diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/conf/costage.xml b/src-modules/module/costage/conf/costage.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18f5fc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/conf/costage.xml @@ -0,0 +1,550 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +Abfragen zur Administration CO Basisdaten + + + + + Studierende Zeitreihe + + $COSTAGE_PFAD/masken + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+In diesem Formular können Sie Laderoutinen verwalten. + +tid + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+In diesem Formular können Sie Ladeschritte verwalten. + +tid + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+In diesem Formular können Sie Arten von Ladeschritten verwalten. + + + + + + +
+ diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/conf/excludes.txt b/src-modules/module/costage/conf/excludes.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74a2f29 --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/conf/excludes.txt @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +rohdaten/COSTAGE_ENV +rohdaten/*.properties +preparation.sql +finalize.sql +rohdaten/*.err +*.log +*.err +rohdaten/unl/* +conf/customize.sql +conf/*.log diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/conf/includes.txt b/src-modules/module/costage/conf/includes.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4eef943 --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/conf/includes.txt @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +doku/costage_modul/costage.html +WEB-INF/conf/edustore/db/bin/SQL_ENV_costage.sam + diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_felderinfo.unl b/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_felderinfo.unl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc8a37f --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_felderinfo.unl @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +43000^Köpfe oder Fälle ?^-3^0^0^130^150^1^sql^30^1^1^<> select apnr, eintrag from koepfe_oder_faelle;^hidden^<> select apnr, eintrag from koepfe_oder_faelle where eintrag = 'Köpfe';^ +43001^Seit Semester^1^0^0^130^80^1^integer^30^1^1^<> select val('20' || replace(replace(semester_id,'S','1'),'W','2')) as semester_tid,semester_bezeichnung FROM costage_st_semester\ + order by 1 DESC;^^<> select val('20' || replace(replace(semester_id,'S','1'),'W','2')) as semester_tid,semester_bezeichnung FROM costage_st_semester\ + where today()-(5*365) between semester_anfang and semester_ende;^ +43002^Fächer^3^0^0^130^200^6^char^30^0^12^<> select tid,name,sortnr from sichten where art='Fächer-Sicht' order by 3,2;^hidden^^ +43003^bis Fachsemester^23^330^-1^130^100^1^integer^30^0^0^^hidden^^ +43004^Hörerstatus^18^0^0^130^150^1^sql^30^0^1^<> select apnr, eintrag from hoererstatus order by 2^hidden^<> select apnr, eintrag from hoererstatus where eintrag='alle';^ +43005^Stichtag^-2^330^-1^130^100^1^sql^30^1^1^<> select tid, name from sos_stichtag where stichtagsart='Studierende';^hidden^<> select tid, name from sos_stichtag where stichtagsart='Studierende' and appl_key='0';^ +43006^Status^19^330^-1^130^180^1^sql^30^0^1^<> select apnr,eintrag from sos_status order by 2^ ^<> select apnr,eintrag from sos_status where eintrag='Alle ohne Beurl.';^ +43007^Bis Semester^2^330^-1^130^100^1^integer^30^0^1^<> select val('20' || replace(replace(semester_id,'S','1'),'W','2')) as semester_tid,semester_bezeichnung FROM costage_st_semester\ + order by 1 DESC;^Eintrag^<> select val('20' || replace(replace(semester_id,'S','1'),'W','2')) as semester_tid,semester_bezeichnung FROM costage_st_semester\ + where today() between semester_anfang and semester_ende;^ +43008^Abschluss^8^0^0^130^150^5^char^30^0^1^<> select apnr, trim(druck) || ' (' || trim(apnr) || ')' from cifx where key = 35 order by 2;^hidden^^ +43009^Fachkennz.^9^330^-1^130^150^1^char^30^0^1^<> select apnr,druck from sos_k_kzfa order by 2^hidden^^ +43010^Vertiefung^4^330^-1^130^100^1^char^30^0^1^<> select apnr,druck from cifx where key=39 order by 2;^hidden^^ +43011^ab Fachsemester^22^0^0^130^100^1^integer^30^0^0^^hidden^^ +43012^Filter Studierende^120^0^0^130^150^1^sql^20^0^1^<> SELECT content,caption from sx_repository where aktiv =1 and today() between gueltig_seit and gueltig_bis and art='SOS_STUD_FILTER' order by 2;^hidden^^ +43013^Trennen nach^121^330^-1^130^100^1^char^20^0^1^<> \ +select 'Fach' from xdummy \ +union \ +select 'Abschluss' from xdummy^hidden^^ +43014^Studiengang^6^0^0^130^150^50^char^30^0^12^<> select tid,name,sortnr from sichten where art in ('SOS-Kostenstellen-Sicht', 'SOS-Studiengang-Sicht') order by 3,2;^hidden^^ diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_maske_system_bez.unl b/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_maske_system_bez.unl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a4dc3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_maske_system_bez.unl @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +43000^310^ diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_masken_felder_bez.unl b/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_masken_felder_bez.unl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4cc4373 --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_masken_felder_bez.unl @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +43000^43000^ +43000^43001^ +43000^43002^ +43000^43003^ +43000^43004^ +43000^43005^ +43000^43006^ +43000^43007^ +43000^43008^ +43000^43009^ +43000^43010^ +43000^43011^ +43000^43012^ +43000^43013^ +43000^43014^ diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_maskeninfo.unl b/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_maskeninfo.unl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abd75dd --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_maskeninfo.unl @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +43000^Studierende (Zeitreihe) CO Basisdaten^--Freemarker Template\ +<#include "SQL_lingua_franca"/>\ +<#include "SuperX_general"/>\ +<#if "<>"?index_of("S.gewichtung") != -1 ||"<>"?index_of("gew") != -1 || "<>"?index_of("vzae") != -1 || "<>"?index_of("ffaelle") != -1>\ +<#assign feldtyp="decimal(21,9)" />\ +<#else>\ +<#assign feldtyp="integer" />\ +\ +\ +<#assign lehr_stg_ab="lehr_stg_ab"/>\ +<#assign quelltabelle='sos_stg_aggr'/>\ +<#if "<>"?index_of("S.gewichtung_id=")!=-1>\ +<#assign lehr_stg_ab="lehr_stg_ab_gew"/>\ +<#assign quelltabelle='sos_stud_gewichtung'/>\ +\ +\ +/* <#assign extension= <> > */\ +\ +create temp table tmp_studis1 \ +(semester integer,\ +semester_bezeichnung varchar(255),\ +semester_sort varchar(10),\ +m_1fs ${feldtyp}, \ +w_1fs ${feldtyp},\ +gesamt_1fs ${feldtyp},\ +m_gesamt ${feldtyp},\ +w_gesamt ${feldtyp},\ +gesamt ${feldtyp}\ +)\ + <@informixnolog/>;\ +\ +create temp table tmp_studis2\ +(semester integer,\ +semester_bezeichnung varchar(255),\ +semester_sort varchar(10),\ +m_1fs ${feldtyp}, \ +w_1fs ${feldtyp},\ +gesamt_1fs ${feldtyp},\ +m_gesamt ${feldtyp},\ +w_gesamt ${feldtyp},\ +gesamt ${feldtyp}\ +)\ + <@informixnolog/>;\ +\ +--zun. temp. Tabelle\ +SELECT\ +val('20' || replace(replace(SEM.semester_id,'S','1'),'W','2')) as semester,\ +SEM.semester_id as semester_sort,\ +SEM.semester_bezeichnung,\ +G.stp_stp_nr as studeingang_nr ,--substr(F.stgnr,1,1), TODO paßt das?\ +F.st_stdfach_nr as fach_nr,--substr(F.stgnr,length(F.stgnr),1),\ +ST.studienstatustyp as status,\ +FS.fachsemester as fach_sem_zahl,\ +H.hoererstatus_kb as hrst,\ +V.studienform_statistik_code as stufrm,\ +ST.gueltig_ab as ruebeudat, --TODO: jeweils letzten Datensatz pro Semester\ +ST.gueltig_ab as endedat,--TODO: jeweils letzten Datensatz pro Semester\ +ST.gueltig_ab as anfdat,--TODO: jeweils letzten Datensatz pro Semester\ +'H' as primaerfach,\ +F.unikey,\ +S.geschlecht,\ +count(*) as summe\ +into temp tmp_studien\ +from \ +costage_st_hoererstatus H,\ +costage_st_studierendenstammdaten S,\ +costage_st_studienstatus ST,\ +costage_st_studiengaenge G,\ +costage_st_studienkennzahlen F,\ +costage_st_abschlussziele_lokal A,\ +costage_st_fachsemester FS,\ +costage_st_semester SEM,\ +costage_st_studien V ,\ +costage_st_hauptstudien K\ +where \ +K.st_studium_nr=V.st_studium_nr\ +and SEM.st_sem_nr=K.st_sem_nr\ +and F.st_skz_nr=G.st_skz_nr\ +and V.st_studiengang_nr=G.st_studiengang_nr\ +and FS.st_studium_nr=V.st_studium_nr\ +and SEM.st_sem_nr=FS.st_sem_nr\ +and FS.fachsemestertyp='FS' --TODO: klin.Semester=KS\ +and G.st_absz_nr=A.st_absz_nr\ +and S.st_studstamm_nr=V.st_studstamm_nr\ +and H.st_studstamm_nr=S.st_studstamm_nr\ +and H.st_sem_nr=SEM.st_sem_nr\ +and ST.st_studium_nr=V.st_studium_nr\ +and ST.st_sem_nr=SEM.st_sem_nr\ +and date(SEM.semester_anfang) >= date_val('01.01.2000')\ +--and S.matrikelnummer='7344750'\ +--and SEM.st_sem_nr=178\ +and val('20' || replace(replace(SEM.semester_id,'S','1'),'W','2')) >= <>\ +/* and val('20' || replace(replace(SEM.semester_id,'S','1'),'W','2')) <= <> */\ +\ +group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15\ +\ +--AND F.semester >= $start_stud_sem\ +;\ + \ +insert into tmp_studis1(semester ,\ +semester_bezeichnung,\ +semester_sort,\ +m_1fs, \ +w_1fs,\ +gesamt_1fs,\ +m_gesamt ,\ +w_gesamt ,\ +gesamt)\ +\ +select semester,\ +semester_bezeichnung,\ +semester_sort,\ +(case when geschlecht='M' and fach_sem_zahl=1 then summe else 0 end) as m_1fs,\ +(case when geschlecht='W' and fach_sem_zahl=1 then summe else 0 end) as w_1fs,\ +(case when fach_sem_zahl=1 then summe else 0 end) as gesamt_1fs,\ +(case when geschlecht='M' then summe else 0 end) as m_gesamt,\ +(case when geschlecht='W' then summe else 0 end) as w_gesamt,\ +summe\ +from tmp_studien S\ +--group by semester,semester_bezeichnung,semester_sort, geschlecht,fach_sem_zahl\ +; \ +\ +\ +\ +insert into tmp_studis2(semester ,\ +semester_bezeichnung,\ +semester_sort,\ +m_1fs , \ +w_1fs ,\ +gesamt_1fs,\ +m_gesamt ,\ +w_gesamt,\ +gesamt)\ +\ +select semester ,\ +semester_bezeichnung,\ +semester_sort,\ +sum(m_1fs ), \ +sum(w_1fs ),\ +sum(gesamt_1fs),\ +sum(m_gesamt) ,\ +sum(w_gesamt),\ +sum(gesamt)\ +from tmp_studis1\ +group by 1,2,3;\ +\ +\ +update tmp_studis2\ +set gesamt = null where gesamt = 0;\ +update tmp_studis2\ +set gesamt_1fs = null where gesamt_1fs = 0;\ +update tmp_studis2\ +set w_gesamt = null where w_gesamt = 0;\ +\ +\ +<@selectintotmp \ +select="semester ,\ +semester_bezeichnung,\ +semester_sort,\ +m_1fs , \ +w_1fs ,\ +gesamt_1fs,\ +m_gesamt ,\ +w_gesamt,\ +gesamt"\ +source="tmp_studis2"\ +target="tmp_studis">\ +order by semester_sort desc\ +\ + <@informixnolog/>;\ +\ +\ +-- insert into tmp_studis (eintrag)\ +-- values ("");\ +\ +\ +drop table tmp_studis1;\ +drop table tmp_studis2;\ +drop table tmp_studien;\ +\ +-- Falls Division durch 0 vorkommen sollte, Division durch NULL ist möglich\ +\ +select semester_bezeichnung, \ +gesamt,\ +gesamt_1fs, \ +round((100*gesamt_1fs)::decimal(21,9)/gesamt,2),\ +'',\ +w_gesamt, round((100*w_gesamt)::decimal(21,9)/gesamt,2),\ +w_1fs, round((100*w_1fs)::decimal(21,9)/gesamt_1fs,2)\ +from tmp_studis \ +order by semester_sort desc \ +;^--Freemarker Template\ +/* <#assign extension= <> > */\ +\ +XIL List\ + sizable_columns horizontal_scrolling\ + white_space_color=COLOR_WHITE fixed_columns=1\ + drop_and_delete movable_columns\ + min_heading_height=55\ +Column CID=0 heading_text="@@sos_semester@@" explanation="@@@sos_semester@@@" center_heading\ + row_selectable heading_platform readonly\ + width=10\ +Column CID=1 heading_text="Gesamt-\ + zahl" explanation="@@@sos_gesamtzahl@@@" center_heading\ + row_selectable col_selectable rightJust heading_platform\ + readonly\ + width=8\ +Column CID=2 heading_text="1. @@FS@@\ + gesamt" explanation="@@@sos_1fs_ges@@@" center_heading\ + row_selectable col_selectable rightJust heading_platform readonly\ + width=8\ +Column CID=3 heading_text="1. @@FS@@\ + in %" explanation="@@@sos_1fs_proz@@@" center_heading\ + row_selectable col_selectable rightJust heading_platform readonly\ + width=8\ +Column CID=6 heading_text=" " explanation="" center_heading\ + row_selectable col_selectable rightJust heading_platform readonly\ + width=1\ +Column CID=7 heading_text="dar.\ + Frauen" explanation="@@@sos_frauen_sem@@@" center_heading\ + row_selectable col_selectable rightJust heading_platform readonly\ + width=8\ +Column CID=8 heading_text="Frauen\ + in %" explanation="@@@sos_frauen_proz@@@" center_heading\ + row_selectable col_selectable rightJust heading_platform readonly\ + width=8\ +Column CID=9 heading_text="1. @@FS@@\ + Frauen" explanation="@@@sos_frauen_1fs@@@" center_heading\ + row_selectable col_selectable rightJust heading_platform readonly\ + width=8\ +Column CID=10 heading_text="1. @@FS@@\ + Frauen\ + in %" explanation="@@@sos_frauen_1fs_proz@@@" center_heading\ + row_selectable col_selectable rightJust heading_platform readonly\ + width=8\ +@@@^Semester^Anzahl^Zeitreihe zur Anzeige des Datenbestandes aus CO^drop table tmp_studis;^-leer-^2^700^360^0^1^^ diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_sachgeb_maske_bez.unl b/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_sachgeb_maske_bez.unl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87b4743 --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/masken/43000_sachgeb_maske_bez.unl @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +310^43000^ diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/rohdaten/costage_unload.xml b/src-modules/module/costage/rohdaten/costage_unload.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4254fdd --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/rohdaten/costage_unload.xml @@ -0,0 +1,343 @@ + + +COSTAGE-Modul + + +Sollen alle Datensätze entladen werden, oder nur die geänderten?(true,false). +CO-Version, möglich sind 2,3. +Ab welchem Semester sollen Studierende entladen werden? z.B. 20011 für SS 2001 +Ab welchem Semester sollen Prüfungen entladen werden? z.B. 20021 für SS 2002 +Matrikelnummern pseudonymisieren (true, false). Muss bei Datenquelle HISinOne auf "false" gesetzt sein. +Welche Prüfungsnummern (Vor- Hauptprüfun../../../superx/WEB-INF/web.xmlgen) sollen entladen werden? Wird bei Datenquelle HISinOne nicht ausgewertet. +Filter für Studierende, um z.B. Teststudenten nicht zu entladen (nur HISinOne). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/rohdaten/sos_unload_graz_2019.xml b/src-modules/module/costage/rohdaten/sos_unload_graz_2019.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f1a528 --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/rohdaten/sos_unload_graz_2019.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7685 @@ + + +SOS-Modul + + +Sollen alle Datensätze entladen werden, oder nur die geänderten?(true,false). +SOSPOS-Version, möglich sind 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13. Bei HISinOne wird sie automatisch gesetzt. +Ab welchem Semester sollen Studierende entladen werden? z.B. 20011 für SS 2001 +Ab welchem Semester sollen Prüfungen entladen werden? z.B. 20021 für SS 2002 +Matrikelnummern pseudonymisieren (true, false). Muss bei Datenquelle HISinOne auf "false" gesetzt sein. +Welche Prüfungsnummern (Vor- Hauptprüfun../../../superx/WEB-INF/web.xmlgen) sollen entladen werden? Wird bei Datenquelle HISinOne nicht ausgewertet. +Weiterer Filter für Einzelprüfungen. Standardmäßig werden anerkannte Prüfungen nicht entladen. Wird bei Datenquelle HISinOne nicht ausgewertet. +Filter für Studierende, um z.B. Teststudenten nicht zu entladen (nur HISinOne). +Filter für Studierende, um z.B. Teststudenten nicht zu entladen (nur sospos/co). +Datum ab dem entladen werden soll (bei SOS_UNL_COMPLETE=false). Wird bei Datenquelle HISinOne nicht ausgewertet. + Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert "true", wenn nein, dann ist er "false" + Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert "true", wenn nein, dann ist es "false". Wird bei Datenquelle HISinOne nicht ausgewertet. + Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert "true", wenn nein, dann ist es "false". Wird bei Datenquelle HISinOne nicht ausgewertet. +Wird bei Datenquelle HISinOne ausgewertet. +Letzte Protokollid beim inkrementellen Laden, wird automatisch gesetzt, bitte nicht ändern. Gilt nur für HISinOne-STU als Quellsystem +Letzter entladener Datensatz beim inkrementellen Laden, wird automatisch gesetzt, bitte nicht ändern. Gilt nur für HISinOne-STU als Quellsystem +Letzte Protokollid beim inkrementellen Laden, wird automatisch gesetzt, bitte nicht ändern. Gilt nur für HISinOne-EXA als Quellsystem +Letzter entladener Datensatz beim inkrementellen Laden, wird automatisch gesetzt, bitte nicht ändern. Gilt nur für HISinOne-EXA als Quellsystem + Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert "pltxt1", wenn nein, dann ist es null::char(1). + Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert "pltxt2", wenn nein, dann ist es null::char(1). + Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert "pltxt3", wenn nein, dann ist es null::char(1). + Wenn ja, dann ist der Wert "pltxt4", wenn nein, dann ist es null::char(1). + + + + + + + + + + + wichtige Konstanten aus SOS entladen, z.B. HISSOS-Version. + + + + + + + + + + + + wichtige Konstanten aus SOS entladen, z.B. HISSOS-Version. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PNR Konstanten aus POS entladen + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PNR Konstanten aus POS entladen + + + + + + + += tmp_course_of_study.valid_to +or D.valid_to is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +); +--wenn degree nicht ermittelt werden kann, dann ohne Historisierung +update tmp_course_of_study set degree_id=(select min(D.id) from degree D +where D.lid=tmp_course_of_study.degree_lid +) +where degree_id is null +; +--subject +update tmp_course_of_study set subject_id=(select D.id from subject D +where D.lid=tmp_course_of_study.subject_lid +and (D.valid_from <= tmp_course_of_study.valid_from +or D.valid_from is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +and (D.valid_to >= tmp_course_of_study.valid_to +or D.valid_to is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +); +--wenn subject nicht ermittelt werden kann, dann ohne Historisierung +update tmp_course_of_study set subject_id=(select min(D.id) from subject D +where D.lid=tmp_course_of_study.subject_lid +) +where subject_id is null +; +--major_field_of_study +update tmp_course_of_study set major_field_of_study_id=(select D.id from major_field_of_study D +where D.lid=tmp_course_of_study.major_field_of_study_lid +and (D.valid_from <= tmp_course_of_study.valid_from +or D.valid_from is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +and (D.valid_to >= tmp_course_of_study.valid_to +or D.valid_to is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +); +--course_specialization_lid +update tmp_course_of_study set course_specialization_id=(select D.id from course_specialization D +where D.lid=tmp_course_of_study.course_specialization_lid +and (D.valid_from <= tmp_course_of_study.valid_from +or D.valid_from is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +and (D.valid_to >= tmp_course_of_study.valid_to +or D.valid_to is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +); +--orgunit +update tmp_course_of_study set orgunit_id=(select D.id from orgunit D +where D.lid=tmp_course_of_study.orgunit_lid +and (D.valid_from <= tmp_course_of_study.valid_from +or D.valid_from is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +and (D.valid_to >= tmp_course_of_study.valid_to +or D.valid_to is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +); +--wenn Studiengang heute gültig ist und orgunit historisiert, nimmt er den aktuellen FB +update tmp_course_of_study set orgunit_id=(select D.id from orgunit D +where D.lid=tmp_course_of_study.orgunit_lid +and current_date between D.valid_from and D.valid_to) +where current_date between valid_from and valid_to +and orgunit_id is null; + + +--teachingunit_orgunit_lid + +update tmp_course_of_study set teachingunit_orgunit_id=(select D.id from orgunit D +where D.lid=tmp_course_of_study.teachingunit_orgunit_lid +and (D.valid_from <= tmp_course_of_study.valid_from +or D.valid_from is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +and (D.valid_to >= tmp_course_of_study.valid_to +or D.valid_to is null +or ( D.valid_from is null and tmp_course_of_study.valid_from is null) +) +) +where teachingunit_orgunit_lid is not null; + +--wenn Studiengang heute gültig ist und orgunit historisiert, nimmt er aktuelle LE +update tmp_course_of_study set teachingunit_orgunit_id=(select D.id from orgunit D +where D.lid=tmp_course_of_study.teachingunit_orgunit_lid +and current_date between D.valid_from and D.valid_to) +where current_date between valid_from and valid_to +and teachingunit_orgunit_id is null; + + +--k_field_of_study +update tmp_course_of_study set k_field_of_study_id=(select S.k_field_of_study_id +from subject S +where S.id=tmp_course_of_study.subject_id) +where k_field_of_study_id is null; +--hochprojizieren auf Fächergruppe +update tmp_course_of_study set k_field_of_study_id=(select K.parent_id +from k_field_of_study K +where K.id=tmp_course_of_study.k_field_of_study_id); + +--is_historized=1 wenn es mehrere Studiengänge pro LID gibt +update tmp_course_of_study set is_historized=1 +where 1 < (select count(*) from course_of_study C +where C.lid=tmp_course_of_study.lid); + +create index i_tc1 on tmp_course_of_study(lid); + +]]> + + + + + + + + + + + wichtige Konstanten aus SOS entladen, z.B. HISSOS-Version. + += date("$DATUM") + OR ruebeudat >= date("$DATUM") + OR exmdat >= date("$DATUM")) + ) + --oder pro +or (S.mtknr in (select mtknr +FROM pro +WHERE datum >= date("$DATUM") +-- keine Berücksichtigung von archivierten Daten +and fktkz not in ("ARC", "REA", "NER", "AAE")) +) +--oder pprot +or (S.mtknr in (select + DISTINCT mtknr +FROM pprot +WHERE datlae >= date("$DATUM")) ) + +); +]]> + + += date('"$DATUM"') + OR ruebeudat >= date('"$DATUM"') + OR exmdat >= date('"$DATUM"')) + ) + --oder pro +or (S.mtknr in (select mtknr +FROM pro +WHERE datum >= date('"$DATUM"') +-- keine Berücksichtigung von archivierten Daten +and fktkz not in ('ARC', 'REA', 'NER', 'AAE')) +) +--oder pprot +or (S.mtknr in (select + DISTINCT mtknr +FROM pprot +WHERE datlae >= date('"$DATUM"')) ) + +) + + + ; + +]]> + + + '$stu_updated_at') OR (S.updated_at IS NULL AND '$stu_updated_at' = '1900-01-01')) + --keine vorläufigen Studierenden #118453 + --nur Rolle "Student" (hiskey_id=5) + AND 0 < ( + SELECT + count(*) + FROM + orgrole O, + role R + WHERE + R.id = O.role_id + AND S.person_id = O.person_id + AND R.hiskey_id IN (5, 8) + ); + --Promovierende 81 + --Gasthörer 8 + +-- Ermittlung semesterwohnsitz +-- alle Studierenden id-s aus Tabelle student +-- die Postleitzahl der Hinterlegten Adresse des Studierendens (-> welcher Adresstype(n) ist richtig? Ein Studierenden kann verschiedene Adressarten hinterlegen...) +-- und die country_lid ueber die der Staat ermittelt werden kann (superx_sos.country_lid->country.country_lid) +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + semester_postcode = addr.postcode, + semester_country_lid = addr.country_lid +FROM + address AS addr + LEFT JOIN address_k_notificationcategory adnocat ON addr.id = adnocat.address_id + LEFT JOIN k_notificationcategory knocat ON (adnocat.k_notificationcategory_id = knocat.id AND knocat.hiskey_id = 2), -- hiskey_id=2 -> STU + person prs, + k_addresstag atag +WHERE + superx_sos.person_id = prs.id and addr.person_id=prs.id + AND addr.eaddresstype_id IS NULL -- -> address.addresstype = 'Postaddress' + AND atag.id = addr.k_addresstag_id + AND atag.hiskey_id = 2 --semesterwohnsitz +; + + +-- Semesterwohnsitz = Heimatwohnsitz falls Semesterwohnsitz nicht gesetzt ist +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + semester_postcode = substring(addr.postcode FOR 50), + semester_country_lid = addr.country_lid +FROM + address addr + LEFT JOIN address_k_notificationcategory adnocat ON addr.id = adnocat.address_id + LEFT JOIN k_notificationcategory knocat ON adnocat.k_notificationcategory_id = knocat.id AND knocat.hiskey_id = 2, -- hiskey_id=2 -> STU + person prs, + k_addresstag atag +WHERE + superx_sos.person_id = prs.id + AND addr.person_id = prs.id + AND addr.eaddresstype_id IS NULL -- -> address.addresstype = 'Postaddress' + AND atag.id = addr.k_addresstag_id + -- Ab hier Anpassungen + AND atag.hiskey_id = 1 --heimatwohnsitz + AND semester_postcode IS NULL + AND semester_country_lid IS NULL +; + +-- für jeden Studierenden mit Postleitzahl den astat-Schlüssel des Landkreises aus k_postcode holen +create index i_tmp_k_postcode1 on k_postcode(postcode,astat); +create index i_tmp_ss1 on superx_sos(semester_postcode); + +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + semester_astat = ( + SELECT + k_postcode.astat + FROM + k_postcode + WHERE + superx_sos.semester_postcode = k_postcode.postcode + LIMIT 1 + ); + +drop index i_tmp_k_postcode1; +drop index i_tmp_ss1; + + +-- Astat-Schlüssel aus Country +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + semester_country_astat = ( + SELECT + country.astat + FROM + country + WHERE + superx_sos.semester_country_lid = country.lid + AND current_date BETWEEN valid_from AND valid_to + LIMIT 1 + ); + +CREATE index i_ts1 ON superx_sos(mtknr_ldsg); +CREATE index i_ts2 ON superx_sos(person_id); + +--Erstes Studium (erhssembrd etc.) ermitteln +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + erhssembrd = to_number(('' || STUBE.first_term_year || TETY.termnumber),'99999'), + discontinuationsemester = STUBE.discontinuationsemester, + study_before_university_lid = STUBE.university_lid, + study_before_country_lid = STUBE.country_lid, + k_study_interruption_type_id = STUBE.k_study_interruption_type_id +FROM + term_type TETY, + study_before STUBE +WHERE + STUBE.person_id = superx_sos.person_id + AND STUBE.first_term_type_id = TETY.id; + +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + study_before_place_of_study = ( + SELECT + UNI.astat + FROM + university UNI + WHERE + UNI.lid = superx_sos.study_before_university_lid + ) +WHERE + study_before_university_lid IS NOT NULL +; + +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + study_before_country_of_study = ( + SELECT + CNT.astat + FROM + country CNT + WHERE + CNT.lid = superx_sos.study_before_country_lid + ) +WHERE + study_before_country_lid IS NOT NULL +; + +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + k_study_interruption_type_astat = ( + SELECT + STINTY.astat + FROM + k_study_interruption_type STINTY + WHERE + STINTY.id = superx_sos.k_study_interruption_type_id + ) +WHERE + k_study_interruption_type_id IS NOT NULL +; + +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + second_nationality_country_lid = prsinf.second_nationality_country_lid, + personinfo_country_id = cnt.id +FROM + personinfo prsinf + LEFT OUTER JOIN country cnt ON cnt.lid = prsinf.country_lid AND current_date between cnt.valid_from and cnt.valid_to +WHERE + prsinf.person_id = superx_sos.person_id +; + +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + second_nationality_astat = ( + SELECT + cnt.astat + FROM + country cnt + WHERE + cnt.lid = superx_sos.second_nationality_country_lid + AND current_date BETWEEN cnt.valid_from AND cnt.valid_to + ) +WHERE + second_nationality_country_lid IS NOT NULL +; + +UPDATE + superx_sos +SET + orgrole_valid_from = OrgR.valid_from, + orgrole_valid_to = OrgR.valid_to +FROM + orgrole OrgR +WHERE + OrgR.person_id = superx_sos.person_id + AND OrgR.role_id = 5 +; + +CREATE INDEX tmp_i_ts99 ON superx_sos(id); + +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem + + ; + +]]> + + + + + + Metadaten zum Vorsystem und Werte von Entladeparametern + Wie erfahre ich die Versionsnr. der CO-Installation? + + + + + +'J' +union +select 32,'1','sos_unload_complete' from hskonst +where '$SOS_UNL_COMPLETE'='true' +union +select 32,'0','sos_unload_complete' from hskonst +where '$SOS_UNL_COMPLETE'!='true' +union +select 33,'5','SOS_Quellsystem' from hskonst +union +select 34,'0','SOS_Trimester' from hskonst +; +]]> + + +0 +union +select 33,'6','SOS_Quellsystem' from tmp_xdummy +union +select 34,'0','SOS_Trimester' from tmp_xdummy +where 0=(SELECT count(*) +FROM k_period_usage K,period_usage U,period P,term_type T +where K.id=U.k_period_usage_id +and K.hiskey_id=7 --Semesterzeitraum +and U.period_id=P.id +and T.id=P.term_type_id +and T.termcategory=3 --Trimester +) +union +select 34,'1','SOS_Trimester' from tmp_xdummy +where 0< (SELECT count(*) +FROM k_period_usage K,period_usage U,period P,term_type T +where K.id=U.k_period_usage_id +and K.hiskey_id=7 --Semesterzeitraum +and U.period_id=P.id +and T.id=P.term_type_id +and T.termcategory=3 --Trimester +) +; +]]> + + + + + + + + + + + + +Personbezogene Information zu Studierenden + +
    Views fehlen noch: +
  • sx_studierendenstammdaten_v
  • +
  • sx_studienstatus_v
  • +
  • sx_spo-versionen
  • +
  • sx_studien_v
  • +
  • Ersetzt der View sx_studierendenstammdaten_v die Tabelle co_his.snapshot_sos?
    +Wenn ja, wie finde ich Heimatwohnsitz, HZB-Wohnsitz, Semesterwohnsitz sowie HZB-Arten?
  • +
+ += $start_stud_sem; +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem; +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem +; + +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem) +; + + +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem +; + +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem +; + +]]> + + +
+ + + +Hochschulzugangsberechtigung(en) von Studierenden + +
  • Ersetzt der View sx_studierendenstammdaten_v die Tabelle co_his.snapshot_sos?
    +Wenn ja, wie finde ich HZB-Arten? Lt. Fr. Maierhofer ist das im BW, aber wo genau?
  • +
+ + + + + + + + + + + += $start_stud_sem + +; + +]]> + +
+ +Belegte Studiengänge von Studierenden pro Semester + +
  • sx_hoererstatus_v: Zuordnung Hörerstatus zum jew. Studiengang pro Semester bei Mehrfach- oder Teilstudiengängen?
  • +
  • sx_studien_spoversionen_v: Welches Feld enthält das Jahr der SPO? Das Jahr von "gueltig_ab"?
  • +
  • Tabellenbeziehung: sx_hoererstatus_v , +sx_studierendenstammdaten_v , +sx_studienstatus_v , +sx_studiengaenge_v , +sx_studienkennzahlen_v , +sx_abschlussziele_lokal_v , +sx_fachsemester_v , +sx_semester_v , +sx_studien_v, +sx_studien_spoversionen_v: Wie erkenne ich 1:n-Beziehung sowie optionale Felder (d.h. ein Feld kann leer sein, deshalb darf ich keinen inner join der FK-Tabellen bekommen)?
  • +
  • Wo finde ich Beurlaubungs- und Exmatrikulationsgrund?
  • +
  • sx_studienstatus_v: nur zur Absicherung frage ich nochmal nach: im Feld gueltig_ab finde ich das Datum der Einschreibung/Rückmeldung/Exmatrikulation, richtig? Wofür dient das Feld beginn_datum?
  • +
  • Und weitere Frage: Gibt es Datensätze in sx_studien_v, aber keine zugehörigen Einträge in sx_studienstatus_v?
  • +
  • sx_studien_v: Feld stp_stp_nr referenziert auf eine Tabelle "Studienpläne", die in der Schnittstelle nicht definiert ist. Braucht SuperX die nicht?
  • +
+ += $start_stud_sem {ab hier werden Daten ausgewertet} +; +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem {ab hier werden Daten ausgewertet} +; +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem +; +]]> + + += current_date and DegP.belongs_to='STUDENT') D, +superx_sos S, +student U, +tmp_course_of_study C, +(select tmpSUB.*, tmpFOS.id as fosid +from subject as tmpSUB +left outer join k_field_of_study as tmpFOS +on tmpSUB.k_field_of_study_id = tmpFOS.id) SUB +-- district DIS, +-- country CNT +WHERE T.id=P.term_type_id +and D.id=DP.degree_program_id +and DP.course_of_study_id=C.id +and DP.period_id=P.id +and S.person_id = U.person_id +and S.person_id = D.person_id +and U.id=S.id +and SUB.id = C.subject_id +-- and DIS.id = D.final_exam_district_id +-- and CNT.id = D.final_exam_country_lid +-- and CNT.valid_from <= current_date and CNT.valid_to >= current_date +AND to_number('' || P.term_year || T.termnumber,'99999') >= $start_stud_sem +; +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem +; +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem +; +]]> + +
+ + wichtige Konstanten aus SOS entladen, z.B. HISSOS-Version. + + '${exa_updated_at}' + OR ( + E.updated_at IS NULL + AND '${exa_updated_at}' = '1900-01-01') + ) + AND (to_number('' || E.term_year || T.termnumber,'99999') ) >= $start_pruef_sem +; + +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + examrelation_id = default_examrelation_id +WHERE + examrelation_id IS NULL +; + +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + examrelation_k_workstatus_id = R.k_workstatus_id, + examrelation_malus = R.malus, + examrelation_bonus = R.bonus, + examrelation_parent_examplan_id = R.parent_examplan_id +FROM + examrelation R +WHERE + R.id = tmp_lab.examrelation_id +; + +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + type_of_grading = gt.type_of_grading +FROM + examplan exp, + unitrelation unr, + unit u, + grading_type gt +WHERE + exp.id = tmp_lab.examplan_id + AND exp.unit_id = u.id + AND u.default_unitrelation_id = unr.id + AND unr.grading_type_id = gt.id +; + +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + official_statistics = ( + SELECT + official_statistics + FROM + unit U + WHERE + U.id = tmp_lab.unit_id + ) +; + +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + official_statistics = 3 +WHERE EXISTS ( + SELECT + unit_id + FROM + examination X + WHERE + X.unit_id = tmp_lab.unit_id + AND k_examination_type_id IN ( + SELECT + id + FROM + k_examination_type + WHERE + hiskey_id = 99 + ) + ) +; + +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + grade = ( + SELECT + R.grade + FROM + examresult R + WHERE + R.examrelation_id = tmp_lab.examrelation_id + ) +; + +--Studienverlauf ermitteln +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + degree_program_progress_id = DP.id, + degree_program_progress_studynumber = DP.studynumber, + degree_program_progress_subjectnumber = DP.subjectnumber, + degree_program_progress_studysemester = DP.studysemester, + degree_program_id = D.id, + course_of_study_id = C.id, + studysemester_acknowledgement_id = DP.studysemester_acknowledgement_id, + type_of_doctorate_id = D.k_type_of_doctorate_id +FROM + degree_program D, + degree_program_progress DP, + period P, + unit_studies US, + tmp_course_of_study C +WHERE + D.id = DP.degree_program_id + AND P.id = DP.period_id + AND C.lid = US.course_of_study_lid + AND DP.course_of_study_id = C.id + AND ( + tmp_lab.date_of_work BETWEEN C.valid_from AND C.valid_to + OR tmp_lab.date_of_work IS NULL + OR C.is_historized = 0 + OR ( + C.valid_from IS NULL + AND tmp_lab.date_of_work <= C.valid_to + ) + OR ( + C.valid_to IS NULL + AND tmp_lab.date_of_work >= C.valid_from + ) + ) + AND tmp_lab.unit_id = US.unit_id + AND tmp_lab.person_id = D.person_id + AND tmp_lab.term_type_id = P.term_type_id + AND tmp_lab.term_year = P.term_year +; + +--evt. früheren Studienverlauf ermitteln +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + degree_program_progress_id = DP.id, + degree_program_progress_studynumber = DP.studynumber, + degree_program_progress_subjectnumber = DP.subjectnumber, + degree_program_progress_studysemester = DP.studysemester, + degree_program_id = D.id, + course_of_study_id = C.id, + studysemester_acknowledgement_id = DP.studysemester_acknowledgement_id, + type_of_doctorate_id = D.k_type_of_doctorate_id +FROM + degree_program D, + degree_program_progress DP , + tmp_course_of_study C +WHERE + D.id = DP.degree_program_id + AND DP.id = ( + SELECT + DP.id + FROM + degree_program D, + degree_program_progress DP + WHERE + tmp_lab.person_id = D.person_id + AND DP.degree_program_id = D.id + AND DP.course_of_study_id IN ( + SELECT + cos.id + FROM + unit_studies us, + course_of_study cos + WHERE + us.unit_id = tmp_lab.unit_id + AND us.course_of_study_lid = cos.lid + AND ( + tmp_lab.date_of_work BETWEEN cos.valid_from AND cos.valid_to + OR ( + tmp_lab.date_of_work IS NULL + AND ( + SELECT + startdate + FROM + period P, + period_usage PU, + k_period_usage KPU + WHERE + KPU.hiskey_id = 7 + AND PU.k_period_usage_id = KPU.id + AND PU.period_id = P.id + AND P.term_year = tmp_lab.term_year + AND P.term_type_id = tmp_lab.term_type_id + ) BETWEEN cos.valid_from AND cos.valid_to + ) + ) + ) + ORDER BY + enddate desc + LIMIT + 1 + ) + AND C.id = DP.course_of_study_id + AND tmp_lab.course_of_study_id IS NULL +; + +-- zusätzlich schauen nach Sätzen mit abgelaufener Gültigkeit, dabei den aktuellsten Gültigkeitszeitraum wählen +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + degree_program_progress_id = DP.id, + degree_program_progress_studynumber = DP.studynumber, + degree_program_progress_subjectnumber = DP.subjectnumber, + degree_program_progress_studysemester = DP.studysemester, + degree_program_id = D.id, + course_of_study_id = C.id, + studysemester_acknowledgement_id = DP.studysemester_acknowledgement_id, + type_of_doctorate_id = D.k_type_of_doctorate_id +FROM + degree_program D, + degree_program_progress DP , + tmp_course_of_study C +WHERE + D.id = DP.degree_program_id + AND DP.id = ( + SELECT + DP.id + FROM + degree_program D, + degree_program_progress DP + WHERE + tmp_lab.person_id = D.person_id + AND DP.degree_program_id = D.id + AND DP.course_of_study_id IN ( + SELECT + cos.id from unit_studies us, + course_of_study cos + WHERE + us.unit_id = tmp_lab.unit_id + AND us.course_of_study_lid = cos.lid + ) + ORDER BY + enddate DESC + LIMIT + 1 + ) + AND C.id = DP.course_of_study_id + AND tmp_lab.course_of_study_id IS NULL +; + +-- kein Studienverlauf vorhanden, sehen ob ein Studiengang passt +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + course_of_study_id = ( + SELECT + cos.id + FROM + unit_studies us, + course_of_study cos + WHERE + us.unit_id = tmp_lab.unit_id + AND us.course_of_study_lid = cos.lid + AND ( + tmp_lab.date_of_work BETWEEN cos.valid_from AND cos.valid_to + OR tmp_lab.date_of_work IS NULL) + limit 1 +) +WHERE + course_of_study_id IS NULL + AND 0 = ( + SELECT + count(*) + FROM + unit u, + k_elementtype k + WHERE + u.id = tmp_lab.unit_id + AND u.k_elementtype_id = k.id + AND k.hiskey_id NOT IN (2,3) + ) +; + +-- Sonderbehandlung Umrechnung Punkte bei Staatsexamen Jura in Noten +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + grade = + CASE + WHEN grade BETWEEN 14 AND 18 THEN 1 + WHEN grade BETWEEN 11.5 AND 13.99 THEN 2 + WHEN grade BETWEEN 9 AND 11.49 THEN 7 + WHEN grade BETWEEN 6.5 AND 8.99 THEN 3 + WHEN grade BETWEEN 4 AND 6.49 THEN 4 + WHEN grade BETWEEN 0 AND 3.99 THEN 5 + ELSE + grade + END +WHERE + course_of_study_id IN ( + SELECT + cos.id + FROM + course_of_study cos, + subject s, + degree d + WHERE + cos.subject_lid = s.lid + AND cos.degree_lid = d.lid + AND coalesce(d.astat_bund, d.astat_land) IN ('08','09') -- Staatsexamen + AND coalesce(s.astat_bund, s.astat_land) = '0135' -- Jura (Rechtswissenschaft) + ) + AND type_of_grading IS NULL OR type_of_grading = 1 -- unbekannt oder Punkte +; + +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + type_of_doctorate_astat = ( + SELECT + to_number(D.astat,'99999') + FROM + k_type_of_doctorate D + WHERE + D.id = tmp_lab.type_of_doctorate_id + ) +WHERE + type_of_doctorate_id IS NOT NULL +; + +--Anerkennung +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + studysemester_acknowledgement_semester_overall = S.semester_overall, + studysemester_acknowledgement_former_degree_program = S.former_degree_program, + studysemester_acknowledgement_practice_semester = S.practice_semester, + studysemester_acknowledgement_semester_abroad = S.semester_abroad +FROM + studysemester_acknowledgement S +WHERE + S.id = tmp_lab.studysemester_acknowledgement_id +; + +UPDATE + tmp_lab +SET + panerk = 'J' +WHERE + examplan_id IN ( + SELECT + examplan_id + FROM + accreditation + ) +; + +CREATE index i_tl1 ON tmp_lab(student_id); + +]]> + + + + + +Zuordnung vom Prüfungselement zum Studiengang + + +Bitte zuerst Datenquelle Prüfungselemente klären (s.u. unload-job sos_pord) + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Externe Abschlussprüfungen + +Datenquelle unklar + + + + + + + + + + + +??? + + + + + + + +Leistungen von Studierenden + + +
  • Ist der Foreign key Bezug sx_ergebnisse_v.st_studien_nr zu sx_studien_v.sx_studium_nr korrekt?
  • +
  • Wichtig: Gibt es einen PK für sx_ergebnisse_v, den ich laden kann?
  • +
  • Ist es richtig dass sx_ergebnisse_v.datum das Prüfungsdatum enthält?
  • +
  • Ist es richtig dass sx_ergebnisse_v.flag den Prüfungsstatus enthält (z.B. Bestanden, endgültig nicht bestanden)?
  • +
  • Wie finde ich die Merkmale "Anzahl des Prüfungsversuchs", sowie "Rücktritt von einer Prüfungsanmeldung"? Gibt es sowas in CO überhaupt?
  • +
  • sx_knoten_v : Feld stp_stp_nr referenziert auf eine Tabelle "Studienpläne", die in der Schnittstelle nicht definiert ist. Braucht SuperX die nicht?
  • +
  • Um das Fachsemester einer Leistung zu ermitteln, gehe ich über sx_fachsemester_v.fachsemestertyp='FS'. Korrekt?
  • +
+ + + +
+ += $start_pruef_sem {ab hier werden Daten ausgewertet} +and +((lab.pnr in ($POS_PNR) or "0"="$POS_PNR") +or lab.pnr in + ( +select distinct pnr from tmp_hskonst +) +) +; + +]]> + + += $start_pruef_sem +and +((lab.pnr in ($POS_PNR) or '"0"'='"$POS_PNR"') +or lab.pnr in + ( +select distinct pnr from tmp_hskonst +) +) +; + +]]> + + + + + + + + += $start_pruef_sem +; + +]]> + +
+ + +zusätzliche Merkmale für amtliche Prüfungsstatistik +Wird nicht benötigt, weil amtl. Prüfungsstat. in CO erzeugt wird + + + + += $start_pruef_sem +; + +]]> + + + + + + + + + + +Protokoll Gelöschte Studenten +Datenquelle für CO? + + + + += date('$DATUM') +and fktkz = 'LOE' +and sos.mtknr is null; +]]> + + + + + + + + + + +Vorheriges Studium und Zweitstudiengänge +Datenquelle für CO? + + + + + 9 then 1 else DP.studynumber end AS studiengang_nr +,DP.subjectnumber AS fach_nr +,DE.astat_land AS ang_abschl +,SU.astat_land AS fach +,DP.number_of_studysemester::INT AS fachsem_zahl +,C.astat AS country_astat +,D.k_form_of_studies_id +FROM studentexternal SE +JOIN student S ON SE.person_id = S.person_id AND S.registrationnumber IS NOT NULL +JOIN superx_sos SS on SS.id=S.id +JOIN degree_program_before D ON D.studentexternal_id = SE.id +JOIN degree_program_progress_before DP ON DP.degree_program_before_id = D.id +JOIN subject SU ON SU.lid = DP.subject_lid AND now() BETWEEN SU.valid_from AND SU.valid_to +JOIN degree DE ON DE.lid = D.degree_lid AND now() BETWEEN DE.valid_from AND DE.valid_to +LEFT JOIN k_studystatus KSS ON KSS.id=DP.k_studystatus_id +LEFT JOIN k_type_of_study KTS ON KTS.id=DP.id +LEFT JOIN k_enrollment KEN ON KEN.id = DP.k_enrollment_id +LEFT JOIN term_type TT ON DP.term_type_id = TT.id +LEFT JOIN university U ON SE.university_lid = U.lid AND now() BETWEEN U.valid_from AND U.valid_to +LEFT JOIN country C ON C.lid = SE.country_lid + +; +]]> + + + + + + + +Kontrollsummen Belegungen pro Semester +wird nicht benötigt + += $start_stud_sem +group by stg.semester +order by stg.semester; + +]]> + + + + + += $start_stud_sem +group by stg.semester +order by stg.semester; + + +]]> + + += $start_stud_sem +and DP.startdate=date(P.startdate) +and DP.enddate=date(P.enddate) +group by 1 +; + +]]> + + + + + + +Kontrollsummen Leistungen pro Semester +Wird nicht benötigt + + 'J') +--AND lab.prueck = 0 +AND (S.fehlerkz not in ('F', 'V') or S.fehlerkz is null) +group by lab.psem +; + +]]> + + += $start_pruef_sem +and lab.pnr in (select distinct pnr from tmp_hskonst) +group by 1,2 +; + +]]> + + += $start_pruef_sem +and lab.pnr in (select distinct pnr from tmp_hskonst) +group by lab.psem +; + + +]]> + + += $start_pruef_sem +group by 1,2 +; + + +]]> + + + + + + + + Anschriften +Wird nicht benötigt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Anmeldungs-Stichtage für Studiengänge +Wird nicht benötigt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Amtliche Hochschulnr., Bundesland und Name +Bundesland, Name der Hochschule Datenquelle CO? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Semesterzeiträume +Im View sosys ist der Stichtag fest der 1.6. oder 01.12., kann man stattdessen das Datum der Meldung aus AMTSTAT nehmen? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Ganzzahlige Stammdaten Studium und Prüfungen +Derzeit nur pv_dp_typen + + + + + + + + + + + + + += valid_from + or valid_from is null) + and (current_date <= valid_to + or valid_to is null) + +union +SELECT + 9010, + -1, + '2','VD','Vorprüfung', + 'Vorprüfung', + null::char(1) , --astat + null::char(1), --parent + null::char(1), --sortc1 + null::char(1), --bund_apnr + null::char(1) --sprache +FROM tmp_xdummy +union +SELECT + 9010, +-1, + '1','HD','Hauptprüfung', + 'Hauptprüfung', +null::char(1) , --astat +null::char(1), --parent +null::char(1), --sortc1 +null::char(1), --bund_apnr +null::char(1) --sprache +FROM tmp_xdummy +union +SELECT + 9010, +-1, + '3','AA','Abschlussarbeit', + 'Abschlussarbeit', +null::char(1) , --astat +null::char(1), --parent +null::char(1), --sortc1 +null::char(1), --bund_apnr +null::char(1) --sprache +FROM tmp_xdummy +union +SELECT + 9003, + 0, + substring('' || astat from 1 for 10),--astat, + substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), + substring('' || astat from 1 for 10),--astat, + null::char(1), + null::char(1), + null::char(1), + null::char(1) + FROM k_gender + WHERE astat is not null + union +SELECT + 631, + -1, + '' || id, + substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), + null::char(1) , --astat + null::char(1), + '' || sortorder ,--sortc1 + null::char(1), + substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3)--sprache + FROM k_examination_type + union +SELECT + 632, +-1, + '' || id, + substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +'' || hiskey_id , --astat +null::char(1), --parent +uniquename, +null::char(1),--bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3)--sprache + FROM k_examinationversion; + + +]]> + + + + + + +Alphanumerische Stammdaten Studium und Prüfungen + +
  • Abschlüsse: Bleibt das Feld codex_abschlussziele.hissos_code?
  • +
  • Fächer: Bleibt der View k_stg_fsp?
  • +
  • HZB-Arten: Bleibt der View stud.bw_hzb_arten_v?
  • +
  • Hörerstati: Kein amtl. Statistikcode in stud.st_hoerer_status?
  • +
  • Status: Transformation k_status.stathissos soll vermutlich in Zukunft in SuperX gemacht werden ?
  • +
+ + + + += current_date or valid_to is null) + union +SELECT + 12, +0, + '' || id, + substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +substring('' || astat from 1 for 10),--astat, +null::char(1),--parent +substring('' || uniquename from 1 for 10), --sortc1 +substring('' || continent from 1 for 10), -- erdteil +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +valid_from, --gueltig von +valid_to, --gueltig bis +id , --sourcesystem_id +'' || lid, --hiskey_id +'I', --struktur_c +lid::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM country + where valid_to < current_date + union +SELECT + 12, +0, + '' || id, + substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +substring('' || astat from 1 for 10),--astat, +null::char(1),--parent +substring('' || uniquename from 1 for 10), --sortc1 +substring('' || continent from 1 for 10), -- erdteil +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +valid_from, --gueltig von +valid_to, --gueltig bis +id , --sourcesystem_id +'' || lid, --hiskey_id +'A' , --struktur_c +lid::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM country + where (valid_to >= current_date or valid_to is null) + union + SELECT + 8, + -1, + uniquename, + substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +substring('' || astat from 1 for 10),--astat, +null::char(1),--parent +uniquename, +null::char(1), --bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +null::date, --gueltig von +null::date, --gueltig bis +id , --sourcesystem_id +'' ,--hiskey_id, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM k_federal_state + WHERE uniquename not in ('99','BO') --ohne Ausland und Berlin Ost + union +SELECT + 9001, + 0, + '' || id, -- status, +substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +substring(astat from 1 for 10), -- astat, +null::char(1), --parent +uniquename, + null::char(1) ,--bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +date('01.01.1900'), --gueltig von +date('01.01.2900'), --gueltig bis +id , --sourcesystem_id +'' || hiskey_id, -- his_hrst, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM k_studystatus + union +SELECT + 9013, + 0, + '' || id, -- modulart, +substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +null::char(1) , -- astat, +null::char(1), --parent +substring(uniquename from 1 for 10),--uniquename + null::char(1) ,--bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +date('01.01.1900'), --gueltig von +date('01.01.2900'), --gueltig bis +id , --sourcesystem_id +'' || hiskey_id , --hiskey_id +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder +FROM k_elementtype +union + SELECT + 90, +-1, + '' || O.id, + substring(O.shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(O.defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(O.longtext from 1 for 150), +substring(O.astat from 1 for 10),--astat, +substring('' || O.parent_lid from 1 for 3),--parent +O.uniquename, +null::char(1), --bund_apnr +substring('' || O.k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +O.valid_from, --gueltig von +O.valid_to, --gueltig bis +O.id, --sourcesystem_id +'' || T.hiskey_id, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +O.lid::char(255) as lid, +O.parent_lid::char(255) as parent_lid, +O.sortorder + FROM orgunit O,k_orgunittype T + where O.k_orgunittype_id=T.id + and T.hiskey_id=4 --Fachbereich +union + SELECT + 619, +-1, + '' || O.id, + substring(O.shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(O.defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(O.longtext from 1 for 150), +substring(O.astat from 1 for 10),--astat, +substring('' || O.parent_lid from 1 for 3),--parent +substring(O.uniquename from 1 for 10), --sortc1 +null::char(1), --bund_apnr +substring('' || O.k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +O.valid_from, --gueltig von +O.valid_to, --gueltig bis +O.id, --sourcesystem_id +'' || T.hiskey_id, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +O.lid::char(255) as lid, +O.parent_lid::char(255) as parent_lid, +O.sortorder + FROM orgunit O,k_orgunittype T + where O.k_orgunittype_id=T.id + and T.hiskey_id=7 --Lehreinheit + union + --Standorte + SELECT + 9012, + -1, + '' || id, + substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +substring(astat from 1 for 10), --astat, +null::char(1),--parent +uniquename, +substring('' || hiskey_id from 1 for 10), --bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +date('01.01.1900'), --gueltig von +date('01.01.2900'), --gueltig bis +id, --sourcesystem_id +null::char(1), --hiskey_id +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM k_place_of_studies + union + --pstatus + SELECT + 622, + -1, + '' || id, + substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), + null::char(1), +null::char(1),--parent +uniquename, +null::char(1), --bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +date('01.01.1900'), --gueltig von +date('01.01.2900'), --gueltig bis +id, --sourcesystem_id +'' || hiskey_id, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM k_workstatus + + union + --Beurlaubungsgründe +SELECT + 27, + 0, + '' || id, -- gdbu, +substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +substring(astat from 1 for 10), -- astat, +null::char(1), --parent +uniquename, + null::char(1) ,--bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +valid_from, --gueltig von +valid_to, --gueltig bis +id , --sourcesystem_id +null::char(1) , -- hiskey, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM k_reason_of_leave + +union + +SELECT -- Exmatrikulationsgründe + 62, + 0, + '' || S.id, -- gdbu, + substring(S.shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(S.defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(S.longtext from 1 for 150), + substring(S.astat from 1 for 10), -- astat, + '', --parent + S.uniquename, + substring(S.astat from 1 for 10), --bund_apnr + substring('' || S.k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, + S.valid_from, --gueltig von + S.valid_to, --gueltig bis + S.id , --sourcesystem_id + '' || S.hiskey_id, -- hiskey, + '', --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder +FROM k_reason_of_finishing S + +union + +SELECT + 9002, + 0, + '' || id, -- , + substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), + null::char(1),-- astat, + null::char(1), --parent + uniquename, + null::char(1) ,--bund_apnr + substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, + date('01.01.1900'), --gueltig von + date('01.01.2900'), --gueltig bis + id , --sourcesystem_id + '' || hiskey_id , -- hiskey, + null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder +FROM k_examination_type + +union + +SELECT + 9014, + 0, + '' || id, -- , +substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +null::char(1),-- astat, +null::char(1), --parent +uniquename, + null::char(1) ,--bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +date('01.01.1900'), --gueltig von +date('01.01.2900'), --gueltig bis +id , --sourcesystem_id +'' || hiskey_id , -- hiskey, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM k_examform + + union +SELECT + 41, + 0, + '' || id, -- , +substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +null::char(1),-- astat, +null::char(1), --parent +uniquename, + null::char(1) ,--bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +date('01.01.1900'), --gueltig von +date('01.01.2900'), --gueltig bis +id , --sourcesystem_id +'' || hiskey_id , -- hiskey, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM course_specialization + + union + + SELECT + 9005, + 0, + '' || id, -- , +substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), +null::char(1),-- astat, +null::char(1), --parent +uniquename, + null::char(1) ,--bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +date('01.01.1900'), --gueltig von +date('01.01.2900'), --gueltig bis +id , --sourcesystem_id +'' || hiskey_id , -- hiskey, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM k_accreditationtype + + union + + SELECT + 9006, + 0, + '' || id, -- , +substring(shorttext from 1 for 10), + substring(defaulttext from 1 for 100), + substring(longtext from 1 for 150), + astat, +null::char(1), --parent +uniquename, +astat_guest_auditor ,--bund_apnr +substring('' || k_language_id from 1 for 3),--sprache, +date('01.01.1900'), --gueltig von +date('01.01.2900'), --gueltig bis +id , --sourcesystem_id +'' || hiskey_id , -- hiskey, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +sortorder + FROM k_field_of_study + + union + + SELECT DISTINCT + 9008, + 0, + '' || examination_office_no, -- , +substring(examination_office_no::varchar from 1 for 10), + substring(examination_office_no::varchar from 1 for 100), + substring(examination_office_no::varchar from 1 for 150), + '', +null::char(1), --parent +examination_office_no, --uniquename +'' ,--bund_apnr +'',--sprache, +date('01.01.1900'), --gueltig von +date('01.01.2900'), --gueltig bis +examination_office_no::int , --sourcesystem_id +'' , -- hiskey, +null::char(1), --struktur_c +null::char(255) as lid, +null::char(255) as parent_lid, +0 + FROM tmp_course_of_study + ; +]]> + + + + +
+ +PO-Versionen (Namen und Jahreszahlen) +Datenquelle CO? + + + + + + + + + + + +Studienfächer +Soll der View k_stg bleiben? + + + + + + + + + + + +Externe Studienfächer aus SOS. + + + + + + + + + + + + +Studiengänge aus SOS. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Pruefungsordnungsdaten + + +
  • Views CO: stp_studienplaene und stp_knoten richtig?
  • +
    • SX_KNOTEN_V:
    • Wo finde ich folgende Infos zu einem Prüfungselement:
    • +
    • Soll-Credits
    • +
    • Fachsemester, zu dem die Leistung erbracht werden sollte
    • +
    • Ist der Knoten ein Summenkonto, oder eine echte Prüfung?
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +Zeugnisnoten + + += $start_pruef_sem +; + +]]> + + += $start_pruef_sem +; + +]]> + + + + + + +Gründe für Minderung von Studiengebühren +Wird nicht benötigt + += $start_stud_sem or minder.vonsem is null) +; + +]]> + + + + + + + + + +Detailinfos zu Studierenden (Name, Handynr.) +Wird nicht benötigt + + + + + = $start_stud_sem +and P.id=U.person_id +and U.id=S.id +and S.person_id=P.id +and U.term_type_id = TT.id +and '$STUD_IDENT'='true' +UNION + +-- einfache Personendaten +-- Beispiel 11200321^20^^Wern^^^^^ + select +S.mtknr_ldsg, +U.id, --identnr (student id) +'', --name +SUBSTRING(COALESCE(P.firstname,P.surname) FROM 1 FOR 4), --vorname, +'',--tel, +'',--artkz, +'',--anschrkz, +'', -- O.res13 +S.person_id --(person_id +FROM student U, superx_sos S, person P, term_type TT +where +U.term_year * 10 + TT.termnumber >= $start_stud_sem +and P.id=U.person_id +and U.id=S.id +and S.person_id=P.id +and U.term_type_id = TT.id +and '$STUD_IDENT'='false' +; + +]]> + + + + + + +Englische Übersetzungen von Prüfungselementen +Wird nicht benötigt + + + + + + + + + + + +Prüfungsorganisation (Prüfer, Dauer) +Wird nicht benötigt + + + + + + + + + + + +Eltern-Kind-Zuordnung von Leistungen einzelner Studierender +Datenquelle CO? + += $start_pruef_sem +and +((lab.pnr in ($POS_PNR) or "0"="$POS_PNR") +or lab.pnr in + ( +select distinct pnr from tmp_hskonst +) +) + + +]]> + + += $start_pruef_sem +and +((lab.pnr in ($POS_PNR) or '"0"'='"$POS_PNR"') +or lab.pnr in + ( +select distinct pnr from tmp_hskonst +) +) + + +]]> + + += $start_pruef_sem + + + +]]> + + + + + + + +Eltern-Kind-Zuordnung von Prüfungselementen in Prüfungsordnungen +Datenquelle SX_KNOTEN_V + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Beendigung + + + + + + + + + + + +Beendigung + + + + + + + + + + + + +Personenattribute + +select +P.id, +P.person_id, +S.registrationnumber, +10 as systeminfo_id, +P.personattributetype_id, +coalesce(P.attributevalue, (select attributevalue from personattribute_value_list pav where pav.id=P.personattribute_value_list_id) ) attributevalue, +P.valid_from, +P.valid_to, +'' ,--semester_von +'' --semester_bis +from personattribute P, student S where S.person_id= P.person_id and P.personattributetype_id in ($PERSONATTRIBUTE_IDS) order by person_id; + + + + + + + + + +Typ der Personattributen + +select +id, +fieldname +from personattributetype where '$PERSONATTRIBUTE_IDS' != '0'; + + + + + + + + + +Einzelne Ausprägungen der Personenattribute + +select +personattributetype_id, +attributevalue, +shorttext, +defaulttext, +longtext +from personattribute_value_list where '$PERSONATTRIBUTE_IDS' != '0'; + + + + + + + + + + +Letzter entladener Protokollsatz (STU) + + + + + + + + + + + +Letzter entladener Protokollsatz (EXA) + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Summierte ECTS-Punkte + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +drop table IF EXISTS tmp_lab; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates.unl b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates.unl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bcdcfd --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates.unl @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +216^ETL_MAKROS^<#macro ETL_STEPS_FUELLEN>\ +\ +\ +create temp table tmp_etl_step(\ +tid INTEGER, \ +uniquename VARCHAR(255) , \ +caption VARCHAR(255) , \ +systeminfo_id INTEGER not null, \ +step_type INTEGER, \ +step_type_uniquename VARCHAR(255), \ +sortnr SMALLINT not null, \ +force_continue SMALLINT,\ +etl_job_id INTEGER , \ +parent_step_id INTEGER , \ +parent_step_uniquename varchar(255),\ +parent_job_uniquename varchar(255),\ +logfile varchar(255),\ +custom_step smallint,\ +already_exists smallint\ +) \ +;\ +\ +create temp table tmp_etl_job(\ + tid INTEGER, \ +uniquename VARCHAR(255) , \ +caption VARCHAR(255) , \ +systeminfo_id INTEGER not null,\ +logfile varchar(255),\ +already_exists smallint,\ +custom_job smallint\ +) \ +;\ +\ +create temp table tmp_etl_job_param(\ + tid SERIAL not null, \ +etl_job_id INTEGER , \ +uniquename VARCHAR(255) not null, \ +name VARCHAR(255) , \ +param_default VARCHAR(255) \ +) \ +;\ +\ +\ +create temp table tmp_etl_step_property(\ + tid SERIAL not null, \ +etl_step_id INTEGER not null, \ +prop_name VARCHAR(255) , \ +prop_value text\ +\ +) \ +;\ +\ +create temp table tmp_etl_step_relation(\ + tid SERIAL not null, \ +step_id INTEGER not null, \ +parent_step_id INTEGER , \ +job_id INTEGER not null, \ +force_continue SMALLINT default 1 , \ +step_active SMALLINT default 1, \ +sortnr SMALLINT default 1,\ +custom_step SMALLINT default 1\ +\ +) \ +;\ +\ +<#foreach etl_job in etl_jobs>\ +\ +truncate table tmp_etl_job;\ +truncate table tmp_etl_step;\ +truncate table tmp_etl_job_param;\ +truncate table tmp_etl_step_property;\ +truncate table tmp_etl_step_relation;\ +\ +--tids der jobs dürfen sich nicht ändern, daher \ +--\ +-- 1. vorh. Jobs updaten\ +-- 2. neue Jobs einfügen\ +-- 3. alte Jobs löschen\ +\ +insert into tmp_etl_job(uniquename,caption,systeminfo_id,logfile,already_exists,custom_job)\ +values ('${etl_job.uniquename}',\ +'${etl_job.name}',\ +${etl_job.systeminfo_id},\ +'${etl_job.logfile}',0,0);\ +\ +<#if SQLdialect='Postgres'>\ +--Postgres Dialekt:\ +\ +update tmp_etl_job set tid=J.tid,\ +already_exists=1,\ +caption=J.caption,\ +logfile=J.logfile,\ +custom_job=J.custom_job\ +from etl_job J where J.uniquename=tmp_etl_job.uniquename\ +and J.systeminfo_id=tmp_etl_job.systeminfo_id\ +;\ +\ +<#else>\ +\ +--Informix Dialekt:\ +update tmp_etl_job set (tid,\ +already_exists,\ +caption,\ +logfile,\ +custom_job) \ + = ((select \ + tid,\ +1 as already_exists,\ +caption,\ +logfile,\ +custom_job\ +from etl_job J where J.uniquename=tmp_etl_job.uniquename\ +and J.systeminfo_id=tmp_etl_job.systeminfo_id))\ +where 0 <(select count(*)\ +from etl_job J where J.uniquename=tmp_etl_job.uniquename\ +and J.systeminfo_id=tmp_etl_job.systeminfo_id)\ +\ +;\ +\ +\ +\ +\ +\ +--TODO Informix\ +\ +--neue jobs:\ +insert into etl_job(uniquename,caption,systeminfo_id,custom_job)\ +select uniquename,caption,systeminfo_id,custom_job\ +from tmp_etl_job\ +where already_exists=0;\ +--tid von neuen Jobs ermitteln:\ +update tmp_etl_job set tid=(select J.tid\ +from etl_job J where J.uniquename=tmp_etl_job.uniquename\ +and J.systeminfo_id=tmp_etl_job.systeminfo_id)\ +where already_exists=0\ +;\ +\ +--TODO\ +--obsolete Jobs: sollen bei Deinstallation des Moduls entfernt werden\ +\ +\ +--Parameter:\ +<#foreach etl_job_param in etl_job_params>\ +<#if etl_job_param.etl_job==etl_job.uniquename>\ +\ +insert into tmp_etl_job_param(\ +etl_job_id , \ +uniquename, \ +name , \ +param_default)\ +select J.tid,\ +'${etl_job_param.param_name}',\ +'${etl_job_param.name}',\ +'${etl_job_param.param_default}'\ +from tmp_etl_job J\ +;\ +\ +\ +\ +\ +\ +--ETL-Schritte \ +<#assign sortnr=0 />\ +<#foreach etl_step in etl_steps>\ +<#if etl_step.etl_job==etl_job.uniquename>\ +\ +<#assign sortnr=sortnr+1 />\ +\ +insert into tmp_etl_step(\ +uniquename , \ +caption , \ +systeminfo_id , \ +step_type_uniquename,\ +sortnr, \ +force_continue,\ +etl_job_id , \ +parent_step_uniquename,\ +parent_job_uniquename,\ +logfile,\ +custom_step,\ +already_exists\ +)\ +select '${etl_step.uniquename}',\ +'${etl_step.name}',\ +${etl_job.systeminfo_id},\ +'${etl_step.type}' as step_type_uniquename,\ +${sortnr}*10 as sortnr,\ +0 as force_continue,\ +J.tid as etl_job_id,\ +<#if etl_step.parent?exists && etl_step.parent !="" >\ +'${etl_step.parent}',\ +<#else>\ +'' as parent_step_uniquename,\ +\ +J.uniquename,\ +'${etl_job.logfile}' as logfile,\ +0,\ +0\ +from etl_job J\ +where J.uniquename='${etl_job.uniquename}'\ +and J.systeminfo_id=${etl_job.systeminfo_id};\ +\ +\ +\ +\ + --Ende steps eines job\ +\ +\ +--erst job-params einfügen:\ +\ +delete from etl_job_param\ +where etl_job_id in (\ + SELECT distinct \ + etl_job_id\ +FROM tmp_etl_job_param )\ + ;\ +\ +insert into etl_job_param\ +(\ + etl_job_id,\ + uniquename,\ + name,\ + param_default\ + )\ + SELECT \ + etl_job_id,\ + uniquename,\ + name,\ + param_default\ +FROM tmp_etl_job_param \ + ;\ +\ +--nun steps einfügen:\ +\ +\ +update tmp_etl_step set step_type=(select T.tid from etl_step_type T\ +where T.uniquename=tmp_etl_step.step_type_uniquename);\ +\ +select * from tmp_etl_step\ +where step_type is null;--_uniquename from tmp_etl_step;\ +\ +\ +--vorhandene Steps erkennen:\ +<#if SQLdialect='Postgres'>\ +--Postgres Dialekt:\ +\ +update tmp_etl_step set tid=S.tid,\ +already_exists=1,\ +caption=S.caption,\ +logfile=S.logfile,\ +custom_step=S.custom_step\ +from etl_step S where S.uniquename=tmp_etl_step.uniquename\ +and S.systeminfo_id=tmp_etl_step.systeminfo_id\ +;\ +<#else>\ +\ +--Informix Dialekt:\ +update tmp_etl_step set (tid,\ +already_exists,\ +caption,\ +logfile,\ +custom_step) \ + = ((select \ + tid,\ +1 as already_exists,\ +caption,\ +logfile,\ +custom_step\ +from etl_step S where S.uniquename=tmp_etl_step.uniquename\ +and S.systeminfo_id=tmp_etl_step.systeminfo_id))\ +where 0 <(select count(*)\ +from etl_step S where S.uniquename=tmp_etl_step.uniquename\ +and S.systeminfo_id=tmp_etl_step.systeminfo_id)\ +;\ +\ +\ +\ +\ +\ +\ +--neue Steps einfügen:\ +insert into etl_step(\ + uniquename,\ + caption,\ + systeminfo_id,\ + step_type_id,\ + logfile,\ + custom_step)\ +select \ + uniquename,\ + caption,\ + systeminfo_id,\ + step_type,\ + logfile,\ + custom_step\ +FROM tmp_etl_step \ +where already_exists=0\ +;\ +\ +--tid von neuen steps ermitteln:\ +update tmp_etl_step set tid=(select S.tid\ +from etl_step S where S.uniquename=tmp_etl_step.uniquename\ +and S.systeminfo_id=tmp_etl_step.systeminfo_id)\ +where already_exists=0\ +;\ +\ +--parent ermitteln:\ +update tmp_etl_step set parent_step_id=(select S.tid\ +from etl_step S where S.uniquename=tmp_etl_step.parent_step_uniquename\ +and S.systeminfo_id=tmp_etl_step.systeminfo_id)\ +;\ +\ +\ +delete from etl_step_property\ +where etl_step_id in (select T.tid\ +FROM tmp_etl_step T )\ + ;\ +delete from etl_step_relation\ +where job_id in (select J.tid\ +FROM tmp_etl_job J)\ +and custom_step=0\ + ;\ + \ +\ +--jetzt step-params:\ +\ +<#foreach etl_step_property in etl_step_properties>\ +insert into tmp_etl_step_property(\ + etl_step_id,\ + prop_name)\ +select \ + T.tid as etl_step_id,\ + '${etl_step_property.prop_name}'\ + \ +FROM tmp_etl_step T \ +where uniquename ='${etl_step_property.etl_step}'\ +;\ +\ +\ +\ +--einfügen in echte Tabelle:\ +insert into etl_step_property(\ + etl_step_id,\ + prop_name)\ +select \ + T.etl_step_id,\ + T.prop_name\ +FROM tmp_etl_step_property T \ +;\ +\ +--jetzt step-relation:\ +insert into tmp_etl_step_relation(\ + step_id,\ + parent_step_id,\ + job_id,\ + force_continue,\ + step_active,\ + sortnr,\ + custom_step\ +)\ +select \ + tid,\ + parent_step_id,\ + etl_job_id,\ + 0 as force_continue,\ + 1 as step_active,\ + sortnr,\ + 0\ +FROM tmp_etl_step \ + ;\ + \ +insert into etl_step_relation(\ + step_id,\ + parent_step_id,\ + job_id,\ + force_continue,\ + step_active,\ + sortnr,\ + custom_step\ +)\ +select \ + step_id,\ + parent_step_id,\ + job_id,\ + force_continue,\ + step_active,\ + sortnr,\ + custom_step\ +FROM tmp_etl_step_relation \ + ;\ + --Ende job\ +\ +\ +drop table tmp_etl_step;\ +drop table tmp_etl_job;\ +drop table tmp_etl_job_param;\ +drop table tmp_etl_step_property;\ +drop table tmp_etl_step_relation;\ +\ +<#if testfaelle?exists>\ +\ +<#foreach testfall in testfaelle>\ +select 'testfall ${testfall.testcase}: ERFOLG'\ +from xdummy\ +where ${testfall.assertion}=(${testfall.sql})\ +;\ +select 'testfall ${testfall.testcase}: FEHLER bei ${testfall.testcase}'\ +from xdummy\ +where ${testfall.assertion}!=(${testfall.sql})\ +;\ +\ +\ + --Ende Testfälle\ +\ +\ +<#if SQLdialect='Informix'> \ +--nun xupdates:\ +--bei informix kann man TEXT Spalten nicht updaten, daher per jdbc updaten:\ +--damit DOSQL nicht den xupdater beim Start dieses Scriptes anwirft,\ +--wird das in eine temp. Datei ausgelagert.\ +! echo "" > "./tmp"$MANDANTID".sql"\ +<#foreach etl_step_property in etl_step_properties>\ +\ +! echo '${etl_step_property.prop_value}' >>"./tmp"$MANDANTID".sql"\ +\ +\ +\ +! echo "" >> "./tmp"$MANDANTID".sql"\ +! DOSQL "./tmp"$MANDANTID".sql"\ +\ +<#else>\ +--Postgres:\ +<#foreach etl_step_property in etl_step_properties>\ +\ +update etl_step_property set prop_value='${etl_step_property.prop_value}' where prop_name='${etl_step_property.prop_name}' and etl_step_id=(select S.tid from etl_step S where S.uniquename='${etl_step_property.etl_step}');\ +\ +\ +\ +\ +^Datenbankunabhängigkeit^^1^ diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates_fuellen.sql b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates_fuellen.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10dd661 --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates_fuellen.sql @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--freemarker template +--Werden immer ausgetauscht: +delete from fm_templates where id in (select id from tmp_templates); + + +<#if SQLdialect='Postgres'> +select sp_update_sequence('fm_templates'); + + +insert into fm_templates( + id, + content, + description, + comment, + version) + SELECT + id, + content, + description, + comment, + version +FROM tmp_templates; + +drop table tmp_templates; + diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates_unload.x b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates_unload.x new file mode 100755 index 0000000..10d8817 --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates_unload.x @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#!/bin/bash +#löscht alle nicht-ETL-templates und entlädt die Tabelle sortiert ins Rohdaten Verzeichnis (für git-diff). + +DOQUERY "create table tmp_templates(tid integer, + id char(200) not null, +content text not null, +description char(200) , +comment char(200) , +version integer default 1 + +) +;" + +sx_auto_upload_table.x tmp_templates ./fm_templates.unl + + +SX_CLIENT=jdbc +export SX_CLIENT +#man_catalogue +DOQUERY "select * from fm_templates where id in (select T.id from tmp_templates T) order by tid" false $DBDELIMITER ./fm_templates.unl txt + +SX_CLIENT=psql +export SX_CLIENT +DOQUERY "drop table tmp_templates;" + diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates_update.x b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates_update.x new file mode 100755 index 0000000..82a8e99 --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/fm_templates_update.x @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DOQUERY "create table tmp_templates(tid integer, + id char(200) not null, +content text not null, +description char(200) , +comment char(200) , +version integer +) +;" + +sx_auto_upload_table.x tmp_templates fm_templates.unl + +DOSQL fm_templates_fuellen.sql + + diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/sachgebiete_fuellen.sql b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/sachgebiete_fuellen.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d78c91 --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/sachgebiete_fuellen.sql @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--Das Sachgebiet 311 wird installiert + + +delete from sachgebiete where tid in (311); +insert into sachgebiete(tid,name) values (311,'Laderoutinen Administr.'); + +delete from group_sachgeb_bez where sachgebiete_id in (310,311) +and groupinfo_id in (select G.tid from groupinfo G where G.name='Administratoren' or G.name='superx') ; + +insert into group_sachgeb_bez +select G.tid,310 from groupinfo G where G.name='Administratoren' or G.name='superx'; +insert into group_sachgeb_bez +select G.tid,311 from groupinfo G where G.name='Administratoren' or G.name='superx'; + diff --git a/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/sachgebiete_loeschen.sql b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/sachgebiete_loeschen.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27b35df --- /dev/null +++ b/src-modules/module/costage/schluesseltabellen/sachgebiete_loeschen.sql @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +delete from sachgebiete where tid in (310,311); +delete from group_sachgeb_bez where sachgebiete_id in (310,311); +delete from user_sachgeb_bez where sachgebiete_id in (310,311);