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All Rights Reserved.
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* JScript .NET jsc
dojo.hostenv.name_ = 'jsc';
// Sanity check this is the right hostenv.
// See the Rotor source code jscript/engine/globalobject.cs for what globals
// are available.
if((typeof ScriptEngineMajorVersion != 'function')||(ScriptEngineMajorVersion() < 7)){
dojo.raise("attempt to use JScript .NET host environment with inappropriate ScriptEngine");
// for more than you wanted to know about why this import is required even if
// we fully qualify all symbols, see
import System;
dojo.hostenv.getText = function(uri){
// dojo.raise("No such file '" + uri + "'");
return 0;
var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(uri);
var contents : String = reader.ReadToEnd();
return contents;
dojo.hostenv.loadUri = function(uri){
var contents = this.getText(uri);
dojo.raise("got no back contents from uri '" + uri + "': " + contents);
// TODO: in JScript .NET, eval will not affect the symbol table of the current code?
var value = dj_eval(contents);
dojo.debug("jsc eval of contents returned: ", value);
return 1;
// for an example doing runtime code compilation, see:
// Microsoft.JScript or System.CodeDom.Compiler ?
// var engine = new Microsoft.JScript.Vsa.VsaEngine()
// what about loading a js file vs. a dll?
// GetObject("script:" . uri);
/* The System.Environment object is useful:
print ("CommandLine='" + System.Environment.CommandLine + "' " +
"program name='" + System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0] + "' " +
"CurrentDirectory='" + System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "' " +
"StackTrace='" + System.Environment.StackTrace + "'");
// same as System.Console.WriteLine
// sigh; Rotor treats symbol "print" at parse time without actually putting it
// in the builtin symbol table.
// Note that the print symbol is not available if jsc is run with the "/print-"
// option.
dojo.hostenv.println = function(s){
print(s); // = print
dojo.hostenv.getLibraryScriptUri = function(){
return System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0];
dojo.requireIf((djConfig["isDebug"] || djConfig["debugAtAllCosts"]), "dojo.debug");