2.4 1.2 dbforms dbforms.tld DbForm Construction Tags version 2.4 dbform org.dbforms.taglib.DbFormTag org.dbforms.taglib.DbFormTagTEI JSP a database application form (root element of a JSP view) id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript (not supported by all browsers!) dbConnectionName false true indicate which dbconnection object to user. name false false the name of this dbform tagneeded to reference the tag if tableName attribute is calculated at runtime tableName false true the name of the table/view referenced by the dbformnot required if form is empty! action false true Override the servlet to which the dbform should be submittedDefault is the org.dbforms.Controller servletUseful when dbForms is used in read-only mode.Example: < db:dbform table="TABLE1" followUp="this.jsp" action = "/demo/servlet/com.abc.myServlet"> readOnly false true Rendering of read-only html widgets tableList false true Allows a user to specify a list of tables to select from Used in conjuction with the whereClause attribute The value specified in the tableList attribute is used to specify the 'from' part of the Select query. Hence the name: table list. The conditions used to define the table associations are specified in the whereClause attribute.( along with other conditions and orderBy) Multiple table access is valid only for data retrieval. Insert, Update, and Delete are not supported.Example:In dbForms-config.xml:<table name="AnyName"> <field name="Table1.id" fieldType="VARCHAR2" isKey="true"/> <field name="Table2.id" fieldType="VARCHAR2" isKey="true"/> <field name="Table1.fieldName" fieldType="VARCHAR2"/> <field name="Table2.OtherField" fieldType="NUMBER"/> </table>In jsp:<db:form tableName="AnyName" maxRows="*" followUp="next.jsp"tableList="Table1,Table2"whereClause="Where Table1.id = Table2.id"><db:header/><db:body><db:textField fieldName="Table1.fieldName"/><db:textField fieldName="Table2.otherField"/></db:body><db:footer/></db:form>Resulting Query: SELECT Table1.id, Table2.id,Table1.fieldName,Table2.otherField FROM Table1,Table2 WHERE Table1.id = Table2.id maxRows false true Determines how many times the body tag and its sub-elements get executed (evaluated and rendered): maxRows = n => body gets executed n times (with n elementOF N)maxRows = "*" => body gets executed for every row in the table (=> "endless" form)not required if form is empty! whereClause false true Replaces the filter attribute in situations where the whereClause is more complex. Allows a developer to specify a free form conditional clause (where Clause + order + etc). Also, the whereClause can not be used with orderBy or filter attributes. They will be ignored. Order by should be used within the whereClause instead. If you use the whereClause searching and sorting will not work! See the new <filter> tag to search/sort with complex where clauses.Example: <% StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer(); whereClause.append("WHERE (FIELD1>'25' AND FIELD1<'50' ) OR FIELD2 NOT NULL ORDERBY FIELD7"); %> <db:dbform table="TABLE1" followUp="this.jsp" whereClause = "<%whereClause.toString()%>"> formValidatorName false true this attribute contains the name of the form which is used for validation (defined in the validation.xml file). captionResource false true this attribute is to be used in conjunction with the internationalization support in dbForms v1.1+. It allows the developer to specify if the 'caption' attribute values, found in embedded button tags, should be looked up in the associated resource bundles. By default, this attribute is set to 'false'. javascriptValidation false true this attribute is used to specify if client-side validation (javascript) should be executed. By default, this attribute is set to 'false'. Default javascripts are defined in the validator-rules.xml file. javascriptValidationSrcFile false true this attribute allows a developer to specify a javascript file (.js) to be used for client-side validation. Default javascripts are defined in the validator-rules.xml file. javascriptFieldsArray false true this attribute is used to specify if dbForms should generate a javascript method which can be used by (javascript) developers for referencing dbform-generated field names . By default, this attribute is set to 'false'. Generated code example:<SCRIPT language="javascript"><!-- var dbformFields = new Array(); dbformFields["phone"] = "f_0_0@root_8"; dbformFields["bugstate"] = "f_0_0@root_9"; dbformFields["reporter"] = "f_0_0@root_7"; dbformFields["priority"] = "f_0_0@root_2"; dbformFields["description"] = "f_0_0@root_4"; dbformFields["category"] = "f_0_0@root_1"; function getDbFormFieldName(name){ return dbformFields[name]; } --> </SCRIPT> redisplayFieldsOnError false true In a jsp which contains many input fields, it may be desirable, in the event of an error, to redisplay input data.(instead of refreshing the fields from the DB) DbForms implements this functionality by default with INSERT fields only. If you choose to set this attribute to "true" then DbForms will redisplay entered values even with UPDATES. followUp false true site to be invoked after actionNote that buttons can override followUp (and followUpOnError) settings defined in the dbform tag followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after action, if error occured on pageNote that buttons can override followUp (and followUpOnError) settings defined in the dbform tag autoUpdate false true if "true", at every action (navigation, insert, update, etc.) all input fields of ALL currently rendered rowsets are parsed and updated. many rows may be affected. This can be very useful if people need to change lots of data, even multiple datarows, at once if "false", updates are only performed if an explicite "update"- action is launched (normally by hitting the updateAction-button). Only the current row is affected. if "OnUpdateOnly", updates are only performed if an explicite "update" - action is launched (normally by hitting the updateAction-button), all input fields of ALL currently rendered rowsets are parsed and updated. Many rows may be affected. This can be very useful if people need to change lots of data, even multiple datarows, at once. overrideFieldCheck false true If set to true the field values will not be checked if they are changed. The database update will be done always This could be usefull if you want to call your interceptor always to check fields which are not part of the table. In your interceptor you can use return DbEventInterceptor.IGNORE_OPERATION if you do not want the database update parentField false true used in sub-form: field(s) in the main form that is/are linked to this formShould either be a key or set to sortable="true"in dbforms-config.xml childField false true used in sub-form: field(s) in this form that is/are linked to the parent formShould either be a key or set to sortable="true"in dbforms-config.xml target false true pendant to the html-target attribute in html-form tag: the target frame to jump to multipart false true multipart must be set to "true" if the form contains file-upload tags or if the form may be invoked by a form containing file-upload tags, orif it containts fields of BLOB or DISKBLOB. default is "false" (multipart-support off) orderBy false true a SQL orderBy-CLAUSE (without the keyword "ORDER BY")example:"id, name desc""id""id asc""firstname asc, lastname desc"important:if you use a non-primary key, you MUST specify sortable="true" within your dbforms-config.xml file for the key you want to sort by if you do not specify it here, you may define it globally in your dbforms-config.xml file. If you do not specify any information, DbForms automatically takes the key-fields for sorting. remember field names are CASE SENSITIVE in DbForms framework (at least in current version) filter false true definition of a FILTER. Format: Fieldname/Fielvalue pairs, seperated by , or ; symbol. Examples:filter="id=2"filter="id=2;name=Hugo Berger"filter="deptno=101,salery>=30000,name~Peter" the ~ symbol is an aquivalant to the SQL keyword "LIKE" used in SELECT statements!since version 0.9, you can use <, > <= and >= operators, too!<db:dbform tableName="employee" maxRows="*" followUp="/employees.jsp" autoUpdate="false" filter="deptno=101,salary>=30000,name~Peter%" ...</db:dbform>Operator: Meaning: Example:= Equals aField=value<> Not Equal aField<>value< Smaller then aField<100> Greater then aField>0<= Smaller then or equal aField<=100>= Greater then or equal aField>=0~ Like aField~%P%Since version 1.1.3pr1:ISNULL is null aField ISNULLNOTISNULL is not null aField NOTISNULL By default, all filter definitions are ANDed together. If you wish to use OR, you may prefix your filter definition with the '|' symbol. (even better! - use the whereClause attribute ) Example:aFieldVal=3, |anotherField>3would produce the following:... where aFieldVal=3 OR anotherField>3filter will be overwritten by searching! sqlFilter false true gotoPrefix false true allows to define a prefix applied to request parameters in order to provide a convenient and easyway of implementing navigation. Using this attribute may substitute the use of the more complicated and not very convenient GotoButton-Tag! example:if you define gotoPrefix="fv_"then you can call your jsp that way: customers.jsp?fv_id=4 => DbForms fetches the value of fv_ id which is "4" and then navigates to the row where id is 4. this attribute was added in release 0.9 gotoHt false true java.util.Hashtable allows to define a hashtable containing fieldName / fieldValue combinations which represent the valueof a key(which can consist of more than one field, of course!)example: you could define a hashtable "myGotoHash" and apply it to the attribute <%Hashtable myGotoHash = null;if(request.getParameter("goto")!=null) { myGotoHash = new Hashtable();myGotoHash.put("id",request.getParameter("goto")); }%> <db:form table="customer" followUp="customer.jsp" gotoHt="<%= myGotoHash %>" > ... some code ...</db:form>now, when a user calls aview.jsp?goto=234, then DbForms will navigate thetable to the row where id==234!there are many other ways you can use this facility. the only important thing is thatthe key value(s) in the hashtables refer to valid field names of the table.BE SURE TO SPECIFY ALL YOUR KEYS OR NAVIGATION WILL BE UNPREDICTABLE [ if you do not know what all the values should be, use a wildcard like: myGotoHash.put("how_used","*"); and navigation will be to the first instancethis attribute was added in release 0.9 localWebEvent false true this attribute allows a JSP view developer to trigger WebEvents(NavigationsEvents)on the JSP. No controller interaction is needed. This attribute aims to make linkage between dialogs easier.currently, the available "local web event"-commands are:navFirstnavPrevnavNextnavLastnavNewif a developer wants to show the last row of a table, then she/he could apply the value"navNext" to this attribute. Note that this attribute is evaluated in runtime,this gives additional flexibilitythis attribute was added in release 0.9 onSubmit false true JavaScript event handler executed before the form is submited. If the event handler returns FALSE, the form will not be submitted. When the result is TRUE, the form will be submitted autocomplete false true if the autocomplete value is specified then the attribute is inserted in the form tag. if the value is "off" and if the browser has autocompletion ability, it can be disabled with this tag. Any value will be accepted for autocomplete. e.g. autocomplete="any", the generated HTML code is: <form name="dbforms" ... autocomplete="any" ... > this is the root element of a data manipulation form header org.dbforms.taglib.DbHeaderTag JSP this tag renders a Header-tag. It should be nested within a dbform-tag this tag renders a Header-tag. Itshould to be nested within a dbform-tag.because this tag is nested within a dbform-tag it is invoked every time the parent dbform-tag getsevaluated, but it gets only rendered at the FIRST evalation-loop. body org.dbforms.taglib.DbBodyTag JSP this tag renders a Body-tag. It should to be nested within a dbform-tag. allowNew false true by default this is "true" - if so, the body is rendered at least 1 time, even if there are no data rows in the table. this enables the user to insert a new data row. - to disable this feature, allowNew has to be set to "false" the body grouping tagthis tag renders a Body-tag. It should to be nested within a dbform-tag.because this tag is nested within a dbform-tag it is invoked every time the parent dbform-tag getsevaluated, AND it gets rendered in every evalation-loop (if there exists data to be rendered) footer org.dbforms.taglib.DbFooterTag JSP the footer grouping tag. it is supposed to be nested within a dbform-tag this tag renders a Footer-tag. it should be nested within a dbform-tag.because this tag is nested within a dbform-tag it is invoked every time the parent dbform-tag getsevaluated, but it gets only rendered at the end of the last evaluation-loop. label org.dbforms.taglib.DbLabelTag empty this tag renders a dabase-datadriven LABEL, which is a passive element (it can't be changed bythe user) - it is predestinated for use with read-only data (i.e. primary keys you don't want the user to change, etc) fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to maxlength false true Set a limit to the number of characters visible nullFieldValue false true If the value (retrieved from the database) is null, allow the user to replace the text to display by a custom value. May be used in conjunction with dbForm's I18N support. pattern false true When dealing with numeric or date/time values, you could use the Java API to format the output of the text field expressions yourself using the format attribute. But there is a more convenient way to do it: by using the pattern attribute. The value you should supply to this attribute is the same that you would supply if it were for you to format the value using either the java.text.DecimalFormat class or java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, depending on the type of value to format. In fact, what the engine does is to instantiate the java.text.DecimalFormat class if the text field expression returns subclasses of the java.lang.Number class or to instantiate the java.text.SimpleDataFormat if the text field expression return java.util.Date or java.sql.Timestamp objects. For more detail about the syntax of this pattern attribute, check the Java API documentation for those two classes: java.text.DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat. formatter false true java.text.Format java.text.Format object used to format the tag value styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied. This is done adding a SPAN element that contains the text. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. label - can never be used as input field dateLabel org.dbforms.taglib.DbDateLabelTag empty label - a tag for date data PRESENTATION, NOT data EDITING (=> can never be used as input field) fieldName true true pattern false true When dealing with numeric or date/time values, you could use the Java API to format the output of the text field expressions yourself using the format attribute. But there is a more convenient way to do it: by using the pattern attribute. The value you should supply to this attribute is the same that you would supply if it were for you to format the value using either the java.text.DecimalFormat class or java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, depending on the type of value to format. In fact, what the engine does is to instantiate the java.text.DecimalFormat class if the text field expression returns subclasses of the java.lang.Number class or to instantiate the java.text.SimpleDataFormat if the text field expression return java.util.Date or java.sql.Timestamp objects. For more detail about the syntax of this pattern attribute, check the Java API documentation for those two classes: java.text.DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat. formatter false true java.text.Format an instance of java.text.Format or any subclass of it. This instance is used to force DbForms to print out the field's value using a certain formatting style. This is done internally by invoking method "format(Object)" of the provided Format object. hint: the class java.text.DateFormat is a ready-to-use Date formatter. you can aquire an instance of DateFormat by writing: DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);even more convenient to use, is the class java.text.SimpleDateFormat: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Format Pattern Result --------------------- "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss z" 1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT "EEE, MMM d, ''yy" Wed, July 10, '96 "h:mm a" 12:08 PM "hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz" 12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time "K:mm a, z" 0:00 PM, PST "yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa" 1996.July.10 AD 12:08 PM (examples taken from Java API doc) nullFieldValue false true If the value (retrieved from the database) is null, allow the user to replace the text to display by a custom value. May be used in conjunction with dbForm's I18N support. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied. This is done adding a SPAN element that contains the text. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. dataLabel org.dbforms.taglib.DbDataContainerLabelTag JSP label - a tag for data PRESENTATION, NOT data EDITING (=> can never be used as input field) fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to strict false true if strict is true, value is set to empty string if it's not found in the embedded data. otherwise it's set to the formatted field value. default is false, so that it act's like before. maxlength false true Allows a developer to limit the amount of characters displayed on screen. If the label to display exceeds the limit, trim and display '...'Example:<db:dataLabel fieldName="ABC" maxlength="10"></db:dataLabel> nullFieldValue false true If the value (retrieved from the database) is null, allow the user to replace the text to display by a custom value. May be used in conjunction with dbForm's I18N support. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied. This is done adding a SPAN element that contains the text. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. this tag renders a dabase-datadriven LABEL, which is a passive element (it can't be changed bythe user) - it is predestinated for use with read-only data (i.e. primary keys you don't wantthe user to change, etc) so far it is equivalent to DbLabelTag. But this tag may have a body containing any kind ofEmbeddedData - tag! this feature was put into a seperate class for performance reasons (we do not want the overheadof pushing and poping the jsp writer to and off the stack) The dataLabel tag contains an EmbeddedData tag (TableData, QueryData, or StaticData) The fieldName (defined in dataLabel) is used as a lookup for an element in the embeddedData collection. Example: <!We have an ID, we want to display the Description -look it up in the Priorities table --> <db:dataLabel fieldName="ID_Priority"> <db:queryData name="aQuery" query="SELECT ID_Priority, Description from Priorities"/> </db:dataLabel> textField org.dbforms.taglib.DbTextFieldTag empty this tag renders a dabase-datadriven TEXTFIELD, which is an active element - the usercan change data id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScriptIdentification which can be used to 'pinpoint' dbForms fields for use in JavaScript methods. Nota bene: Not supported by all browser!Example:<db:textField fieldName="FIELD1" maxlength="15" id="InputField1"/> fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to password false true visually encrypted input field pattern false true When dealing with numeric or date/time values, you could use the Java API to format the output of the text field expressions yourself using the format attribute. But there is a more convenient way to do it: by using the pattern attribute. The value you should supply to this attribute is the same that you would supply if it were for you to format the value using either the java.text.DecimalFormat class or java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, depending on the type of value to format. In fact, what the engine does is to instantiate the java.text.DecimalFormat class if the text field expression returns subclasses of the java.lang.Number class or to instantiate the java.text.SimpleDataFormat if the text field expression return java.util.Date or java.sql.Timestamp objects. For more detail about the syntax of this pattern attribute, check the Java API documentation for those two classes: java.text.DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat. formatter false true java.text.Format an instance of java.text.Format or any subclass of it. This instanceis used to force DbForms to print out the field's value using a certain formatting style.this is done internally by invoking method "format(Object)" of the providedFormat object hidden false true Determines if the text field should be hidden or displayed. overrideValue false true Defines the text field's default value. When this attribute is set,the value retrieved from the database is ignored. nullFieldValue false true If the value (retrieved from the database) is null, allow the user to replace the text to display by a custom value. May be used in conjunction with dbForm's I18N support. accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. maxlength false true Maximum length of the string to be entered readOnly false true Rendering of read-only html widgets onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text size false true Size of the input field style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. readOnlyStyleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element (read-only mode). title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. i/o text field dateField org.dbforms.taglib.DbDateFieldTag empty this tag renders a dabase-datadriven DATE-FIELD, which is an active element - the usercan change data. it is very similar to TextField, especially since they now both support global setting for each type and language. id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to pattern false true When dealing with numeric or date/time values, you could use the Java API to format the output of the text field expressions yourself using the format attribute. But there is a more convenient way to do it: by using the pattern attribute. The value you should supply to this attribute is the same that you would supply if it were for you to format the value using either the java.text.DecimalFormat class or java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, depending on the type of value to format. In fact, what the engine does is to instantiate the java.text.DecimalFormat class if the text field expression returns subclasses of the java.lang.Number class or to instantiate the java.text.SimpleDataFormat if the text field expression return java.util.Date or java.sql.Timestamp objects. For more detail about the syntax of this pattern attribute, check the Java API documentation for those two classes: java.text.DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat. formatter false true java.text.Format an instance of java.text.Format or any subclass of it. This instanceis used to force DbForms to print out the field's value using a certain formatting style.this is done internally by invoking method "format(Object)" of the providedFormat objecthint:the class java.text.DateFormat is a ready-to-use Date formatter. you can aquire an instance of DateFormat by writing:DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);even more convenient to use is the class java.text.SimpleDateFormat: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Format Pattern Result --------------------- "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss z" 1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT "EEE, MMM d, ''yy" Wed, July 10, '96 "h:mm a" 12:08 PM "hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz" 12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time "K:mm a, z" 0:00 PM, PST "yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa" 1996.July.10 AD 12:08 PM (examples taken from Java API doc) hidden false true Determines if the text field should be hidden or displayed. nullFieldValue false true if the value (retrieved from the database) is null, allow the user to replace the text to display by a custom value. May be used inconjunction with dbForm's I18N support. overrideValue false true Defines the text field's default value. When this attribute is set,the value retrieved from the database is ignored. accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. maxlength false true Maximum length of the string to be entered readOnly false true Rendering of read-only html widgets onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text size false true Size of the input field style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. readOnlyStyleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element (read-only mode). title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. useJsCalendar false true Place small calendar icon after input field. Clicking that icon will popup a JavaScript calendar that can be used to set a new value for the field. Some preparations have to be done, the calendar must be copied into the web applications and must be included in current page. See dbforms manual for details. jsCalendarDateFormat false true Subpatterns inside date formats have sometimes different meanings in Java and inside JavaScript calendar. For some date formats it may be neccessary to explicitely set a date format to the calendar that corresponds to the used date format inside dbforms application. See dbforms manual for details. Example: <dateField pattern="date" To set the pattern which data is displayed in use a resource bundle (See the UsersGuide chapter on Internationalization).Example of ApplicationResources.properties: dbforms.pattern.date=yyyy-MM-dd dbforms.pattern.timestamp=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm textArea org.dbforms.taglib.DbTextAreaTag JSP renders a HTML TEXTAREA element id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to nullFieldValue false true If the value (retrieved from the database) is null, allow the user to replace the text to display by a custom value. May be used in conjunction with dbForm's I18N support. pattern false true When dealing with numeric or date/time values, you could use the Java API to format the output of the text field expressions yourself using the format attribute. But there is a more convenient way to do it: by using the pattern attribute. The value you should supply to this attribute is the same that you would supply if it were for you to format the value using either the java.text.DecimalFormat class or java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, depending on the type of value to format. In fact, what the engine does is to instantiate the java.text.DecimalFormat class if the text field expression returns subclasses of the java.lang.Number class or to instantiate the java.text.SimpleDataFormat if the text field expression return java.util.Date or java.sql.Timestamp objects. For more detail about the syntax of this pattern attribute, check the Java API documentation for those two classes: java.text.DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat. formatter false true java.text.Format an instance of java.text.Format or any subclass of it. This instanceis used to force DbForms to print out the field's value using a certain formatting style.this is done internally by invoking method "format(Object)" of the providedFormat object rows false true how many rows does the textArea have cols false true how many columns does the textArea have wrap false true may be:"virtual" - text get wrapped optically"phyiscal" - text get wrapped optically and physically (line breaks) overrideValue false true Defines the textarea's default value. When this attribute is set,the value retrieved from the database is ignored. renderBody false true if the content inside the body of this tag should be rendered or if the value of the associated field should be shown instead accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. readOnly false true Rendering of read-only html widgets onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. readOnlyStyleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element (read-only mode). title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. i/o textarea textAreaForBlobs org.dbforms.taglib.DbTextAreaForBlobsTag JSP renders a HTML TEXTAREA element fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to This tag is used to display disk-blob-generated text fields which may, or may not require scrolling.Example:<db:textAreaForBlobs fieldName = "filePath" renderBody = "true" suffix = "jsp" rows = "15" cols = "60" wrap = "virtual"> <db:blobContent fieldName = "filePath"/> </db:textAreaForBlobs>Note: renderBody attribute must be set to true. fieldPath is of type DISKBLOB. pattern false true When dealing with numeric or date/time values, you could use the Java API to format the output of the text field expressions yourself using the format attribute. But there is a more convenient way to do it: by using the pattern attribute. The value you should supply to this attribute is the same that you would supply if it were for you to format the value using either the java.text.DecimalFormat class or java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, depending on the type of value to format. In fact, what the engine does is to instantiate the java.text.DecimalFormat class if the text field expression returns subclasses of the java.lang.Number class or to instantiate the java.text.SimpleDataFormat if the text field expression return java.util.Date or java.sql.Timestamp objects. For more detail about the syntax of this pattern attribute, check the Java API documentation for those two classes: java.text.DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat. formatter false true java.text.Format an instance of java.text.Format or any subclass of it. This instanceis used to force DbForms to print out the field's value using a certain formatting style.this is done internally by invoking method "format(Object)" of the providedFormat object rows false true how many rows does the textArea have cols false true how many columns does the textArea have wrap false true may be:"virtual" - text get wrapped optically"phyiscal" - text get wrapped optically and physically (line breaks) overrideValue false true Defines the textarea's default value. When this attribute is set,the value retrieved from the database is ignored. renderBody false true if the content inside the body of this tag should be rendered or if the value of the associated field should be shown instead suffix false true suffix, e.g. jsp, xml, etc. accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. readOnly false true Rendering of read-only html widgets onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. readOnlyStyleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element (read-only mode). title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. i/o textarea for character diskblobs. use it if you want users to edit files using textareas tableData org.dbforms.taglib.TableData JSP external data to be nested into radio, checkbox or select - tag!(useful only in conjunction with radio, checkbox or select - tag) name true true an arbitrary id declared by the user - this id is useful, if the same data should be used more than once at one jsp page. using this unique name the system is able to chache the data dbConnectionName false true indicate which dbconnection object to user. format false true specify a format to be used in concatenating several display fields. When more then one (1) field is shown, the fields are, by default, separated by a comma. The format attribute was strengthened to make it similar to the Unix sprintf utility. There is now a need to be type specific with the attribute.For example,format="%s is about %.2f" would be where your float (ie%.2f) would be truncated to two decimals.ONLY THE DISPLAY VALUE WILL BE TRUNCATED For more info, please see the Unix man page or http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/sprintf/ or the javadocsExample: <db:tableData name="aQuery" foreignTable="Cities" visibleFields="city_id, city_name, city_state"format = "%i, %s / %s" storeField="city_id"/> Can be used when city_id is an integer, city_name and city_state are strings in your database.Result -> 014, Naples / Florida formatClass false true class to use for special formatting. This class must be derivide from org.dbforms.util.PrintfFormat. This class will be loaded through reflection api and will be used to format the output. Default is org.dbforms.util.PrintfFormat foreignTable true true the name of the table where visibleFields true true disableCache false true Each query is executed independently orderBy false true Specify an orderby clause for the query storeField true true Describes the field in wich the data should be stored this tag provides data to radio, checkbox or select - tags. It may be used for cross references to other tables.Example:<We want to display a drop down list with data from the Cities table,use the city_reference value for the default list selection--><db:select fieldName="city_reference"><db:tableData name="aQuery"foreignTable="Cities"visibleFields="city_name, city_state"storeField="city_id"/></db:select> confTableData org.dbforms.taglib.ConfTableData JSP external data to be nested into radio, checkbox or select - tag!(useful only in conjunction with radio, checkbox or select - tag) this tag provides similar functionality to "TableData", but as it allows to use the table data given in the conf file and use a filter clause like in dbform tag name true true an arbitrary id declared by the user - this id is useful, if the same data should be used more than once at one jsp page. using this unique name the system is able to chache the data dbConnectionName false true indicate which dbconnection object to user. format false true specify a format to be used in concatenating several display fields. When more then one (1) field is shown, the fields are, by default, separated by a comma. The format attribute was strengthened to make it similar to the Unix sprintf utility. There is now a need to be type specific with the attribute. For example,format="%s is about %.2f" would be where your float (ie%.2f) would be truncated to two decimals.ONLY THE DISPLAY VALUE WILL BE TRUNCATED For more info, please see the Unix man page or http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/sprintf/ or the javadocsExample: <db:tableData name="aQuery" foreignTable="Cities" visibleFields="city_id, city_name, city_state"format = "%i, %s / %s" storeField="city_id"/> Can be used when city_id is an integer, city_name and city_state are strings in your database.Result -> 014, Naples / Florida formatClass false true class to use for special formatting. This class must be derivide from org.dbforms.util.PrintfFormat. This class will be loaded through reflection api and will be used to format the output. Default is org.dbforms.util.PrintfFormat foreignTable true true the name of the table where visibleFields true true disableCache false true Each query is executed independently orderBy false true Specify an orderby clause for the query storeField true true Describes the field in wich the data should be stored filter false true Describes a filter for the data. Format is like filter tag in dbform this tag provides data to radio, checkbox or select - tags. It may be used for cross references to other tables. Example: <We want to display a drop down list with data from the Cities table, use the city_reference value for the default list selection--> <db:select fieldName="city_reference"> <db:tableData name="aQuery" foreignTable="Cities" visibleFields="city_name, city_state" storeField="city_id"/></db:select> queryData org.dbforms.taglib.QueryData JSP external data to be nested into radio, checkbox or select - tag!(useful only in conjunction with radio, checkbox or select - tag) name true true an arbitrary id declared by the user - this id is useful, if the same data should be used more than once at one jsp page. using this unique name the system is able to chache the data dbConnectionName false true indicate which dbconnection object to user. format false true specify a format to be used in concatenating several display fields. When more then one (1) field is shown, the fields are, by default, separated by a comma. The format attribute was strengthened to make it similar to the Unix sprintf utility. There is now a need to be type specific with the attribute.For example,format="%s is about %.2f" would be where your float (ie%.2f) would be truncated to two decimals.ONLY THE DISPLAY VALUE WILL BE TRUNCATED For more info, please see the Unix man page or http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/sprintf/ or the javadocsExample: <db:tableData name="aQuery" foreignTable="Cities" visibleFields="city_id, city_name, city_state"format = "%i, %s / %s" storeField="city_id"/> Can be used when city_id is an integer, city_name and city_state are strings in your database.Result -> 014, Naples / Florida formatClass false true class to use for special formatting. This class must be derivide from org.dbforms.util.PrintfFormat. This class will be loaded through reflection api and will be used to format the output. Default is org.dbforms.util.PrintfFormat query true true the query used to retrieve the dataquery building convention:first column is the "key" column for the radio/check/selectelements, all other colums are just "data" columns visible to the user example: SELECT DISTINCT customer.id, customer.name, customer.adress, debitors.debit FROM customer INNER JOIN id ON (SELECT id FROM debitors WHERE debit>100000) ORDER BY debit DESC - "id" will be threaten as key-value in select box, "name and address will be shown in select box disableCache false true Each query is executed independently this tag provides data (provided by query result) to radio, checkbox or select - tags. this tag provides similar functionlaity like "TableData", but as it allows toformulate free querys including all SQL statements your RDBMS supports, you have muchmore flexibility using this tag than using TableData (which is easier to use, on the other hand) <!We want to display a drop down list with data from the Cities table, use the city_reference value for the default list selection --> <db:select fieldName="city_reference"> <db:queryData name="aQuery" query="Select city_id, city_name, city_state from Cities"/> </db:select> staticData org.dbforms.taglib.StaticData JSP external data to be nested into radio, checkbox or select - tag!(useful only in conjunction with radio, checkbox or select - tag) name true true an arbitrary id declared by the user - this id is useful, if the same data should be used more than once at one jsp page. using this unique name the system is able to chache the data this tag provides data to radio, checkbox or select - tags. This data is provided byembedded "StaticDataItem"-elementsthis tag provides similar functionlaity like "TableData" or "QueryData" but as the namessuggest, the values of TableData and QueryData come from a database, the data in in StaticDataItem comes from the jsp page (from "StaticDataItem"-elements)Example:<!We want to display a drop down list with days of the week, use the day_reference value for the default list selection--> <db:select fieldName="day_reference"> <db:staticData name="myQuery"> <db:staticDataItem key="0" value="Sunday"/> <db:staticDataItem key="1" value="Monday"/> <db:staticDataItem key="2" value="Tuesday"/> <db:staticDataItem key="3" value="Wednesday"/> <db:staticDataItem key="4" value="Thursday"/> <db:staticDataItem key="5" value="Friday"/> <db:staticDataItem key="6" value="Saturday"/> </db:staticData> </db:select> staticDataItem org.dbforms.taglib.StaticDataItem empty data to be nested into staticData element! (see description of staticData for further details) key true true value true true getConnection org.dbforms.taglib.DbGetConnection JSP Allows other tags (or scriptlets) to obtain a database connection object using the same settings found in dbForms-config.xml id true true Attribute in page that will be used to reference the connection object Allows other tags (and/or java scriptlets) to obtain a connection via the same settings as defined in dbForms Example: <db:getConnection id="myConnection"> <!-- Open connection --> <sql: statement id="stmt" conn="myConnection"> <sql:query>Select * from Table</sql:query> <sql:resultSet id="rs"> Value: <sql:getColumn position="1"/> </sql:resultSet> </sql:statement> </db:getConnection> <!-- close connection --> dbConnectionName false true indicate which dbconnection object to user. setDataSource org.dbforms.taglib.DbSetDataSource JSP Allows other tags (or scriptlets) to obtain a DataSource using the same settings found in dbForms-config.xml dataSource true true Attribute in page that will be used to reference the connection object Allows other tags (and/or java scriptlets) to obtain a connection via the same settings as defined in dbForms Example: (using Jakarta dbTags) <db:setDataSource dataSource="myDataSource" /> <sql:query var="qry" dataSource="${myDataSource}">Select * from Table</sql:query> <c:forEach var="row" items="${qry.rows}" > Value: <c:out value="{row.field}" /> </c:forEach> dbConnectionName false true indicate which dbconnection object to user. file org.dbforms.taglib.DbFileTag empty this tag renders an UPLOAD-button for uploading files into BLOBs or DISKBLOBs id false true Identification which can be used to 'pinpoint' dbForms fields for use in JavaScript methods. Note: Not supported by all browser!Example:<db:file fieldName="page" id="file2"/> fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to accept false true MIME(s)-types of the fields to be uploaded. you may use wildcards as wellexample: accept="text/*" for text, htm, html,etc.keep in mind that not all browsers support MIME type filtering. accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. maxlength false true Maximum length of the string to be entered readOnly false true Rendering of read-only html widgets onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text size false true Size of the input field style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. readOnlyStyleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element (read-only mode). title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. version 0.7 provides a first implementation of file upload support. It is far from being completed. Improvementsin functionality and performance can be expected. radio org.dbforms.taglib.DbRadioTag JSP renders a HTML RADIO element or a whole group of them id false true Identification which can be used to 'pinpoint' dbForms fields for use in JavaScript methods. Note: Not supported by all browser!Example:<db:radio fieldName="FIELD3" id="radioGroup"> </db:radio> fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to defaultValue false true default field name to use if the specified field is empty. growDirection false true for radio groups only: in which direction should the group grow: valid values are "horizontal" and "vertical" growSize false true Allows a developer to limit the number of elements per row by generating [TABLE] [TR] [TD] html tags. accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. readOnly false true Rendering of read-only html widgets onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. readOnlyStyleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element (read-only mode). title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. radio tag, may be a radio group as well and it may contain nested DbData-Tags(like tableData, queryData, staticData, ...)Example:<!We want to display a group of radio button, use the value of fieldName 'timeframe' for the default list selection. In INSERT mode, use the first entry --> <db:radio fieldName="timeframe" growDirection="vertical" defaultValue="0" > <db:staticData name="myQuery"> <db:staticDataItem key="0" value="9:00 12:00"/> <db:staticDataItem key="1" value="12:01 15:00"/> <db:staticDataItem key="2" value="15:01 18:00"/> <db:staticDataItem key="3" value="18:01 21:00"/> </db:staticData> </db:radio> checkbox org.dbforms.taglib.DbCheckboxTag JSP renders a HTML CHECKBOX element or a whole group of them id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to value false true value that should be used if checkbox is checkeddbforms will compare this value with the value in the database novalue false true value that should be used if check box is not checked checked false true determinates if this checkbox should be checked by default when form is in insert modeonly needed if parentForm is in "insert-mode", otherwise the DbForms-Framework determinates whether a checkbox should be selected or not. growDirection false true for checkbox groups only: in which direction should the group grow: valid values are "horizontal" and "vertical" growSize false true Allows a developer to limit the number of elements per row by generating [TABLE] [TR] [TD] html tags. accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. readOnly false true Rendering of read-only html widgets onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. readOnlyStyleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element (read-only mode). title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. radio tag, may be a radio group as well and it may contain nested DbData-Tags(like tableData, queryData, staticData, ...)Example:<!We want to display a checkbox which, when checked, is set to "yes" --> <db:checkbox fieldName="yesNo" value="yes" checked="true"/> select org.dbforms.taglib.DbSelectTag JSP This tag renders a html SELECT element including embedded OPTION elements. id false true Identification which can be used to 'pinpoint' dbForms fields for use in JavaScript methods. Note: Not supported by all browser!Example:<db:select fieldName="FIELD3" id="mySelect"></db:select> customEntry false true Allows the possibility of adding an entry in the select list which is independent of data retrieved via tableData, queryData orstaticData. Arguments to this tag are as follows:Key,Description,boolean (default selection?) fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to size false true how many rows should the select box have selectedIndex false true accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. readOnly false true Rendering of read-only html widgets pattern false true When dealing with numeric or date/time values, you could use the Java API to format the output of the text field expressions yourself using the format attribute. But there is a more convenient way to do it: by using the pattern attribute. Useful in select if you have a 4 digit lookup value and want to avoid it being reformatted with the default locale as #,###. Use pattern="#" to avoid this. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects an item style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. readOnlyStyleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element (read-only mode). title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. select tag, may contain nested "DbData"-Tags (OR "dboption" tags, which are not implemented yet) examples for DbData-Tags are tableData, queryData, staticDataExample:<!We want to display a drop down list with data from the Cities table, use the city_reference value for the default list selection. Added a blank entry as default selection --> <db:select fieldName="city_reference" customEntry="001,,true"> <db:queryData name="aQuery" query="Select city_id, city_name, city_state from Cities"/> </db:select>info"dboption"- tags are expected for the next release linkURL org.dbforms.taglib.DbLinkURLTag JSP generates a link to a DbForms View href true true the url of the JSP file representing the view tableName true true the url of the table the view represents position false true optional: the position to navigate to within table "tableName" for backwards compatibility is the same as destPos! parentField false true used if parentTable is different to tableName: field(s) in the main form that is/are linked to this form childField false true used if parentTable is different to tableName: field(s) in this form that is/are linked to the parent form destPos false true a value indicating the row to navigate to. Position strings are used as request parameters allowing the framework to keep track of the position the user comes from or goes to. This string is structured as follows: fieldId : fieldValueLength : fieldValueIt is important to note that if multiple keys exist in the definition of the table, your position string must includes values for each key. (separated by dashes (-)) Example:<! Jump to another JSP, specify position using multiple keys--> <db:gotoButton caption="View Sample Details" destination="/viewSample.jsp" destTable="Sample" destPos="1:6:widget-3:2:23"/> keyToDestPos false true a key indicating the row to navigate to. Example: <! Jump to another JSP, specify position through a key --> <db:gotoButton caption="View Sample Details" destination="/viewSample.jsp" destTable="Sample" keyToDestPos="k_1_1@root"/> keyToKeyToDestPos false true a key to the key indicating the row to navigate to. For each record in the result-set, the associatedRadio tag generates a key reference which can be used to retrieve a position string. Example:<!for each record, generate a key to the position string --> <db:body><db:associatedRadio name="test"/></db:body> <db:footer> <! Jump to another JSP, specify position (get second record using appropriate key!)--> <db:gotoButton caption="View Sample Details" destination="/viewSample.jsp" destTable="Sample" keyToKeyDestPos="test"/> Check "customerlist.jsp" in example! singleRow false true if set to true, only one row of data will be fetched. default is false, so that all rows of data will be fetched and the requested record will be set as actual record. generates a link to a DbForms View. Setting the positionattribute will force DbForms to navigate to this position within the destination-table the 3 examles below produce all the same result<linkURL href="customer.jsp" tableName="customer" position="103~2"/><linkURL href="customer.jsp" tableName="customer" position="<%= currentKey %>"/><linkURL href="customer.jsp" tableName="customer"> <position field="id" value="103"/> <position field="cust_lang" value="2"/> </linkURL> position org.dbforms.taglib.DbLinkPositionItemTag empty element to be embedded inside a linkURL-element fieldName true true name of the key-field value true true value of the key field example: <linkURL href="customer.jsp" table="customer"> <position fieldName="id" value="103"/> <position fieldName="cust_lang" value="2"/> </linkURL> Attention: field to reference must be a key field in the target table! insertButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbInsertButtonTag JSP this tag renders an INSERT-button id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript flavor false true styling of the buttonchoices:standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption"image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt"modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) showAlways false true From v_1_1_3pr1:If false (which is the default setting), the input button will be rendered only in insert mode -- such as through a NavNewEvent.For previously generated list_and_single.jsp or self coded pages, the attribute showAlways="true" should be added to the insertButtonTag, unless it will be used in insert mode.<db:insertButton caption="Insert new ..." styleClass="clsButtonStyle" showAlways="true"/> caption false true caption of the button (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") src false true source of the image (use it if the chosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the chosen flavor is "image") border false true set html border attribute followUp false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUp-attribute of the parent form(s)! followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUpOnError-attribute of the parent form(s)! accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. this tag renders an insert-buttonthe button is hidden if embedding form is not in insert mode deleteButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbDeleteButtonTag JSP this tag renders a DELETE-button id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript flavor false true styling of the buttonchoices:standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption"image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt"modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) caption false true caption of the button. (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") If the value of the 'captionResource' attribute in the parent dbform is 'true', this tag retrieves it's content via a resource bundle. Refer to gotoButton for example. src false true source of the image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") border false true set html border attribute confirmMessage false true This attribute will generate a javascript message asking if the user really wants to delete this entry. If the 'captionResource' attribute of the (db)Form is set to true, the message can be resolve from a ResourceBundle (ref: I18N) followUp false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUp-attribute of the parent form(s)! followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUpOnError-attribute of the parent form(s)! associatedRadio false true determinates the unique name of a data-row-marking "radio"-element (this MUST extist on thesame JSP - page as this button!it should be used if this button should be rendered only once and not for every rowthat could/should be deletedsee "associatedRadio"-tag for further information! accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. delete buttonthe button is hidden if embedding form is in insert mode updateButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbUpdateButtonTag JSP this tag renders an UPDATE-button id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript flavor false true styling of the buttonchoices:standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption"image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt"modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) showAlways false true If false (which is the default setting), the update button will be rendered only if resultset contains data caption false true caption of the button. (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") If the value of the 'captionResource' attribute in the parent dbform is 'true', this tag retrieves it's content via a resource bundle. Refer to gotoButton for example. src false true source of the image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") border false true set html border attribute followUp false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUp-attribute of the parent form(s)! followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUpOnError-attribute of the parent form(s)! associatedRadio false true determinates the unique name of a data-row-marking "radio"-element (this MUST extist on thesame JSP - page as this button!it should be used if this button should be rendered only once and not for every rowthat could/should be updatedsee "associatedRadio"-tag for further information! accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. update buttonthe button is hidden if embedding form is in insert mode navPrevButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbNavPrevButtonTag JSP this tag renders a navigation button for scrolling to previous row(s) of the current table id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript flavor false true styling of the buttonchoices:standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption"image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt"modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) caption false true caption of the button. (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") If the value of the 'captionResource' attribute in the parent dbform is 'true', this tag retrieves it's content via a resource bundle. Refer to gotoButton for example. src false true source of the image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") border false true set html border attribute stepWidth false true how many rows of data should be scrolled followUp false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUp-attribute of the parent form(s)! followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUpOnError-attribute of the parent form(s)! accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. disabledBehaviour false true Describes the behaviour of this button if it is on the first page. possible values: nohtml: no HTML outputaltimage: only an image with no functionality is displayed. The src for that image can be specified in the attribute disabledImageSrc which can have an alt attribute specified in disabledImageAlt and width and height specified by disabledImageWidth and disabledImageHeight.disabled (default): The image specified in scr is used but disabled.example: <db:navPrevButton src="images/ico_prev.gif" flavor="image" disabledBehaviour="altimage" disabledImageSrc="images/transparent.gif" disabledImageAlt="my alt text" disabledImageWidth="50" disabledImageHeight="1" onMouseOver="javascript: self.status='previous'; return true;" onMouseOut="javascript: self.status=''; return true;"/> If on first page, HTML result is: <img src="images/transparent.gif" alt="my alt text" width="50" height="1" /> disabledImageSrc false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageAlt false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageWidth false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageHeight false true see disabledBehaviour navigation button to scroll back navNextButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbNavNextButtonTag empty this tag renders a navigation button for scrolling to next row(s) of the current table id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript flavor false true styling of the buttonchoices:standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption"image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt"modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) caption false true caption of the button. (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") If the value of the 'captionResource' attribute in the parent dbform is 'true', this tag retrieves it's content via a resource bundle. Refer to gotoButton for example. src false true source of the image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") border false true set html border attribute stepWidth false true how many rows of data should be scrolled followUp false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUp-attribute of the parent form(s)! followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUpOnError-attribute of the parent form(s)! accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. disabledBehaviour false true Describes the behaviour of this button if it is on the last page. possible values: nohtml: no HTML outputaltimage: only an image with no functionality is displayed. The src for that image can be specified in the attribute disabledImageSrc which can have an alt attribute specified in disabledImageAlt and width and height specified by disabledImageWidth and disabledImageHeight.disabled (default): The image specified in scr is used but disabled.example: <db:navNextButton src="images/ico_next.gif" flavor="image" disabledBehaviour="altimage" disabledImageSrc="images/transparent.gif" disabledImageAlt="my alt text" disabledImageWidth="50" disabledImageHeight="1" onMouseOver="javascript: self.status='next'; return true;" onMouseOut="javascript: self.status=''; return true;"/> If on last page, HTML result is: <img src="images/transparent.gif" alt="my alt text" width="50" height="1" /> disabledImageSrc false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageAlt false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageWidth false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageHeight false true see disabledBehaviour navigation button to scroll to next dataset(s) navFirstButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbNavFirstButtonTag JSP this tag renders a navigation button for scrolling to the first row(s) of the current table id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript flavor false true styling of the buttonchoices:standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption"image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt"modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) caption false true caption of the button. (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") If the value of the 'captionResource' attribute in the parent dbform is 'true', this tag retrieves it's content via a resource bundle. Refer to gotoButton for example. src false true source of the image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") border false true set html border attribute followUp false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUp-attribute of the parent form(s)! followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUpOnError-attribute of the parent form(s)! accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. disabledBehaviour false true Describes the behaviour of this button if it is on the first page. possible values: nohtml: no HTML outputaltimage: only an image with no functionality is displayed. The src for that image can be specified in the attribute disabledImageSrc which can have an alt attribute specified in disabledImageAlt and width and height specified by disabledImageWidth and disabledImageHeight.disabled (default): The image specified in scr is used but disabled.example: <db:navFirstButton src="images/ico_first.gif" flavor="image" disabledBehaviour="altimage" disabledImageSrc="images/transparent.gif" disabledImageAlt="my alt text" disabledImageWidth="50" disabledImageHeight="1" onMouseOver="javascript: self.status='first'; return true;" onMouseOut="javascript: self.status=''; return true;"/> If on first page, HTML result is: <img src="images/transparent.gif" alt="my alt text" width="50" height="1" /> disabledImageSrc false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageAlt false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageWidth false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageHeight false true see disabledBehaviour navigation button to scroll to first dataset navLastButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbNavLastButtonTag JSP this tag renders a navigation button for scrolling to the last row(s) of the current table id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript flavor false true styling of the buttonchoices:standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption"image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt"modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) caption false true caption of the button. (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") If the value of the 'captionResource' attribute in the parent dbform is 'true', this tag retrieves it's content via a resource bundle. Refer to gotoButton for example. src false true source of the image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") border false true set html border attribute followUp false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUp-attribute of the parent form(s)! followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUpOnError-attribute of the parent form(s)! accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. disabledBehaviour false true Describes the behaviour of this button if it is on the last page. possible values: nohtml: no HTML outputaltimage: only an image with no functionality is displayed. The src for that image can be specified in the attribute disabledImageSrc which can have an alt attribute specified in disabledImageAlt and width and height specified by disabledImageWidth and disabledImageHeight.disabled (default): The image specified in scr is used but disabled.example: <db:navLastButton src="images/ico_last.gif" flavor="image" disabledBehaviour="altimage" disabledImageSrc="images/transparent.gif" disabledImageAlt="my alt text" disabledImageWidth="50" disabledImageHeight="1" onMouseOver="javascript: self.status='last'; return true;" onMouseOut="javascript: self.status=''; return true;"/> If on last page, HTML result is: <img src="images/transparent.gif" alt="my alt text" width="50" height="1" /> disabledImageSrc false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageAlt false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageWidth false true see disabledBehaviour disabledImageHeight false true see disabledBehaviour navigation button to scroll to last dataset navNewButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbNavNewButtonTag JSP this tag renders a navigation button for creating a new row of data id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript destTable false true specify a table for insertion other than the parent table. flavor false true styling of the buttonchoices:standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption"image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt"modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) caption false true caption of the button. (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") If the value of the 'captionResource' attribute in the parent dbform is 'true', this tag retrieves it's content via a resource bundle. Refer to gotoButton for example. src false true source of the image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") showAlwaysInFooter false true A NavNewButton is different from other buttons, it will normally even been shown if it is placed within footer of a dbforms tag with empty result set. This makes sense if you want to show a set of rows and then below always the button to open a form to insert a new row. But if you have a form with body attribute allowNew set to "true", an insert form will automatically be shown in case no row is found. In that case the button might irritate users, you should then set attribute showAlwaysInFooter to "false". Then the button will not be shown if result set is empty. border false true set html border attribute followUp false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUp-attribute of the parent form(s)! followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUpOnError-attribute of the parent form(s)! accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this element. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. navigation button to scroll to new, empty datasetthe "allowNew"-attribute of the parten "body"-tag MUEST NOT set to "false" in order to get this to work. navCopyButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbNavCopyButtonTag JSP this tag renders a navigation button for creating a copy of a row of data id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript showAlwaysInFooter false true A NavNewCopy is different from other buttons, it will normally even been shown if it is placed within footer of a dbforms tag with empty result set. This makes sense if you want to show a set of rows and then below always the button to open a form to insert a new row. But if you have a form with body attribute allowNew set to "true", an insert form will automatically be shown in case no row is found. In that case the button might irritate users, you should then set attribute showAlwaysInFooter to "false". Then the button will not be shown if result set is empty. flavor false true styling of the button choices: standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption" image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt" modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) caption false true caption of the button (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") src false true source of the image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") border false true set html border attribute followUp false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUp-attribute of the parent form(s)! followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUpOnError-attribute of the parent form(s)! accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this element. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. navigation button to scroll to a copy of an existent dataset navReloadButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbNavReloadButtonTag JSP this tag renders a navigation button for reloading and moving to the first row of the current table id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript flavor false true styling of the buttonchoices:standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption"image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt"modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) caption false true caption of the button. (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") If the value of the 'captionResource' attribute in the parent dbform is 'true', this tag retrieves it's content via a resource bundle. Refer to gotoButton for example. src false true source of the image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") border false true set html border attribute followUp false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUp-attribute of the parent form(s)! followUpOnError false true site to be invoked after this button has been clicked and the associated actions are donethis attribute over-rules the followUpOnError-attribute of the parent form(s)! accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. navigation button for reloading and moving to the first dataset gotoButton org.dbforms.taglib.DbGotoButtonTag JSP button for jumping to other jsp id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript flavor false true styling of the buttonchoices:standard a standard form button. if you use it you should specify "caption"image an image-button. if you use it you should specify "src" and "alt"modern a fancy button according to HTML4; dont use if no all of your users have got 5th-generation browsers! You may embed any code into this tag. (see docu or www.w3.org) caption false true Caption of the button. (use it if the chosen flavor is "standard") If the value of the 'captionResource' attribute in the parent dbform is 'true', this tag retrieves it's content via a resource bundle. src false true source of the image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") alt false true alternative to image (use it if the coosen flavor is "image") border false true set html border attribute destination true true the URL of the jsp-view to be invoked destTable false true the table of the toplevel form to jump to [may be deprecated soon] destPos false true a value indicating the row to navigate to. Position strings are used as request parameters allowing the framework to keep track of the position the user comes from or goes to. This string is structured as follows: fieldId : fieldValueLength : fieldValueIt is important to note that if multiple keys exist in the definition of the table, your position string must includes values for each key. (separated by dashes (-)) Example:<! Jump to another JSP, specify position using multiple keys--> <db:gotoButton caption="View Sample Details" destination="/viewSample.jsp" destTable="Sample" destPos="1:6:widget-3:2:23"/> keyToDestPos false true a key indicating the row to navigate to. Example: <! Jump to another JSP, specify position through a key --> <db:gotoButton caption="View Sample Details" destination="/viewSample.jsp" destTable="Sample" keyToDestPos="k_1_1@root"/> keyToKeyToDestPos false true a key to the key indicating the row to navigate to. For each record in the result-set, the associatedRadio tag generates a key reference which can be used to retrieve a position string. Example:<!for each record, generate a key to the position string --> <db:body><db:associatedRadio name="test"/></db:body> <db:footer> <! Jump to another JSP, specify position (get second record using appropriate key!)--> <db:gotoButton caption="View Sample Details" destination="/viewSample.jsp" destTable="Sample" keyToKeyDestPos="test"/>Check "customerlist.jsp" in example!Example for single form (works with mutilple key columns):<db:body> <input type="hidden" name="currentRow" value="<db:pos>"/> </db:body> <db:footer> <db:gotoButton caption="View Sample Details" destination="/viewSample.jsp" destTable="Sample" keyToDestPos="currentRow"/> singleRow false true if set to true, only one row of data will be fetched. default is false, so that all rows of data will be fetched and the requested record will be set as actual record. parentField false true used in sub-form: field(s) in the main form that is/are linked to this formShould either be a key or set to sortable="true"in dbforms-config.xml childField false true used in sub-form: field(s) in this form that is/are linked to the parent formShould either be a key or set to sortable="true"in dbforms-config.xml accessKey false true The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement. onBlur false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus. onChange false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed. onSelect false true JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text onClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click. onDblClick false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click. onFocus false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus. onKeyDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed. onKeyPress false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released. onKeyUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released. onMouseDown false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed. onMouseMove false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved. onMouseOut false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element. onMouseOver false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element. onMouseUp false true JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released. style false true CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element. styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. tabIndex false true The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element. The gotoButton tag can be used to forward processing to another JSP. Setting the position (via various gotoButton attributes) will force DbForms to navigate to this position within the destination-table.Example:<!Caption text should be retrieved via a resource bundle --> <db:dbform tableName="MyTABLE" captionResource="true"> <! Jump to another JSP, no positionning --> <db:gotoButton caption="menu" destination="/menu.jsp"/> base org.dbforms.taglib.BaseTag empty renders a HTML-BASE tag Renders a HTML "base" element with a "href"-attribute pointing to the absolute location of the enclosing JSP page. The presenceof this tag allows the browser to resolve relative URL's to images,CSS stylesheets and other resources in a manner independent of the URLused to call the ControllerServlet. You should use this tag in all your JSP-views (seeexamples in distribution)There are no attributes associated withthis tag. errors org.dbforms.taglib.ErrorsTag empty Custom tag that renders error messages if an appropriate request attributehas been created. caption false true caption of the error-listdefault = "Error:" name false true the name that should be used for retrieving the error-data from the sessiondefault = "errors" messagePrefix false true Note: DbForms v1.0 no longer appends Exception messages together. Therefore the exception message you input is the only text contained in the message. Hence, no need for message Prefix anymore.The user may define a messagePrefix attribute to specify a delimiter. If defined, only the exception message after the delimeter iswritten out. This can be used to produce a user interface with nice, clean output. If the error tag does not contain a value formessagePrefix, the tag works as normal (prints out the exception information) renders errors stored in request xmlErrors org.dbforms.taglib.DbXmlErrorsTag empty Custom tag that renders error messages if an appropriate request attributehas been created. Used in conjuction with xml error manager caption false true caption of the error-listdefault = "Error:" name false true the name that should be used for retrieving the error-data from the sessiondefault = "errors" In order to manage error messages more efficiently, we introduced the new XmlError tag. Instead of hard coding your error messages within your interceptors, you can now define them in an xml file which is loaded at application start-up (in the exact same manner as the dbForms-config.xml file!) Furthermore, messages may be stored (and retrieved) for any given language. Here is how it worksCreate an xml error file called dbForms-errors.xml with the following structure:<dbforms-errors> <error id="001" type="WARN"><message language="Fracais">% - Champ est obligatoire% </message> <message language="English">% - is mandatory %"</message> </error> </dbforms-errors>Replace the errors tag by the xmlErrors tag (in your jsp's).In your interceptor, throw a ValidationException with the following message construct:Language-MessageID:parameter,parameter,parameterWhere:Language = used to locate which message to return, ends with a dash (-)Message ID = error ID used for lookup, ends with a colon (:)Parameter(s) = separated by commas, read in sequence, replaces placeholders (%) in messageExample:String messageConstruct = "English-001:param1,param2";throw new ValidationException(messageConstruct);Note that you may also use this mechanism to intercept error messages which are generated by the database. Ie: Oracle throws the following message: ORA-0001: blah blah blah<dbforms-errors><error id="0001" type="WARN"><message language="ORA">Oracle message: % </message></error></dbforms-errors> hasMoreRecords org.dbforms.taglib.HasMoreRecordsTag JSP Verifies if the number of records in the result set is larger then the number specified count true true Number of records allowed If the result Set contains >= the number of elements specified, display the appropriate message (XML error file). As with error messages, arguments may be passed to the message string via a comma delimited string. Example: <db:dbform table="TABLE" maxRows="200" followUp="next.jsp"> <db:header> <!-Message: Resultset too big, displaying first 200 records --> <db:hasMoreRecords count="200" message="English-001:200" /> </db:header> </db:dbform> message false true Message to display (see xml error manager) hasNoRecords org.dbforms.taglib.HasNoRecordsTag JSP Verifies if the number of records in the result set equal 0 message false true Message to display (see xml error manager) hasRecords org.dbforms.taglib.HasRecordsTag JSP Verifies if the number of records in the result set is not equal 0 message false true Message to display (see xml error manager) associatedRadio org.dbforms.taglib.DbAssociatedRadioTag empty This tag enables the end-user to define a row by selecting the radio-buttonrendered by this tag name true true a unique name for the radio box. this name is used by buttons like "deleteButton" or "updateButton"to lookup the valio of this radio!see "deleteButton" or "updateButton" for further information! example: imagine a table "customer". The rows of this table should be listed. The user shouldbe able to delete a customer.in that case the application developer has to alternatives: to put a "deleteButton" into the body -> this button gets rendered for every row if the user clicks the button the associated data row gets deleted.the disadvantage of this method is that multiple buttons must be rendered, which takes awaylots of space and makes layouting more difficult to put an "associatedRadio" into the body and the "deleteButton" on the footer (or header) the radio element gets rendered for every row, the deleteButton just once. if the user wantsto delete a row, he/she has to select the radioButton (to mark the row he/she wants to be deleted)and then to press the deleteButton.the more buttons you have the better this method is!!nota bene: you have to tell the delete (or insert, update...) - button that there exists an associatedradio button that marks the row the action should be applied to, by defining the "associatedRadio"attribute of that respective button. blobURL org.dbforms.taglib.DbBlobURLTag empty This tag generates an URL pointing to a servlet downloading the DISKBLOB referenced by fieldName fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to defaultValue false true default field name to use if the specified field is empty. "Filesystem blob" example: <img src="<db:blobURL fieldName="THUMBNAIL" defaultValue="myImage.jpg"/>" border="0" width="xx" height="yy">Developers Note: this attribute (up to now) is not used for "database blob" data, works only for "Disk Blob" data. Update 03/2004: works now for BLOB data as well (if BLOB is not in classic mode and nameField is used) nameField false true this optional attribute may be used to tell the fileservlet in which table column (field) the name of the file is stored. This is (only) needed if you use the new (default) BLOB model which does not rely on FileHolder anymore to associate files and their names. Hence, the association between file and name must be captured by other means: During upload we use the BlobInterceptor, and during download we use this "nameField" argument. use cases:rendering an image: <img src="<db:diskblob fieldName="pic""/>" alt="a picture">rendering a (download-)hyperlink: <a href="<db:diskblob fieldName="pic""/>">download!</a> blobContent org.dbforms.taglib.DbBlobContentTag empty fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to dbConnectionName false true indicate which dbconnection object to user. sort org.dbforms.taglib.DbSortTag empty this tag rendes a select box for switching the order-state of a field (ascending, descending, none)(this tag is full functional but still subject of change) fieldName true true name of the field this tag references to style org.dbforms.taglib.StyleTag JSP generic style tag template true true name of the template to be included part true true part of the template to be invoked paramList false true parameter list used to specify rendering properties for the template templateParam org.dbforms.taglib.TemplateParamTag empty param name name true true name of the template param to evaluateonly used in template (_begin.jsp / _end.jsp) - definition files! defaultValue false true default value to choose if no value specified in paramList - attribute in the db:style tag of the embedded jsp dir false true if the parameter describes a ressource then dir should be set to the directory containing thatresource. this attribute notes RELATIVE to the directory of the current template. if your template is placed in /templates/mytemplate/ and you have images in a directory /templates/mytemplate/img/than just note dir as "img". if the images (or other resources) are in the /templates/mytemplateyou may set dir to "." if you skip this attribute, then no directory will be written out. then only the actual valueof the param gets written out (for example if the parameter is "bgcolor=#343434" then you definitly wouldnot want any directories to be involved!! templateBasedir org.dbforms.taglib.TemplateBasedirTag empty writes out base dir of the current template only used in template (_begin.jsp / _end.jsp) - definition files! message org.dbforms.taglib.MessageTag empty this tag renders a read-only text label. The data displayed is retrieved via a resource bundle and is locale-specific. key true true name of the key-field. param false true parameterlist for the message. Format: param1, param2, param3 message must be of the form: 'this is a message with parameter: {0}, {1}, {3} each occurence of {0} will be replaced with param1 and so on. This is the same mechanism wich is used in xmlErrors! Example:<db:message key="testkey" param="param0, param1, param2" /> testkey in resourcefile This is a testmessage with {0}, {1}, {2} params! Result This is a testmessage with param0, param1, param2 params! javascriptArray org.dbforms.taglib.JavascriptArrayTag jsp This tag was added to allow the generation of a javascript array from EmbeddedData. name true true name of the array. isWebEvent org.dbforms.taglib.IsWebEvent jsp Allows a developer to detect which type of event is being processed by the DbForms controller. The following events are currently available within dbForms: navFirst,navPrev, navNext, navLast, navNew, noop, goto, insert, update, delete event true true name of the event. value false true Condition in which to evaluate body. Default is set to true. pos org.dbforms.taglib.DbPosTag empty Renders a position to use with keyToDestPos. This is the same string wich would be used as value in the DbassociatedRadioTag. search org.dbforms.taglib.DbSearchTag empty Renders all the needed fields for searching. Hides the searchfieldName stuff from the JSP developer. Rewrites the input field with the old value. fieldName true true Name of the field in the table for which the searching should be done id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript (not supported by all browsers!) searchAlgo false true The search algorithm. Default: sharp searchMode false true The search mode. Default: and default false true Default value for the field. This will be used at the first time the form is rendered id false true Renders HTML id field onBlur false true onChange false true onClick false true onDblClick false true onFocus false true onKeyDown false true onKeyPress false true onKeyUp false true onMouseDown false true onMouseMove false true onMouseOut false true onMouseOver false true onMouseUp false true onSelect false true style false true example of result:<input type="hidden" name="searchalgo_0_1" value="weakEnd"/><input type="hidden" name="searchmode_0_1" value="AND"/><input type="input" name="search_0_1"/> searchCombo org.dbforms.taglib.DbSearchComboTag JSP Renders all the needed fields for searching with a comboBox. Hides the searchfieldName stuff from the JSP developer. Rewrites the input field with the old value. Can be used together with tableData, queryData or staticData. fieldName true true Name of the field in the table for which the searching should be done id false true expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript (not supported by all browsers!) searchAlgo false true The search algorithm. Default: sharp searchMode false true The search mode. Default: and customEntry false true Allows an additional (independant) entry into the select list Arguments to this tag are as follows: Key,Description,boolean (default selection?) selectedIndex false true Index that should be selected as default when form redered the first time compareWith false true if set to "index" the index value will be used to compare against the selected value. if set to "value" the value value will be used to compare against the selected value. if set to "list" the index of the list will be used to compare against the selected value default is "index". size false true how many rows should the select box have onBlur false true onChange false true onClick false true onDblClick false true onFocus false true onKeyDown false true onKeyPress false true onKeyUp false true onMouseDown false true onMouseMove false true onMouseOut false true onMouseOver false true onMouseUp false true onSelect false true style false true example of result: <input type="hidden" name="searchalgo_0_1" value="weakEnd"/> <input type="hidden" name="searchmode_0_1" value="AND"/> <select name="search_0_1"> <option>from datatag</option> </select> searchCheckBox org.dbforms.taglib.DbSearchCheckBoxTag empty Renders a CheckBox for searching. The field value wich is searched for is the value of the value attribute. Renders all the needed fields for searching. Hides the searchfieldName stuff from the JSP developer. fieldName true true Name of the field in the table for which the searching should be done searchAlgo false true The search algorithm. Default: sharp searchMode false true The search mode. Default: and value true true The value to search for checked false true If set to true the ceckbox will be checked during rendering id false true Renders HTML id field onBlur false true onChange false true onClick false true onDblClick false true onFocus false true onKeyDown false true onKeyPress false true onKeyUp false true onMouseDown false true onMouseMove false true onMouseOut false true onMouseOver false true onMouseUp false true onSelect false true style false true example of result:<input type="hidden" name="searchalgo_0_1" value="weakEnd"/><input type="hidden" name="searchmode_0_1" value="AND"/><input type="input" name="search_0_1"/> filter org.dbforms.taglib.DbFilterTag JSP Create a set of sql filter conditions, letting user select which one will be applied. disabledCaption false true used to override the label of the main select's first option element setCaption false true caption of the SET button unsetCaption false true caption of the UNSET button styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied. This is done adding a SPAN element that contains the text. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag. size false true Number of rows of select element A filter tag contains one or more filterCondition tag. Each filterCondition represent a sql condition and is identified by its label. In the body of the filterCondition tag there is the piece of SQL code that we want to insert in the where clause, the character ? act like a placeholder, so a ? in the sql code will be substituted with the some user input. To tell the system what type of user input we want, the last tag is used, the filterValue tag. Each ? found in body will be subsituted by its corresponding filterValue tag. With the "type" attribute of this tag you can select the input more. Selecting "text", a filterValue will render an html input tag, with "select" you'll have an html select, and so on. An example is like this: <db:filter> <db:filterCondition label="author name like"> NAME LIKE %?% <db:filterValue/> </db:filterCondition> <db:filterCondition label="ID > V1 AND ID < V2"> AUTHOR_ID >= ? AND AUTHOR_ID <= ? <db:filterValue label="V1" type="numeric"/> <db:filterValue label="V2" type="numeric"/> </db:filterCondition> <db:filterCondition label="author equal to"> NAME = ? <db:filterValue type="select"> <db:queryData name="q1" query="select distinct name as n1, name as n2 from author where AUTHOR_ID < 100 order by name"/> </db:filterValue> </db:filterCondition> <db:filterCondition label="now is after date"> CURRENT_DATE > ? <db:filterValue type="date" useJsCalendar="true" /> </db:filterCondition> <db:filterCondition label="filter without user input"> AUTHOR_ID > 10 </db:filterCondition> </db:filter> This structure will be rendered as a html select element to select the condition the you want to apply. On the onchange event there is a submit, so the page reload with the input elements of the condition that you have selected. After all input elements, there are two buttons, one to apply the condition, one to unset the current applied condition. filterCondition org.dbforms.taglib.DbFilterConditionTag JSP Holds an sql condition that has to be nested inside a DbFilterTag. label true true Label that identified the condition in the select list A condition is specified as sql code in the body of the tag. The character ? is a placeholder for user's input substitution. Every char ? found in sql code is replaced with value evalutated from corresponding filterValue tag nested. So there must be as ? as filterValue tags. filterValue org.dbforms.taglib.DbFilterValueTag JSP Map a placeholder (?) in sql code to an input tag. Used as nested tag inside filterCondition. label false true label that will be rendered in bold before the input element type false true type of the input element that will be rendered, possible values are: texttext inputdateinput text for date type, a validation of the value will be done, and it supports the jscal objecttimestampinput text for timestamp type, a validation of the value will be done, and it supports the jscal object (it doesn't fit very well, anyway ...)numericinput text for number, a validation of the value will be doneselectrender an html select element, filled with nested tags like queryData, staticData and so on. searchAlgo false true The search algorithm. possible values: sharpthis is the default behavior, do nothing.weakStartlike, % is added in front of valueweakEndlike, % is appended to valueweakStartEndlike, % is added in front of value and % is appended to value customEntry false true Allows an additional (independant) entry into the select list<br/> Arguments to this tag are as follows: Key,Description,boolean (default selection?) selectedIndex false true Index that should be selected as default when form is rendered the first time useJsCalendar false true Place small calendar icon after input field. Clicking that icon will popup a JavaScript calendar that can be used to set a new value for the field. Some preparations have to be done, the calendar must be copied into the web applications and must be included in current page. See dbforms manual for details. jsCalendarDateFormat false true Subpatterns inside date formats have sometimes different meanings in Java and inside JavaScript calendar. For some date formats it may be neccessary to explicitely set a date format to the calendar that corresponds to the used date format inside dbforms application. See dbforms manual for details. size false true Number of rows of select element styleClass false true CSS stylesheet class to be applied. This is done adding a SPAN element that contains the text. title false true this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag.