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DynAPI Distribution
Dynamic Loading extension to dynapi.library
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
// begin loading the object
DynAPILibrary.prototype.load = function(n,fn) {
var list = this._queue(n,null,arguments[2]);
//return dynapi.debug.print('going to load: '+list);
if (list.length) {
var s,src;
for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
src = list[i];
s = this.scripts[list[i]];
if (i==list.length-1 && fn!=null) s.fn = fn;
this.loadList[this.loadList.length] = src;
else if (fn) fn();
// reload the object
DynAPILibrary.prototype.reload = function(n,fn,force) {
var s = this.objects[n];
if (s) {
s.loaded = false;
// load a script that is not added to the library
DynAPILibrary.prototype.loadScript = function(src,fn) {
if (!this.scripts[src]) {
var n = 'unnamed'+this._c++;
s = this.add(n,src); // generate a name for the script
s.unnamed = true;
s.fn = null;
s.dep = [];
// reload a script
DynAPILibrary.prototype.reloadScript = function(src,fn,force) {
var s=this.scripts[src];
if(s) this.load(s.objects[0],fn,force);
// inserts the script element into the page
DynAPILibrary.prototype._load = function() {
if (this.busy) return; // dynapi.debug.print('Library Warning: busy');
else {
if (this.loadIndex<this.loadList.length-1) {
this.busy = true;
var src = this.loadList[this.loadIndex];
//if (!confirm('load: '+src+' ?')) return;
var rsrc = src + '?'+Math.random(); // random ensures cached files are not loaded
var s = this.scripts[src];
if ( {
// delete the constructors
for (var j=0;j<s.objects.length;j++) {
var n = s.objects[j];
if (dynapi.frame[n]) {
dynapi.frame[n] = null;
if (s.pkg) dynapi.frame[s.pkg+'.'+n] = null;
//NS4 does not like "/" inside the ?name=value
src=src.replace(/\//g,'+'); //substitute "/" for "+"
this.elm.src = dynapi._path+'ext/library.html?js='+src;
else if ( && ( || {
dynapi.frame.document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd','<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="'+rsrc+'" defer><\/script>');
else {
var elm = s.elm = dynapi.frame.document.createElement('script');
elm.src = rsrc;
elm.type = 'text/javascript';
elm.defer = true;
if ( {
elm.C = 0;
var o = this;
elm.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (elm.C==2 || elm.readyState=="complete") { // use 2nd statechange for onload
// I could not find way to know when the script is complete in Moz v0.9.3
if ( setTimeout(this+'._export("'+src+'")',100);
// executed after a script is finished loading, run main() functions
DynAPILibrary.prototype._export = function(src) {
var src = this.loadList[this.loadIndex];
var s = this.scripts[src];
if (s) {
// run elm.main)() before global main()
if ( && typeof(this.elm.main)=="function") {
this.elm.main = null;
// run global main() if available
if (typeof(main)=="function") {
main = null;
// clear out all functions in the layer's scope
if ( {
for (var i in this.elm) {
if (typeof(this.elm[i])=="function") delete this.elm[i];
this.busy = false;
// load next file
//else return alert('Library Error: unknown script '+src);
// registers the script as loaded, exports the objects
DynAPILibrary.prototype._register = function(s) {
//dynapi.debug.print('loaded "'+s.src+'"');
s.loaded = true;
s.queued = false;
if (!s.unnamed) {
var n,found;
// loop through each object that the script contains
for (var i=0;i<s.objects.length;i++) {
found = false;
n = s.objects[i];
// scope local objects in the layer to the DynAPI frame
if ( && this.elm && typeof(this.elm[n])!="undefined") {
dynapi.frame[n] = this.elm[n];
found = true;
else if (typeof(dynapi.frame[n])!="undefined") found = true;
else if (n.indexOf('.')>0) {
var ns = n.split('.'), o = dynapi.frame, b = false;
for (var j=0;j<ns.length;j++) {
o = o[ns[j]];
if (typeof(o)!="undefined") found = true;
else if (typeof(dynapi[n])!="undefined") found = true;
if (found) {
if (s.pkg) {
// make package link: dynapi.api.DynLayer = DynLayer
if (s.pkg!="dynapi") this.packages[s.pkg][n] = dynapi.frame[n];
n = s.pkg+'.'+n;
dynapi.debug.print('loaded ['+n+']');
else {
dynapi.debug.print('Library Error: could not find ['+n+']');
// run handler if available
if (s.fn) {
delete s.fn;
// called from /lib/dynapi/library.html to write the <script>, NS4 only
DynAPILibrary.prototype._handleLoad = function(elm) {
var args = dynapi.functions.getURLArguments(elm.src);
var js = args["js"];
if (js) {
js=js.replace(/\+/g,'/'); // convert + to /
if (js.indexOf('http')!=0) {
var l = dynapi.frame.document.location;
if (js.substr(0,1)=='/') js = l.port+'//'+host+src;
else js = dynapi.documentPath+js;
elm.document.write('<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="'+js+'?r'+Math.random()+'"><\/script>');
elm.onload = function() {
// inserts the layer for NS4, register included scripts
DynAPILibrary.prototype._create = function() {
// ensure a previous main function is wiped out
if (typeof(main)=="function") main = null;
// register objects from scripts included by dynapi.library.include() or manually
var s,n;
for (var i in this.scripts) {
s = this.scripts[i];
if(s.pkg=='dynapi.functions') { // used to avoid conflicts with intrinsic objects such as String, Image, Date and Math objects
if(dynapi.functions[n]) this._register(s);
else if (s.loaded || (s.objects[0] && dynapi.frame[s.objects[0]])) this._register(s);
// create NS4 layer to load scripts into
if ( this.elm = new Layer(0, dynapi.frame);
this.busy = false;
// load any scripts before proceeding
if (this.loadList.length) {
var s = this.scripts[this.loadList[this.loadList.length-1]];
s.fn = function() {
else setTimeout('dynapi._onLoad()',1);