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DynAPI Distribution
DynEvent, EventObject, DynElement Classes
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
function DynEvent(type,src) {
this.type = type;
this.src = src;
this.origin = src;
this.propagate = true;
this.bubble = false;
this.bubbleChild = null;
this.defaultValue = true;
var p = DynEvent.prototype;
p.getType = function() {return this.type};
p.getSource = function() {return this.src};
p.getOrigin=function() {return this.origin};
p.stopPropagation = function() {this.propagate = false};
p.preventBubble = function() {this.bubble = false};
p.preventDefault = function() {this.defaultValue = false};
p.getBubbleChild = function() {return this.bubbleChild};
function EventObject() {
this.DynObject = DynObject;
this._listeners = [];
p = dynapi.setPrototype('EventObject','DynObject');
p.addEventListener = function(el) {
if (el) {
for (var i=0;i<this._listeners.length;i++) if (this._listeners[i]==el) return;
this._listeners[this._listeners.length] = el;
// Use onCreate() and onPrecreate() function for create events
this._hasContentEvents=(el['oncontentchange'])? true:this._hasContentEvents;
this._hasLocationEvents=(el['onlocationchange'])? true:this._hasLocationEvents;
this._hasResizeEvents=(el['onresize'])? true:this._hasResizeEvents;
el['ondragover']||el['ondragout'])? true:this._hasDragEvents;
if (this.captureMouseEvents) {
this._hasMouseEvents = this._hasMouseEvents||(el.onmousedown || el.onmouseup || el.onmouseover || el.onmouseout || el.onclick || el.ondblclick);
if (this._created && !this._hasMouseEvents) this.captureMouseEvents();
if (this.captureKeyEvents)
if (this._created && !this._hasKeyEvents && (el.onkeydown || el.onkeyup || el.onkeypress)) this.captureKeyEvents();
p.removeEventListener = function(el) {
if (el) {
DynAPI.functions.removeFromArray(this._listeners, el, false);
if (!this._listeners.length && this.releaseMouseEvents && this.getClassName()!='DynDocument') this.releaseMouseEvents();
if (!this._listeners.length && this.releaseKeyEvents && this.getClassName()!='DynDocument') this.releaseKeyEvents();
p.removeAllEventListeners = function() {
delete this._listeners;
this._listeners = [];
p.invokeEvent = function(type,e,args) {
if (!e) e = new DynEvent(type,this);
e.src = this;
e.type = type;
// Check for subclassing
var clsFn=EventObject._SubClass[this+'_'+type];
if(clsFn) {
if (clsFn(e,args)==false) return;
if (this._listeners.length) for (var i=0;i<this._listeners.length;i++) {
if (this._listeners[i]["on"+type]) this._listeners[i]["on"+type](e,args);
if (!e.propagate) break;
if (this["on"+type]) this["on"+type](e,args);
if (e.bubble && this.parent) {
//if ((type=="mouseover" || type=="mouseout") && e._relative==this.parent) return;
e.x += this.x;
e.y += this.y;
e.bubbleChild = this;
// Add subClassEvent() function to dynapi.functions
dynapi.functions.subClassEvent = function(type,eobj,fn){
var ek=eobj+'_'+type;
var cls=EventObject._SubClass;
if(typeof(fn)=='function') cls[ek]=fn;
else if(!fn && cls[ek]) delete cls[ek];
function DynElement() {
this.EventObject = EventObject;
this.isChild = false;
this._created = false;
this.parent = null;
this._dyndoc = null;
this.children = [];
this._childAnchors = [];
DynElement._flagCreate = function(c){ // much faster than using DynElemnt._flagEvent
var ch=c.children;
c._created = true;
if (c._hasCreateFn) c._flagCreateEvent('create');
for (var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) this._flagCreate(ch[i]);
DynElement._flagPreCreate = function(c){
var ch=c.children;
if (c._hasPCreateFn) c._flagCreateEvent('precreate');
for (var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) this._flagPreCreate(ch[i]);
DynElement._flagEvent = function(c,type) {
var ch=c.children;
for (var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) this._flagEvent(ch[i],type);
p = dynapi.setPrototype('DynElement','EventObject');
p._adjustSize = dynapi.functions.Null;
p.addChild = function(c,alias,inlineID) {
if (!c) return dynapi.debug.print("Error: no object sent to [DynLayer].addChild()");
if (c.isChild) c.removeFromParent();
c.isChild = true;
c.parent = this;
if (c._saveAnchor) {
c._saveAnchor = null;
delete c._saveAnchor;
c._alias = alias;
if(alias) this[alias]=c;
if(inlineID) c.setID(inlineID,true);
if (this._created) {
if (c.isInline) c._createInline();
else c._create();
this.children[this.children.length] = c;
if(this._aSz) this._adjustSize(); // adjust size if necessary
return c;
p.deleteAllChildren = function() { // removes & destroy all children
var i=0;
var ch =this.children;
var aSz = this._aSz;
this._aSz = false; // prevent children from adjusting parent's size when removed
while(ch.length) {
if(c) c.deleteFromParent();
else {
i++; // fail safe method
if(i>=ch.length) break;
ch.length = 0;
this._aSz = aSz;
if(this._aSz) this._adjustSize(); // adjust size if necessary
p.deleteChild = function(c) { // removes & destroy child
var l = this.children.length;
for (var i=0;i<l && this.children[i]!=c;i++);
if (i!=l) {
p.deleteFromParent = function () { // removes & destroy child
if (this.parent) this.parent.deleteChild(this);
p.dropChildIndex = function(i){
var ch = this.children;
var l = ch.length;
delete ch[i];
ch[i] = ch[l-1];
ch[l-1] = null;
// adjust parent size if necessary
if(this._aSz) this._adjustSize();
p.removeChild = function(c) {
var l = this.children.length;
for (var i=0;i<l && this.children[i]!=c;i++);
if (i!=l) {
c._created = c.isChild = false;
c.parent = c.dyndoc = null;
c.elm = c._blkBoardElm = c.css = c.doc = null;
p.removeFromParent = function () {
if (this.parent) this.parent.removeChild(this);
p._create = p._createInLine = p._createInserted = p._remove = p._delete = p._destroy = dynapi.functions.Null;
p.getChildren = function() {return this.children};
p.getAllChildren = function() {
var temp;
var ret = [];
var ch = this.children;
var l = ch.length;
for(var i=0;i<l;i++) {
ret[ch[i].id] = ch[i];
temp = ch[i].getAll();
for(var j in temp) ret[j] = temp[j];
return ret;
p.getParents = function(l) {
if (l==null) l = [];
if (this.parent) {
l[l.length] = this.parent;
l = this.parent.getParents(l);
return l;
p.isParentOf = function(c) {
if (c) {
var p = c.getParents();
for (var i=0;i<p.length;i++) {
if (p[i]==this) return true;
return false;
p.isChildOf = function(p) {
if (!p) return false;
return p.isParentOf(this);
// New onPreCreate() and onCreate() callback functions
p.onCreate = function(fn){
if(!fn) return;
var s='create'+this._fn++;
p.onPreCreate = function(fn){
if(!fn) return;
var s='precreate'+this._fn++;
p._flagCreateEvent = function(t){
for(var i in this._cfn){
if(this._cfn[i]==t) this[i]();
p.updateAnchor = function() {
p._updateAnchor = function(id) {
if (!id) return;
var dlyr = DynObject.all[id];
var a = this._childAnchors[id];
var tw = this.w;
var th = this.h;
if (a==null || (tw==null && th==null)) return;
// anchoring/docking
var fn=dynapi.functions;
var padX=0,padY=0;
if(a.topA) {
if(anc){padY=anc.y; th=th-padY;}
if(a.leftA) {
anc=(a.leftA==a.topA && anc)? anc:fn.getAnchorLocation(a.leftA,this);
if(anc) {padX=anc.x; tw=tw-padX;}
if(a.bottomA) {
if(a.rightA) {
anc=(a.bottomA==a.rightA && anc)? anc:fn.getAnchorLocation(a.rightA,this);
if(anc) tw=tw-(this.w-anc.x);
var aleft=(tw>0 && a.left && typeof(a.left)=='string')? tw*(parseInt(a.left)/100):a.left;
var aright=(tw>0 && a.right && typeof(a.right)=='string')? tw*(parseInt(a.right)/100):a.right;
var atop=(th>0 && && typeof('string')? th*(parseInt(;
var abottom=(th>0 && a.bottom && typeof(a.bottom)=='string')? th*(parseInt(a.bottom)/100):a.bottom;
var x = aleft;
var y = atop;
var w = null;
var h = null;
var dlyrWidth=dlyr.getWidth();
var dlyrHeight=dlyr.getHeight();
if (a.stretchH!=null) {
if(typeof(a.stretchH)!='string') w=a.stretchH;
else {
if(a.stretchH=='*') w = tw - ((aleft!=null)? aleft:0);
else w = tw*(parseInt(a.stretchH)/100);
if (a.centerH!=null) {
x = Math.ceil(tw/2 - dlyrWidth/2 + a.centerH);
}else if (aright!=null) {
if (aleft!=null) w = (tw - aright) - aleft;
else x = (tw - dlyrWidth) - aright;
if(tw<=0 && x<0) x=null; // ns4 needs x>=0
if (a.stretchV!=null) {
if(typeof(a.stretchV)!='string') h=a.stretchV;
else {
if(a.stretchV=='*') h = th - ((atop!=null)? atop:0);
else h = th*(parseInt(a.stretchV)/100);
if (a.centerV!=null) {
y = Math.ceil(th/2 - dlyrHeight/2 + a.centerV);
}else if (abottom!=null) {
if (atop!=null) h = (th - abottom) - atop;
else y = (th - dlyrHeight) - abottom;
if(th<=0 && y<0) y=null; // ns4 needs y>=0
if(padX) {x=(x)? x:0;x+=padX}
if(padY) {y=(y)? y:0;y+=padY}
var tmp=dlyr._hasAnchor;
dlyr._hasAnchor=false; // ignore anchor updates of this layer
if(x!=null||y!=null) dlyr.setLocation(x,y);
if(w!=null||h!=null) dlyr.setSize(w,h);
dlyr._hasAnchor = tmp; // useful for preventing stack overflow
p._updateAnchors = function() {
var tw = this.w;
var th = this.h;
if (tw==null && th==null) return;
for (id in this._childAnchors) this._updateAnchor(id);
// Bandwidth timer stop
var; ua._bwe=new Date;
ua.broadband=((ua._bwe-ua._bws)<=1500)? true:false;