114 lines
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114 lines
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3 years ago
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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function test_string_substituteParams(){
var tpla = "This %{string} has %{parameters} %{toReplace}";
var ps0 = dojo.string.substituteParams(tpla, { string: "area", parameters: "foo", toReplace: "bar"});
jum.assertEquals("test20", "This area has foo bar", ps0);
var thrown = false;
try {
// Missing a required parameter
var ps1 = dojo.string.substituteParams(tpla, { string: "area", parameters: "foo", extra: "baz"});
thrown = e; // exception must be thrown
jum.assertTrue("test21", thrown);
var tplb = "Passed as arguments: %{0}, %{1}, %{2}.";
var ps2 = dojo.string.substituteParams(tplb, "zero", "one", "two");
jum.assertEquals("test22", "Passed as arguments: zero, one, two.", ps2);
// Unused argument provided
var tplb = "Passed as arguments: %{0}, %{1}, %{2}.";
var ps3 = dojo.string.substituteParams(tplb, "zero", "one", "two", "three");
jum.assertEquals("test23", "Passed as arguments: zero, one, two.", ps2);
thrown = false;
// Missing a required parameter
var ps4 = dojo.string.substituteParams(tplb, "zero", "one");
thrown = e; // exception must be thrown
jum.assertTrue("test24", thrown);
function test_string_isBlank(){
jum.assertTrue("test40", dojo.string.isBlank(' '));
jum.assertFalse("test50", dojo.string.isBlank(' x'));
jum.assertFalse("test60", dojo.string.isBlank('x '));
jum.assertTrue("test70", dojo.string.isBlank(''));
jum.assertTrue("test80", dojo.string.isBlank(null));
jum.assertTrue("test90", dojo.string.isBlank(new Array()));
function test_string_capitalize(){
jum.assertEquals("test100", 'This Is A Bunch Of Words', dojo.string.capitalize('this is a bunch of words'));
jum.assertEquals("test110", 'Word', dojo.string.capitalize('word'));
jum.assertEquals("test120", ' ', dojo.string.capitalize(' '));
jum.assertEquals("test130", '', dojo.string.capitalize(''));
jum.assertEquals("test140", '', dojo.string.capitalize(null));
jum.assertEquals("test150", '', dojo.string.capitalize(new Array()));
jum.assertEquals("test160", "This One Has Extra Space", dojo.string.capitalize("this one has extra space"));
function test_string_escape() {
// TODO: vary the tests a bit more :)
// xml | html
jum.assertEquals("test200", '<body bgcolor="#ffcc00">& becomes &amp; y'all!',
dojo.string.escape("xml", '<body bgcolor="#ffcc00">& becomes & y\'all!'));
jum.assertEquals("test201", '<body bgcolor="#ffcc00">& becomes &amp; y'all!',
dojo.string.escape("html", '<body bgcolor="#ffcc00">& becomes & y\'all!'));
jum.assertEquals("test202", '<body bgcolor="#ffcc00">& becomes &amp; y'all!',
dojo.string.escapeXml('<body bgcolor="#ffcc00">& becomes & y\'all!'));
// sql
jum.assertEquals("test210", "Hey y''all! How is it ''''going''''?",
dojo.string.escape("sql", "Hey y'all! How is it ''going''?"));
jum.assertEquals("test210", "Hey y''all! How is it ''''going''''?",
dojo.string.escapeSql("Hey y'all! How is it ''going''?"));
// regexp
jum.assertEquals("test220", "wrong \\\\ divide",
dojo.string.escape("regexp", "wrong \\ divide"));
jum.assertEquals("test221", "wrong \\\\ divide",
dojo.string.escape("regex", "wrong \\ divide"));
jum.assertEquals("test222", "wrong \\\\ divide",
dojo.string.escapeRegExp("wrong \\ divide"));
// js
jum.assertEquals("test230", "I have \\\"quotes\\\" of various \\'types\\'",
dojo.string.escape("javascript", "I have \"quotes\" of various 'types'"));
jum.assertEquals("test231", "I have \\\"quotes\\\" of various \\'types\\'",
dojo.string.escape("js", "I have \"quotes\" of various 'types'"));
jum.assertEquals("test232", "I have \\\"quotes\\\" of various \\'types\\'",
dojo.string.escapeJavaScript("I have \"quotes\" of various 'types'"));
function test_string_summary() {
jum.assertEquals("test300", "Every good boy do...",
dojo.string.summary("Every good boy does fine", 17));
jum.assertEquals("test300", "Hey Mr...",
dojo.string.summary("Hey Mr. Jones", 6));
jum.assertEquals("test300", "I like candy",
dojo.string.summary("I like candy", 30));
function test_normalizeNewlines() {
var t1 = "blahblahblah\r\nblahblahblah\rblahblhablhablhablh\nblahbalhablhablhab";
var r1 = "blahblahblah\nblahblahblah\nblahblhablhablhablh\nblahbalhablhablhab";
var r2 = "blahblahblah\rblahblahblah\rblahblhablhablhablh\rblahbalhablhablhab";
var r3 = "blahblahblah\r\nblahblahblah\r\nblahblhablhablhablh\r\nblahbalhablhablhab";
jum.assertEquals("test401", r1, dojo.string.normalizeNewlines(t1,'\n'));
jum.assertEquals("test402", r2, dojo.string.normalizeNewlines(t1,'\r'));
jum.assertEquals("test403", r3, dojo.string.normalizeNewlines(t1));