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/* DynAPI Distribution MouseEvent Class The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. requires: dynapi.api.DynDocument */ function MouseEvent(dyndoc) { this.DynEvent = DynEvent; this.DynEvent(); this.bubble = true; this._browserEvent = null; this._relative = null; this._dyndoc = dyndoc; }; var p = dynapi.setPrototype('MouseEvent','DynEvent'); p.getX = function() {return this.x}; p.getY = function() {return this.y}; p.getPageX = function() {return this.pageX}; p.getPageY = function() {return this.pageY}; //p.trapMouseUp = dynapi.functions.Null; p.getRelative = function() {return this._relative}; p.getButton = function() { if (!this._browserEvent) return "left"; var b = this._browserEvent.which; if (b==2) return "middle"; if (b==3) return "right"; else return "left"; }; p._init = function(type,e,src) { this.type = type; this._browserEvent = e; this.origin = src; this.bubbleChild = null; this.pageX = e.pageX-this._dyndoc.frame.pageXOffset; this.pageY = e.pageY-this._dyndoc.frame.pageYOffset; if ( == src) { this.x = e.layerX; this.y = e.layerY; } else { this.x = e.pageX - (src.pageX||0); this.y = e.pageY - (src.pageY||0); } this.defaultValue = true; this.bubble = true; }; p._invoke = function() { var o = this.origin; o.invokeEvent(this.type,this); // synthetic click event if (this.type=='mouseup') { this._init('click',this._browserEvent,o); this._invoke(); // synthetic dblclick event if (; } }; function main() { dynapi.document._mouseEvent = new MouseEvent(dynapi.document); }; if (!dynapi.loaded) main(); MouseEvent._docMoveHandler = function(e) { var dyndoc = this._dynobj; var src =; var dynobj = src._dynobj || src._dynobji; if (!dynobj || !dynobj._hasMouseEvents) { var rel=dyndoc._moveOver; if(rel && dynobj && !dynobj.isChildOf(rel)) { var me = dyndoc._mouseEvent; me._init('mouseout',e,rel); me._invoke(); dyndoc._moveOver = null; } if(dynobj){ dynobj=dynobj.parent; while (dynobj && !dynobj._hasMouseEvents){ dynobj=dynobj.parent; } } if(!dynobj) return true; } var me = dyndoc._mouseEvent; //dynapi.debug.status('move '' '+e.layerX+' '+e.layerY); me._init('mousemove',e,dynobj); me._invoke(); var defaultVal = me.defaultValue; // synthetic mouseover/out events if (dyndoc._moveOver!=dynobj) { var rel = dyndoc._moveOver; //var bubble = true; // mouse out if (rel && !dynobj.isChildOf(rel)) { // && !rel.isChildOf(dynobj) // during mouseout e.getRelated() is which elm it is moving to //bubble = !dynobj.isChildOf(rel); me._init('mouseout',e,rel); //prevent bubbling from child to parent for mouseout if (rel.isChildOf(dynobj)) me.bubble=false; me._relative = dynobj; me._invoke(); //MouseEvent._generateEvent('mouseout',e,me,rel,dynobj,bubble); // out occurs before over } // mouse over dyndoc._moveOver = dynobj; //if (rel) var bubble = !rel.isChildOf(dynobj); //var bubble = !dynobj.isChildOf(rel); // during mouseover e.getRelated() is which elm it is moving to if(!rel || !rel.isChildOf(dynobj)){ me._init('mouseover',e,dynobj); //prevent bubbling from child to parent for mouseover if(dynobj.isChildOf(rel)) me.bubble=false; me._relative = rel; me._invoke(); } //MouseEvent._generateEvent('mouseover',e,me,dynobj,rel); } // prevent image dragging if (e.type=="mousemove" && ('')=='[object Image]') { me.defaultValue = defaultVal = false; } return defaultVal; }; MouseEvent._eventHandler = function(e) { var src =; var dynobj = this._dynobj; if (!dynobj) return true; var dyndoc = dynobj._dyndoc; var me = dyndoc._mouseEvent; me._wasHandled = false; var r = routeEvent(e); if (!me._wasHandled) { //if (src._dynobji) { // src._dynobji == dynlayer.doc.images[x]._dynobji // me._init(e.type,e,src._dynobji); // if (e.type=='mousedown') me.defaultValue = false; // me._invoke(); //} // else if (src._dynobj) { // src._dynobj == dynlay