/* DynAPI Distribution StyleManager Class by Raymond Irving (http://dyntools.shorturl.com) The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. Requires: DynLayer */ // Style Object function Style(){}; var p=Style.prototype; p.foreColor='#000000'; // same as text-color p.backColor='#EFEBD7'; // #EFEDDE p.lightColor='#FFFFFF'; // Highlight p.darkColor='#C0C0C0'; // Shadow p.borderColor = '#000000'; p.disableColor='#C0C0C0'; p.selForeColor='#000000'; p.selBackColor='#C1D2EE'; p.fontBold = false; p.fontItalics = false; p.fontUnderline = false; p.fontSize='2'; p.fontFamily='arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif'; p.initStyle = p.renderStyle = p.removeStyle = p.getParent = p.loadImages = function(){}; // modifies the style's global attribute. This will affect all objects using the style p.setStyleAttribute = function(name,value,redrawObjects){ var p = this.getParent(); if(typeof(name)!='object') this[name]=value; else for(var i in name) this[i]=name[i]; if(redrawObjects) Styles.redraw(this._styleName); else if(p) p.renderStyle(); }; // get the global attributes for the style. this function should be used instead of style.attributeName p.getStyleAttribute = function(name){ return this[name]; }; p.toString = function(){ return this.styleName||'Style'; }; //# Style Manager Styles = StyleManager = {}; Styles._styles = []; Styles._imagePath = dynapi.library.path+'gui/images/'; Styles._pixel = dynapi.functions.getImage(dynapi.library.path+'gui/images/pixel.gif',1,1); Styles._lyrContainer = dynapi.document.addChild(new DynLayer({visible:false})); Styles.getContentSize = function(html){ var w=0, h=0; var c = this._lyrContainer; if (html!=null && html!='') { if(!dynapi.ua.gecko) html='
'; c.setHTML(html); w = c.getContentWidth(); h = c.getContentHeight(); } return { width :w, height :h } }; Styles.getImage = function(src,w,h,params){ var p = this._imagePath; return dynapi.functions.getImage(p+src,w,h,params); }; Styles.setImagePath = function(p){ this._ipSet = true; this._imagePath = p; for(var s in this._styles){ // load/reload images s = this._styles[s]; if(s && s.loadImages) s.loadImages(); } }; Styles.addStyle = function(name,style){ var s = this._styles[name] = ((typeof(style)=='function')? style():style); s._styleName=name; if(this._ipSet) s.loadImages();// load default images is imagePath was set by user return s; }; Styles.getStyle = function(name,noload){ if(!noload && !this._ipSet) { // load images if setImagePath was not set by user - use defaults this.setImagePath(this._imagePath); } return this._styles[name]; }; Styles.removeStyle = function(name){ this._styles[name]=null; delete this._styles[name]; }; // Redraw selected style Styles.redraw = function(name){ var c,i; if(!this._styles[name]) return null; for(i in DynObject.all) { c=DynObject.all[i]; if(c && c.style && c.style._styleName==name) { c.style.loadImages(); c.renderStyle(); } } }; // Redraw all styles Styles.redrawAll = function(){ var c,i; for(i in DynObject.all) { c=DynObject.all[i]; if(c && c.style) { c.style.loadImages(); c.renderStyle(); } } }; Styles.createCell = function(t,w,h,border,vAlign,hAlign,bgColor,borColor){ return [ '
' ].join(''); }; Styles.createPixel = function(w,h){ return ''; }; Styles.createPanel = function(b,w,h,borderColor,lightColor,darkColor,backColor){ b=(b!=null)? b:1; if(dynapi.ua.def) { // css return [ '', '
', ' 
' ].join(''); } else { // non-css return [ '', '
', '', '
', '', '
', '', '
',this.createPixel(1,1), '
' ].join(''); } }; Styles.createText = function(t,fontFamily,fontSize,bold,italics,underline,color){ if(bold) t=''+t+''; if(italics) t=''+t+''; if(underline) t=''+t+''; return ''+t+''; }; //# DynLayer Extension var dlyr = DynLayer.prototype; dlyr.initStyle = dlyr.renderStyle = dlyr.removeStyle = function(){}; dlyr.setStyle = function(name,a,b,c,d,e,f,g){ var s=Styles.getStyle(name); var os=this.style; // old style if(!s) dPrint('Missing or Invalid Style: '+name); else { if(os && os!=s) this.removeStyle(); //remove old style if(os!=s){ this.style=s; this.initStyle = s.initStyle; this.renderStyle = s.renderStyle; this.removeStyle = s.removeStyle; this.initStyle(a,b,c,d,e,f,g); // initailize style with optional arguments } } }; // modifies a local style attribute. This will only affect the selected DynLayer dlyr.setLocalStyleAttribute = function(name,value){ if(typeof(name)!='object') this[name]=value; else for(var i in name) this[i]=name[i]; if (this.style) this.renderStyle(); }; // Returns either the local or global style attribute. This function should be used instead of style.attributeName dlyr.getStyleAttribute = function(name){ var s=this.style; if(!s) s=this; return (this[name]||s[name]); };