
78 lines
3.6 KiB

DynAPI Distribution
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
Requires: StyleManager, Explorer, ExplorerStyle
function ExplorerBlockStyle(){
var style = ExplorerStyle(); // inherits or extends ExplorerStyle object
style.loadImages = function(){
// load default images
if(!this.imageFile) this.imageFile = Styles.getImage('tvw_file.gif',16,16);
if(!this.imageFoldOpen) this.imageFoldOpen = Styles.getImage('tvw_foldopen.gif',16,16);
if(!this.imageFoldClose) this.imageFoldClose = Styles.getImage('tvw_foldclose.gif',16,16);
if(!this.imageWhite) this.imageWhite = Styles.getImage('tvw_white.gif',15,18);
if(!this.imageExpand) this.imageExpand = Styles.getImage('tvw_expand.gif',15,18);
if(!this.imageCollapse) this.imageCollapse= Styles.getImage('tvw_collapse.gif',15,18);
style._buildHTML = function(leave,level,last,lD) {
var niv = level||0;
var listaD = lD || new Array();
var tree = leave.tree;
var iFL = tree.getStyleAttribute('imageFile');
var iFOp = tree.getStyleAttribute('imageFoldOpen');
var iFCl = tree.getStyleAttribute('imageFoldClose');
var iWht = tree.getStyleAttribute('imageWhite');
var iEx = tree.getStyleAttribute('imageExpand');
var iCx = tree.getStyleAttribute('imageCollapse');
var csLV = tree.getStyleAttribute('cssLeave')||'';
var csRLV = tree.getStyleAttribute('cssRootLeave')||'';
var csCLV = tree.getStyleAttribute('cssCurrentLeave')||'';
var ret = '<tr><td><img src="'+iWht.src+'" height="1" width="5"></td><td valign="top">';
ret+='<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top">';
if((niv-1)>=1)ret += '<img src="'+iWht.src+'" width="'+(15*(niv-1))+'" height="18" align=top>';
if(niv == 0) ret += '';
else if (leave.children.length==0) ret += '<img src="'+iWht.src+'" width="15" height="18" align="top">';
else {
if( ret += '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="return '+leave.tree+'.fold(\'''\')"><img border=0 src="'+iCx.src+'" width="15" height="18" align=top></a>';
else ret += '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="return '+leave.tree+'.unfold(\'''\')"><img border="0" src="'+iEx.src+'" width="15" height="18" align=top></a>';
if(niv!=0) {
var icon = leave.icon||iFCl;
var icon_sel = leave.icon_sel||iFOp;
if (|| == leave.tree.currentPos) ret += '<img src="'+(icon_sel.src)+'" width="16" height="16" align="top">';
else ret += '<img src="'+(icon.src)+'" width="16" height="16" align="top">';
//dq 17.1.2007: vorher:
//ret += '</td><td valign="top" nowrap><a class="'+(niv==0 ? csRLV: ( == tree.currentPos ? (leave.cssSel||csCLV) : (leave.css||csLV))) + '" href="javascript:;" onclick="return '+leave.tree+'.setCurrent(\''+ +'\')">';
ret += '</td><td valign="top" nowrap><a class="'+(niv==0 ? csRLV: ( == tree.currentPos ? (leave.cssSel||csCLV) : (leave.css||csLV))) + '" title= "'+leave.url+'" href="javascript:'+leave.url+';" onclick="return '+leave.tree+'.setCurrent(\''+ +'\')">';
if(niv!=0) ret += '&nbsp;';
ret += leave.text+'</a></td></tr></table>'
ret+='</td><td><img src="'+iWht.src+'" height="1" width="25"></td></tr>';
var q=0;
listaD[niv-1] = last;
if(( || niv==0) && leave.children.length!=0) {
for(var i in leave.children) {
ret += this._buildHTML(leave.children[i],niv+1,q==leave.count,listaD);
return ret;
return style;
// Creates the style once it has been loaded