/ *
Copyright ( c ) 2004 - 2006 , The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved .
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license . For more information on Dojo licensing , see :
http : //dojotoolkit.org/community/licensing.shtml
* /
dojo . provide ( "dojo.storage" ) ;
dojo . require ( "dojo.lang.*" ) ;
dojo . require ( "dojo.event.*" ) ;
dojo . storage = new function ( ) {
} ;
dojo . declare ( "dojo.storage" , null , { SUCCESS : "success" , FAILED : "failed" , PENDING : "pending" , SIZE _NOT _AVAILABLE : "Size not available" , SIZE _NO _LIMIT : "No size limit" , namespace : "default" , onHideSettingsUI : null , initialize : function ( ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.initialize" ) ;
} , isAvailable : function ( ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.isAvailable" ) ;
} , put : function ( _1 , _2 , _3 ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.put" ) ;
} , get : function ( _4 ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.get" ) ;
} , hasKey : function ( _5 ) {
return ( this . get ( _5 ) != null ) ;
} , getKeys : function ( ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.getKeys" ) ;
} , clear : function ( ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.clear" ) ;
} , remove : function ( _6 ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.remove" ) ;
} , isPermanent : function ( ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.isPermanent" ) ;
} , getMaximumSize : function ( ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.getMaximumSize" ) ;
} , hasSettingsUI : function ( ) {
return false ;
} , showSettingsUI : function ( ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.showSettingsUI" ) ;
} , hideSettingsUI : function ( ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.hideSettingsUI" ) ;
} , getType : function ( ) {
dojo . unimplemented ( "dojo.storage.getType" ) ;
} , isValidKey : function ( _7 ) {
if ( ( _7 == null ) || ( typeof _7 == "undefined" ) ) {
return false ;
return /^[0-9A-Za-z_]*$/ . test ( _7 ) ;
} } ) ;
dojo . storage . manager = new function ( ) {
this . currentProvider = null ;
this . available = false ;
this . _initialized = false ;
this . _providers = [ ] ;
this . namespace = "default" ;
this . initialize = function ( ) {
this . autodetect ( ) ;
} ;
this . register = function ( _8 , _9 ) {
this . _providers [ this . _providers . length ] = _9 ;
this . _providers [ _8 ] = _9 ;
} ;
this . setProvider = function ( _a ) {
} ;
this . autodetect = function ( ) {
if ( this . _initialized == true ) {
return ;
var _b = null ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . _providers . length ; i ++ ) {
_b = this . _providers [ i ] ;
if ( dojo . lang . isUndefined ( djConfig [ "forceStorageProvider" ] ) == false && _b . getType ( ) == djConfig [ "forceStorageProvider" ] ) {
_b . isAvailable ( ) ;
break ;
} else {
if ( dojo . lang . isUndefined ( djConfig [ "forceStorageProvider" ] ) == true && _b . isAvailable ( ) ) {
break ;
if ( _b == null ) {
this . _initialized = true ;
this . available = false ;
this . currentProvider = null ;
dojo . raise ( "No storage provider found for this platform" ) ;
this . currentProvider = _b ;
for ( var i in _b ) {
dojo . storage [ i ] = _b [ i ] ;
dojo . storage . manager = this ;
dojo . storage . initialize ( ) ;
this . _initialized = true ;
this . available = true ;
} ;
this . isAvailable = function ( ) {
return this . available ;
} ;
this . isInitialized = function ( ) {
if ( this . currentProvider . getType ( ) == "dojo.storage.browser.FlashStorageProvider" && dojo . flash . ready == false ) {
return false ;
} else {
return this . _initialized ;
} ;
this . supportsProvider = function ( _d ) {
try {
var _e = eval ( "new " + _d + "()" ) ;
var _f = _e . isAvailable ( ) ;
if ( _f == null || typeof _f == "undefined" ) {
return false ;
return _f ;
catch ( exception ) {
return false ;
} ;
this . getProvider = function ( ) {
return this . currentProvider ;
} ;
this . loaded = function ( ) {
} ;
} ;