75 lines
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75 lines
2.1 KiB
3 years ago
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
function test_Builder_ctor(){
var a = new dojo.string.Builder();
jum.assertEquals("test10", "", a.toString());
var b = new dojo.string.Builder("foo");
jum.assertEquals("test20", "foo", b.toString());
jum.assertEquals("test30", "foo", b.valueOf());
function test_Builder_ctorComplex(){
var c = new dojo.string.Builder("foo", "bar", ["baz", "thud"]);
jum.assertEquals("test31", "foobarbazthud", c.valueOf());
jum.assertEquals("test32", "foobarbazthud".length, c.length);
function test_Builder_append(){
var b = new dojo.string.Builder("foo");
jum.assertEquals("test40", "foobar", b.valueOf());
b.append(" baz");
jum.assertEquals("test50", "foobar baz", b.toString());
function test_Builder_appendComplex(){
var b = new dojo.string.Builder("foo");
b.append("bar", "baz");
jum.assertEquals("test41", "foobarbaz", b.valueOf());
b.append([" thud", " quux"]);
jum.assertEquals("test42", "foobarbaz thud quux", b.toString());
function test_Builder_appendRecurse(){
var b = new dojo.string.Builder("foo");
b.append(["bar", [[["baz"]]]]);
jum.assertEquals("test41", "foobarbaz", b.valueOf());
b.append([[" thud"], " quux"]);
jum.assertEquals("test42", "foobarbaz thud quux", b.toString());
function test_Builder_clear(){
var b = new dojo.string.Builder("foo");
jum.assertEquals("test60", "foo", b.valueOf());
jum.assertEquals("test70", "", b.clear().valueOf());
function test_Builder_remove(){
var b = new dojo.string.Builder("foo ");
b.remove(0, 3);
jum.assertEquals("test80", " ", b.valueOf());
function test_Builder_replace(){
var b = new dojo.string.Builder(" foo ");
jum.assertEquals("test90", "bar ", b.replace(" foo", "bar").valueOf());
function test_Builder_insert(){
var b = new dojo.string.Builder(" ");
jum.assertEquals("test100", "foo ", b.insert(0, "foo").valueOf());