTMLComponent; this.HTMLComponent(css); this.w=w; this.h=h; this.html=html||''; }; var p = dynapi.setPrototype('HTMLContainer','HTMLComponent'); p._ns4IPad=''; p._assignElm = function(elm){ if(!this.parent) return; else if(!this.parent._created) return; var id=this.id+'HTC'; var doc=this.parent.doc; if(!elm) {; if(dynapi.ua.ie) elm=doc.all[id]; else if(dynapi.ua.dom) elm=doc.getElementById(id); else if(dynapi.ua.ns4) { this._ns4ielm=doc.layers[id]; elm =this._ns4ielm.document.layers[id+'L']; this._ns4ielm.clip.width=elm.document.width; this._ns4ielm.clip.height=elm.document.height; } if(!elm) return; } this.elm = elm; this.css = (dynapi.ua.ns4)? elm:elm.style; this.doc = elm.document; if(this.w==null) this.autoWidth(); if(this.h==null) this.autoHeight(); }; p.autoHeight = function(){ var h,ua=dynapi.ua if(ua.ns4) h=this.doc.height; else if(ua.ie||ua.opera) { if (dynapi.ua.platform=="mac") h=this.elm.offsetHeight; else h=parseInt(this.elm.scrollHeight); } else { var th = this.elm.style.height; this.elm.style.height = "auto"; h = this.elm.offsetHeight; this.elm.style.height = th; } this.h=h; if(ua.ns4) this.css.clip.height=h; else { this.css.height = h+'px'; this.css.clip.height=h+'px'; } }; p.autoWidth = function(){ var w,ua=dynapi.ua if(ua.ns4) w=this.doc.width; else if(ua.ie||ua.opera) { if (dynapi.ua.platform=="mac") w=this.elm.offsetWidth; else w=parseInt(this.elm.scrollWidth); } else { var tw = this.elm.style.width; this.elm.style.width = "auto"; w = this.elm.offsetWidth; this.elm.style.width = tw; } this.w=w; if(ua.ns4) this.css.clip.width=w; else { this.css.clip.width=w+'px'; this.css.width = w+'px'; } }; p.getInnerHTML = function(){ var clip=''; var h,html = this.html; var evts =this._generateInlineEvents(this); if(dynapi.ua.ns4) { if(this.w==null) html=''+html+''; if (this.w!=null && this.h!=null) clip=' clip="0,0,'+((this.w>=0)?this.w:0)+','+((this.h>=0)?this.h:0)+'"'; h='\n'+this._ns4IPad+html+''; /* NS4 iLayer seems to be having a problem when you're trying to update the content of the layer so a layer was used to support document.write() method after page load. I've also noticed that at times will not display a it's nested inside another table. for example
the _ns4IPad will keep things in tact. *sigh* - NS4!!!! */ } else { if (this.w!=null && this.h!=null) clip=' clip:rect(0px '+this.w+'px '+this.h+'px 0px);'; h='
'; } return h; }; p.getHTML = function(html) {return this.html}; p.setHTML = function(html) { if(this.html==html) return; this.html=html if(this.getElm()){ if(dynapi.ua.ie||dynapi.ua.opera) this.elm.innerHTML=html; // ok? else if(dynapi.ua.ns4) { var doc=this.doc; if(this.w==null) html=''+html+''; doc.open(); doc.write(this._ns4IPad+html); doc.close(); this._ns4ielm.clip.width=doc.width; this._ns4ielm.clip.height=doc.height; } else{ var elm = this.elm; elm.innerHTML = html; var sTmp=(this.w==null)? ''+this.html+'':this.html; while (elm.hasChildNodes()) elm.removeChild(elm.firstChild); var r=elm.ownerDocument.createRange(); r.selectNodeContents(elm); r.collapse(true); var df=r.createContextualFragment(sTmp); elm.appendChild(df); } } };