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DynAPI Distribution
DynLayer Opera Specific Functions
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
requires: dynapi.api.DynLayerBase
// Warning: Avoid using document.all collection as it has been reported
// that on some platforms when opera is set to an identity other than IE
// the all[] collection is not available
p = DynLayer.prototype;
p._create = function() {
if (this.parent && !this.elm) {
var elm, parentElement;
parentElement = this.parent.elm;
// this method is more efficient for opera7+
elm = parentElement.children[parentElement.children.length-1];
DynLayer._assignElement = function(dlyr,elm,divs) {
if (!elm ) {
elm = (divs)? divs[] : dlyr.parent.doc.getElementById(;
if (!elm){
if(dlyr.isInline) dlyr._create(); // force create() for missing inline layer
dlyr.elm = elm;
dlyr.css =;
dlyr.doc = dlyr.parent.doc;
dlyr.elm._dynobj = dlyr;
dlyr._dyndoc = dlyr.parent._dyndoc;
if(dlyr._blkBoardElm) dlyr._blkBoardElm = (divs)? divs['_blkboard'] : dlyr.parent.doc.getElementById('_blkboard');
if (dlyr.html!=null && dlyr.html!='' && (dlyr.w==null || dlyr.h==null)) {
var cw = (dlyr.w==null)? dlyr.getContentWidth() : null;
var ch = (dlyr.h==null)? dlyr.getContentHeight() : null;
//var cw = (dlyr.w==null)? dlyr.getElmWidth() : null;
//var ch = (dlyr.h==null)? dlyr.getElmHeight() : null;
var i,ch=dlyr.children;
for (i=0;i<ch.length;i++) DynLayer._assignElement(ch[i],null,divs);
if (this._textSelectable==false) elm.onselectstart = dynapi.functions.Disallow;
// Box Fix - for Border Manager
if (dlyr._needBoxFix) BorderManager.FixBoxModel(dlyr);
if (dlyr._hasKeyEvents) dlyr.captureKeyEvents();
if (dlyr._hasMouseEvents) dlyr.captureMouseEvents();
p.enableBlackboard = function(){
if (!this._created) this._blkBoardElm=true;
else if(!this._blkBoardElm){
var h='',elm = this.elm;
if(this.html!=null) h=this.html;
elm.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd",'<div id="''_blkboard">'+h+'</div>');
this._blkBoardElm = elm.children[elm.children.length-1];
p.setLocation=function(x,y) {
var cx = (x!=null && x!=this.x);
var cy = (y!=null && y!=this.y);
if (cx) this.x = x||0;
if (cy) this.y = y||0;
if (this.css!=null) {
if (cx) this.css.pixelLeft = this.x;
if (cy) this.css.pixelTop = this.y;
// adjust parent size after being sized
if((cx||cy) && this.parent._aSz) this.parent._adjustSize();
if(this._hasLocationEvents) this.invokeEvent('locationchange');
return (cx||cy);
p.setPageLocation = function(x,y) {
if (this.isChild) {
if (>=5) {
if (cx) this.css.pixelLeft = this.x;
if (cy) this.css.pixelTop = this.y;
else {
if (cx) this.css.left = this.x+"px";
if (cy) = this.y+"px";
return this.setLocation(x,y);
p.setHTML = function(html) {
if (html!=this.html) {
this.html = html;
if (this.css) {
var elm = (this._blkBoardElm)? this._blkBoardElm:this.elm;
elm.innerHTML = html;
if(this._hasContentEvents) this.invokeEvent('contentchange');
p.setTextSelectable=function(b) {
this._textSelectable = b;
if (this.elm) this.elm.onselectstart = b? dynapi.functions.Allow : dynapi.functions.Deny;
if (!b) this.setCursor('default');
// && this.captureMouseEvents && !this._hasMouseEvents) this.captureMouseEvents();
p.getCursor = function() {return this._cursor};
p.setCursor = function(c) {
if (!c) c = 'default';
else c=(c+'').toLowerCase();
if (this._cursor!=c) {
this._cursor = c;
if (this.css) this.css.cursor = c;
p.getContentWidth=function() {
if (this.elm==null) return 0;
else {
var tw=this.css.width;
var w,to = this.css.overflow;
w = parseInt(this.elm.scrollWidth);
return w;
p.getContentHeight=function() {
if (this.elm==null) return 0;
else {
if ("mac") return this.elm.offsetHeight;
return parseInt(this.elm.scrollHeight);