
185 lines
5.9 KiB

DynAPI Distribution
HTMLComponent (HC) Class - See also quickref.htmlcomponent.html
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
Requires: DynElement
function HTMLComponent(css){
this.DynElement = DynElement;
this._class = css||'';
this._defEvtResponse = false; // default event response type;
this.HC = HTMLComponent;
this.FSO = null;
HTMLComponent.FSO = null;
HTMLComponent.pixel = dynapi.functions.getImage(dynapi.library.path+'gui/images/pixel.gif',1,1);
HTMLComponent._lyrSetLocation = function(x,y){
if( {
else if( {;;
else {'px';'px';
HTMLComponent._lyrSetVisible = function(b){
if(this._visible!=b) {
if( this.visibility = b? "inherit" : "hide";
else = b? "inherit" : "hidden";
HTMLComponent.buildLayer = function(id,attribs,html) {
var t;
if( t='\n<layer name="'+id+'" '+(attribs||'')+'>'+(html||'')+'</layer>';
else t='<div id="'+id+'" '+(attribs||'')+'>'+(html||'')+'</div>'
return t;
HTMLComponent.getLayerById = function(id,doc){
var lyr;
if( lyr = doc.all[id];
else if( lyr = doc.getElementById(id);
else if( {
var i,layers;
layers = doc.layers;
for (i=0;i<layers.length;i++){
if ( == id) break;
else if (lyr.layers.length){
lyr = this.getLayerById(id,lyr);
if (lyr) break;
if(lyr && !lyr.setLocation) lyr.setLocation = this._lyrSetLocation;
if(lyr && !lyr.setVisible) lyr.setVisible = this._lyrSetVisible;
return lyr;
HTMLComponent.writeStyle = dynapi.document.writeStyle;
HTMLComponent.setFlashSound = function(fs){
this.FSO = fs; // sets FSO for all HCs
var p = dynapi.setPrototype('HTMLComponent','DynElement');
// Design Properties
p.backCol = '#FFFFFF';
p.foreCol = '#000000';
p.sndOnClick = ''; // FSO format: target@frame
p.sndOnMouseover = ''; // example: /click@start
p.sndOnMouseout = ''; // where /click is targeted instance
p.sndOnChange = ''; // and start is the name of the label or frame
p.sndOnKeypress = '';
// Methods
p._assignElm = p._create = p._destroyAllChildren = p.getInnerHTML = dynapi.functions.Null;
p._remove = function(){
var p=this.parent;
if (p && this._alias) p[this._alias]=null;
p._destroy = function(){
this.parent = this.css = this.doc = null;
DynObject.all[] = null;
p._createInserted = function(){
p._inlineEvents = ' onclick="return htc._e(\'click\',this,event);" '
+' onmouseover="return htc._e(\'mouseover\',this,event);" '
+' onmousedown="return htc._e(\'mousedown\',this,event);" '
+' onmouseout="return htc._e(\'mouseout\',this,event);" '
+' onfocus="return htc._e(\'focus\',this,event);" '
+' onblur="return htc._e(\'blur\',this,event);" ';
p._generateInlineEvents = function(htc){
return this._inlineEvents.replace(/htc/g,htc.toString());
// event handler
p._e = function(evt,elm,args){
this._evtResponse = this._defEvtResponse;
if(elm && !this.elm) this._assignElm(elm);
this._ePlaySnd(evt); // plays a sound
return this._evtResponse;
// sound event handler
p._ePlaySnd = function(evt){
var snd = (evt+'');
if(this[snd]) this.playSound(this[snd]);
p.allowEvent = function(){ this._evtResponse = true;};
p.cancelEvent = function(){ this._evtResponse = false;};
p.getOuterHTML = function() {
return this.getInnerHTML();
p.getElm = function(){
if(!this.e) this._assignElm();
return this.elm;
p.getCss = function(){
if(!this.css) this._assignElm();
return this.css;
p.playSound = function(t){
if(!t) return;
var fs = this.FSO||this.HC.FSO;
t = t.split('@'); // separate target and frame
if(fs) fs.gotoAndPlay(t[0],t[1]);
p.setFlashSound = HTMLComponent.setFlashSound; // sets FSO only for this HC
// HTML Cell - usage: var t = HTMLCell()
HTMLCell = function(css,id,text,w,h,evt,backCol,padding,absolute,cssText){
var tag,str='';
id =(id||'');
cssText = (cssText||'');
text = (text||'');
// In IE4 width must be a miniumum of 3 pixels.
if ( {
str += '<div id="' + id + '" style="left:0px; top:0px; position: '+(absolute? 'absolute':'relative')+'; width: ' + w + '; height: ' + h + '; visibility: inherit; ';
if (backCol) str += 'background: ' + backCol + '; ';
str += '" ';
}else if ( {
tag = (absolute)? 'layer':'ilayer';
str += '<'+tag+(absolute? ' left="0" top="0" ':' clip="0 0 0,0" onload="this.clip.width=this.document.width;this.clip.height=this.document.height-19;"')+' id="' + id + '" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" visibility="inherit" ';
if (backCol) str += 'bgcolor="' + backCol + '" ';
if (css) str += 'class="' + css + '" ';
if(evt) str += evt; // Add mouse event handlers.
// In IE/NS6+, add padding if there's a border to emulate NS4's layer padding.
str += '<table width="' + (w - 8) + '" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="' + ((! && css)? padding : 0) + '"><tr>'
+'<td class="' + cssText + '" align="left" height="' + (h - 7) + '">' + text +'</td>'
+'</tr></table>' + ( ? '</'+tag+'>' : '</div>');
return str;
// HTML Text - usage: var t = HTMLText()
HTMLText = function(css,text,color,family,size,bold,italics,underline){
var t = (text||'');
if(css) return '<span class="'+css+'">'+t+'</span>';
else {
var fs =(size==null)? '':' size="'+size+'" ';
var ff =(family==null)? '':' name="'+family+'" ';
var fc =(color==null)? '':' color="'+color+'" ';
if(bold) t='<b>'+t+'</b>';
if(italics) t='<i>'+t+'</i>';
if(underline) t='<u>'+t+'</u>';
return '<font'+ff+fs+fc+'>'+t+'</font>';