/* DynAPI Distribution ProgressBar class The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. Requires: DynLayer, ScrollBar */ function ProgressBar(orient,x,y,w,h,value,min,max,style){ this.DynLayer = DynLayer; this.DynLayer(null,x,y,w,h); this.w=w||20; this.h=h||20; this._min = min||0; this._max = max||100; this._value = (valuethis._max ? this._max:value)); this._orient = (orient=='horz')? 'H':'V'; this.addChild(new DynLayer(),'lyrBar'); this.setStyle(style||'ProgressBar'); }; var p = dynapi.setPrototype('ProgressBar','DynLayer'); // Private p.VPaneOldSetSize = DynLayer.prototype.setSize; // Public p.setSize = function(w,h){ this.VPaneOldSetSize(w,h); this.renderStyle('resize'); }; p.getValue = function(){ return this._value; }; p.setValue = function(v){ this._value = (vthis._max ? this._max:v)); this.renderStyle('resize'); }; p.setRange = function(min,max){ this._min = min||0; this._max = max||100; this.setValue(this._value); };