/* Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see: http://dojotoolkit.org/community/licensing.shtml */ dojo.require("dojo.lang.assert"); function test_lang_assert() { dojo.lang.assert(true); dojo.lang.assert(true, "400"); dojo.lang.assert((1 == 1), "401"); dojo.lang.assert("not a boolean value", "402"); dojo.lang.assert(28, "403"); var caught404 = false; try { dojo.lang.assert(false, "404"); } catch (e) { caught404 = true; } jum.assertTrue("404", caught404); // dojo.log.debug("leaving test_lang_assert()"); } function test_lang_assertType() { dojo.lang.assertType("foo", String); dojo.lang.assertType(12345, Number); dojo.lang.assertType(false, Boolean); dojo.lang.assertType([6, 8], Array); dojo.lang.assertType(dojo.lang.assertType, Function); dojo.lang.assertType({foo: "bar"}, Object); dojo.lang.assertType(new Date(), Date); dojo.lang.assertType(new Error(), Error); dojo.lang.assertType([6, 8], "array", {optional: true}); dojo.lang.assertType(null, "array", {optional: true}); var caught430 = false; try { dojo.lang.assertType(12345, Boolean); } catch (e) { caught430 = true; } jum.assertTrue("430", caught430); var caught431 = false; try { dojo.lang.assertType("foo", [Number, Boolean, Object]); } catch (e) { caught431 = true; } jum.assertTrue("431", caught431); // dojo.log.debug("leaving test_lang_assertType()"); } function test_lang_assertValidKeywords() { dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({a: 1, b: 2}, ["a", "b"], "440"); dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({a: 1, b: 2}, ["a", "b", "c"], "441"); dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({foo: "iggy"}, ["foo"], "442"); dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({foo: "iggy"}, ["foo", "bar"], "443"); dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({foo: "iggy"}, {foo: null, bar: null}, "444"); var caught450 = false; try { dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, ["a", "b"], "450"); } catch (e) { caught450 = true; } jum.assertTrue("450", caught450); // dojo.log.debug("leaving test_lang_assertValidKeywords()"); }